Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

728. The 7/27 plot and Olympic Game (7/18/2012)

The original plot is planned to start on 7/27 - the date of openning ceremoney of Olympic Game, I think. The Feds like to start the terror attack in Europe - such like the London subway bombing on 7/7/2005 and the Norway Oslo massacre in 7/22/2011. If everything is OK, then a nuclear terror attack would take place in US to justify war on Iran.

The coincidence is that two of my sisters are invited to our homeland in China to join a ceremony of a hospital anniversary. Yan Ming Hospital was established by my grandfather about seven decades ago as a contribution to his homeland. It was nationalized since the Communist took over the China. We have no connection to that hospital from the beginning. It's strange how the administration of the hospital could suddenly track back the history to commemorate its founder. The trip time is between 7/27 - 7/29.

Since the Feds used to arrange a trip for my family members when they had a plot.(It's easy to create an incident in travel), I allege there will be a framed case around 7/27 and the Chinese secret police involve in the plot. There also will be terror attack and war following to distract.

I am the target of the case so there will be illegal search and arrest about which I mentioned on 7/4 ( #726) and was going to detail it on #727 on 7/9. There was a swift response from the Feds. They must have feared their project be revealed in advance and planned an Internet doomsday’ on 7/9. They also hurried to push through the California high speed rail project to assure China the payment for the secret deal of the framed case. Watch the date of the following news. They were between 7/4 and 7/9. How hastily they were.

California High Speed Rail Funding Approved

By JUDY LIN 07/06/12

Transportation Secretary praises authoritarian Chinese rule on high speed rail
High Speed Rail
July 7, 2012

"The Chinese are more successful [in building infrastructure] because in their country, only three people make the decision. In our country, 3,000 people do, 3 million," he said.

High-speed rail officials rebuffed proposal from French railway

By Dan Weikel and Ralph Vartabedian, Los Angeles Times

July 9, 2012,0,4539140.story

729. A.G.'s contempt of Congress (7/23/2012)

Now more information revealed that "Operation Fast and Furious" was a senseless mission. It didn't use tracking device on weapons. Local agents were ordered not to tracking straw purchasers. Mexico government was not notified the grogram. Until the operation ended none were arrested. So what the result of the whole operation was? Nothing except the mass killing that caused two hundred deaths in Mexico and death of US agent.

This was an intentional weapon proliferation in Mexico. The purpose was to turn Mexico into a killing field to prevent Kat Sung to enter Mexico. Kat Sung was denied to enter Canada in October 2009, (see detail at "611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)". "Fast and Furious" was initiated in November 2009. The two events were tightly connected.

Nobody was accountable for that big scandal so far. The BATF officer only changed his post to the head quarter because the real mastermind were high ranking D.O.J. from the FBI and DEA., I allege. That's why A.G. Eric Holder has been stonewalling congressional attempts to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious. Obama also asserted executive privilege over the documents in question. The House, has to hold A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

Border Patrol group calls for Holder’s resignation

By Jerry Seper

The Washington Times Monday, June 18, 2012

“Jun 2, 2012 – 129 House members now demanding Eric Holder's resignation “

Why does Eric Holder clings to his post and refuse to resign when it's a common practice in a big scandal?

He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. For the Feds, that framed drug case is much important than anything else. Remember, "Operation Fast and Furious" was also a sub project created to serve that main one.
730. Colorado theatre shooting (8/1/2012)

People have a lot of suspicion on Colorado theatre shooting. A big question is that if Holmes took that much effort to build 30 booby traps in his apartment, why did he so easily giving up his hard work and released his secret to the police right after his arrest? Many think government was involved.

Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver Shooting Eyewitness Account

Most people link mind control to it when they saw Holmes’ behave in the court. It seems like he had been drugged and was senseless to anything. Holmes had taken part in Mind control programs. He might have been chosen as an experience subject involuntarily since then.

James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs

James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs. After graduating in 2006, Holmes worked as a student intern at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies and Miramar College’s biotechnology summer boot camp, where “cream of the crop” students were given rudimentary laboratory projects.

MK-Ultra responsible for James Holmes and Aurora shootings Part-I

by Doc Vega | July 25, 2012

PSYOP the practice of modern psychological warfare, propaganda, Political Warfare, PSY OPS, Hearts and Minds, and PSYWAR, all names for a covert form of abhorrent conducted intelligence operations. These operations can be utilized under many forms from selective assassin training, false flag, or black operations. These highly specialized forms of covert and mind control operations, lavishly funded, carefully guarded, are manifestations of the New World Order. Carrying out a strategy of keeping nations at war, the public off balance, and the diplomatic relations between international countries manipulated

The media beat the drum to broadcast Holmes’ court attending picture. The purpose was to show people the red dyed hair of him to ensure that he was the right suspect. On the contrary, was Holmes stupid enough to fix an eye catching evidence on his head to run all around? Was that easier to wear a red dyed wig so he could throw it away in his escape?

