Does living under constant Democrat terrorism, tyranny, & treason change your view?

I'm certain there is.

You are quite right. Google, AWS, Twitter, and Facebook are facing several lawsuits over this. Others are leaving them for other like services that don't censure. Even several forums that censure have shut down due to so many users leaving them. JPP is an exception because it does not censure 'politically incorrect' speech, in other words, conservative speech (or any other political speech).

He's read the news on it, and even commented on it. Lefty's being an idiot again. He is well known for denying even his own statements.
but trumps 'america first' policies are a significant deviation from the typical neocon internationalist fascist 'corporate profit first' fuckwittery. clearly. ;>)

(but truth be told, I didn't vote for him either time. don't tell anyone. I abstained as a protest.)

Incorporation is not fascism. Fascism is government manipulation of what Democrats do when they try to manipulate the energy market by forcing 'green' energy sources by law.
Fact: Fascism exploded into prominence in the 20th Century as a response to YEARS of in-your-face communist agitation, political violence, and terrorism.

Fact: Everything Hitler did that was universally recognized as evil, communists, who he hated more than anyone (BECAUSE of fascism's emergence in response to non-stop unprovoked communist aggression), were far worse on. Like genocide...Stalin murdered several TIMES as many people as Hitler ever did.

Fact: Instead of anyone acknowledging that communists are a far more heinous and evil plague on this planet than fascists, we hyperventilate about the lesser case and completely ignore the far greater offender.

Fact: Democrats have spent the last four years re-creating all of those conditions under which fascism emerged.

Question 1: Does this constant, in-your-face dilemma of choosing between losing your own rights versus forcing the communists who are taking your rights away to lose THEIRS instead...change the way you see the rise of fascism? Does it make their psychotic violence seem less inexplicable?

Question 2: Are Democrats going to create the next Adolf Hitler by continuously violating everyone's rights and burning down society until people decide that aggressive, preemptive political violence is the only way that anyone other than Democrats will ever get to have rights of their own again?

Question 3: If Democrats could ever return from the lunatic fringe and just act like sane, thinking adults again, would the damage that they have already inflicted and the forces that they have already set in motion be able to reverse themselves, or is it already too late?

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Communism is government ownership of markets. Both are forms of socialism. Fascism is on the road to communism.

It is what the Democrats want. It is what they've always wanted.
Recently, they've not even been subtle about it. They've been brazen about it.

This has happened before. It brought about the War of Secession. It brought about the Revolutionary War. It brought about the War of 1812. It brought about both world wars.

Socialism is evil. It is as old as the world itself. It is the teaching of character Satan in the Bible. It is the teaching of Plato. It is the teaching of Karl Marx. It is theft of wealth. It can only be implemented by oligarchies and dictatorships.
It is what the Democrats want. They consider themselves to be the 'elite' and 'enlightened'.

To answer your questions, then:
1. Their psychotic violence is completely explainable. I have just explained it. They desire power over others. They desire theft of your wealth. They will kill to get it. They will commit genocide to keep it.
2. Whether it's Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, or Xi Jinping, it is the same.
3. It is already too late. War is inevitable in the United States now. It's only a matter of time. Opening skirmishes are already being fought. Consider the looting, arson, and pillaging of cities across America by Antifa and BLM, both violent factions funded and supported by the Democrat party.

Even taking this at face value, then just change "fascists" to "Nazis" and continue on with the thread. :dunno:

The Nazi Party is dead. It was destroyed in WW2, at a terrible cost. Fascism and communism are alive and well. This isn't Germany. Neither is China, Cuba, North Korea, nor anywhere else that fascism and communism are strongest.
You, Arminius, are an idiot.

Instead of assaulting us with your usual bullshit, why don't you simply recognize some obvious facts.?
Insult fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy. Bulverism fallacy.
Your values are not America's values. They are Middle America's values.
WRONG. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy. Bigotry.
There exists a huge number of people in urban areas, a larger number than rural Americans represent, with completely DIFFERENT values.
There exists a huge number of people in urban areas that completely disagree with your values.
We don't go to church on Sunday morning.
Many do. In the cities too.
We sleep in on our days off.
We don't drive trucks for our personal transportation.
We drive trucks for Teamster scale wages or not at all.
We don't carry our own trash to the dump.
Our property taxes pay for garbage pickup. [They're also why we don't homeschool our kids.]
No, they don't. You are billed for this service. It is not by taxes.
And similarly, we don't regard the government that we elected as an infringement on our personal freedoms.
You don't get to speak for everyone. Many in the cities DO regard what is happening as an infringement on personal freedoms. The government is not elected. It was created by a constitution, usually known as a city charter. The officers designated in that document are elected. These documents are ignored by Democrats, just as they ignore State constitutions and the Constitution of the United States.
We recognize that some things are better accomplished collectively.
Classic communistic statement. You have shown your hand.
You live in a bubble, so sophisticated urban people are alien to you.
Inversion fallacy. This is YOU. You do not get to speak for everyone, not even everyone in a city. You are not God. You are not the king. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy. Bigotry.
I think that we understand you a lot better.
You are clueless.
If it's even possible, we dislike you even more than you dislike us...but at least we understand why,
You have already demonstrated this.
elitist city fuck values are worse. and delusional.

we can debate it if you have the sack for it.

He doesn't. He is also ignoring those in the cities that are conservatives, and hate what is happening to the once shining cities they live in. They are trapped in a living hell.
the close collusion between large corporations and governments is fascism.

