DOMA Is Unconstitutional

Except it's not a right; it's a word.

You Democrats are trying to make this into a civil rights issue so you can finally be on the right side of one, since you fucked up with equal rights for blacks, then for women. But sorry Charlie, it's a word, not a right.
The truth is, you are on the losing side of history just like the racists before you were. You don't have to like it. You don't personally ever have to acknowledge a same sex marriage as valid, but before you die, all fifty states will acknowledge them or be forced to by the full faith and credit clause. In 1847 no one would have thought that slaves would ever be free. In 1865 no one would have ever believed that black people would have the right to vote. In 1958, lots of people would have never thought that Black people would be allowed to legally marry white people. ALL those people were wrong and one day you will be as well. I look forward to that day, not so you will be wrong, but so that free people will be allowed to love and express that love freely.

Soc, not to derail your post but I had a question about a specific point you brought up. By 1847 I thought the slave trade had really started to die throughout the world and the South knew this? If one was aware of events around the world regarding slaves I don't think it unreasonable for one to think that the arch of slavery was ending and there would either soon or one day be no more slaves.
Equal Protection Under the law is the Right of ALL Americans. Check out the 5th and 14th Amendments. I know the South was FORCED into accepting the 14th, but it still stands!
Equal Protection Under the law is the Right of ALL Americans. Check out the 5th and 14th Amendments. I know the South was FORCED into accepting the 14th, but it still stands!

How do you justify affirmative action then legally? (not a rhetorical question and I'm not judging the moral merits of the program just strictly from a constitutional perspective)
Your words make you the biggest hypocrite here. "a law against killing people satisfy that balance"???? When you're all too willing to put a bullet in my head for beating your ass for following me?
yes, you giant fucktard, because following you is not a crime, whereas you trying to beat my ass would be. I realize that you're either too stupid to know this or just don't like it, but there it is.
Except it's not a right; it's a word.

You Democrats are trying to make this into a civil rights issue so you can finally be on the right side of one, since you fucked up with equal rights for blacks, then for women. But sorry Charlie, it's a word, not a right.

Um, yes, marriage IS a right. The Supreme Court says so, that's why prisoners can get married.

Here's more on the right to marriage:
Thought I'd repost this in case it got buried:

OOO!! Everyone! Try this -

Go to and type in something like LGBT or Lesbian or whatever in the search bar and hit enter.

Very cool!
How do you justify affirmative action then legally? (not a rhetorical question and I'm not judging the moral merits of the program just strictly from a constitutional perspective)

I don't see how AA, as it is used, violates the 5th or the 14th. If they made it illegal for whites to go to College... that would violate Due Process, but they aint done that yet.
I don't see how AA, as it is used, violates the 5th or the 14th. If they made it illegal for whites to go to College... that would violate Due Process, but they aint done that yet.

Saying one race should have an advantage other the race is equal protection under the law?
AA is addressing the fact that minority Americans have been more negatively impacted by poor schools, racism, perception, etc than whites have. So AA is attempting to help redress that prior inequity; trying to give minorities a level playing field, which is what our country believes in.

The Supreme Court has upheld it to some degree, so it's constitutional.

Over time, it should probably be shifted from race to income, at least for schooling.

But for govt contracts and whatnot, it's still a "good ol' boy" world, and minority and female contractors would get overlooked without AA.
Soc, not to derail your post but I had a question about a specific point you brought up. By 1847 I thought the slave trade had really started to die throughout the world and the South knew this? If one was aware of events around the world regarding slaves I don't think it unreasonable for one to think that the arch of slavery was ending and there would either soon or one day be no more slaves.
They didn't need a slave trade in the south. They were breeding their own. One more bright shiney aspect of the south.
AA is addressing the fact that minority Americans have been more negatively impacted by poor schools, racism, perception, etc than whites have. So AA is attempting to help redress that prior inequity; trying to give minorities a level playing field, which is what our country believes in.

The Supreme Court has upheld it to some degree, so it's constitutional.

Over time, it should probably be shifted from race to income, at least for schooling.

But for govt contracts and whatnot, it's still a "good ol' boy" world, and minority and female contractors would get overlooked without AA.

I'm well aware of the history of AA. Like I said I wasn't arguing AA's benefit as public policy or the moral argument behind it I was asking from strictly a legal perspective. If the argument is equality under the law how does benefitting one group or groups over another equal equality under the law?
So DY, your world is falling apart. The Federal Government will now recognise all gay marriages that took place in a state where such a marriage was legal, so if my friend lives in Florida but is married in Maine, when he returns to Florida after the wedding, he will still qualify for his husband's Marine Corps retirement benefits.

California's law defining marriage as between a man and a woman has been struck down and is no longer the law.

More states are following...

Soon, the S. Ct. will rule on the legality of any state outlawing same sex marriage, and I suspect Freedom will win, much like it was won with Federal intervention regarding the segregation issue. When that happens the remainder of DOMA will be gone and all states will be required to accept other state marriages as legal.

Soon, most states will voluntarily see the bigotry of the past and self correct, unlike how the South finally was forced to desegregate by the Federal Government.

That's why jb and I will be headed to NY in the next few weeks to tie the knot. w00t!
The truth is, you are on the losing side of history just like the racists before you were. You don't have to like it. You don't personally ever have to acknowledge a same sex marriage as valid, but before you die, all fifty states will acknowledge them or be forced to by the full faith and credit clause. In 1847 no one would have thought that slaves would ever be free. In 1865 no one would have ever believed that black people would have the right to vote. In 1958, lots of people would have never thought that Black people would be allowed to legally marry white people. ALL those people were wrong and one day you will be as well. I look forward to that day, not so you will be wrong, but so that free people will be allowed to love and express that love freely.
You're absolutely right. History is on the side of the Gay rights movement. Every time, not most of the time, not some of the time, not part of the time but EVERY TIME their has been drive in our nation to expand the bounds of liberty and freedom it has been opposed by reactionary forces and EVERY SINGLE TIME those reactionary forces have lost. They lost during the Revolutionary war, They lost during the Civil War, they lost during Progressive era, they lost the fight against womens suffrage, they lost during the New Deal era of the great deppresion, they lost during the Civil Rights era and they lost to the youth movement and womens liberation movement of the 70's. They have lost all of those and they will lose to the Gay rights movement too. The forces of freedom and liberty are just too powerful to be defeated by their countervailing forces of reactionism, ignorance, fear and bigotry.

God Bless America and may FREEDOM RING!!! :)