731. The criminal style (8/6/2012)

There was an anthrax attack after 911 in 2001. The purpose was to frame Iraq as the perpetrator so US could start war on it. The plot failed when the scientists found the anthrax was from the US lab.
U.S. Inquiry Tried, but Failed, to Link Iraq to Anthrax Attack

New York Times, December 22, 2001. By WILLIAM J. BROAD with DAVID JOHNSTON

The failed plot created an unexpected problem for FBI. It must find a scapegoat for the case. For years the FBI was under pressure to find a “perpetrator”. It finally found a victim- Ivins. Since it was a framed case. Ivins had to be a dead man who could never defend himself.

With this lesson, to avoid any more trouble, they always had a prepared victim to take the responsibility of the new plot. In this Colorado theatre shooting case, not only they designed a red dyeing hair, but also had a written plan to prove the case.

Lost In The Mail – James Holmes Mailed His Murderous Musings To Professor

AURORA, Colo. – James Holmes, mailed a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people” to a University of Colorado psychiatrist before the attack, but the parcel sat unopened in a mailroom for as long as a week before its discovery Monday, a law enforcement source told

The similar style had been used in Virginia Tech shooting massacre case.

Va. Tech gunman sent material to NBC

4/19/2007 By William M. Welch, USA TODAY

Minutes before Cho Seung Hui gunned down 30 people in a Virginia Tech building, he mailed a hate-filled package of video and photos to NBC, sending what amounted to a deranged final message aired after his death.

As a matter of fact, they prepared this shooting case first in May, then carried it out on July 20 as a prelude for the 7/27 plot. (see “728. The 7/27 plot and Olympic Game (7/18/2012)”

FBI Warned of Theatre Shooting on their Website May 17
Watch this video to see the FBI warning that was taken down within minutes of posting it this past May.

732. Payment to China in framed case (8/15/2012)

In last July, the Feds plotted a money laundry case on me. The plot, possibly having drug case with it, was created with the help of Chinese secret police. As a payment for the deal, a most wanted fugitive of China – Lai Changxing, was escorted to China. See “676. Create money laundry case (7/24/2011)” and “677. Norway terror attack to distract July plot (7/30/2011)”.

At same time, a shooting massacre took place in Norway to distract the framed case. Norway shooting case was only a prelude. If the main case (framed drug case) had gone through, a series of big events – nuke attack, Iran war – would have happened to totally distract public attention.

Feds prepared similar plot in this July. 7/27 was the possible action date. (Olympic opening ceremony) Colorado theatre shooting was only a prelude. They almost would have shifted the day ahead of time on 7/9 when I said I’d reveal how the Feds would act on 7/4. See #726 and #727.

Yesterday I saw a familiar case in news. Gao Shan, a fugitive in China’s most wanted list, is back to China after eight years. Gao Shan is a legal (permanent) resident of Canada. It reminds media of Lai Changxing’s case. Me, too, have the same feeling. Only I know this is another payment to China.

Chinese fugitive returns to China voluntarily to face bank fraud charges

By Jeremy Nuttall, The Canadian Press August 13, 2012

VANCOUVER - A Vancouver man accused by Chinese authorities of misappropriating more than $150 million while he was a bank manager in China has voluntarily returned to Beijing to face the charges.

Gao is only the most recent Chinese suspect to return to his homeland after years in Canada.

In May, Lai Changxing was sentenced to life in prison after losing an extradition battle to stay in Canada, where he had lived for 12 years.

Known as China's most wanted fugitive, Lai fled to Vancouver in 1999 and was sought by Chinese authorities for raking in millions of dollars illegally through fraud and smuggling.

733. Swimming pool speaks (8/20/2012)

In 1990s, when I abandoned driving, I used to walk to the super markets. I was impressed by the large noise of cheering children in a swimming pool along Amberwood Ln. The pool belongs to a Condo community. Probably started from 2000, the children disappeared. I was too, impressed by the dead silence when I passed that swimming pool. The Feds must have moved all families away. (at least the families with children) I realized how large scale the case was that the Feds applied on me.

