The remora of JPP
Denial of history.
Denial of reality.
Denial of history.
No, that would be you.
You are quite right. Google, AWS, Twitter, and Facebook are facing several lawsuits over this. Others are leaving them for other like services that don't censure. Even several forums that censure have shut down due to so many users leaving them. JPP is an exception because it does not censure 'politically incorrect' speech, in other words, conservative speech (or any other political speech).
He's read the news on it, and even commented on it. Lefty's being an idiot again. He is well known for denying even his own statements.
Argentina is not Nazi, though it is embroiled in fascism and communism.
They don't speak German in Argentina.
There were some individuals around that were Nazis, and still believe in fascism (often with the dream of restoring the Nazi party), but they are individuals, not a party.
Rush Limbaugh: "Conservatism works every time it’s tried. If we just put somebody up there who’s got the guts to be conservative and not water it down the way the Washington establishment wants it watered down, it’ll work. It works everywhere it’s implemented.
CALLER: Yeah, and people are jazzed.
RUSH: The great thing is about… This is what so irritates the Never Trumpers. Trump himself is not a lifelong conservative activist like they are. He’s not been writing research papers, he’s not been studying the intricacies of Edmund Burke, and he couldn’t tell you who Friedrich Hayek is. But his instincts are as conservative when it comes to implementation and design of policy, as any president we’ve had since Ronaldus Magnus. He’s showing that we don’t need all these intellectuals to try to influence members of Congress.
We just need somebody who is a real person — and that’s Trump’s beauty. Make America great, to him, is as sensible as anything else in life. There’s nothing wrong with make America great. I’m glad they held onto the slogan because the Democrats are gonna oppose it. What could be better for Trump than having the Democrats oppose the whole concept of making America great again or keeping it great?"
Where the fuck did you ever get THAT idea from??????!?SIZE=3]What Arminius is trying to say: Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all.
Where the fuck did you get THAT idea as well?????!?We don't have to rank levels of evil---put them in the same pot.
RQAA. You didn't read his post, which answered this question already.What communist aggression are you referring to?
Denial of history.
Psychobabble.Are you ill? Your posting crazier.
False authority fallacy. The Britannica does not define any word.Here is what Fascism is. https://www.britannica.com/topic/fascism
Trump was not trying to manipulate markets. He spent much of his time trying to get government out of the way of business. Democrats in Congress fought him at every turn.I think you can see the obvious connection with the Repub party in general and Trump in specific.,
That's what it is.You may note nothing about market manipulation.
Which is a side effect of market manipulation. Apparently you don't pay attention at all. I already said this.It is the marriage of corporations and the government in general.
None.But you may understand the other characteristics.
No. It is what Democrats want. It is why they executed a coup and took over the federal government: to convert it into an oligarchy to implement fascism and communism.If you are honest, you can see it was Trump working toward Fascism.
Trump was President of the United States...a position of authority. Not all authority is fascism.It is authoritarian in nature, like Trump.
Lie. You do not speak for Asshatzombie.
Wrong. Denial of reality.
You do not speak for Asshatzomibe.
Ad hominem fallacy. False accusation fallacy. Do not lie to others about me.
if there's three it's a party. woot woot.
why do you waste your ntelligence splitting hairs?
I can only guess what kind of moronic drivel Milquetoast Macaw wrote in response to my post as I've obviously got the good sense to have that mutant on ignore.
What I do remember about him is the absolute confidence with which he'd spout some pf the most stupid comments ever made on this forum.
You know how low that bar is set. The Limbo may be Milquetoast's only skill.
It's in his post, idiot.
Buzzword fallacy. You still haven't even defined 'real' yet.
Facebook, Google and Twitter do not censor conservative speech.
Stop perpetuating that lie.
No it isn't. Ad hominem fallacy.