Does the cosmos have a reason?


but religion is really about morality and getting along and how to treat each other.

not this dumb bullshit.

You're a fool who's wasted your life on dumb shit.
You should contact all publishers of the Christian bible and demand they remove Genesis from all future editions, because according to you, Creation is "dumb bullshit"
You should contact all publishers of the Christian bible and demand they remove Genesis from all future editions, because according to you, Creation is "dumb bullshit"
"For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
galatians 5:14
This thread isn't about Christianity, and you're the first Christian I've ever heard of insinuating that Genesis be deleted from the bible
I didn't say that.

I'm saying the moral instruction is more important than the mythology.

Making empathy the central driver of the morality is Jesus's revolution of the human condition.

your papistry and masonic fascist bullsqueeze can't change that.
I didn't say that.

I'm saying the moral instruction is more important than the mythology.

Making empathy the central driver of the morality is Jesus's revolution of the human condition.

your papistry and masonic fascist bullsqueeze can't change that.
This thread wasn't about either morality or Christianity. Nothing is stopping you from starting your own thread on those topics
You should contact all publishers of the Christian bible and demand they remove Genesis from all future editions, because according to you, Creation is "dumb bullshit"

Ironically this kind of sounds like the argument of eliminating part of the BIble from consideration in the debate I heard from a poster on this very forum. When faced with quotes from the OT, that poster noted that modern Christianity doesn't care about the OT and the poster could think of no cases where OT verses were part of the liturgy or some such. Absurd on the face of it.
Ironically this kind of sounds like the argument of eliminating part of the BIble from consideration in the debate I heard from a poster on this very forum. When faced with quotes from the OT, that poster noted that modern Christianity doesn't care about the OT and the poster could think of no cases where OT verses were part of the liturgy or some such. Absurd on the face of it.
^^ Claims to have attended church for decades, but doesn't have even a basic working knowledge of Christian theology.

Paul's epistles make crystal clear that gentile Christians do not have to follow the ritual laws and holiness codes of the Torah (frantically google what Torah or Pentateuch actually is if you need to).
The New Testament was a new covenant that rendered the ritual and holiness laws of Torah irrelevant (more Google research for you).
Nothing from Exodus to Deuteronomy actually applies to gentile Christians. Romans makes crystal clear that the moral laws of Torah are fulfilled by obeying Jesus' commandment to practice universal love (frantically Google Romans if you need to. It might be Galatians).
Genesis in not part of the ritual law and holiness codes of Torah, therefore Christianity has always accepted Genesis as a creation story.

Are you going to continue to follow me around and jump up and down to get my attention? :laugh:
^^ Claims to have attended church for decades, but doesn't have even a basic working knowledge of Christian theology.

Actually I've corrected you on a thing or two. You don't seem to really know much about Protestant congregations. You seem to know more about Orthodox stuff. Which is very different.

Paul's epistles make crystal clear that gentile Christians do not have to follow the ritual laws and holiness codes of the Torah (frantically google what Torah or Pentateuch actually is if you need to).

So now the OT isn't important eh?

Are you going to continue to follow me around and jump up and down to get my attention? :laugh:

No, I'm going to point out your errors and I'm going to point out where your assumptions may be questioned. I understand you don't like people smarter than you are looking over your shoulder. Sorry. Can't help you with that.
Paul's epistles make crystal clear that gentile Christians do not have to follow the ritual laws

Yeah, and Paul had a disagreement over that very point with the Jerusalem Church.

Also Jesus (you may have heard of him) is quoted as saying:

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
you're the one insisting that the old testament is about physics..

@Cypress doesn't roll that way. He seldom hooks his hypothetical wagons to any specific holy book. To that end it is HIGHLY unlikely he wanted to pull this into the Old Testament.

The original point is less defined and more nebulous leaving open the kind of theology that includes deism or even more abstract concepts. To his credit Cypress never actually describes any details about his conception of the "organizing intelligence" that made the laws of physics. But that just means you are incapable of actually discussing the conception because it is like nailing jello to a wall.

It's actually a pretty solid approach. The only problem is it lacks any detail sufficient to make it a meaningful conversation.
Yeah, and Paul had a disagreement over that very point with the Jerusalem Church.
Paul is the founder of Christianity, not James the Just leader of the Jerusalem church.

I feel like I should be paid tuition for teaching you things about Christianity your decades long association should have taught you.

You need to read some books or take some classes, and do the hard work of learning yourself. Frantically Googling for tidbits of info will never give you the kind of integrated knowledge that sustained and diligent learning will.
@Cypress doesn't roll that way. He seldom hooks his hypothetical wagons to any specific holy book. To that end it is HIGHLY unlikely he wanted to pull this into the Old Testament.

The original point is less defined and more nebulous leaving open the kind of theology that includes deism or even more abstract concepts. To his credit Cypress never actually describes any details about his conception of the "organizing intelligence" that made the laws of physics. But that just means you are incapable of actually discussing the conception because it is like nailing jello to a wall.

It's actually a pretty solid approach. The only problem is it lacks any detail sufficient to make it a meaningful conversation.
and he was trying to make it religious first.

he said I was trying to delete Genesis by saying morality is more important than the creation myth.

he is obviously trying to hook this aspect of physics to the old testament, as evidenced by this revealing accusation. revelations abound.

Just pointing out that your decrees hide a bit more detail. ;)

I feel like I should be paid tuition for teaching you things about Christianity your decades long association should have taught you.

It's funny because I've actually been quite knowledgeable on Christianity. But you are not honest enough to admit that. If you were honest you'd note that on MANY occasions I've actually agreed with your points or defended things you say on here. But you can't even do that when I'm right. And occasionally I am right.

But you are one of those weak-minded egotists (like Trump) who is driven more by your hatred and rage. You are a slave to your emotions which I find ironic because early on you lied about NOT being driven by your emotions.

If you look at my posts you'll see I can even talk to people I actively DO NOT like and I can ENGAGE WITH THEIR POINTS. You, however, can't.

That's a HUGE tell that you didn't really get much out of your college experience. If you were HALF the intellect you want people to imagine you are you could engage in topics with people you dislike. But you can't. All you can do is rage.

Why are so hate-filled?
You can practically hear the keyboard clicking from Perry the PhD frantically Googling.

I am not going to invest anymore time on a poster who is unaware that Paul was the founder of Christianity as we know it, and its main theologian and interpreter in the early Christianity of the first century.

I can't invest my time being tutor and teacher to Perry the PhD
and he was trying to make it religious first.

he said I was trying to delete Genesis by saying morality is more important than the creation myth.

he is obviously trying to hook this aspect of physics to the old testament, as evidenced by this revealing accusation. revelations abound.

Nah, it seems the only reason he's talking about the OT now is because another poster (you?) raised the issue about Genesis.

Ironically enough on other threads Cypress has made claims in his debate points that downplay the role of the OT in modern Christianity. It's in part because he is unfamiliar with how Protestant churches operate. He's more knowledgeable about Orthodox apparently.

And he cannot handle it when you quote the Bible in support of a position that questions his assumptions. Again, his lack of knowledge of the Bible is an impediment but not a serious one. He seems to know the bare bones about it. For all his vast reading it kind of feels like he skipped the Bible.