So this thread has diverged and shifted from your first post - which claimed all social animals including humans have similar instincts for morality - to now we are carving out special exceptions for the uniqueness of human conscience.That, of course, is your opinion, as we both understand. As mine is as well. However your "declarative" style makes it sound as if I'm simply making this all up.
I am not. I am by no means alone in any of this type of thinking:
Unselfish behavior has evolutionary reasons
Altruistic behavior is often seen as an exclusively human characteristic. However, behavioral research has uncovered numerous examples of altruistic behavior in the animal kingdom. In a new study, researchers at the University of Bern show that animals that help others “selflessly” to
That's right up my alley, because I've always said human conscience is unique, and can't be explained strictly by Darwinian evolution.