Does the American Flag Offend You? Stanford Thinks It Might

Great! Then I'm misinterpreting your obsession with Trump?

Yes! You are!

I am obsessed with democracy and the demand for the truth and honesty- always!

I just wish all Americans could be so obsessed for democracy and also demand the truth and honesty from our leaders.
Man bites dog 3D. Show me just one person you know who is personally offended by our flag?

Sorry, I spend half my life in a military facility. But, there's these things called media and interwebs, that occasionally cover news stories about things other than which porn star Trump paid hush-money to.
Only people who don't understand it or our history. For example TR was one of out best Presidents and was very much a progressive. Progressives have done some great things for our country. They eliminated child labor, created a fair days wage for fair days work, they created weekends, they created over time pay, they created the 8 hour work day, paid vacations, health insurance, etc, etc,.

Let conservatives have their way and we'd still have dirt roads and 2/3rd of the people uneducated and most of us would still be working on farms.

I could care less about the flag anymore! I think our flag has been hijacked!

As long as we have a traitor and corrupt president that stands up in front of our American flag, use it as a prop, and misrepresent the United States to ourselves and the rest of the world, the flag also starts to misrepresent us as well.

Didn't you hear??

Hillary isn't the President!! :D