I would agree with you if the things you said were true, but most are just wrong:
And yet, you're wrong and continue to lie.
I never called it an "insurrection." I called it a riot.
A difference with little distinction. But an entire party and it's media acolytes ARE calling it an insurrection.
But it was a seditious conspiracy for those involved in the planning and coordination and were convicted on that charge.
There was no "rebellion". It was a protest and there was trespass.
[ si-dish-uhn ]
incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
An insurrection does not require firearms,
Can't have one without them dipshit.
but several people were charged with firearm violations and there were many other weapons used that day.
I never compared it to 9/11--you are delusional.
OTHERS have, you willful idiot. Why is everything about YOU? Dumbass.
Neither does an insurrection require people to die
It would be hard to take over an armed government without it, dumbass.
... but Babbit was not the only death that day. Another demonstrator died that day. Plus 140 police officers injured. Surely you saw the officers being assaulted, wedged in the door.
So what? More died or were injured in the massive BLM riots but they were described as.....wait for it......mostly peaceful.
They did stop the vote counting that day and removed the members of Congress from the Capitol. The reconvened later that day and did not complete the counting until the next morning.
They didn't stop anything. The count went on.
BLM riots? That has nothing to do with January 6. But, but, but....BLM. Twice as many were prosecuted for BLM than January 6.
Link to that bullshit snowflake.
The people who were "allowed" into the Capitol were not the problem.
Good, you admit that many were ALLOWED into the capitol. And yet, the Democrat Fascists are arresting them too.
I never defended anything the Democrats did other than defeating Trump's reelection.
You do it every day. Your TDS is fascinating.
Putting together a defense of the Capitol riots with fake facts makes you a victim of Trump's lies. Why are you so gullible to believe his lies when you can check most of those facts yourself. I am still waiting for the name of one county that had more votes than registered voters; so far, no answers because there are none.
STRAWMAN. If you aren't fabricating or outright lying, you're building strawmen. NO ONE defends anyone who acted in a violent manner or attacked the police that day.
I never said Trump encouraged the violence.
BUT DEMOCRATS and their MEDIA acolytes ARE. Why is everything about YOU?
But it would not have occurred if those people had not believed his incredible lies about voter fraud.
How are they lies? Any proof that the election was perfect? Of course not. Apparently, you believe that 96% of all registered voters in America voted in 2020? Why that was a miracle, wasn't it snowflake?
Summary: The vote count was never stopped. There was no conspiracy. There was no coup. There was no insurrection. There was trespass and violence which apparently increased when police started beating the crowd back with batons and tear gas.
Very little was damaged. And yet, we have an inquisition against Trump 600 days in from that date and no end in sight. Why? Because the left insists that the election was perfect. SATY IT!! SHUT UP!!