no worries
Verified User
I’m tired of lefties struggling to turn 1/6 into something it wasn’t.
All available evidence indicates it was riot that managed to expand into the Capitol and NOT an insurrection. It didn’t call for a military occupation of DC because it was ad hoc. There was never an organized threat against the government led by white Trump supporters. That was a lie.
It really doesn't matter what the "lefties" think, maybe a little, there maybe some in the jury.
"All available evidence'?
From what the FBI, secret service and other alphabet agencies are finding out, the actions, the actions were planned, in advance, by some, more to follow.
From the videos I've seen there weren't any "darkies" or "brownies" in the capitol.
Pasty white, except for the dude with a painted face and horns but he turned out to be white, an uncovered picture shows him meeting with Giuliani on 11/30/2020.
"Trial by combat"?