does Laura Bush shop at WalMart ?

Yeah, Laura's wasn't intentional, and she stayed until the police arrived and faced the consequences of her actions. You're right, there is a big difference between accidentally hitting a pedestrian, and shooting someone in the head and dragging them into Ft. Marcy Park.

but not as big a difference as the one between fact and fiction. It is a a FACT that Laura killed someone. who ARE you accusing of that latter crime?
So did Teddy Kennedy, but for some reason, that doesn't seem to outrage the left. I wonder why?
Well, it makes it all better if you leave the scene and never actually return to it... I think.... Um... after trying to avoid the police... then you get elected to an office rather than just a person who happens to be married who is elected...

All those things together make it all so much better.
I did not see "if" in there anywhere, Dix must come up with another exit strategy ;)

You know, this makes like the third post from you in this thread, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Can you manage to type out a coherent sentence, or at least let us know that you are okay, and don't need a paramedic?

Does anyone else know what the hell he's talking about?
I am no more or less outraged at Kennedy than the right is about Laura.....

This is not surprising. There is a huge difference between accidentally hitting a pedestrian, and driving your car off a bridge and leaving the passenger to drown, while you carry your happy drunk ass to the house until the next day. Had Laura done what Teddy did, she would still be in prison, if Teddy, a powerful US Congressman, had done what Laura did, it wouldn't have made the evening news in Massachusetts.
Laura might go for Teddy, she married a lush.

Actually, she didn't marry a lush, he had quit drinking before they got married. In fact, he credits Laura for his rehab. If Laura had married Teddy, he might not have killed Mary Jo, and he probably wouldn't be a total drunken disgrace to the people of Massachusetts and America.
I don't like the guy, but that was just a youthful indescretion.

Ahh... a youthful indiscretion? You do realize, Ted was almost 40 when Chappaquiddick happened, right? I think most people that age, have enough 'discretion' to understand you don't leave the scene of an accident, especially if someone is drowning in a car you were driving.

...Maybe you're talking about Mary Jo?... she certainly exhibited youthful indiscretion, by getting in the car with the drunk bastard.
This is not surprising. There is a huge difference between accidentally hitting a pedestrian, and driving your car off a bridge and leaving the passenger to drown, while you carry your happy drunk ass to the house until the next day. Had Laura done what Teddy did, she would still be in prison, if Teddy, a powerful US Congressman, had done what Laura did, it wouldn't have made the evening news in Massachusetts.

WHo says what laura did was any more of an accident than what Ted did?

IN my opinion both should have at least been better investigated for what they did!
she very well may have been tired of that old boyfriend sniffing around and just decided to run his rude ass over and be done with him..... and they stay around the scene acting all sorry like sugar wouldn't melt in her sweet little poetry reciting texas mouth..... and Bush was a drunk until he was 40....he married the murderous bitch when he was only she had plenty of experience with a drunken husband. As a matter of fact, his driver's license was suspended when they got married! Yeah...paragons of virtue, those two..... and Dixie wantsw to smear Hillary with accusations that she SHOT Vince Foster? What a total slimeball.
she very well may have been tired of that old boyfriend sniffing around and just decided to run his rude ass over and be done with him..... and they stay around the scene acting all sorry like sugar wouldn't melt in her sweet little poetry reciting texas mouth..... and Bush was a drunk until he was 40....he married the murderous bitch when he was only she had plenty of experience with a drunken husband. As a matter of fact, his driver's license was suspended when they got married! Yeah...paragons of virtue, those two..... and Dixie wantsw to smear Hillary with accusations that she SHOT Vince Foster? What a total slimeball.
She hit his car, she didn't "run him over".
and THAT means it wasn't on purpose????
That and the likelihood of injuring her friend in the car as well...

Go to the snopes link, at least have the story right before assuming things...

We do know it is a fact that Kennedy left the scene, we know that Laura did not. We know that Laura's was actually investigated, up to and including figuring out if she was speeding (she wasn't)...
That and the likelihood of injuring her friend in the car as well...

Go to the snopes link, at least have the story right before assuming things...

We do know it is a fact that Kennedy left the scene, we know that Laura did not. We know that Laura's was actually investigated, up to and including figuring out if she was speeding (she wasn't)...

I could give a's old news....Laura running down her boyfriend is old news, Teddy crashing off the bridge is old news....neither one of them is very proud of their actions on those occasions... and society has rendered its verdict on whether or not either of them deserves punishment. I would LOVE to never mention Chappaquiddick or Laura's murderous ride ever again....but hey... if Dixie wants to accuse Hillary of putting a bullet in Foster's skull, you guys on the right should either tone his wild ass down or expect some retaliation.
and Dixie wantsw to smear Hillary with accusations that she SHOT Vince Foster?

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think Hillary pulled the trigger! Oh no! She's far too smart for that! She probably hired a hit man. The facts surrounding Foster's death have never been fully vetted, and probably never will be. It's strange that he was found in a park, yet there was no dirt on his shoes and no footprints... I guess he flew there and shot himself. Of course, he shot himself with a magical bullet that left an atypical exit wound, as well. The position of the arms and legs of the corpse were drastically inconsistent with suicide... his eyeglasses were 19 feet from his head... there was no blood spatter, and very little blood at the scene... there was incosistencies with the weapon... there were testimonies covered up and altered... there was the suicide note "found" 3 days later, which was determined to be a forgery by various independent examiners... the supposed suicide weapon, was found in Fosters hand, inconsistent with most suicides... While the U.S. Park Police (a unit not equipped for a proper homicide investigation) studied the body, Foster's office at the White House was being looted. Secret Service agent Henry O' Neill watched as Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carried boxes of papers out of Vincent Foster's office before the Park Police showed up to seal it. Amazing when you consider that the official identification of Vincent Foster's body by Craig Livingstone did not take place until 10PM!

Vincent Foster had been struggling with the Presidential Blind trust. Normally a trivial matter, the trust had been delayed for almost 6 months and the U.S. trustee's office was beginning to make noises about it. Foster was also the keeper of the files of the Clinton's Arkansas dealings and had indicated in a written memo that "Whitewater is a can of worms that you should NOT open!"

But Vincent's position at the White House did not sit well with him. Only days before, following a public speech stressing the value of personal integrity, he had confided in friends and family that he was thinking of resigning his position. Foster had even written an outline for his letter of resignation, thought by some to have been used as the center portion of the fake "suicide note". Foster had scheduled a private meeting with Bill Clinton for the very next day, July 21, 1993 at which it appeared Foster intended to resign.

Now, what happened to old Vince? We'll never know... the crime scene photos have mysteriously vanished, along with the post-mortum x-rays. There have been books written on the cover up surrounding his death as well as his 'intimate' connection with Hillary Clinton.

Even with all of this, I might be willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the First Family, but Foster isn't the first corpse to surface in the wake of the Clintons. No one has that many people dying around them, without some kind of involvement, it just doesn't happen in the real world. You are free to believe whatever you wish, but I would suggest you not find yourself in the way of Hillary's ambitions, it seems to be detrimental to your health.
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I could give a's old news....Laura running down her boyfriend is old news,

LOLOLOLOL! Nothing is old news in politics. Stop pretending as if you haven't used this event as a political football. For crying out loud!