Donald Trump's Gains With Black Voters Have Been Wiped Out

I know a lot of self educated people. I consider them very well educated.

Trump went to college but on some topics he is clearly uneducated.
We judge people based on whether they have a college degree or not (and tend to look down upon those who don’t). I 100% agree, especially in this era with the internet, that one does not need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars and sit in a University classroom to become educated.

One doesn’t need to go to college to become a voracious reader. There are also outside classes people can take that don’t lead a degree but gain knowledge of a subject.

But because of Trump’s comment, and the idea that some of those uneducated people may vote him, people have really started sh*tting on the uneducated.
Trump went to college but on some topics he is clearly uneducated.

Trump apparently hired someone to take the entrance exam for Wharton for him. He is massively uneducated. One can tell that from simply listening to his speeches.

Trump is a showman. That's actually a REAL SKILL of significant value to him. It has allowed him to just barely outperform the stock market with his inheritance over the last 50 or so years. Once dad kicked the bucket and DJT got tons of $$$ he's been able to parlay it into a fortune that would only be matched if he had sat on his ever-widening ass and plowed the money into the stock market and done nothing else.

Trump DOES know TV ratings and how to hold an audience. That should never be denigrated as a "less-than" skill. It's served him EXTREMELY well in politics. He's been able to amass and coalesce a vast untapped reservoir of gullibility and low-information to make some significant changes to the face of American polity.
We judge people based on whether they have a college degree or not (and tend to look down upon those who don’t). I 100% agree, especially in this era with the internet, that one does not need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars and sit in a University classroom to become educated.

One doesn’t need to go to college to become a voracious reader. There are also outside classes people can take that don’t lead a degree but gain knowledge of a subject.

But because of Trump’s comment, and the idea that some of those uneducated people may vote him, people have really started sh*tting on the uneducated.
You and I have a different definition of “uneducated”.

Using my definition (College education not required), the educated people I know are almost never Trumppers.
Trump apparently hired someone to take the entrance exam for Wharton for him. He is massively uneducated. One can tell that from simply listening to his speeches.

Trump is a showman. That's actually a REAL SKILL of significant value to him. It has allowed him to just barely outperform the stock market with his inheritance over the last 50 or so years. Once dad kicked the bucket and DJT got tons of $$$ he's been able to parlay it into a fortune that would only be matched if he had sat on his ever-widening ass and plowed the money into the stock market and done nothing else.

Trump DOES know TV ratings and how to hold an audience. That should never be denigrated as a "less-than" skill. It's served him EXTREMELY well in politics. He's been able to amass and coalesce a vast untapped reservoir of gullibility and low-information to make some significant changes to the face of American polity.
We all have different skills.
We all have different skills.

Totally agree. And Trump's skill should NEVER be taken as anything less than dead serious. He's been able to foment a movement, a movement that almost destroyed the American system of government on Jan 6 all through his manipulation of base human emotions and appeals to the disaffected. He's actually a MASTER of his craft and his craft can, indeed, lead to very bad outcomes.
Totally agree. And Trump's skill should NEVER be taken as anything less than dead serious. He's been able to foment a movement, a movement that almost destroyed the American system of government on Jan 6 all through his manipulation of base human emotions and appeals to the disaffected. He's actually a MASTER of his craft and his craft can, indeed, lead to very bad outcomes.
Yes, he is skilled at manipulating a type of person, but has no concept of Democracy or Government, other than pure personal power. The authoritarian needs no understanding of Democracy, because his power comes from manipulation, trickery or violence, not consent.
You and I have a different definition of “uneducated”.

Using my definition (College education not required), the educated people I know are almost never Trumppers.
You’re correct because I don’t view someone being educated or uneducated based on how they vote.

A decent number of jobs require a college degree. I picture someone applying trying to say “I don’t have a degree but this is how I vote so therefore I’m actually educated and the degree requirement shouldn’t apply to me”.

I have a hard time seeing that fly.
I've heard MAGA morons and other conservatives hollering for 30 years that the GOP is right on the verge of making substantial inroads into the black electorate.

Some black voters can probably be whipped into a frenzy of grievance about immigrants, undocumented aliens, asylum seekers, LGBTQ, drag shows as white MAGA morons can be.

But that is not a sustainable political philosophy.
Exactly. Uneducated men. Black women were never in trump's camp.
Maybe the Republicans should have tried the sustainable democratic philosophy (towards black voters) of victim hood and oppression.

Go back and look at Bernie’s campaign. He was about getting a multi-racial, multi-ethnic majority working to create a political revolution. He got push back from a number of black voters because that was deemed a more color blind approach.

Biden, for example, didn’t play that game. He spoke regularly about white supremacy holding down the black man and look at some his comments over the years from “they want to put you back in chains y’all” to “you ain’t black” to his speech at Morehouse and how black people aren’t wanted in America etc.

Great political philosophy (albeit a successful one).
You’re correct because I don’t view someone being educated or uneducated based on how they vote.

A decent number of jobs require a college degree. I picture someone applying trying to say “I don’t have a degree but this is how I vote so therefore I’m actually educated and the degree requirement shouldn’t apply to me”.

I have a hard time seeing that fly.
I do not view someone being educated or uneducated based on how they vote, but I do notice trends.
I do not view someone being educated or uneducated based on how they vote, but I do notice trends.
Sure, for a long time Republicans won the college educated vote but in the past decade that has started to change. Thus the anti uneducated people rhetoric we’re starting to hear.

Mott, unfortunately, doesn’t post much anymore. But he’s a Democrat and has rural Ohio roots. He’s talked about people he knows who may not be the most sophisticated (they’re not eating at Michelin star restaurants and spending their time in NYC at MOMA) but they are salt of the earth and would give you the shirt off their back. And he spoke about how he felt Democrats have abandoned those types in pursuit of the higher educated more urban types. And again, you can see it in the rhetoric used towards those types.
Sure, for a long time Republicans won the college educated vote but in the past decade that has started to change. Thus the anti uneducated people rhetoric we’re starting to hear.

Mott, unfortunately, doesn’t post much anymore. But he’s a Democrat and has rural Ohio roots. He’s talked about people he knows who may not be the most sophisticated (they’re not eating at Michelin star restaurants and spending their time in NYC at MOMA) but they are salt of the earth and would give you the shirt off their back. And he spoke about how he felt Democrats have abandoned those types in pursuit of the higher educated more urban types. And again, you can see it in the rhetoric used towards those types.
That is probably true. I come from a long line of traditionally educated folks, my parents were Republican until the 60’s. My Alabama grandparents were democrats until the late 60’s. The Civil Rights Acts caused all of them to switch.