An indication of government manipulation of markets...the very definition of fascism.
It is not a collusion. It is government running a company that is created by people, who took all the risk for it, and still own it, but they can no longer run it except according to government whim.

Government tells them what product they must produce, when they can operate, where they must buy their raw materials, who they must hire, how to manage their staff, how much they can charge for their product, etc. This is fascism. You can see it with examples like government manipulation of energy markets, designating 'green' energy over 'evil' energy sources. Telling automakers they must build electric cars. Telling oil companies they cannot expand their refining capacity. Making internal combustion engines illegal. Telling bulb manufacturers they can no longer make incandescent light bulbs, they must make LED light bulbs instead.

...and on...and on...and on.

This is fascism.

It is on the road to communism (government ownership of markets). The goal from dictating what you can and cannot do with your own company from here is simply to take the company entirely away from you. The government owns it outright.

It is all theft of wealth. It can only be implemented by oligarchies and dictatorships. People don't like their wealth stolen.

Only capitalism creates wealth. Capitalism is necessary for socialism to exist. Socialism must have a place to steal wealth from. Capitalism requires NO government at all. Typically, a minimal government is put in place to stop thieves and murderers, not to control capitalism. It doesn't need controls.
Capitalism is everyday anyone providing a product or other words, service to others. It is a product or service that others are willing to pay for...not forced to pay for.

Any company without clients soon goes under. The product or service it provided is simply not wanted. Thus, capitalism requires no controls. The market decides. The free market. It is immortal. It cannot die, even in the most oppressive regimes. It is always there, even if it is called the 'black' market.
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The Nazi Party is dead. It was destroyed in WW2, at a terrible cost. Fascism and communism are alive and well. This isn't Germany. Neither is China, Cuba, North Korea, nor anywhere else that fascism and communism are strongest.

operation paper clip,

werner van braun,

operation paper clip,

werner van braun,


Argentina is not Nazi, though it is embroiled in fascism and communism.
They don't speak German in Argentina.

There were some individuals around that were Nazis, and still believe in fascism (often with the dream of restoring the Nazi party), but they are individuals, not a party.
Fact: Fascism exploded into prominence in the 20th Century as a response to YEARS of in-your-face communist agitation, political violence, and terrorism.

Fact: Everything Hitler did that was universally recognized as evil, communists, who he hated more than anyone (BECAUSE of fascism's emergence in response to non-stop unprovoked communist aggression), were far worse on. Like genocide...Stalin murdered several TIMES as many people as Hitler ever did.

Fact: Instead of anyone acknowledging that communists are a far more heinous and evil plague on this planet than fascists, we hyperventilate about the lesser case and completely ignore the far greater offender.

Fact: Democrats have spent the last four years re-creating all of those conditions under which fascism emerged.

Question 1: Does this constant, in-your-face dilemma of choosing between losing your own rights versus forcing the communists who are taking your rights away to lose THEIRS instead...change the way you see the rise of fascism? Does it make their psychotic violence seem less inexplicable?

Question 2: Are Democrats going to create the next Adolf Hitler by continuously violating everyone's rights and burning down society until people decide that aggressive, preemptive political violence is the only way that anyone other than Democrats will ever get to have rights of their own again?

Question 3: If Democrats could ever return from the lunatic fringe and just act like sane, thinking adults again, would the damage that they have already inflicted and the forces that they have already set in motion be able to reverse themselves, or is it already too late?

What Arminius is trying to say: Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all.

We don't have to rank levels of evil---put them in the same pot.

What communist aggression are you referring to?
An indication of government manipulation of markets...the very definition of fascism.
It is not a collusion. It is government running a company that is created by people, who took all the risk for it, and still own it, but they can no longer run it except according to government whim.

Government tells them what product they must produce, when they can operate, where they must buy their raw materials, who they must hire, how to manage their staff, how much they can charge for their product, etc. This is fascism. You can see it with examples like government manipulation of energy markets, designating 'green' energy over 'evil' energy sources. Telling automakers they must build electric cars. Telling oil companies they cannot expand their refining capacity. Making internal combustion engines illegal. Telling bulb manufacturers they can no longer make incandescent light bulbs, they must make LED light bulbs instead.

...and on...and on...and on.

This is fascism.

It is on the road to communism (government ownership of markets). The goal from dictating what you can and cannot do with your own company from here is simply to take the company entirely away from you. The government owns it outright.

It is all theft of wealth. It can only be implemented by oligarchies and dictatorships. People don't like their wealth stolen.

Only capitalism creates wealth. Capitalism is necessary for socialism to exist. Socialism must have a place to steal wealth from. Capitalism requires NO government at all. Typically, a minimal government is put in place to stop thieves and murderers, not to control capitalism. It doesn't need controls.
Capitalism is everyday anyone providing a product or other words, service to others. It is a product or service that others are willing to pay for...not forced to pay for.

Any company without clients soon goes under. The product or service it provided is simply not wanted. Thus, capitalism requires no controls. The market decides. The free market. It is immortal. It cannot die, even in the most oppressive regimes. It is always there, even if it is called the 'black' market.

Are you ill? Your posting crazier. Here is what Fascism is. I think you can see the obvious connection with the Repub party in general and Trump in specific., You may note nothing about market manipulation. It is the marriage of corporations and the government in general. But you may understand the other characteristics. If you are honest, you can see it was Trump working toward Fascism. It is authoritarian in nature, like Trump .