This year, I learned the skill to post the picture to the internet. On August 5, Sunday, between 4 pm to 5:30 pm, I took pictures of the two swimming pools near my residence. Summer will end. New school year will soon start. The swimming pool is as dead as it was in recent decade.


8/5/2012 4pm Amberwood Ln.


Alves Circle, Croply Rd.


map of pool
734. Wang's family (8/29/2012)

With two decades long experience, I get familiar with some tactics used by the Feds. One tactic is they always having their agents or informants to befriend with the target as close as they can. They changed colleagues of my wife by introducing her to a new company. (See "32. "Operation Fire Dragon"") They changed all playmates of my daughter even she was still a child. As for me, they arranged a "Wang family".

In about 1992, the Flea Market had a re-arrangement of selling space. My new neighborhood was Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang spoke my native language - Shanghainese. Besides selling in Flea Market, he also ran a restaurant. (see "25. Neighbor seller and gun" and "181. Soup (11/21)") He had two sons whom ran a moving company. His youngest son (Wang Y. son) also doing business in flea market. Wong Y. son found Mao (importer) and start to sell same porcelain figuring as mine. He had a retail space in front of mine, so he intercepted business from me. In wholesale market, he beat me with losing money price. I puzzled with the low price he could wholesale. How could he make living on that? Later I realized that he was only a tool of the Feds being used to push me out of business.

Mr. Wang used to chat about the moving business his son ran. Once he was absent in weekends. When he appeared next week, he said he had a long distance moving order. A Korean customer moved from California to East Coast because the company he worked for was re-located. When he detailed the furniture that customer had, I had a feeling there was no privacy for a moving company. I once wondered why a big company would cost that much to moving from San Jose to Austin. Now I think it was just a warrantless search by the Feds. They control the CEO of the company and the moving business. They could carry out such tactic when they think it's necessary.

Since Wang Y. son gave me a hard time in business. I was alert on their action. One day in that year, I saw a carry on van looked like Wang's moving company's in the end of the street. I went there to have a look. It was Wang's moving company. Mr. Wang was moving out furniture for a resident. It was the first time I realized that the Feds were emptying my community.

Sometime later, when I stopped my car before a red light at a crossing road, I suddenly recalled that I didn't tell the teacher of the pre-school that I would come to pick up my daughter later that day. I turned back my car towards the pre-school. Shadowvale Dr. is a back street from my residence. I rarely use it. But that day, from main street to pre-school, it could be a short cut. So I drove that way. I was surprised to see Mrs. Wang hurried out from a lane in Shadowvale Dr. It was seven something in the morning. She was obviously going to work. Mr. Wang's residence was in Milpitas at that time. How could his wife live in my backstreet?

The two events broadened my knowledge - the Feds like to empty target's neighborhoods and move their informants in.

735. The close of Small World Pre-school (9/3/2012)

In early 1990s, I had my daughter attending a Small World Pre-school. It was not far away from my home. It took about five minutes to walk to there. There were a lot of children in Small World Pre-school when she was first there – probably about 20-30 something. Then the number shrank suddenly to about 10 or less.

In 1994, because the constant EM-wave radiation harassment from the Feds, I left to China. My daughter went to a primary school. When I returned from China, the Small World Pre-school shut down. There was no demand for it. The Feds had moved most ordinary residents away from my community.

The public park next block to my residence also deserted. Though it was well maintained but rare people were seen there. The playground was used to be full of kids. My daughter got her three play-mates there. They disappeared after their families moved away. The Feds arranged three new play mates for her.

Here are pictures I took on Sunday, 9/2/2012 at 10 in the morning. The park remained like this for the most time.


park 9/2/2012 10:00 am Sunday


park 9/2/2012

Since I started this thread, several times I talked about the deserted park. Then occasionally there was a kid or two playing there. Sometimes there even was a barbecue gathering. These were cover up operation.

After I wrote “733. Swimming pool speaks (8/20/2012)”, I started to see a kid or two playing in the swimming pool. I knew that’s a cover up response to my revelation. I used to go shopping in afternoon, I broke my habit to go in the noon. On Saturday, Aug. 11, 11:40 am, I passed that swimming pool. No, nobody was there. It was a hot day, the high temperature was 92F degree.
736. CASH FOR HOUSE (9/12/2012)

In early 1990s, many unusual things happened. Mr. Wang’s moving company moved my neighborhood out from my community, his wife was seen living in my back street, the Small World Pre-school shut down due to the disappearance of children, the desert of the public park…. All these indicted that the Feds had moved the residents away from my area. I was puzzled – it took a lot of money.

