Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

792. Kenya Mall shooting is a false flag (10/4/2013)

Symptoms Western intelligence is behind this case.

(1) The Feds used to recruit terrorists in domestic community. I have alleged Tsarnaev Brothers were recruited to penetrate Chechen rebel group. In this terror case, though there were only four attackers, British and US were all involved in.

James Norton 10/4/2013

On Monday, Al Shabab claimed via Twitter that three of the attackers were America-based, with two of them coming from Minnesota, whose Twin City area has one of the largest Somali communities in the United States, with more than 80,000 people.

Interpol launches global hunt for British 'White Widow'


London (AFP) - The British woman dubbed the "White Widow" was at the centre of a worldwide hunt on Thursday after Interpol issued an international arrest notice in the wake of the Kenya shopping mall attack.

Only 4 Attackers Seen In Footage Of Kenya's Westgate Mall, Government Initially Estimated 10 To 15

White widow was said to be related to the London 7/7 bombing which was also regarded as a false flag case.

2. The owner of Westgate Mall could be tracked to 911 attack. It seems a make money style for them.

24 September 2013

It wasn't possible to prove the exact shareholding but one of the directors of the Westgate mall is one Israeli citizen, Frank Lowy. An Israeli with the same name had an interesting relationship with Larry Silverstein properties. Yes, the one and only Silverstein who owned the World Trade Complex and managed to double his insurance payout.

Silverstein and Westfield America insured the complex for $3.55 billion, but after the attacks of September 11 lodged a claim for $7.1 billion on the premise that each plane collision constituted a separate act of terrorism, doubling the payout. Most people know about "Lucky"Larry Silverstein's part in 9/11 and his dubious connections to Binyamin Netanyahu et al, but not much has been reported on Lowy, so let's have a look.

3. In 911 attack, none of 19 hijackers was from Iraq, Afghan or Iran, they were mostly from friendly countries of US. 16 of them were Saudis. That strange fact acknowledged me that when the Feds is to commit a crime, they used to choose a place that they could control- either it’s an ally or a puppet. Kenya is a puppet. They would do everythig to cover up the crime US committed.

In 1998, there was a big embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya. That terror attack first introduced Al Qaida and Bin Laden to the world. It justified the 911 attack three years later. After 15 years, they arranged another terror attack. Which is used to justify a domestic terror attack in US, I think.

793. Shopping center’s shooting and October plot (10/8/2013)

The news said that three of the Kenya mall attackers were America-based. (see #792) It raises a question why did they take that much trouble to transfer some of their members from America to Africa. They haven’t had any people there? No, there are plenty of them. Yesterday, news reported that US Seals raided a terrorist base in Somalia. The mission failed because there was a strong resist. The terrorists have a force strong enough to repulse Seals’ attack couldn’t find three men in Mall attack and need aid from US? It’s ridiculous.

What is the main target of Al Qaida?

Al Qaeda calls for attacks inside United States


DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri urged small-scale attacks inside the United States to "bleed America economically", adding he hoped eventually to see a more significant strike, according to the SITE monitoring service.

Yet they attacked a Kenya mall. I think it was a false flag terror attack and would be used to justify a big terror attack in US. I try to stay at home but have to go out to buy food. I worry about a shopping center’s shooting spree. The Feds have a large amount of houses holding in my case. They are eager to finish the case so they can release those real estates property. The original schedule was it could be resolved before September. (before FBI Chief Robert Mueller’s stepping down) We saw Bernanke had promised to taper Q.E. in September. The plan went soured, now everything is pending: the time to taper Q.E.; the candidate of new Federal Reserve Chair; probably also the limit of new national debt ceiling.

New plot in October. My wife has been arranged a trip to Japan next week (10/14 )- A bargain trip to lure her as usual – incredible more is that she could have two hundred dollars discount on air ticket if she could take an extra tour to Shanghai. (less money for extra tour) Consider Chinese secret police has long history to collaborate with the Feds in my case, this is obviously another trap. Assassination or framing a case, I don’t know.

November 2nd, was the due date of property tax. Today is 10/8, we haven’t got the bill yet. It should be mailed one month earlier before due date. My house is the target of the Feds. To seize the house in the name of failure to pay tax due is their trick, when in their plan the owners are going to be eliminated.
794. Debt ceiling crisis and October plot (10/16/2013)

While I am worrying about my wife’s travel to China (from 10/14 to 10/23), I think the Feds and Chinese secret police would frame a case on her, I suddenly realize another event, the debt ceiling deadline, is related to it.

As I have always found, the Feds used to create big event to distract if the framing case on me would break out. Since it is a framing case, there will be a lot of unreasonable search and arrest, murder to silence the witness. So they need large case to transfer public’s attention. The case could be natural disaster, epidemic, terror attack and war.

The recent one for September plot was Syria war crisis. War on Syria was almost happened in September in excuse of “Chemical weapon war crime”. The crisis was avoided after Syria offered to abandon the chemical weapon. Another traditional excuse for war on Iran is also diminished when new regime of Iran offered concession on its nuclear ambition. Now it’s difficult for the Feds to use war to distract.

They find another one – economic crisis. That’s the deadline of debt ceiling on 10/17 which is coincident to my wife’s trip. If the US debt go default, it surely will cause a hurricane in US economy and in world’s as well. It can play a well substitution of war. With “social security check can’t be issued”, “welfare postponed”, the impact to American society would be bigger than war. That’s why media beat the drum on this crisis – to make it big if the elimination of Kat Sung case goes through.

Two main actors of this show – Obama and House Republicans, make it look like a real political argument. They don’t care if the US will fall into a financial cliff because they don’t work for the American people but for the Feds. That’s the truth of US politics. Politicians are not elected by people but are selected by the Feds because the Feds control voting system and they make the election result reasonable by fake poll because they also control the media.

Republicans are controlled by the Feds. The typical story was the passing through of Obama care in Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Roberts is a conservative stronghold. Under pressure of the Feds, he had to vote against his will. (See #726, 746, 756.) That event also relates to my case.

The debt ceiling argument will be maintained as a procedure of my case. The recent elimination plot likely is a shopping center shooting death which justified by Kenya shopping mall shooting, I think.

795. Debt ceiling crisis continues and shopping mall shooting (10/20/2013)

It happens just as what I have said, the government maintains that big financial crisis – move it to three months later.
The framework negotiated by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would fund the government through Jan. 15, 2014, and suspend the debt limit until Feb. 7, setting up another round of confrontations.

Though both parties and Obama are criticized for playing politics and leave public interest alone, they don’t care. They just follow their master’s order. It means if the Feds succeeded in their next plot, the Americans will face a big financial turmoil early next year.

I also allege that “Kenya Mall massacre” was created by the Feds to justify a “shopping center shooting spree” in US. I had experience of “attempt murder in bank robbery” (see #402, 404, 561 562) .so I try to go shopping when bank closed – in holiday or in evening. California Market was a Chinese supermarket I used to go which located at Landess Ave cross with Morrill Ave. (2 in map) started from later last year, California market shrank gradually (only part of it was opened) so I had to turn on to the Sea Food City cross the street which supplies food for Philippines’. (1 in map).


In later March this year, a news rattled me. A bank was robbed continuously in Season’s Market Place. It was the market where Sea Food City located. (see “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”) I didn’t notice there was a bank in that place. I asked people, they told me it might be on business started from last year. I found that US Bank is just next door to the supermarket. I also found it open to business on weekends too. I think all these were manipulated by the Feds. They arranged a bank for bank robbery shooting trap. To force me go there they shut down the other supermarket I used to go. It was lucky for me that I used to go there later on Sundays. US bank closes at 3 p.m. on Sunday.

California Market closed in April, (a coincidence with April plot marked with Boston bombing), it remains unchanged until September. On Oct. 6, it reopened. It was a hurry up opening. I didn’t go inside. Kenya mall shooting just happened. Would there be another trap?
796. Kenya and Al Shabab are US puppets (10/28/2013)

Kenya blames US, Israeli intelligence for no heads-up on Nairobi attack

DEBKA file Special Report September 26, 2013

President Uhuru Kenyatta is quoted as blaming the United States and Israel, in conversation with his confidants, for the failure of their undercover agencies to prevent the large-scale terrorist attack launched on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi on Sept. 21, DEBKA file reports. He said he had counted on them for a heads-up to thwart an attack, instead of which both the Americans and Israelis were as much in the dark as his own security agencies.

Why Kenya doesn't blame others such like U.N. or France or Russia? Obviously Kenya has sold its sovereignty to US and Israel already and let them to handle its security. He also couldn't imagine they would apply a false flag case on his country.

James Norton 10/4/2013

On Monday, Al Shabab claimed via Twitter that three of the attackers were America-based, with two of them coming from Minnesota, whose Twin City area has one of the largest Somali communities in the United States, with more than 80,000 people.

