Evolution cannot and never will explain human consciousness. Evolution only explains the process by which we became a species that survived. Evolution doesn't dictate how exactly a species will mutate. It only says the one best evolved for the current environment is the one most likely to survive.
I never said you were an evolution denier. I said you have some of the same misconceptions about what Darwin's theory says. Humans are not the end result of some intended evolution. They are an accident that happened to survive because they were better suited than the other accidents. Our traits don't exist because of evolution. We exist because our traits were better than species with other traits.
Great, now you're starting to see it my way.
Human conciousness results in aesthetics, religion, rationality, moral law and standards, abstract contemplation. Per the OP.
Darwinian principles cannot fully account for all manifestations of human conciousness.
That's why the OP made the case that we can't point to natural selection everytime we want to explain the causes of human behavior and mental life.
I think it's very possible we haven't even invented the science yet that can really explain why these immutable principles arise out of our conciousness.