How many jobs were lost in the coal industry under Obama?
your complaining
go get your own facts idiot
coal doesnt pay anymore dipshit
How many jobs were lost in the coal industry under Obama?
We had a decent economy despite 8 years of Obama the socialist.
Liberals will never give President Trump any credit.
go show the proof of your claim
not mouthpooping
USE FACTS to back your claims
Market is on the same trajectory that it was on when he became president.Did you give credit to Obama?
Why should it? He was on the fed for 5 years and most think there will be little change. But Obama put yellen in and that is not allowed by Trump. he is so jealous of Barack.
Because Trump was bragging about the market from the first week. What did he do?
How did Yellen create a bubble? Corporations have been buying back their stock for a long time. All the increased profits go to the top, while wages stagnate. Nearly all the stock money goes to the top. The tax breaks will enrich the top. This is what we are now. A county for the wealthy. This is not what America was supposed to be. The Kochs have won. The TRumps have won.
Fed chairman don't have that much power, since Greenspan fucked things up. She didn't do anything wrong. Playing with interest rates on quarter point increments is not earth shattering.