The famous atheist Richard Dawkins is the one who coined the concept of the selfish gene, not me.
Doesn't matter. It's a perfectly rational way to view the actions of life on earth. It is exacty what evolution is for.
That is exactly what evolution natural selection comes down to, why kid ourselves and sugar coat it?
No one is sugar coating it.
If we want to explain morality by evolution by natural selection, then we need to be perfectly honest and say there are no objectively admirable moral actions.
This is possibly quite true. Why would there be? Murder is wrong
for us as humans but no one bats an eye when a polar bear murders a cub not his own.
Morality is the set of rules that help create the conditions that social creatures like humans can exist in and survive.
No one had to "reason" their way to the concept that it is wrong to murder another person. It has always been known in the human brain and is probably instinct at this point in our development.
If someone suggested to you that a problem you have could be solved by murdering someone there is ZERO likelihood that you even took time THINK "Oh, let me see, is that a forbidden action? Yes, yes it is! I will not do it then!"
No, you have an automatic an visceral reaction because it is an instinct in social animals like humans.
All actions are linked to self preservation and the propagation of one's genetic information.
Plus, we need to be honest and stop kidding ourselves that there is any absolute right and wrong - because chemistry and evolution neither care about nor recognize absolute right and wrong
This is where your point fails.
To wit: for an animal like a human it is ABSOLUTELY WRONG to murder an innocent person. It is developed into our instincts since murder makes social networks unstable. Humans survive PRECISELY because of these networks.
What there is NOT is some "overarching" universal truth that "murder is wrong" since murder is quite OK in much of the animal kingdom. The example I gave earlier is one.
For animals like polar bears who are largely SOLO creatures it isn't particularly problematic that an adult male will murder offspring that aren't his own. Doesn't scare the other polar bears into doing anything because they neither know nor care nor would it impact them at all.
Your point is CLEARLY aimed at being an appeal to emotion by presumably forcing them to say that they can't find anything wrong with Hitler. That is a SPECIOUS argument. And has no bearing on the actual conversation. It is a naked appeal to winning the debate through some emotional manipulation which doesn't actually apply to this discussion.