Kenya identifies mall attackers, including American
By Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, CNN , Mon October 7, 2013

(CNN) -- A spokesman for the Kenya Defense Forces has identified four terrorists who took part in the deadly Nairobi mall attack last month.

They are: Khattab al-Kene, an American Somali; Abu Baara al-Sudani, from Sudan; Omar Nabhan, from Kenya; and a man identified only as Umayr.

The four died when the part of the mall they were in collapsed, Maj. Emmanuel Chirchir said.

Al Shabab and Kenya government, both are puppets work for US. The purpose of the mastermind was to justify a domestic terrorist shooting in US. That was why at the beginning both said Americans were involved and even gave the name. They worked to the plan their master given them.

The similar case was the one in April – Boston Marathon bombing. Both were attempted to justify a big slaughter in public place – either a bombing or a shooting spree. The performers are Islamist – either it’s from Chechen or Somalia. The final goal is to eliminate Kat Sung.

797. The mastermind of Kenya Mall attack is the Feds (11/1/2013)

On Oct. 11, ABC had a news that was conflict with the previous “attackers identified” reports.

Kenya Mall Attackers' Bodies Still Not Found
NAIROBI, Kenya October 11, 2013 (AP) By JASON STRAZIUSO Associated Press

A Western official briefed on the Kenya mall attack investigation says the bodies of the attackers have not been found.

Investigators, including FBI agents, are working their way through the collapsed mall rubble following the four-day siege on Westgate Mall that began Sept. 21. At least 67 people died in the attack.

The official said Friday that the attackers' bodies could be under the rubble but that it's not yet confirmed.

Why there was such a contradiction? I think that was a response to my question on Oct. 8.

793. Shopping center’s shooting and October plot (10/8/2013)

The news said that three of the Kenya mall attackers were America-based. (see #792) It raises a question why did they take that much trouble to transfer some of their members from America to Africa. They haven’t had any people there? No, there are plenty of them. Yesterday, news reported that US Seals raided a terrorist base in Somalia. The mission failed because there was a strong resist. The terrorists have a force strong enough to repulse Seals’ attack couldn’t find three men in Mall attack and need aid from US? It’s ridiculous. …..

Yet they attacked a Kenya mall. I think it was a false flag terror attack and would be used to justify a big terror attack in US.

My conclusion hit the nail. They couldn’t answer the question. To make the Kenya attack more reasonable they changed the story. Now it becomes:

Suspect in Kenya mall attack said to be a Somali-born Norwegian

By Robyn Dixon and Alexandra Sandels October 18, 2013, 12:01 p.m.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Kenyan and Norwegian authorities are investigating the possible involvement of a 23-year-old Somali-born Norwegian in a devastating attack last month on a shopping mall in Kenya, officials said Friday.,0,5523435.story#axzz2iZU0NcGs

Then we saw the “White Widow” from Britain, American attackers from Minnesota Somali community, 23-year-old Somali-born Norwegian were alleged to be “Mall attackers”. Does Al Shabab has such an ability to control Al Qaeda terrorists all over the world? Think about it – who has such ability to control Kenyan and Norwegian authorities, Interpol, British police, media, and Al Shabab. NSA says it targets on terrorists only. But it seems NSA is more efficient to monitor its allies and civilians than on terrorists. What has it done in Kenya mall attack since it was likely done by “international brigade”. Did Al Shabab deliver information by mind communication to avoid interception?

The whole case was full of flaws. To repair the loophole they push out their asset one by another. It just exposes who the mastermind is.
798. Axis of evil (11/9/2013)

A reader asks, “Katsung, just why are you so dangerous the Feds would go bonkers in a mall in Kenya and play debt ceiling roulette with the economy to bring you down?”

That’s because my analysis was so true that the Feds couldn’t stand with it. In this Kenya shopping mall shooting case, three western countries were reported to be related with it.

1. Britain.
“Interpol launches global hunt for British 'White Widow'

2. U.S..
“James Norton 10/4/2013
On Monday, Al Shabab claimed via Twitter that three of the attackers were America-based, with two of them coming from Minnesota,

3. Norway.
“Suspect in Kenya mall attack said to be a Somali-born Norwegian

By Robyn Dixon and Alexandra Sandels October 18, 2013, 12:01 p.m.,0,5523435.story#axzz2iZU0NcGs

I have revealed all these three countries playing false flag terror attack and the Feds was the mastermind behind it.

327. London bombing (7/12/05)
679. Norway massacre and Virginia Tech massacre (8/4/2011)

I also discovered that there was a common characteristic for those three evil forces when they committed a false flag terror attack. They all arranged a drill identical to the real attack. That helped the success of the criminal case. The police and security would misunderstand the real terror attack as the drill they were informed beforehand. The perpetrators could pretend to be drill practitioners even if they were captured.

688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)

7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?
by Michel Chossudovsky August 8, 2005
A fictional "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005.

Was the NRO's 9/11 Drill Just a Coincidence?

Posted By: ChristopherBollyn Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2002 16:24:12

Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack
• Kurt Nimmo August 26, 2011

In #688, the sample I took were Britain, US and Norway. In Kenya shopping mall shooting case, the three references to confirm the attackers are magically the same musketeers again. It is not a coincidence. I would say again that my observation is very true and correct. The criminals are afraid of it.

799. D.C. Navy Yard shooting and mind control (11/13/2013)

On Sept. 16, there was a shooting case in Washington Navy Yard where 12 people died. I allege it was conducted by the Feds – to create an atmosphere that crazy men are everywhere to shoot people. September is the month when former FBI Chief Robert Mueller stepping down. He had an unfinished mission – eliminate Kat Sung. He would take the responsibility for abusing power. Then there was Kenya shooting case that furthermore to specify the shooting case would happen in shopping mall.

Of course, the D.C. shooter has been hinted having mental problem.

FBI: D.C. shooter delusional Sep-25-2013 –

Aaron Alexis, the man who went on the deadly shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, was under the "delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by electro-magnetic waves," the FBI's Valerie Parlave said Wednesday.

Phrases were also scrawled onto Alexis' shotgun, Parlave said. They read: "End to the torment," "Not what y'all say," and "Better off this way."

He also wrote "My ELF weapon," which is believed to be a reference to "extremely low frequency or ELF electro-magnetic waves."

Also, the FBI said, a document retrieved from the shooter's electronic media said: "Ultra low frequency attack is what I've been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this."

"ELF technology was a legitimate program for Naval sub-tonal submarine communications," Parlave said. "However, conspiracy theories exist which misinterpret its application as the weaponization of remote neural frequencies for government monitoring and manipulation of unsuspecting citizens."

Aaron Alexis – the shooter – thought he himself was a victim of E.M. wave attack.

CBS News Admits Navy Yard Shooter Possibly a Victim of Mind Control

sought help in two hospitals. Aug. 23 visited VA emergency room complainging of insomnia. received medication helping sleep. Aug. 28: Washington, DC, refilled sleep medication. he never sought an appointment from a mental health specialist...:

I think Mr. Alexis’s words is believable. I have long time experience of being attacked by E.M. wave.

See: “#12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)”- an EM wave that imitates human brain’s sleeping wave.

Here is a rare leaking from media.

#84. Mind read and mind control

, "NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airports
By Frank J. Murray

Airport security screeners may soon try to read the minds of travelers to identify terrorists.

Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have told Northwest Airlines security specialists that the agency is developing brain-monitoring devices in cooperation with a commercial firm, which it did not identify.

Space technology would be adapted to receive and analyze brain-wave and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data into computerized programs "to detect passengers who potentially might pose a threat," according to briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times.""
800. E.M. wave weapon (11/21/2013)

Mr. Alexis apparently suffered E.M. wave attack. He not only went to hospital but also asked for help from police.

FBI: Navy Yard gunman left note about radio waves

By Eric Tucker, Associated Press September 25th, 2013

The attack came one month after Alexis had complained to police in Rhode Island that people were talking to him through the walls and ceilings of his hotel room and sending microwave vibrations into his body to deprive him of sleep.

On his shotgun, he had scrawled "My ELF Weapon!" – an apparent reference to extremely low-frequency waves – along with "End to the Torment!" "Not what yall say" and "Better off this way!" the FBI said.

He got no help to resolve his problem. After three months torture, he chose to end his life in a shooting case. I understand he was in despair. I had same experience. While suffered from E.M. wave attack from the Feds, I visited different department of government. Finally, the Federal attorney suggested me to ask help from the local police. The San Jose police said they need solid evidence – such like a bullet. That left it impossible to complain E.M. wave attack.

