DOJ reviewing Zimmerman case

and if, as you said, he turned around and shot Zimmerman dead, would he still be doing nothing wrong?.......
Of course. Bein' black means you should be able to shoot someone, rob them, spill their brains on the sidewalk -- and no one is supposed to say or do a thing.

Seems the majority of black people are the most racist people in the nation, at least they're more racist than any redneck I've run across, and they're a bunch of goddamned crybabies to boot. All mourning 'the BIG LIE'. What a pathetic display.
Of course. Bein' black means you should be able to shoot someone, rob them, spill their brains on the sidewalk -- and no one is supposed to say or do a thing.

Seems the majority of black people are the most racist people in the nation, at least they're more racist than any redneck I've run across, and they're a bunch of goddamned crybabies to boot. All mourning 'the BIG LIE'. What a pathetic display.

You're just upset that no one wants to talk about the Holocaust.
You're just upset that no one wants to talk about the Holocaust.
Excuse me? I'm not Jewish. My name is simply a play on words.

Got anything to say about my post?

Didn't think so. I pretty much hit that nail right on the head.
Excuse me? I'm not Jewish. My name is simply a play on words.

Got anything to say about my post?

Didn't think so. I pretty much hit that nail right on the head.

Really?I don't normally respond to or pay attention to "all lies". Black people, the most racist and crybabies????___?___?

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Don't you have a cross burning to attend tonite? I heard they were having BBQ.
You'd better iron that sheet and hood in a hurry if you want to be on time.
I would rather have seen Trayvon turn around and shoot that Zimmerman bastard to death for following him than the way it turned out.

Of course all the idiots who support Zimmerman would be crying about Zimmerman being killed for doing nothing.
are you seriously advocating the theory that being FOLLOWED is grounds for killing someone? That you'd prefer dead white people instead of dead black people?
Really?I don't normally respond to or pay attention to "all lies". Black people, the most racist and crybabies????___?___?

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Don't you have a cross burning to attend tonite? I heard they were having BBQ.
You'd better iron that sheet and hood in a hurry if you want to be on time.
You are the flip-side of the KKK and have far more in common with them than I.

Own it.
bask in the glory of the republican partys great attempts at making inroads into new voting blocks