Does the cosmos have a reason?

No. Not being able to read Greek puts you at a disadvantage compared to someone who can read Greek.

But I also know you do not understand the bible, even in English translation, because you did not know the two most famous sermons in the New Testament.
We all know what you said.

you're a liar and you put the "teachings of the fathers" above Jesus.

This fact is evidenced by your butthurt squawking about Aquinas the Nobody.
We all know what you said.

you're a liar and you put the "teachings of the fathers" above Jesus.

Is your multiple personality disorder untreated?

I don't think you can lay claim to the identity of Christian if you never attend church, do not participate in any religious community, and you don't even know the two greatest sermons Jesus of Nazareth ever gave.

What Happened Before the Big Bang?​

Cosmologist Alex Vilenkin does the math to show that the universe indeed had a starting point

By now, there’s scientific consensus that our universe exploded into existence almost 14 billion years ago in an event known as the Big Bang. But that theory raises more questions about the universe’s origins than it answers, including the most basic one: what happened before the Big Bang? Some cosmologists have argued that a universe could have no beginning, but simply always was.

In 2003, Tufts cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin and his colleagues, Arvind Borde, now a senior professor of mathematics at Long Island University, and Alan Guth, a professor of physics at MIT, proved a mathematical theorem showing that, under very general assumptions, the universe must, in fact, have had a beginning.

Since that discovery, others in the field have countered with alternate theories describing other kinds of universes where the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin Theorem, as it is called, would not apply. Vilenkin, a professor of physics and astronomy, and graduate student Audrey Mithani, G15, used mathematics to examine three potential logistical loopholes in the 2003 theorem, strengthening their original premise that the universe did, in fact, begin

Q: Some people claim your work proves the existence of God, or at least of a divine moment of creation. What do you think?

Alexander Vilenkin: I don’t think it proves anything one way or another.

I went to a meeting of some theologians and cosmologists. Basically, I realized these theologians have the same problem with God. What was He doing before He created the universe? Why did He suddenly decide to create the universe?

For many physicists, the beginning of the universe is uncomfortable, because it suggests that something must have caused the beginning, that there should be some cause outside the universe. In fact, we now have models where that’s not necessary—the universe spontaneously appears, quantum mechanically.

In quantum physics, events do not necessarily have a cause, just some probability.

As such, there is some probability for the universe to pop out of “nothing.” You can find the relative probability for it to be this size or that size and have various properties, but there will not be a particular cause for any of it, just probabilities.

I say “nothing” in quotations because the nothing that we were referring to here is the absence of matter, space and time. That is as close to nothing as you can get, but what is still required here is the laws of physics. So the laws of physics should still be there, and they are definitely not nothing.

Long story short ,full story at
The Big Bang and the creation of the physical universe was all and equal and opposite reaction to
Satan's failed rebellion! When he entered YHWH's space BANG! Oh and another reaction was creation of Fire and the Archangel "who has power over fire"
The "we" to which he referred was "the board" that knows what you wrote because we read it.

I don't think you can lay claim to the identity of Christian if you never attend church, do not participate in any religious community, and you don't even know the two greatest sermons Jesus of Nazareth ever gave.
But which sermons were given by Jesus of Galilee? Which ones were given by Jesus of Bethlehem?
The "we" to which he referred was "the board" that knows what you wrote because we read it.
"We" read it? The vast majority of "the board" isn't interested in these kind of posts and never participates. It sounds delusional to believe "the board" is closely monitoring my threads in the philosophy subforum. :laugh: Are you delusional?

But which sermons were given by Jesus of Galilee? Which ones were given by Jesus of Bethlehem?
I'm sure you thought that was very clever to write, and you were chuckling as you typed it. Jesus and his family were always from Nazareth, outside of the birth narrative in Luke and Matthew, and outside the excursion to Egypt in Matthew. Jesus' ministry was in Galilee and was based there. Bethlehem isn't anywhere near Galilee; it was in Judea. Nazareth is in the heart of Galilee.
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"We" read it?
Are you asking for a lesson in the proper usage of pronouns?

The vast majority of "the board" isn't interested in these kind of posts
I see that you are back to being omniscient again.

It sounds delusional to believe "the board" is closely monitoring my threads in the philosophy subforum. Are you delusional?
It sounds delusional to believe that the board's ability to know what you posted equates to the close monitoring of your posts by every board member. That's a rather narcissistic interpretation on you part of what I wrote.

I'm sure you thought that was very clever to write, and you were chuckling as you typed it.
This is quite the testament to your poor judgement. It was just another obvious truism that I was pointing out to you because you were asking yet another stupid question. I have been extending to you the courtesy of answering your stupid questions for quite some time now.

Jesus and his family were always from Nazareth,
That is an answer to a question I did not ask.

I asked about sermons.

Jesus' ministry was in Galilee and was based there.
This is an interesting claim. Is it your claim or did someone else tell you to say this?

Let's assume that you are reverently repeating what you read on the internet. Was it accompanied by any supporting documents containing first-hand accounts?

Is your multiple personality disorder untreated?

I don't think you can lay claim to the identity of Christian if you never attend church, do not participate in any religious community, and you don't even know the two greatest sermons Jesus of Nazareth ever gave.
Mantra 1d. Inversion fallacy. You don't get to usurp the judgement of Jesus Christ, Sybil.
Alexander Vilenkin, theoretical physicist: "What we are doing is somewhat strange in the sense that we find there is this mathematical structure that underlies the universe, and we are in the process of discovering this structure. This mathematics describes how the universe evolves, it also seems to describe how the universe came into being. So, it's very puzzling: does this mathematics have some independent existence of its own in some Platonic realm, or is it a mere description of the universe? It appears the development of physics points to the first possibility."

The simple answer is no. There is no reason for existence, other than for each of us to figure for ourselves what life is all about.
The simple answer is no. There is no reason for existence, other than for each of us to figure for ourselves what life is all about.
Whatever our many flaws are, there is something unique about humans. There has never been another species in Earth's 4.5 billion years, and there might not be another species in the galaxy, that is/or can be guided towards principles of aesthetic beauty, abstract thought, moral transcendence.

It's possible we are the only species that has ever existed in the galaxy with the consciousness to seek meaning and understanding in both ourselves and in the laws of nature.
Whatever our many flaws are, there is something unique about humans. There has never been another species in Earth's 4.5 billion years, and there might not be another species in the galaxy, that is/or can be guided towards principles of aesthetic beauty, abstract thought, moral transcendence.

It's possible we are the only species that has ever existed in the galaxy with the consciousness to seek meaning and understanding in both ourselves and in the laws of nature.
We are the only animal that has our own unique Spirit!
We all know what you said.

you're a liar and you put the "teachings of the fathers" above Jesus.

This fact is evidenced by your butthurt squawking about Aquinas the Nobody.

Is your multiple personality disorder untreated?

I don't think you can lay claim to the identity of Christian if you never attend church, do not participate in any religious community, and you don't even know the two greatest sermons Jesus of Nazareth ever gave.
Fredo is another example of "Me, Myself and Irene" personalities just like Sybil.