APP - does the u s of a have a moral authority

Big and scary! LOL. Grow up, loser. China's all hot air.

Yup. You really are one of the most stupid americans. EVEN for here. I can't think of another poster who is stupid enough to agree with you. (of course the gang of 3 might now be tempted but I've seen more dirt on new shoes than they have brains in their malfunctioning heads).
So I'll happily be labelled a loser by you. After all you are incapable of backing up any of the 'smart arse' comments you make.

Big and scary! (3 words) LOL. (3 letters) Grow up, loser.(3 words) China's all hot air (4 words). Are you sure you are not still in kindergarten?
Yup. You really are one of the most stupid americans. EVEN for here. I can't think of another poster who is stupid enough to agree with you. (of course the gang of 3 might now be tempted but I've seen more dirt on new shoes than they have brains in their malfunctioning heads).
So I'll happily be labelled a loser by you. After all you are incapable of backing up any of the 'smart arse' comments you make.

Big and scary! (3 words) LOL. (3 letters) Grow up, loser.(3 words) China's all hot air (4 words). Are you sure you are not still in kindergarten?

China = scary!
China = scary!

Perhaps you should save your pennies or get a job delivering MacDonalds and pay China a visit.
No, of course you would never do that. It would shake your prejudices to their very core. A half brain republican leaving the safety of big brother? Nah. Wont happen.
Perhaps you should save your pennies or get a job delivering MacDonalds and pay China a visit.
No, of course you would never do that. It would shake your prejudices to their very core. A half brain republican leaving the safety of big brother? Nah. Wont happen.

I hate republicans. Are you stuck on stupid? Good Job, brownie.
No, we don't have a moral authority, and I find pretending to have a moral responsibility to be quite expensive, so I have no problem with shirking it a little...
I hate republicans. Are you stuck on stupid? Good Job, brownie.

You are making a good job of pretending differently. Certainly not much humanity about you and even less knowledge of the world, politics, trade, etc etc.
Maybe you'd be happier as a republican. By the way, and I am sure this will thrill you, your avitar is quite objectionable. Not because it is Obama but because it portrays a childish and ridiculous film. But being a yank, I guess causing offence is mother's milk to you.
You are making a good job of pretending differently.
How so?
Certainly not much humanity about you and even less knowledge of the world, politics, trade, etc etc.
Fascist indoctrination is not "knowledge".
Maybe you'd be happier as a republican. By the way, and I am sure this will thrill you, your avitar is quite objectionable. Not because it is Obama but because it portrays a childish and ridiculous film. But being a yank, I guess causing offence is mother's milk to you.

Your mother's fetid excretions?
That's right. Our legislators are faithful servants of the citizenry! LOL. Maybe after some much needed rest your won't be so retarded.

It's a pity a man of his intelligence wastes so much time on the individuals he claims are a waste.

Perhaps when they retrofitted his heart, they missed and nicked his brain?
We used to have moral authority, but not any more. Just as well: tell the UN to get the fuck out of New York, and let's stop supporting all those third world countries.
That is fine as long as we also stay out of there business when they chose a form of government we don't like. So long as they don't threaten us then quit supporting them and quit interfering in their affairs.
i heard this question on the news today

seems that CNN asked this question of a random group of people and the answer was NO

what is the morality of our nation

i think too many are of the opinion of get what you can while you can is our goal

we have become a nation of narcissists that think of themselves first with the attitude of what is in it for me

still in all fairness, there are those that still contribute to charity and have empathy for others, just not enough,,,
Our job is to be a Democratic Republic. True to our Constitution. We should live according to the laws of our nation. We have an obligation to act Constitutional to others and follow the international laws that we have agreed to follow.

We should not be world police, but act with others to aide nations that ask for our help. There are always exceptions, but this is generally what I believe.

Trade with other nations should be done with the welfare of all Americans in mind and not just corporate America.

We should not go into war alone, unless we are attacked on our own soil or our neighbors are attacked and we feel our safety is threatened.

I have always believed that you can not be a moral beacon unless you have your own house in order. This is the reason I have never set myself up as an example to anyone.
I have flaws in abundance and am trying to improve everyday of my life. I would never presume to tell someone else how to conduct their affairs, unless they come and ask advice and even then, I always give it with cautions that in life there are so many things that change a course of action, so you basically have to be informed, and then go with your gut! What works for me isn't necessarily going to work for them.

I like live and let live.
We used to have moral authority, but not any more. Just as well: tell the UN to get the fuck out of New York, and let's stop supporting all those third world countries.
We disagree on the UN, but I agree about closing some of those overseas bases. I think if corporations are going to go international that they should pay for their own protection!
That is fine as long as we also stay out of there business when they chose a form of government we don't like. So long as they don't threaten us then quit supporting them and quit interfering in their affairs.
As long as they don't mess around with our allies or our affairs who frickin' cares what they do?
Fine, your ass can pay for the military that is not necessary and the wars! 51%, right of the American budget, I will gladly pay for healthcare!
Move to another country whose Constitution says pay for health care and not the military. Our says the opposite, sorry.
You would be included. I'm sure that not everything you purchase or use originates in the USA.
You'd better get on your knees and pray that China doesnt call in her debts.
Liberals voted for all those programs that caused the debt, not conservatives. Let liberals pay for them.