In 1994-95 and 1999-2000, twice I left US to dodge the persecution of the Feds. In 2001, the Feds created 911 attack and got the Patriot Act to control the airport with TSA. Later I realized that I am besieged in US while I was denied to enter Canada in September 2009 and next month there was Operation Fast and Furious – an intimidation that they had turned Mexico into a killing field.

E.M. wave weapon does exist and is widely used by the Feds because it’s hard to be detected and easy to deny the crime they committed. Here is their admittance.

Statement by Lieutenant General Robert L. Schweitzer
U.S. Army (Retired)

before the Joint Economic Committee
United States Congress

June 17, 1997
Radio Frequency Weapons and the Infrastructure

Well suited to covert operations because of lack of signature; deniability
Not able to detect attacks; silent when used without explosive devices

I think the best way to resist such fascist persecution is to reveal its truth. I think my revelation is so true that they organized so many big operations in order to eliminate me. I talked about E.M. wave weapon many times. Here are some to review:

470. Strong EM wave radiation and February plot (3/3/07);
471. The death related to EM wave radiation (3/8/07);
472. Radio frequency weapon that causes vomit (3/13/07);
473. EM wave torture (3/18/07).

801. Assassination of J.F.K. (11/25/2013)

Yesterday I posted a comment about JFK’s death in Yahoo news. Several minutes later, my comment disappeared from the news comment. I put it here.

You all fall into the trap the mastermind set up for you. Oswald, Johnson, Mafia, Castro….. Did they have ability to organize such a big plot? Think bigger. It is an organization that controls Secret Service, media, lawmakers, police force. That’s why after 50 years, people are still lose in dense fog.

1. Warren Commission was used to cover up the plot. Just like 911 commission used to cover up the truth of 911 attack.

2. Kill Kennedy family members to prevent them to re-gain political power to start a real investigation of J.F.K.’s death.

Robert Kennedy was assassinated when he joined the president campaign. Edward Kennedy suffered a scandal attack and had to drop the president campaign.

I also allege Kennedy’s wife Jacqueline Kennedy and his son John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were murdered because they had great political influence. I believe their death had connection to my story.

In early 1990s when I was still very innocent about US political system and believed it was a democratic society, I complained to a lot of people that I had become a murder target of the Feds. Then the Feds had a message to me: “So what, they (the Feds) even killed President Kennedy.” (see “17. They killed President Kennedy”) The intimidation hadn’t stopped my complaint but added “they killed President Kennedy” to the story.

As the Feds intensified the persecution, I left US twice. Each time Kennedy family lost an important member.

1. I left for China in 1994. Jacqueline died after I planned the China trip. I started to suspect it might relate to the intimidation from the Feds. It was too coincident.

2. Next time it was 1999 when I went to Hong Kong and planned to drift into South East Asia. I learned the death of Jr. Kennedy. It convinced my allegation – the Feds worry that I would reveal their crime of murdering President Kennedy, in abroad they were not able to control the media as they did in domestic US. To prevent a possible reaction from Kennedy family, they kill the main figures of the family in advance.

Edward Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy died of cancer. In my description, there were many murdering method through slow poison. The victim targeted were fed to sick gradually, when the time coming they only need to increase the dose to make the death like a natural one.

Jr. Kennedy was too young to die in this way. So he died in an accident. Long time ago when I started to learn something about the E.M. sleep wave, I had read such a news. Air Force lost a plane in a train. The commander center lost its trace. Sometime later, they found the wreckage in a far, far away mountain area. Apparently, the plane exhausted all its fuel and crashed there. Since the pilot was a black man. I thought it was a test to use sleep wave instrument as a weapon. When the pilot felt sleepy, he opened auto pilot instrument. He took a nod, hoping it could help him to overcome the sleepy but could never wake up. The sleeping wave was irresistible – to my experience. If you are driving a car, you may park your car at roadside before you go to sleep, but you can’t park a plane in the air.

I think Jr. Kennedy died in a similar murder plot.
802. Heart attack and E.M. wave (12/2/2013)

Twenty years ago, I suffered microwave attack. The Feds installed the killing machine in the car. After two hours radiation of low dose microwave, the blood cell died and solidify into blood clots. (see #5. Microwave killing) When the clot moves to the heart, there is a heart attack; when it moves to the lung, the lung collapsed; when it moves to the brain, there will be a stroke. The process from radiation to heart attack takes about three hours.

After twenty years development, the Feds have improved their killing technique. It took two hours radiation to kill two decades ago. Now it takes only a few seconds.

About two months ago, I went to Save Mart to shopping food by bicycle. In entrance way to Parking lot, there parked a strange vehicle. At first glance, I thought it was a fire tracker because it was in red color. But it was in a strange shape with some silver pipes to make it more like an antique car. What caught my notice was that part of parking lot which was nearby that red strange tracker was circled by stripe. It looked like they had just painted the white parking line on the ground. About three hours later, I felt a breast pain which I experienced twenty years ago. I immediately thought of that strange car and emptied nearby parking lot. I allege the strange car generates killing E.M. wave. Since the Feds bought nearly all houses in the area, the customers used to be scarce. Mostly they are informants. Still they divided a safety area. Of course, there was no people at the scene.

What alarmed me was the killing application lasted only a few seconds. I passed by that strange vehicle by riding a bicycle. They must have found the most lethal frequency of E.M. wave. I had no particular feeling when I passed that killing field. Just one thing remains the same – it takes about three hours for blood cell to solidify to clot after the radiation.

The new experience convinced me two murder attempts.

1. Former President of China - Jiang Zemin was almost died of a heart attack.

.Jiang Zemin death rumours spark China web crackdown

7 July 2011

Rumours that 84-year-old Jiang Zemin was dead or dying resurfaced after he failed to appear at a key Communist Party event on Friday.

2. Former President of North Korea, Kim Jong-il died of heart attack.
Did Kim Jong-il die in his bed rather than on his train?

Rumour surrounds the North Korean leader's death as South Korean intelligence experts question the official statement

Tania Branigan in Beijing, Wednesday 21 December 2011

I think the Feds have delivered their new killing technique to their collaborator Chinese secret police. Be noticed the time of two rumours taking place.

When they could shorten the killing to a few seconds, to make a “natural death” of a president is no longer a difficulty.

803. E.M.wave killing trap in a super market (12/6/2013)

On 12/1 last Sunday I went to “Sea Food City” to buy some food, then I went to another super market. I used to diversify my food sources from different markets to reduce the risk of poisoned food.

There is a cooked food cabinet at the entrance of that super market. I could see quite some people eating food there from outside. So I went in. As usual I went around the whole market. Found nothing worth to buy, I left. Several hours later, I felt a breast pain. I knew I had fallen in a trap of E.M.wave radiation which the Feds set up in the super market. When I was in the rear part of the market, there were no people there. I was impressed by that scene because it was a strong comparison to the entrance. It was easy to arrange some informants (or actors as people used to say) at entrance to create a false impression for people.

I used to shopping on Sundays to avoid an “accident shooting death” of a “bank robbery”. The stores I used to attend are limited because I go by bicycle. So they could pick up one which has less customers but would be attended by me to set up such a trap. The super markets in my area have less customers than average because the normal residents had moved away. The super market had a re-model just two months ago. This was the second attempt within two months.

I was lucky enough to survive from this E.M.wave attack. I wrote “802. Heart attack and E.M. wave (12/2/2013)” right away the next day.
804. Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper (2/13/2013)
Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News 12/10/2013

The generous mystery tipper who has been leaving waiters and waitresses across the country thousands of dollars in "Tips for Jesus" — and stamped with the @tipsforjesus handle — was identified by a New York City waiter as Jack Selby, former PayPal vice president.


When I saw the signature of the receipt is “God”, (see above picture) I know what that mystery tipper is. That God has had got George Bush his second term of president.

As God Told Me ...
By Rebecca Leung February 11, 2009 8:14 PM

Here's Pat Robertson's exact quote: "I think George Bush is going to win in a walk. I'm hearing from the Lord that it's going to be a blowout."

That God also pushed war on Iraq.

God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers

Date: 06.10.2005

President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.

I had an analysis how they pushed for the Iraq war by DC sniper shooting. Here is a quote from #129):
The sniper spree started at the same day when the bill (H.J. res 114) "authorizing the use of armed force against Iraq" was introduced to the House. Six deaths within first 28 hours shocked the country, especially those lived in the DC area. Senators were warned it was dangerous to be in golf field. The shooting continued, maintained a terror pressure on politicians. On Oct. 11, 9:30 am, the eleventh shooting made a last push on Senators. Later that day, Senate passed the bill.
(see #104,105,108,115,116,118,126,128,129)

Most surprise thing was the sniper called himself “God”.

Fact sheet: What is known about the sniper
Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Investigators found a spent shell and a tarot card in a wooded area around the shooting at a Bowie, Maryland, middle school. The Tarot's "Death" card had a handwritten message on it: "Dear Policeman, I am God." (About Tarot cards)

At that time, I thought it was because they thought they could never be caught, because they were in charge of the investigation. Mohammad became the scapegoat.

