does Laura Bush shop at WalMart ?

Dixie says: "Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think Hillary pulled the trigger! Oh no! She's far too smart for that! She probably hired a hit man."

Oh, don't get ME wrong, I think that Laura wanted to get that old boyfriend out of the way by staging the accident. I think she was far too smart to just run him over and then drive away...she stuck around and acted all ashamed and sorry for bumping his sorry ass off and convinced the police that it was accidental... but, we'll never know... the facts have never been fully, until they are, I will go on the assumption that our first lady is a murdering cunt. How's that?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think Hillary pulled the trigger! Oh no! She's far too smart for that! She probably hired a hit man.


And you think Desh is a tin-foil hat conspiracist?