Does the American Flag Offend You? Stanford Thinks It Might

The American flag is a hate symbol, after Trump it should be put in the same camp as the Confederate flag and Swastika IMO. America is a nation of totalitarian rightism that wants to force the entire world to bow to white supremacy and extrmist rightism. No one is allowed the will to freedom in the anti-democratic American fascist empire. Lead by an unelected totalitarian white supremacist despite, massacring migrants just because of the color of their skin, it is a blight on the face of freedom worldwide.

if i hadn't already known you for 15 years, i'd probably hate you.
in todays climate things are different mott. frats get shut down much more easily. harvard banned gender segregated clubs altogether. stop being so contrarion, this specific guy banned a frat because of the american flag.

I agree with Mott that this is not about the flag but you're mostly right. Universities in America are implementing behavioral codes based upon decidedly progressive political and social principles and on campus there is only one group equipped to fight them and that's the Greek system. Some houses go along with it and some don't and the ones that don't get the banhammer.
Wait a second.Wait a second. How did you go from “A” administrator to all of Stanford?

Nice rhetorical trick Wacko but did you think we wouldn’t notice the switch from a man bites dog incident to a glittering generality?

Look I’ll do something by talking about our flag. Its presence will never offend me. Its presence however can be made annoying by hyper emotional nationalist. I could care less about whether or not a person adorns their home or person with our to prove their patriotism. That’s all well and fine but some of those who adorn them selves or their property with our flag would be far better off focusing to be an adornment to our flag and not the other way around.

So ok wave your flag and wear it proudly and good for you but big whoop. I’d rather better myself as an American and adorn my flag than adorn myself with it.

Progressives: Don't like the flag
Conservatives: Do like the flag
Progressives: Don't like the flag
Conservatives: Do like the flag

3D's logic. I don't like progressives so progressive don't like anything good or patriotic.

Pretty derpy logic there 3D.

At least Progressives don't give the Flag a bad name like right wing extremist do. And if conservatives (and I mean conservatives with a small c) were the only ones who represented our would say much for our flag anyways.
3D's logic. I don't like progressives so progressive don't like anything good or patriotic.

Pretty derpy logic there 3D.

At least Progressives don't give the Flag a bad name like right wing extremist do. And if conservatives (and I mean conservatives with a small c) were the only ones who represented our would say much for our flag anyways.

No one likes progressives.
3D's logic. I don't like progressives so progressive don't like anything good or patriotic.

Pretty derpy logic there 3D.

At least Progressives don't give the Flag a bad name like right wing extremist do. And if conservatives (and I mean conservatives with a small c) were the only ones who represented our would say much for our flag anyways.

Conservatives are the only ones who don't get offended by the flag. What will your position be when the percentage of progressives who get offended by the flag raises to an undeniable level?
I could care less about the flag anymore! I think our flag has been hijacked!

As long as we have a traitor and corrupt president that stands up in front of our American flag, use it as a prop, and misrepresent the United States to ourselves and the rest of the world, the flag also starts to misrepresent us as well.
I could care less about the flag anymore! I think our flag has been hijacked!

As long as we have a traitor and corrupt president that stands up in front of our American flag, use it as a prop, and misrepresent the United States to ourselves and the rest of the world, the flag also starts to misrepresent us as well.

This is why I don't trust you people, you think of the President as a King.

I think of the president as a fake and a phony! I think of our president as a non-legitimate president and as a traitor!

The flag means what you want it to mean, not what your "King" wants it to mean. And, you just admitted you see Trump as an authority figure. I pity you.
No one likes progressives.
Only people who don't understand it or our history. For example TR was one of out best Presidents and was very much a progressive. Progressives have done some great things for our country. They eliminated child labor, created a fair days wage for fair days work, they created weekends, they created over time pay, they created the 8 hour work day, paid vacations, health insurance, etc, etc,.

Let conservatives have their way and we'd still have dirt roads and 2/3rd of the people uneducated and most of us would still be working on farms.
Only people who don't understand it or our history. For example TR was one of out best Presidents and was very much a progressive. Progressives have done some great things for our country. They eliminated child labor, created a fair days wage for fair days work, they created weekends, they created over time pay, they created the 8 hour work day, paid vacations, health insurance, etc, etc,.

Let conservatives have their way and we'd still have dirt roads and 2/3rd of the people uneducated and most of us would still be working on farms.

Your entire post is a lie.
Conservatives are the only ones who don't get offended by the flag. What will your position be when the percentage of progressives who get offended by the flag raises to an undeniable level?
Man bites dog 3D. Show me just one person you know who is personally offended by our flag?
Your entire post is a lie.
Oh nonsense. Conservatives are far to lacking in imagination and the ability to think critically and outside the box. Conservatives are great for keeping the train rolling but near useless when you're heading off track or are off the track. Ever try doing entrepreneurial or R&D work with a conservative? I have...the great equalizer. I've never met a conservative who couldn't give you 10 reasons why a new idea couldn't possibly work and not one on why it could.
Oh nonsense. Conservatives are far to lacking in imagination and the ability to think critically and outside the box. Conservatives are great for keeping the train rolling but near useless when you're heading off track or are off the track. Ever try doing entrepreneurial or R&D work with a conservative? I have...the great equalizer. I've never met a conservative who couldn't give you 10 reasons why a new idea couldn't possibly work and not one on why it could.


TR was an average President at best.
Society dictates what happens, progressives take credit for it. Those things would have happened regardless.
The flag means what you want it to mean, not what your "King" wants it to mean. And, you just admitted you see Trump as an authority figure. I pity you.

Wrong again! I see the office of the presidency as only one of our authoritative figures- and the Judicial and legislative branches as two others who have just as much power as the office as the presidency.