What makes the “God” distribute tips this time instead of shooting bullets?

805. Payment to informants (12/17/2013)

In 1994, to avoid the continuous E.M. wave attack, I went to Shanghai. I met with my cousin – a playmate in my childrenhood. I told him about my story. He often invited me to his home for a family gathering. I had a video camera he was very interested in. China is prospering after it getting membership of WMD in 2001. In 1990s, video camera and computer were still luxuries in China. Several months later, he showed me with a new video camera. It was a high end camera, much better than mine. I was surprised, my cousin was a thrifty man.

In May, 1995, my visa extending proposal was rejected by Chinese government. The day before my leaving I went to his home to say good bye. I found he and his son were unpacking a box. It was a computer. They also got two new bicycles. The new bicycles crowded with the old one made the entrance way hard to passing through. It seemed they got a fortune.

At that time, I found my neighborhood was recruited to survey our activity. They installed a motion detect lamp in their backyard lounge. When there was a movement in my parking lot, their lamp would lit up my garage. (see “28. My wife intimidated”)

A couple with two children lived in that house. Sometime in 1990s I noticed they started to buy new cars. When they got all their cars into new ones, they bought extra one for their children. I then found the child was grown to teenage who could drive. Then they upgraded their cars until they got a family vacation van. The new car parking at their lot was very eye-catching. It seemed they got a fortune too.

A news solved me all these puzzles. It was a punishment story of a law enforcement agent. An informant wanted a brand name shoe as his reward. His handler sold the brand name shoe and held the cash for himself. So I knew the Feds paid their informants by material object.

The payment to informants is grey money. They can’t pay it by check. How do they explain what is it for? They can’t pay it by cash – it will increase the chance of internal embezzlement. So they pay it in the material form.

In 1999 and 2000, I drifted in South-east Asia. I used to live in Guest House. The rent was low – generally under five dollars a day. The equipment was simple too – a table fan for tropical climate. Several times I noticed similar thing happened – when I finished a stay in a city, there would come an engineer company to install air-condition (window style) for the Guest house. It always took place on the day I left. I knew that was a payment for the co-operation of Hostel owners.
806. Financial institution (12/24/2013)

In #804 I quoted a news with picture. I carelessly thought that the word “God” in receipt was signature. A reader corrected it with a picture.

“No, as I told you on the other board you dumped this on, it says God Bless.


1. It was my mistake to take “God” as signature. I was misled by the picture with news. (See it at #804.) Signature used to be on bottom line.
2. It wouldn’t change my original meaning. The tipper, though didn’t sign as “God”, he at least works for it. “tips for Jesus” means it.
3. I studied the pictures, found that “tips for Jesus” was a stamp. Obviously it was used for convenience to report expenses to a “tips for Jesus” account. It should be an organization. Ordinary people won’t behave in this way.

"Tips for Jesus" — and stamped with the @tipsforjesus handle — was identified by a New York City waiter as Jack Selby, former PayPal vice president.
It reminds me of Sandy Hook shooting case. On 12/14/2012, police blocked the access to Sandy Hook Elementary whole day so it’s impossible for Robbie Park to confirm his daughter’s death on that day.

In January, I read a post about Emilie’s fund raising page. I went there and copied the page content then wrote the following: “Tell me who was so efficient to open a donation account in Credit Union for poor Emily and then set up a page in facebook the same day of her death?

Original funding page in facebook (the content I copied):

Joined Facebook 12/14/2012

Native of Utah, Emilie Parker was killed in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elem. We are seeking to assist the Parkers by setting up the Emilie Parker Memorial Fund at America First Credit Union in Utah.

Instructions on the Emilie Parker Memorial Account at America First Credit Union (account #5001359). For AFCU members making a transfer, select the Savings as the type of account, and the last name on the account is Parker. For non AFCU members, the AFCU routing number is 324377516. This account has been shared by several Utah media outlets and can be trusted. Thank you.

A PAYPAL account is also available if you use the email

I review that message. I allege that PAYPAL account has been existed there for a long time. It was an account used to collect money while “tips for Jesus” is used for expense. A big organization like the Feds must have a financial institution to run for its own secret business.

807. Credit Cards’ information hacked (12/28/2013)

Hackers ‘shopped’ for millions of credit cards at Target on Black Friday
By Chris Smith 12/19/2013

UPDATE: Target on Thursday confirmed that 40 million credit and debit cards were breached between November 27 and December 15, ZDNet reports, with hackers stealing personal data including customer name, credit/debit card number, expiration date and the three-digit security code.

I think it’s another plot activated by the Feds against me. I went shopping at Target on 12/8 and 12/15. That credit information stealing obviously aims at me. For a long time, the Feds tried to frame me with “illegal money”(fake notes or drug money) case. Just plant “illegal money” through bank or victim’s acquaintance and relatives, people rarely can go without some cash. To avoid the persecution, I thoroughly abandoned the bank notes. I use Debit card to pay everything since late 2011. This angered the Feds, they immediately activated a “debit card ID stolen case” at that time. (See #721. Debit card case (5/26/2012)) This time they have a large scale attack. In media propaganda they keep on intimidating:

“Exclusive: Target hackers stole encrypted bank PINs - source
By Jim Finkle and David Henry 12/24/2013”
I can’t afford a loss. So I went to the bank to cancel the current debit card and applied a new one.

The Feds should know it. They wouldn’t take such a big action to change me a new card. So there will be something else. I think they have planned a big “illegal money” case this time. I worry about my relatives’ lives, though they have been working for the Feds, any time they could be silenced.


My bank statement. The bottom two items are from Target.
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The main cause is peak oil, i.e., conventional oil production in plateau since 2005, top players' production dropping since then, the world resorting to unconventional oil, which has lower energy returns and steep decline curves, and increasing oil consumption for the rest of the world as financial crises take their toll on the U.S., EU, and Japan.
808. Credit card trap (1/3/2014)

On 12/27/2013 (Friday), in the morning, I went to Wells Fargo Bank to cancel my debit card which might be affected in Target credit card information hacking. Banker Socorro Smith helped me with the debit card cancellation. She then offered to give me a pre-approved credit card account. I was glad to accept that offer because customer wouldn’t bear a fraud loss with a credit card while one had to share loss with a debit card account.

Socorro Smith asked me a few questions but none about my income. She entered the information into the computer, then gave me an electronic screen to sign.

My wife caught flu and was very sick that day. She asked for a sick leave and stay at home. In the evening, after receiving a phone call, she went out to buy some sweet bun home. Later I found the receipt that she paid one hundred dollar bill for that small bun. Since I ceased to use cash, to frame me in illegal money, the Feds(FBI and DEA) manipulate my wife and relatives to use fake money. I think it was part of the current plot(significant with Target credit information hacking). Then I thought of that credit card offering.

I checked the application form, found in “annual income” column was a figure I hadn’t mentioned two days ago.

On 12/30/2013(Monday), I went to Wells Fargo again. It was about 10 am. Socorro Smith wasn’t there. Banker Claudia Drozco met me. She said it was impossible to drop the application because it was in procession. She, and a manager later, refused to record that I had came to complain a wrong data entering. Then, Socorro came in. They turned me to her.

The case solved this way: Socorro changed the data with my wife’s income. (It was a joint account) She explained the data she entered was from old record and that she gave me a pre-approved credit card based on good credit record of my bank account. I wrote this story here in case something happens. I don’t want to be accused of data cheating.

I have a feeling that Socorro Smith doesn’t work there. She appeared in office later after there was an argument.

809. Frame a drug money case and elimination of witness (1/7/2013)

Five years ago, I found the Feds(FBI and DEA) to plant illegal money through the hands of my relatives and bank. I turn to the bank notes of small denominations.

One day I refused the money my mother gave to me because they were hundred dollar bills. Other relatives offered to exchange the hundred dollar bill with their money of small denominations. I got several hundred dollars. Saw this, the Feds set up a trap of illegal money with twenty dollar denomination.

Sometime later, my relatives visited me on a Sunday. As usual, my mother gave me some money. As usual, I refused because they were hundred dollar bills. Then B (my brother in law) came. B used to collect bills from his flea market customers on Sunday evening. The money he collected used to be cash. Other relatives suggested if I was afraid of hundred dollar bills, B could change them into small denominations. He changed two thousand dollars with twenty dollar denomination.

I had a little suspicion later. B rarely came to my house. The flea market sellers used to pay their bills after they finishing the business on Sunday evening. It used to be dark when B finished his money collection work. It was unlikely he could have done it in mid day.

