APP - does the u s of a have a moral authority

and bush did not sign them or propose them?
Bush should have vetoed them, but he's a Republican, not a fiscal Conservative. He believed that he could appease Democrats with no impact on the economy, and that the rate of economic growth would continue to increase revenues and pay off the debt. What he failed to understand is the cyclical nature of the economy and the political climate. Now that the Democrats have control and have spent wildly there is no chance of having the economy pay off the debt.
Bush should have vetoed them, but he's a Republican, not a fiscal Conservative. He believed that he could appease Democrats with no impact on the economy, and that the rate of economic growth would continue to increase revenues and pay off the debt. What he failed to understand is the cyclical nature of the economy and the political climate. Now that the Democrats have control and have spent wildly there is no chance of having the economy pay off the debt.

The economy is the people. The people got you into this difficulty so it's right that the people help get you out. So I guess you will just have to work harder, become more efficient, make things that other countries want and learn to sell them.
thats what everyone else is having to do.
The economy is the people. The people got you into this difficulty so it's right that the people help get you out. So I guess you will just have to work harder, become more efficient, make things that other countries want and learn to sell them.
thats what everyone else is having to do.
Democrats don't want to make anything in the US. The unions make it nearly impossible for US companies to make a profit, and the politicians over regulate business activities and force them off shore.
Bush should have vetoed them, but he's a Republican, not a fiscal Conservative. He believed that he could appease Democrats with no impact on the economy, and that the rate of economic growth would continue to increase revenues and pay off the debt. What he failed to understand is the cyclical nature of the economy and the political climate. Now that the Democrats have control and have spent wildly there is no chance of having the economy pay off the debt.

but where were the tea people when all of this was happening

also, what spending bills has bho signed
Democrats don't want to make anything in the US. The unions make it nearly impossible for US companies to make a profit, and the politicians over regulate business activities and force them off shore.

You didn't do very well under Bush, did you. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but Bush was not really a Democrat, was he?
Your unions certainly need overhauling but a company's employee insurance is the killer, isnt it?
Your car industry seems to be waking up at last. The motoring american's penchant for the ridiculous is taking a back seat. I hope, for your own sakes, your exporters learn the marketing skills you introduced to the rest of the world back in the 1940s and 50s but have now abandoned in favour of the me-me-now-now childishness that has come to epitomize the United States.
You didn't do very well under Bush, did you. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but Bush was not really a Democrat, was he?
Your unions certainly need overhauling but a company's employee insurance is the killer, isnt it?
Your car industry seems to be waking up at last. The motoring american's penchant for the ridiculous is taking a back seat. I hope, for your own sakes, your exporters learn the marketing skills you introduced to the rest of the world back in the 1940s and 50s but have now abandoned in favour of the me-me-now-now childishness that has come to epitomize the United States.

blame it on the baby boomers, they were spoiled as children and it is reflected in their attitudes as they got older...but did not grow up - at least most of them

hence our heavily driven consumer economy
blame it on the baby boomers, they were spoiled as children and it is reflected in their attitudes as they got older...but did not grow up - at least most of them

hence our heavily driven consumer economy

Can you really blame it on one segment of society?
Can you really blame it on one segment of society?

I blame it on oligarchical collectivists seeking to create a dependant and deluded society, one they can trick, and enslave through globalization and white guilt.

These are the bankers, the legislators, the media guys, academia, they're all brainwashed to a) degrade their people and then b) blame them for it.

They don't represent the people or seek to better the people. They are haters of mankind.
I blame it on oligarchical collectivists seeking to create a dependant and deluded society, one they can trick, and enslave through globalization and white guilt.

These are the bankers, the legislators, the media guys, academia, they're all brainwashed to a) degrade their people and then b) blame them for it.

They don't represent the people or seek to better the people. They are haters of mankind.

That's basically what Mao said. Send them all for re-education. Wasn't aware you were a Maoist.
I do not want that. I believe they can break free from their programming on their own. maybe they can remember love.

Bankers are bigamists. Married to themselves and money. It is not for nothing that the word merchant banker is used as cockney rhyming slang.
Anyone can be guilted with enough persistence. Guilted into humanness works for me.

The idea that good will prevail is horse shit. The theory of guilt is horse shit too. I know of no man, who lives for power and money, walk away from it or give it all away. Power and riches are held, in the main, by sociopaths and the dishonest. They all too often win and the rest of us turn to the fairies for comfort. And the fairies say that all men are basically good and that all men can be saved. So we sleep until it is time to reduce our lifespans and health so they can have more.
The fairies tell us that we have laws for protection but they dont tell us who made and who upholds those laws and they dont tell us that we will always lose.
The idea that good will prevail is horse shit. The theory of guilt is horse shit too. I know of no man, who lives for power and money, walk away from it or give it all away. Power and riches are held, in the main, by sociopaths and the dishonest. They all too often win and the rest of us turn to the fairies for comfort. And the fairies say that all men are basically good and that all men can be saved. So we sleep until it is time to reduce our lifespans and health so they can have more.
The fairies tell us that we have laws for protection but they dont tell us who made and who upholds those laws and they dont tell us that we will always lose.

We're going to win this time. Why do you hate faeries? Are you homophobic?

Try to work on your attitude problem.

Good does win, because it's a ultimately a stronger form of society. It's just seems dark now, but it's always darkest before the dawn*.

*dawn does not refer to NEW AGE LUCIFERIAN DAWN.
We're going to win this time. Why do you hate faeries? Are you homophobic?

Try to work on your attitude problem.

Good does win, because it's a ultimately a stronger form of society. It's just seems dark now, but it's always darkest before the dawn*.

*dawn does not refer to NEW AGE LUCIFERIAN DAWN.

'Good wins' is the big myth invented to keep everyone happy. That's how Christianity works. The myth is not all bad, of course. It tends to discourage ordinary people from killing each other which can be rather uncomfortable at times. But the sociopaths and priests who promote this stuff, continue on their chosen path of exploitation and mass murder. From the Borgias to the Bushes and everything in between.
One reason that so few can be the killers and so many the killed is that most people are sane. The sociopaths number few but own most and possess unique behavioural qualities. Bush, for example, would never be able to accept the 'guilt' of which you talk for his eight years of playing with the lives of millions and increasing his hoard by huge amounts along the way.
'Good wins' is the big myth invented to keep everyone happy. That's how Christianity works. The myth is not all bad, of course. It tends to discourage ordinary people from killing each other which can be rather uncomfortable at times. But the sociopaths and priests who promote this stuff, continue on their chosen path of exploitation and mass murder. From the Borgias to the Bushes and everything in between.
One reason that so few can be the killers and so many the killed is that most people are sane. The sociopaths number few but own most and possess unique behavioural qualities. Bush, for example, would never be able to accept the 'guilt' of which you talk for his eight years of playing with the lives of millions and increasing his hoard by huge amounts along the way.

But hope is the only thing which stands in their way.... so.

Good will win. We will see to that.
When they create the last great trauma to justify martial law. The local authorities will not carry it out when they see what they're being told to do.