Donald Trump's Gains With Black Voters Have Been Wiped Out

Former president Donald Trump's gains with Black voters have been eroded since Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race and Vice President Kamala Harris became the expected Democratic nominee, according to polls.
Biden endorsed Harris shortly after announcing that he was ending his reelection bid on Sunday. It came after weeks of calls for him to step aside after a disastrous debate performance against Trump, the Republican nominee, raised concerns about his ability to win in November and serve a second term.
Top Democrats quickly coalesced around Harris and by Monday evening, she had secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party's nominee, The Associated Press reported.

Yep! This is why the MAGATs are running around with their hair on fire. The writing is on the wall of Trump's crypt.
78 years old is way too elderly to be president, and millennials and Gen X probably sense this better than MAGA morons.
I don't think 78 is too old to be a leader, but what matters is the voters' perception of age. There are many 80 year olds who present as energetic, sharp, involved. Most of us not so much. Voters want someone like themselves, only perhaps a bit older and wiser.

Like it or not, we are a perception-based culture.
I don't think 78 is too old to be a leader, but what matters is the voters' perception of age. There are many 80 year olds who present as energetic, sharp, involved. Most of us not so much. Voters want someone like themselves, only perhaps a bit older and wiser.

Like it or not, we are a perception-based culture.
Yes, perception is everything!

And Trump looks like he is scarred of a woman, madder than a skeeter in a Mannequin Factory, and looks as stupid, as a tattoo that reads, "I am with stupid" with a finger pointing up at himself!
I know times change and that includes political parties and voters. But this one still takes getting used to. For decades the uneducated (labor) was the core of the Democratic base. The party prided itself on saying it stood for the little guy, the working guy.

But through globalization and technological advancements labor lost its power. And today tech ( and its educated workers dominate) and they lean Democratic. And over the past decade there’s been a switch with more educated leaning Democrat and more working class people leaning Republican.

So to hear Democrats now mocking the working class (uneducated) takes some getting used to. And after hearing for basically my whole life that Republicans don’t care about the poor, to hear Democrats mock a Republican for loving the uneducated is a sort of mind fvxk.

Certainly the first two paragraphs are mostly true.

But the last paragraph (bold text) I think is kind off the mark or misses the point a little.

What I mean is that I don't think the mocking and ridicule is aimed so much at a lack of formal or higher education per se. It's aimed at willful, thick headed, obstinance, ignorance and refusal to be open minded about anything that even slightly hints of liberalism or conciliatory views/attitudes towards mostly social issues, but the rest as well.

I don't think Democrats/the left, mock Trumpers simply for not having completed a higher level of schooling.

We mock them for acting like they've had NONE.

And little or no upbringing either.

When I was a kid I, and I think most other kids, were taught to have empathy for other people, especially those less fortunate than us. Those on the right today act like they were taught none of that. They sneer and jeer and mock the poor and less fortunate.

And if those people are foreign immigrants, fuhgeddaboudit.

I think that kind of behavior is what you're seeing associated with the term "uneducated".

It's less about not having an education than it is acting like one might expect the uneducated to act.

And I think we've all known people with low levels of formal education who came across as being more intelligent than average and even more than some advanced degree holders.

I've known a couple myself personally.

Tom Petty, my favorite songwriter and musician of all time, dropped out of high school around the 11th grade and he came across as deep, wise and thoughtful.
Polls are friction created to drive the Regimes narratives and a lot of so called science the result is decided first, then the support is constructed.
Yep who is smarter, the electrician that can wire your home or the women's studies grad with 200k tuition debt.

Depends on what kind of smarter you're talking about.

There are different kinds of intelligence.

Someone can be a highly competent electrician while being a complete idiot about everything else.

The kind of thinking your post represents is so typical of the shallow, surface level thinking conservatives tend to engage in.

Never going below the surface of any subject to see or understand what factors might lie beneath.

Seems downright.... uneducated.

That's the feeling it EVOKES in me, anyway. 😆
Uneducated means you didn’t go to college (or graduate). One can be uneducated and smart. Hell some of these tech guys who dropped out of school early are brilliant.

People take different paths in life and it doesn’t always include college. Doesn’t make them worst people but by definition, uneducated.
I know a lot of self educated people. I consider them very well educated.

Trump went to college but on some topics he is clearly uneducated.

Former president Donald Trump's gains with Black voters have been eroded since Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race and Vice President Kamala Harris became the expected Democratic nominee, according to polls.
Biden endorsed Harris shortly after announcing that he was ending his reelection bid on Sunday. It came after weeks of calls for him to step aside after a disastrous debate performance against Trump, the Republican nominee, raised concerns about his ability to win in November and serve a second term.
Top Democrats quickly coalesced around Harris and by Monday evening, she had secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party's nominee, The Associated Press reported.

The only person who thought trump made significant gains with black voters, was trump. He might have upped the % to 17 or so, but that was mostly uneducated black males.

Black women were never going to be in trump's camp, and now they are motivated to show up on election day.
I wouldn’t say it was that clear cut, for decades the Democrats were heavily associated with ethnic groups, especially those centered in urban areas, not quite the same as the predominantly white rural less educated that support Trump
Pull up pictures of the current Congress and you will see which party represents whom.
I know times change and that includes political parties and voters. But this one still takes getting used to. For decades the uneducated (labor) was the core of the Democratic base. The party prided itself on saying it stood for the little guy, the working guy.

But through globalization and technological advancements labor lost its power. And today tech ( and its educated workers dominate) and they lean Democratic. And over the past decade there’s been a switch with more educated leaning Democrat and more working class people leaning Republican.

So to hear Democrats now mocking the working class (uneducated) takes some getting used to. And after hearing for basically my whole life that Republicans don’t care about the poor, to hear Democrats mock a Republican for loving the uneducated is a sort of mind fvxk.
^ We know trump doesn't really care about the poor and uneducated and we're mocking his lies. trump fleeced a lot of poor and uneducated with his trump university grift, not to mention all the times he defrauded working people of their wages and screwed them over.
The only person who thought trump made significant gains with black voters, was trump. He might have upped the % to 17 or so, but that was mostly uneducated black males.

Black women were never going to be in trump's camp, and now they are motivated to show up on election day.
I've heard MAGA morons and other conservatives hollering for 30 years that the GOP is right on the verge of making substantial inroads into the black electorate.

Some black voters can probably be whipped into a frenzy of grievance about immigrants, undocumented aliens, asylum seekers, LGBTQ, drag shows as white MAGA morons can be.

But that is not a sustainable political philosophy.