Soon I knew these twenty dollar notes were marked money. (drug money used by the Feds for tracing) Two decades ago, the bone of my hip was hurt badly by radiation of the isotope money. (see “
#3 ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)). The old injury in my hip started to ache again. The nightmare revived. It recovered after I took the twenty dollar notes away from my pocket. Those twenty dollar notes were left alone since. I know this time it is much serious, the Feds will frame me in drug money case.

What scares me more is I found each time the Feds plotted a case against me, they always arranged a trip for my relatives who witnessed that money exchange case. They knew how that twenty dollar notes came from. It’s easy to eliminate the witnesses in a travel incident. The recent one was in last September. My relatives were suddenly arranged in a trip to Turkey in early September when US accused Syria for chemical weapon offence and almost activated a missile attack there. Everybody knew how dangerous it was to travel on a war area.

Here is another one. My wife and my relatives are having a Mexico cruise trip from 6/5 to 6/9. It was a sudden bargain trip from internet, according to my wife. I learned it at 6/4 night. Less than 10 hours before they leaving. I think it’s a part of the recent “Target credit card information hacking” case. If I fall in any trap these five days, all my relatives would have died in cruise ship accident, I believe. To leave a job suddenly is not my wife’s working integrity. No boss would tolerate such behave unless it was the order from the Feds. They all have to follow it.
810. Plant illegal money (1/14/2014)

When I found the strange behave at cashier check that I spent hundred dollars bill in purchasing, I turned to bank. I naively thought the bill from the bank wouldn’t be fake. But I was wrong. I found I was treated particularly by the cashier. (see “547. Plant "drug money" (5/17/08)” and “572. How Feds plant (10/15/08)”) To avoid being framed in illegal money case, I abandoned hundred dollar bill. Later I learned such news.

Customers Claim That Wachovia Is Handing Out Counterfeit Bills
By Meg MarcoJuly 23, 2008

Something shady may be afoot at a Central Florida Wachovia branch…two customers say that a teller gave them counterfeit bills, according to Local 6 news in Orlando. ….. but Local 6 says that they’ve learned that Wachovia previously gave a customer with a similar story a refund.

How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs
• The Observer, Sunday 3 April 2011

During a 22-month investigation by agents from the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and others, it emerged that the cocaine smugglers had bought the plane with money they had laundered through one of the biggest banks in the United States: Wachovia, now part of the giant Wells Fargo.

So I know it’s not a coincidence that World Savings (the bank I had checking account with) had been taken over by Wachovia. Wachovia was a bank manipulated by the Feds to make profit from drug trading and to frame innocence with illegal money as well.

Then I turned to small notes but still has been framed in. See story at last message #809. The Feds knew my mother would give me money; they knew I would refuse hundred dollar bill but accepting small notes. They let a seller in Flea Market – who must be an agent or at least, an informant – to pay the bill to the wholesaler B (my brother in law) early that Sunday with marked money (isotope money), all were in twenty denomination. B then came to my house to exchange them with hundred dollar bills so I would accept it. That was how a plant fulfilled.

B was not necessarily knew the plot. He might have been told just to come to my house. The rest thing happened naturally. Just like Tsarnaev brothers in Boston bombing, they might had been told to take part in a drill with backpack. Everything was legal. Only finally they would become sacrifice of their master’s evil case.

811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)

Since the Feds (FBI and DEA) planted the isotope money (radioactive twenty dollars notes) on me through B (my brother in law), they planned murder plot on my relatives because they are witnesses. A major method is to create a cruise incident. The Feds arranged four cruises trip for them in recent three years.

1. “This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Caribe - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. 2010” See story at #656.

One month before the plot, they created a fire case to justify the coming incident.

Carnival cruise ship ends nightmare trip with engine room fire, passengers reveal horror stories
By Lukas I. Alpert AND Aliyah Shahid / November 11, 2010,

2. “July 2011. My brother and sisters have a boat trip this time in Europe.” See #675.

Fire was not enough to kill. They sunken a tourist fishing boat at same month of the plot.

Some Bay Area Survivors Of Capsized Fishing Boat Return Home

July 8, 2011
NOVATO (KCBS) – Some of the Bay Area survivors of the ill-fated tourist fishing boat that sunk in the Sea of Cortez Sunday have returned home.

3. “My mother, my sisters and brother and their families, are arranged for a trip to Hawaii in the end of October. 2012” See #740

A tourist fishing boat was too small. The Feds upgraded the murder model to a cruise ship that caught eyeballs of the world.

Captain Held After Cruise Ship Capsizes
15 January 2012

A major rescue operation was launched after the liner, which was carrying 4,234 people, began sinking near the island of Giglio,

4. “My wife and my relatives are having a Mexico cruise trip from 1/5 to 1/9, 2014.” See # 809.

Big case impressed people longer. Two months before another plot, the Feds talked about that capsized ship to remind people sunken cruise ship was not a rare event.

Costa Concordia Captain Allegedly 'Jumped Off' Sinking Ship, On Trial For Manslaughter
Agence France Presse | Posted: 11/11/2013
812. From planting fake money to hacking data (1/25/2014)

In later 2011, to avoid being framed in fake money case, I applied a debit card and abandoned cash in purchasing since.

The Feds had a swift response. In November that year, at first they let Bank of America to charge fees on Debit card account. It failed under massive protest from customer. Several days later, they created a case of credit card identity theft warning. The Identity theft case happened in local super markets –Lucky and Save Mart where I used to go shopping. Obviously at the purpose to intimidate me from using debit card. See “721. Debit card case (5/26/2012)” The thief has never been arrested.

Since the only connection between me and society is to shopping food. To frame me with fake money is the only method the Feds can use. They repeated the old tactic. Last month – December 2013, the Feds activated a large operation – Target credit card information hack. (see “807. Credit Cards’ information hacked (12/28/2013)”)

To justify a trip accident, the Feds has sunken a big cruise ship in 2012. To cover up an individual frame case, they made it a large data breach case. The Feds made it a large scale media propaganda that lasted a month long.

Target says data breach up to 110 mn customers
January 10, 2014

Target data hack only the beginning of massive, sophisticated attack
By Chris Smith January 17, 2014

It hints even if you changed debit card, they still will hack you. Better to quit using debit card.

US intelligence spy on most countries in the world. They collected massive data access to the servers of America’s largest Internet companies. They have the technique to know your key stroke even your computer is not linked to the net. Yet, they couldn’t find who attacked information center of Target. Because the Feds is the hacker in this case. They need this hacking to frame a case, just like when they need war in Mid-east they would play the role of terrorist in 911 attack.

813. To frame a case and the coming plot (1/28/2014)

On 12/27, I went to Wells Fargo Bank to cancel my debit card that had been used in Target Store. The banker asked me to show I.D. Since my drive license was expired, I had to use my passport. I now realized the banker was a snitch arranged there. She must have played a role to report that the photo on my passport look like a “suspect” the authority showed to her in advance.

On 12/31 and 1/2, a lady and a man came to knock at the door. As usual, I didn’t answer the door in case they had evil purpose. I now think they were from the Feds after the banker reported the I.D. case.

On 1/3, I went to Chase Bank to deposit a check written by my wife. That account is used for electronically auto-payment for monthly utility bill. I went inside the bank, saw there were three customers at the counter, leaving the corner one for me. I went to that window and found I should fill a deposit slip. I went around to a desk to fill a deposit slip. It took a minute. When I turned back to counter, I surprised to find I was facing an empty room - all three customers and four or five bankers disappeared. Then a banker went out from a back room, when he picked up the slips and found it was a deposit one, he asked “deposit only?” I said, “Yes”. When I left the bank, everything seemed to be normal. There even was a staff standing at the door to say “good-bye” to me.

I think the Feds knew I was to deposit a check. When I turned around to fill a deposit slip, they thought I would withdraw some money so they could request I.D., they emptied the room for an arrest. I had said the Feds emptied the whole area to move in their agents and informants. (see #733 to #740) It doesn’t cost them much. All the people they moved in filled the jobs of local enterprises and business. The drama in Chase Bank on 1/3 showed that they had actors of customers and bankers all trained well, they could evaporate in just seconds.

My above allegation is proved yesterday (1/27/2014) when I received monthly statement from Chase Bank. Inside letter there was a notice:
“Important news about cash deposits

….. Be ready to show a valid ID for deposits to personal and business accounts “

To frame a case, the Feds even forced the big bank to change rules.

Last Friday, a camper has been parked at street opposites to my house. It is used for monitor. It means they have a plot in recent days. The possible action date would be 1/31. It’s Chinese Lunar New Year’s Day. My family members used to re-union on that day. They, as important witnesses, used to be arranged by accidental death or being arrested in framed case.


camper in street

new cash deposit rule
814. The Feds create an unprecedented draught (2/4/2014)

California suffers an unprecedented draught.

