Donald Trump says some of Capitol rioters posed 'zero threat'

There may have been a few people who went in and left, once they saw the intentions of the others. I did see one video of a man pulling his girlfriend out, she didn’t want to leave. He realized it wasn’t a good thing. He was smarter than the majority inside the building.

This is another “very fine people” comment by Trump. He truly has his own reality.

which reality is not shared by the politically motivated insanity on the left......
I’m tired of lefties struggling to turn 1/6 into something it wasn’t.

All available evidence indicates it was riot that managed to expand into the Capitol and NOT an insurrection. It didn’t call for a military occupation of DC because it was ad hoc. There was never an organized threat against the government led by white Trump supporters. That was a lie.

Donald Trump has defended some of his supporters who rioted at the US Capitol on 6 January, saying they posed “zero threat” to the lawmakers who had assembled there to certify the electoral college vote that confirmed Joe Biden’s election victory.

Trump complained to Fox News’s Laura Ingraham that law enforcement was “persecuting” the Capitol rioters, while “nothing happens” to leftwing protesters. Five people, including a police officer, died in the riot.

Trump acknowledged that those who stormed the Capitol “went in and they shouldn’t have done it”. But he added: “Some of them went in and they’re, they’re hugging and kissing the police and the guards.
:whoa: You know, they had great relationships. A lot of the people were waved in and then they walked in and they walked out.”



Trump's own Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney basically said Trump is full of shit and that the threat posed by conservative protesters was real and deadly.
Donald Trump has defended some of his supporters who rioted at the US Capitol on 6 January, saying they posed “zero threat” to the lawmakers who had assembled there to certify the electoral college vote that confirmed Joe Biden’s election victory.

Trump complained to Fox News’s Laura Ingraham that law enforcement was “persecuting” the Capitol rioters, while “nothing happens” to leftwing protesters. Five people, including a police officer, died in the riot.

Trump acknowledged that those who stormed the Capitol “went in and they shouldn’t have done it”. But he added: “Some of them went in and they’re, they’re hugging and kissing the police and the guards.
:whoa: You know, they had great relationships. A lot of the people were waved in and then they walked in and they walked out.”




He is absolutely right. Not one person that did not cross the barriers pose a threat. Those that did should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
Oh I thought the topic of this thread was covering the Capital riot and how that was seditious and the comparison of how that is no different than attacking a Federal Courthouse.

Which is worse? Calling for the assassination of a sitting president or blowing up the White House or calling for the assassination of the Gov of Michigan? Also isn't Madonna wanting to blow up the White House encouraging sedition?

Funny to see you deleted your post saying I was right about MCN. :rofl2:

But in answer to the question, they are equally bad. I wouldn't hold one life more important than another because of the person's job.

When Madonna descends on the WH with bear spray and zip ties, get back to me. Talk is cheap. For all we know, she was investigated by the SS for her comments.
Funny to see you deleted your post saying I was right about MCN. :rofl2:

But in answer to the question, they are equally bad. I wouldn't hold one life more important than another because of the person's job.

When Madonna descends on the WH with bear spray and zip ties, get back to me. Talk is cheap. For all we know, she was investigated by the SS for her comments.

So its OK for Madonna to use rhetoric to incite others? Why do you think it would be OK to blow up the White House? Don't you think that is threatening the lives of the people in the White House? And don't you think threatening the life of the President of the United States is an act of insurrection? I think the office makes assassinating a President much more serious than assassinating a Governor. One destabilizes the whole country to other doesn't. I certainly hope Madonna was investigated her statement was VERY dangerous and irresponsible. . Johnny Depp also should have been investigated for saying it was time for an actor to assassinate the President .:rofl2:
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Question? Why didn't Trump issue a blanket pardon to the harmless capitol rioters?!!

Blanket clemency is clemency granted to multiple persons and can be in the form of a pardon, shortening of a prison sentence, or a commutation of a sentence, or a reprieve.
That is a good question. The answer is he didn't want are agree with what they did.
there wasn't a single person in DC on 1/6 who was overthrowing the government........time to remove your head from your ass......

So attacking the capital and trying to kill some politicians was not going to disrupt and change our system? The point was to prevent the certification of electoral college votes. What was going to happen after that? That is the definition of sedition. You are as usual, absolutely wrong. This was the worst act against the American system since the civil war.
What if the capitol people did not secrete the ballots in time? What if they caught politicians.
This was a terrible act of overthrow and rightys downplaying are wrong. This could have been even worse and it was horrible as it was. You forgive all transgressions by the right automatically. The real problem is you rightys. You do not know what you are doing. Essentially the right is involved in overthrowing America and giving power to the plutocrats.You are pawns of the billionaires and they want the plutocracy.
That is a good question. The answer is he didn't want are agree with what they did.

I think it's BS. trump asked them to come to DC and "take back their country." The jury's out on whether he *knew* the protest would turn into a riot but when it did, he waited a long time before trying to stop it. Finally he announced his half-a$$ed request to "go home, we love you, go in peace" blah blah blah. He didn't think they did anything wrong so there was nothing to pardon.
Fascinating that you cannot bring yourself to condemn them other than calling them "stupid." But not surprising, given that you (plural) also had trouble condemning the corruption of your #MalignantMessiah. A "few". Hahahaha!



I have no doubt that if they had gotten their hands on Pence, Pelosi, or any other elected ppl seen as "the enemy" as painted by your Gropingfuehrer, they would have suffered harm.

I've condemned them more often than I can recall. I've said everyone guilty of a crime should face the consequences. Pay attention.

LOL! Who'd put their hands on that old hag anyway? Trump! Trump! Trump (or whatever infantile name you call him, or us, for that matter)! No one was in serious danger. It was an unorganized gang of fools.
So its OK for Madonna to use rhetoric to incite others? Why do you think it would be OK to blow up the White House? Don't you think that is threatening the lives of the people in the White House? And don't you think threatening the life of the President of the United States is an act of insurrection? I think the office makes assassinating a President much more serious than assassinating a Governor. One destabilizes the whole country to other doesn't. I certainly hope Madonna was investigated her statement was VERY dangerous and irresponsible. . Johnny Depp also should have been investigated for saying it was time for an actor to assassinate the President .:rofl2:

I reread the posts trying to find where I said it was okay for Madonna to incite others and guess what, it was all in your head. Maybe I should put in my sig that I'm a pacifist who doesn't condone violence by any person for any reason... not by Madonna, not by MCN, not by the Michigan GOP.

You're measuring human life by different guidelines than I do. You're going by the office and I'm going by the person. The president's life is no more valuable than the governor's. I know what you're getting at, I just disagree with your whataboutism.