US West Faces 'Worst Drought in 500 Years'
Sunday, 02 Feb 2014

California's three-year drought could end up being the area's worst in 500 years, forcing even tougher restrictions on residents who have been cutting back on showers and farming already.

It could be more than 500 years. Five hundred years ago there was no US so there was no record of weather. I think this draught is created by the Feds. Last year, I noticed this “no water” tactic and wrote, “712. Water poison and dry rain season (3/26/2012)”.

It’s easy to poison the water of a target house. Just in a neighboring house, inserts a poison pipe into the water pipe, stretch it into the target’s house. The Feds used to pollute the water with radiation material that would cause skin cancer.

I have to save rainwater to avoid that evil purpose. That’s why the Feds developed a “no rain” condition. They have the technique.

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, January 12, 2014 Global Research 27 September 2004

Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in the present context of global warfare, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use.

Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.


815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)

ICN is a TV channel that broadcast Chinese news and movies. I think it is run by Chinese capital. My wife used to tune on that channel to watch its TV series. When the series is interesting, I join in.

I noticed there is a strange commercial in recent broadcast. I think it is an intimidation from the Feds.

The first one: A lady sits in a sauna room. A pig is approaching her, sniffing. The lady drops some water on heater and create a steam. A thermo-charter shows the temperature goes up followed with a word “COOK”. Then lady disappeared and the pig leaves.
Followed by second one: Most of commercial shows how a fish without water is struggling for air. At last a word appears: NO ATTACK.

If the motive of the commercial is “cook”right and “no attack”, then they were very bad products. People can hardly link sauna room and fish out of water to it. It is good death intimidation if you know the killing method of the Feds. They used to kill people with microwave radiation. They also kill victims in prison by suffocation with plastic bag on head, then claim it was a suicide.

I think this is particularly on me. Chinese traditionally symbolize year with twelve animals. I was born in the year of pig. That’s why they put a pig in that commercial.

That unusual advertisement was broadcast at 11pm (Monday to Friday) at Channel 26.4 ICN(San Francisco Bay Area) in a two hours long (each week day)Chinese series. See how cruel they treat that fish in that commercial.

Watch how did they torture that fish to produce this commercial.
816. The news censored for ten months (2/15/2014)

Two days ago, I have read the following news.

Sophisticated but low-tech power grid attack baffles authorities

By Richard A. Serrano and Evan Halper February 11, 2014

WASHINGTON — They came after midnight, two or more armed individuals so deft that they cut telecommunication cables in an underground vault and outsmarted security cameras and motion sensors at the power substation in a remote corner of Santa Clara County.

The military-style raid on April 16 knocked out 17 giant transformers at the Metcalf Transmission Substation, which feeds power to Silicon Valley. The FBI is still working the case, and agents say they are confident it was not the work of terrorists.,0,7627269.story#axzz2t6lvjVCt

Second Possible Terror Attack on U.S. Power Plant Uncovered
Paul Joseph Watson February 12, 2014

After fresh attention was brought to an April 2013 sniper attack on a power plant in central California, bloggers are highlighting a second possible attack that occurred less than a week later at a nuclear facility in Tennessee.

Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft highlights another possible attack that occurred just days later on April 21, when a security guard at TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in Spring City, Tennessee was involved in a 2am shootout with a suspect.

“TVA spokesperson Jim Hopson said the subject traveled up to the plant on a boat and walked onto the property. When the officer questioned the suspect, the individual fired multiple shots at the officer. The officer shot back, and when he called for backup, the suspect sped away on his boat,” reported WBIR.

Hoft asks if the two attacks were part of a coordinated campaign, while Front Page Magazine’s Daniel Greenfield suggests that the second incident has hallmarks of being a carefully planned act.

Watch the issuing date of the news. They were on 2/11/2014 and 2/12. I was almost confused by the stories. At last I found it was about two cases took place ten months ago.

The attack in California of 4/16/2013 knocked out 17 giant transformers that funnel power to Silicon Valley. It took 27 days to make repairs and bring the substation back to life. The target of second attack on 4/21/2013 was a nuclear power station. These were big cases but received little news coverage at the time. Have you ever heard of it in last April? The question are: 1. Why did they censor these important news? 2. Why do they release it now, ten months later?

817. Supplementary chart of Boston bombing (2/19/2014)

Last year(2013) on 4/20 and 4/30, I wrote #768 and #769, alleged the Boston bombing was created by the Feds. I thought they planned a serious of bombings to cover up a framed case - to eliminate Kat Sung. These censored news of attacking P.G.& E., were parts of that plot.

Then there came the Boston Marathon bombing. I think it was created to justify multi bombings all over the country. One of which was in public place where I go.

I used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday. They have a “Computer skill lecture” every Tuesday afternoon. Boston bombing took place on Monday (4/15). I was rattled by it so I didn’t go. Then a fertilizer factory in Texas had a big explosion. I think it was part of the plan.

1. 4/12/2013 to 4/15: Gold plunges to two year low.


That created a chance for the Feds to buy in gold in low price. Because to their plan, After 4/16, gold will go sky high because there would be a series bombings and other big disasters.

2. 4/15/2013: Boston bombing.

3. 4/16/2013 2.a.m.
Snipers attacked a US Electrical Grid In central California in a 52-minute sniper attack on April 16, 2013.!

(this news was censored at the time)

4. 4/16/2013, Tuesday, I used to go to Milpitas Library to attend a computer tuition class. It held every Tuesday afternoon. However, I stopped at a midway store. Boston bombing gave me a crisis feeling.

5. 4/17/2013, unusual bombing in Waco,
Coming to light Thursday, only hours after a huge industrial explosion took out a Texas fertilizer plant, also taking out a portion of the small town of West,

This news was also lack of detail report.

6. 4/21/20134,
A TVA spokesperson confirmed that a security officer patrolling TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in Spring City was involved in a shootout with a suspect Sunday at about 2:00 a.m.

(This news also was censored at the time)

7. 4/23/2013,
'Syrian hackers' break into Associated Press' Twitter account and 'break news' that explosions at White House have injured Obama - sending DOW Jones plunging 100 points


4/23 was next Tuesday to "Boston bombing plot'. If I went to the Milpitas Library for the computer tuition, a series bombing and terror attack would take place and stock market would have a big crash. Anyhow, I didn't go. So the planned stock market crash became a small negative flash and they blame it to "Syrian hackers".
818. The Feds stole money from my gift card (2/26/2014)

Two months ago, there was a credit card data hacking in Target Store. I alleged it was done by the Feds. (FBI and DEA) The purpose was to continue with their plot of framing me in fake money case. To cover up it was not targeting at an individual case, they made it a big one.

I had to cancel my debit card to avoid the account money loss. Before the cancellation, I bought variety of cash gift card from Target, Safeway…. I still have to shopping food by not using paper money.

On 2/19, I went to Save-mart Supermarket and found there were some vegetable on bargain price. I bought some. When I paid with Save-mart gift card, the cashier said there was not enough money for it. There was only 0.90 left on that card. I argued that it was a new one worth $25. She insisted someone had used that card. I had to pay it with another gift credit card.

I bought that Save-mart card on 12/29/2013 and that was the first time I using it. Someone stole 24.10 from it. Since it was never used, it must be someone who could access to original selling data did it. That was the development of the Target data hacking. Now it is obviously targeting at me. I think the other gift cards I bought may face the same fate. Eager to finish the case, the Feds go rogue.

819. Death intimidation (3/2/2014)

Last week, I received a letter from a law office which named “Walters & Ward”. It asks some questions such like:

*“Do you have a will?
*If the gross value of your estate (including your house) is over $150,000, do you have a Trust?
*Have you legally designated who would care for your children if you were to die?
If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, you should come to our free Wills & Trusts Workshop

It advises:

*When you die without a properly executed trust, the costs of transferring everything you have worked for to your heirs can cost thousands of dollars and take years as it goes through a process called probate?
*If you do not properly designate who will inherit everything after your death, the State of California will make that decision for you?

I view it as part of the intimidation operation. The Feds acted like Mafia. They threaten people with death. I talked about it in “815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)”. This is a continuation of that intimidation.
820. Continuation to #816, #817 (3/9/2014)

Three weeks after Boston Marathon bombing, in "770. Drill in “Boston bombing” and “Texas explosion” (5/7/2013)", I wrote,

There is a Pacific Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I am impressed by the huge pipes on the ground which is several blocks away from the library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. It reminds me of the massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I think The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.

That comment clearly described my suspicion: the Feds planned a bombing on a P.G.E. terminal near the Milpitas Library where I usually going to attend a Computer tuition class every Tuesday - 4/16/2013 was Tuesday. The news of the attack on P.G.& E. which was censored for ten months now proves my thought. (see #816 and #817)

Sophisticated but low-tech power grid attack baffles authorities
By Richard A. Serrano and Evan Halper February 11, 2014

Authorities don't have a motive or suspects in the attack on a PG&E power substation in Silicon Valley last year, but ominous theories abound.

The military-style raid on April 16 knocked out 17 giant transformers at the Metcalf Transmission Substation, which feeds power to Silicon Valley.,0,7627269.story#axzz2t6lvjVCt

If I went to Milpitas Library on 4/16/2013, a bombing at P.G.&.E. terminal in Milpitas would have happened. Combine with the attack on a PG&E substation early that morning, an individual murder would have been covered up in big "organized terror attacks". Anyhow, I didn't go. So the plan hadn't been carried through. That news of "power station attack" was censored too. Otherwise, it could be too big a case - Boston Marathon bombing in East, Waco fertilizer factory explosion in South, PG&E power station attack in West, (part of it was censored from public, part of it failed to be carried out) and there might be some more cases we don’t know yet. That was their original purpose, to organize big events to distract a single murder case - elimination of Kat Sung.

821. Why do they release the censored news (3/13/2014)

Here is the map picture why I alleged the Feds planned a PG&E bombing case in Boston Marathon bombing event. (see #770) After Boston bombing, I stopped to go to shopping in the Walmart Store in Milpitas, fearing of a bombing.

In December, 2013, the Feds activated a new plot – to hack the target credit card information, I allege the purpose was to force me going back to use cash, so they could arrest in the name of using illegal money.

I tried to go back to Walmart. February 3 was the first time I went to Milpitas Walmart Store after Boston Bombing. Several days later, I saw the censored “power station attack” news. (see #816, 817) It proved my previous allegation was correct – that the Feds had planned a PG&E bombing in Milpitas. It also indicates the Feds revived the old plan when they saw I going back to Walmart.


1. On top right: Milpitas Library. 2. On bottom left: PG&E gas terminal. 3. On top left: Walmart. To Walmart Store, I have to pass by that PG&E station.


PG&E gas terminal view
822. Malaysia airliner missing was created by the Feds (3/20/2014)

It was done to justify the coming airplane’s incident.

In my story, to frame me in fake money case, the Feds have to eliminate my relatives – they are all witnesses. In recent three years, each time the Feds planned a case, they arranged a cruise tour trip for my relatives. See “811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)”. In that article, I revealed that each time for a trip, the Feds used to create an incident in advance – either an “engine room fire” in a cruise or a “boat sinking” or “food poisoning” to cover up the coming case as a common one – not particularly ralated to any individual person. So was this Malaysia Airliner’s accident.

Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared on March 8. I think it was used to justify the coming airplane accident in later March. My wife said she was going to Philippine via Shanghai at the end of this month. This means the Feds has plotted a case in late March and arrange her a South East Asia air trip. My other relatives could be arranged in trip too at that time. Since they are all recruited by the Feds, they’ll have to follow the order of the Feds when it suddenly gives one.

That was why Malaysia airline was chosen. 1. Most victims are Chinese ethnic like my wife’s (or my rlatives’) 2. It was South East airline where my wife will fly.

I predict the missing plane crashed somewhere far away in deep south India ocean. The purpose is to eliminate any possible trace of a plot. That’s why MH370 changed its way dramatically to the west and tried to avoid any detection from the ground. Watch the map.
In turning point, north is Vietnam; east is Philippine; South is Malaysia and Indonesia. To west is the shortest way to Indian Ocean.

Forget those hijacker or suicide news. They are used to distract your views and to delay the searches. No hijackers or suicides have such intention to play hide and seek game at this time.

How could they do this? I allege it was the same way they did in 911 attack. Everyone knows the drone is very popular today. It’s a skilled technique to pilot a plane with set up computer data. (or even by remote control) With pre-set computer data, at the turning point, the auto pilot system took over the control of the plane. The pilot can do nothing with it even if they were alive at the time.

To drop an airplane is a rare event. This may indict the Feds has made a big plot in late March. Watch with your eyes with my story in your mind. Tomorrow is Friday, the day the Feds like to act. Because there are two extra days (week ends) for them to carry murder in jail.

823. Prepare for a nuke attack on New York (3/24/2014)

Other symptoms indicate the Feds have a big plot in this March.

As I always said, they will activate big terror attack to distract my case. One is a “terrorist nuke attack in New York”. (see #762 and #763) To justify it as a revenge of Al Qaida for the trial on their leader, there is:

Bin Laden son-in-law guilty, US tells New York jury

By Jennie MATTHEW 3/24/2014
His is the most high-profile Al-Qaeda trial to be heard in a US federal court rather than at Guantanamo Bay, which the White House has promised to close.

Abu Ghaith is most famous for appearing in a video with the Al-Qaeda mastermind the day after 19 hijackers killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington.
He was arrested in Turkey in 2013 and sent to Jordan, where he was handed over to US custody. and Pennsylvania.

To prepare a trial, it used to be a long time. Those who are in Quantanamo – how long have they been detained? More than a decade. This man, arrested in Turkey in 2013, from extradition to be in New York court room in March, 2014, you can see how efficient it is. Because the Feds need a justification for a nuke terror attack in New York to cover up their plot. This is the same tactic that they created the mysterious Malaysia airline plane missing – to justify the coming air accident in South East Asia air route. (see last message #822)

The Feds plans to nuke New York to justify why so many people are sick and died with radiation related cancer. That they could blame the death on coming “Al Qaida nuke attack”.

use of micro-nukes to takedown the WTC complex — 9/11 through different eyes

The use of micro-nukes in the WTC complex on 9/11–the smoking gun

Dr. Ed Ward has documented what he believes is the use of micro-nukes on the World Trade Center complex attack that took place in September of 2001.

One of the smoking guns in this case is that over 5.3 billion pounds of steel was instantly turned into 2 billion pounds of dust, but that’s not all.
824. Unusual snowstorm attack New York (3/30/2014)

It is late March now. East coast and New York is still attacked by snow storm. As a matter of fact, for more than three months, New York has been besieged by extra cold weather.

Springtime Snow 'Bomb' Takes Aim at Northeast
Saturday, 22 Mar 2014

According to AccuWeather, the storm could spread all the way from the Carolinas up the East Coast into Maine, and has the potential of dumping heavy snows along its path.
As a result, the Canadian Meteorologist Centre's GGEM says the snow could rank as one of New York City's deepest, dumping two feet of the white stuff by Wednesday.

This is planned to prevent people from going to New York. As I have alleged that the Feds is to activate a nuke bombing (or dirty bomb attack) in New York, partly to justify the unusual high rate of radiation related cancer caused by 911 attack, the main purpose is to distract Kat Sung’s case. Extra weather condition would keep people staying at home. That would reduce the casualty of a nuke attack and possible lawsuits thereafter.

That’s why we saw in recent years, New York has been suffered of extraordinary weather: over heat in summer; extra long cold weather; and rare hurricane (remember Hurricane Sandy?).

This March marked with some unusual events: 1. Convict of Bin Laden’s son in law in New York – to justify a revenge terrorist attack from Al Qaida. 2. Unusual snow storm – a method to reduce the casualty of that attack because it will be nuclear one. 3. Mysterious missing of Malaysia airline that is used to justify planned air accidents if the main plot going through.

825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)

The media is busy to spread disinformation from the “strategy office” to confuse people that public neglected one key information from original news. MH 370 was climbing to 45,000 feet when it turned sharply to the west. The auto pilot system took over the control of the plane and open the passage of internal cabin to the outside air space. The low temperature and low air pressure as well as low oxygen at that altitude disabled all people(include pilots) inside the plane in seconds, then killed them all.

Radar Suggests Jet Shifted Path More Than Once

Radar signals recorded by the Malaysian military appeared to show that the missing airliner climbed to 45,000 feet, above the approved altitude limit for a Boeing 777-200, soon after it disappeared from civilian radar and turned sharply to the west, according to a preliminary assessment by a person familiar with the data.

The radar track, which the Malaysian government has not released but says it has provided to the United States and China, showed that the plane then descended unevenly to 23,000 feet, below normal cruising levels, as it approached the densely populated island of Penang.

This information revealed the killing of the crew and passengers started as soon as the plane was hijacked to a new track. The hijacker was the pre-set auto pilot system. Then it descended to below normal cruising level. At that time nobody was alive inside the plane and the only mission for the ghost plane was to elude the detection of ground radar as possible as it could and flied as far away as it could to make the search a difficult one. The following chart explained the odd track of MH 370.



Altitude - Moderate Activity - Sitting Quietly

25 000 feet - 2 minutes - 3 minutes

28 000 feet - 1 minute - 1.5 minutes

30 000 feet - 45 seconds - 1.25 minutes

35 000 feet - 30 seconds - 45 seconds

40 000 feet - 18 seconds - 30 seconds

45,000 feet - ?? seconds - ?? seconds
826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)

This is not the first time they used this method to create an air accident. The similar action they have done in 2005. Here I quote my article #352 wrote eight years ago:

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

Among these air accidents, the Greek one was exactly the same method – with decompression to kill everyone on board the plane.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "

In each plot to eliminate me, the Feds used to have planned accidental death for my relatives, either in trip by cruise or by air. I tried my best to record each plot. When the Malaysia airliner incident happened, I immediately recalled the 2005 case. In 2005, they created four air crashes in one month to impress public that air incident was not that unusual. This time they made it a mysterious missing so the topic could occupy a period of time in media to impress public. The purpose is to replace multiple crashes.

Supplementary to 826.

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

On 7/7 and 7/21, there were bombings took place in London. It was a cover up operation to justify the plotted master bombing in US. To deceive the public that these were the work of Al Qaida. The unusual events happened in same day (July 21) may prove my allegation.(see #330)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

When I first heard of Greece accident, I only impressed by the mysterious situation (lack of oxygen, frozen) before its crash. But when the Peru air crash took place, I realize it might be an operation to cover up a coming air accident. My relatives were arranged in a trip between 9/10 and 9/17. If an accident happened, it would be easily added one more to the above list and wouldn't cause any notice. That's why I talked about this twice in 9/2 and 9/7. (see #339, 340)

Pre-psychological influence is a very important tactic Feds uses. We have seen scenes such like Lewinsky scandal, Wen Ho Lee's case, WMD in Iraq..... The recent one is the hurricane Katrina and Rita. Which mainly planned to justify for a high rising inflation. So media want us expecting a gas of 5.00/gallon because most of the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were damaged by hurricane and so was for many oil refineries. That how much money would spend for the refugee and re-build.(e.g. 400,000 people live in the hotels and how much that costs for one day's rent) Now these kind of information are disappeared from media. Or proved to be exaggerated. What I see is the oil dropped below $60.00 a barrel.(10/26) Why, because the framed case went sour and Feds still must keep the interest rate as low as they can to maintain a high housing market.

If the framed case have went successfully, I believe you would meet another face of media. Then you would have believed that all that sudden jumping high inflation was caused by oil and the natural disaster.

The latest movement of propaganda activated by Feds is the Bird Flu. That's another psychological war to justify a new slaughter in the name of natural disaster. Watch how the media propaganda it under the command of Feds.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.
Now let's turn on to the crash of Greece air plane which I alleged one of four accidents done by intelligence. It caused my attention for its mysterious situation. Here are news about it.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "

Quote, "Greece Plane Crash Kills All Aboard

"Shortly before the crash, the jet pilots saw one of the airline pilots slumped unconscious over the controls, ...... Some Greek media reports said fighter pilots also could see oxygen masks dangling inside the cabin."

What took place in the Greece plane seemed as follows: the cabin lost pressure, oxygen and temperature.

But it's a Boeing 737. One of the most advanced air craft. And the plane has a well designed oxygen supply and pressurization system. So far we have never heard any problem of the insulation broken which caused low pressure that killed the people on board. This was the only one.

A spokesman for the European Aviation Safety Agency, Daniel Holtgen, based in Cologne, Germany, said: "It is highly unlikely that the loss of cabin pressure alone would cause such an incident. There would have to be other contributing factors." (source, the above Yahoo News)

What were the other factors? It's a puzzle. Then it came the Katrina and Rita. In a TV news report about a research plane which flew over the hurricane, I caught what the researcher said. He said he couldn't believe it that the air pressure was incredible low outside the plane. It suddenly touched off my mind. I thought Feds spreading chemical to control the pressure of air to alter the weather. If the air pressure could be created so low to astonish the researcher, (it was in open air, air would flow from other area to refill) then what would have happened if it was in a closed cabin? I thought of the Greece plane.

I think it is a chemical which is easy to gasify and easy to react with the element part of air (either oxygen, nitrogen or carbon dioxide) and developed to another substance.(either liquid such like water, or solid) Air, after losing part of its element, has lost pressure. The chemical reaction also sucks heat.

A hurricane needs a warm air mass with rich water vapor. Ocean supplies it. A hurricane also needs big air pressure difference and temperature difference above it. This chemical supplies it. That's how an artificial hurricane developed.

When that chemical is used in a closed cabin. The low pressure and temperature it created will kill the people inside it. Oxygen may be exhausted as a component in the reaction. That's what happened in the Greece air plane.

I allege Feds used the same chemical in Greece air accident as they used in hurricane creation. It's not a coincidence when I said the four air accidents was a cover up operation of Feds and Katrina and Rita were created for the same framed case. (to be continued)

827. To frame a case by FISA? (4/13/2014)

Mr. Ge is my cousin. I talked about him in “805. Payment to informants (12/17/2013)”. I haven’t seen him for nearly twenty years. He and the family of his son will visit US for a week on 4/17. The destination of the trip is San Francisco and Yosemite National Park. I view it as another trap set up by the Feds after March plot – which was marked with mysterious missing of Malaysia airliner MH370. Cousin Ge has never been to the US. Normally, he should choose a trip to East Coast line of New York or West Coast line of Los Angles. People rarely choose Yosemite only in a trip from China.

My sisters and my brother knew Ge’s coming in advance. They will separately leave for a Europe trip or a Shanghai visit just before Ge’s arriving. It is very impolite in Chinese tradition. Obviously it was all arranged by the Feds – either Ge’s short visit of Yosemite or the trips of my siblings. The purpose is very clear – to push me to meet cousin Ge, I’m the only cousin of him in Bay Area when he comes.

Though I don’t know what kind of trick will they play this time, the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) rule is for sure applies. In my case, Chinese secret police used to be an accomplice of the Feds. You can see how easy to put a person under surveillance – by arranging a foreigner informant to meet the victim, they could legally get a warrant from FISA Court. Then to set up him in with a trap.

The Feds used to have informants to set up a case. I’m afraid they attempt to frame a case this time through a relative of mine.

Only 1% of So Called Terrorists Nabbed by the FBI Were Real
A larger number of arrestees, poor and powerless, were caught in FBI "Threat Factory" stings.
July 8, 2013
828. The tactic of the Feds – sub actions to cover up (4/20/2014)

There are two tactics the Feds used to use when they carry out a plot.
1. To create similar case to cover up the main one – make the core case a common one. It used to take place before the main action.
2. To create bigger case to distract public attention from the main case. It always happens at the same time with the main plot.

There was a typical sample in 2005 which was marked with 7/7 London bombing and Hurricane Katrina

1. 7/7/2005. Cover up case London bombing was used to justify the main bombing case in Washington of 9/24.

9/24/2005. A bombing plot in Washington when a big anti-war protest was held there. (The bombing hadn’t taken place because my constant revelation on their plot)
See “330. London bombing is a justification for coming US attack (7/27/05)”

2. From 8/14 to 9/5, Four airplanes crashed to justify the coming planned air accident.

In mid-September my parents and my siblings were arranged an East Coast trip. In later September my wife was arranged a South East trip. They were the targets.
I talked about my worry in “339. The September plot (9/2/05)”.

3. 8/28. Hurricane Katrina landed to justify the coming Hurricane Rita. Media blew the trumpet to propaganda that Hurricane Rita was shaping up to be one of the strongest Storms ever to hit the USA, exceeding even Katrina.

9/24. Hurricane Rita landed but not so strong as media predicted. Because my allegation in advance. The operation went soured. There was no necessity to create it the strongest Hurricane ever.

829. A disinformation to mislead public (4/24/2014)

Three days ago, there was such a news:

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Despite the subzero temperatures and lack of oxygen, people can survive even a long journey in the wheel well of a jetliner. The latest example is a teenager who, according to authorities, stowed away on a 51/2-hour flight from San Jose, Calif., to Hawaii. While the number of known stowaway attempts is few, people have survived with surprising frequency.

Did you notice something unusual of the topic of this news? It emphasizes that it’s not that cold and lack of oxygen in high altitude . Do you know why they had this news? I think it was a misinformation created by the mastermind of the missing Malaysia airliner MH370 at the purpose to discount my allegation that the people in MH370 were killed by decompression when it was hijacked by auto pilot system.

It was a swift response to my article “825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)” and “826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)”.

Even if they indeed carried out such a “stowaway” operation, it still won’t prove anything for them. Here I quote a comment:

JIm En espanol- Jaime2 hours ago

I am not familiar with this model of Boeing A/C, but on other models the air in the cabin is changed completely every two minutes, with the old heated air being discharged throught high volume outflow valves, in this case into the wheel wells. Since there was no evidence of frostbite it must be assumed that the temperature remained above a certain level, and also that there was enough oxygen to prevent death. The key here is the large volume of air being discharged.