At the same time I found the Feds were bandits. They murder people to loot their wealth, especially when they have cash. My health had been hurt by the Isotope money. It should be used to track drug money. I never touch drugs. Why they applied it on me? Obviously they hoped to find a treasure of cash pile. Earnie might have died because he had too much cash stored. See:”7. Alleged murder of Ernie”, “ 8. FBI's profit”.

Another way to stole money from victims was through the stealing of credit card. See: “34. The lost Credit Card “.

So if such a criminal group bought a lot of real estate property, would they just for law enforcement? Of course they’d make money on that.

In later 1990s, I totally abandoned the driving because there was too much harassment and danger from a manipulated car. I turned onto public transportation.

One day while I was waiting for the bus, I saw an advertising board. A small one -the size like an election campaign board with politician’s name. It said,
“Cash For House
Call 1-800-9**-FAST”
Then I noticed this advertisement was everywhere. ** were numbers varied from different location. For example, ** in Oakland was different from San Jose. 9** might be the number for California area. In Florida it could be “1-800-***-FAST”. The firm behind this advertisement must be a big one. It started to collect property countrywide in later 1990s. It foresaw a booming real estate market.

This firm is a powerful one. It successfully blew up a housing bubble to harvest the profit until it popped off in 2006.

737. The abolishment of assumable loan (9/17/2012)

After I found the Feds was buying the house countrywide, I expected they would push up the real estate price. I looked at the housing advertisement to see if there was one I could afford to. I wouldn’t miss the chance of a coming bull market.

I found a four bed room town house at the price of 80,000 and called the estate agent. I asked the agent if the seller had a loan that was assumable. She told me the assumable loan had been abolished for a long time, so it was impossible to find any more of this kind of loan in the market. It ended my attempt to buy a house in mid-1990s. The Feds control the bank and it was impossible for me to borrow any loan from the bank.

When I was going to buy my house in 1985, I was pre-warned by the manager that the company would be shut down. Two months later when I moved into my house, the company really shut down and I was unemployed. At that time I thought it was just a coincidence.

Many years later, I started to realize the house I bought was the target of the Feds. They murdered the former landlord. When the widow of former landlord tried to sell the house, the buyers failed to purchase due to the loan problem because the bank is controlled by the Feds. The continuing failure in deal forced the widow to lower the price of the house. I was in waiting list. When it was my turn, they shut down the company I worked. Bank wouldn’t lend money to unemployed.

I was able to buy the house because there was assumable loan – a loan pre-owned by the seller which could be transferred to the buyer automatically in house trading, no bank approval needed. It was a very popular loan at that time. With assumable loan and the money borrowed from my relatives, I bought the house.

Assumable loan was a good tool in real estate business. It benefits both side of trading. It makes a deal easier and faster for seller and buyer. But that goes around the interference of the Feds. (through the bank approval) I think it was my case that prompted the abolishing of assumable loan. Housing industry lost a nice tool just because the Feds want to maintain their fascist control.
WTF??? Of course I blame the speculators...for many, many things. What's up with the spam??

you don't understand speculation then. speculation actually helps control wild swings in prices.

It is a shame what a lack of financial/economic knowledge there is in this country
738. Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (9/26/2012)

Although I gave up the attempt to buy a house when I learned that they abolished the assumable loan, the Feds had a swift response to my housing inquiry. In following month I found the housing price went up. Low price house disappeared from the list. Furthermore, soon there came a new law:

Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997

In 1997 President Clinton signed into effect the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, which included the largest capital gains tax cut in U.S. history. Under the act, the profits on the sale of a personal residence ($500,000 for married couples, $250,000 for singles) were exempted if lived in for at least 2 years over the last 5.t

When I heard this Act, I realized it was a measure to suppress other buyers to make money in a coming housing babble blown up by the Feds. Investors won’t buy in a downwards market. They emerge in an upwards market. This Act blocks other people to compete with the Feds in real estate market once the Feds blowing up a babble. Common buyers have to wait for five years if they want to make good profit while the Feds had the houses in their hands for years already. The Feds started to empty my community and buy in the house in 1990 .

San Jose Real Estate Market: Trend, Analysis & Statistics
Annual Home Price Appreciation Rates

1989 25.87%
1990 -6.11% --(I knew Mrs. Chen in Galt Flea Market. Apparently she was the Feds’ target already. The Feds started to buy houses.)
1991 -0.99% -- (Mrs. Chen was arrested for Heroin smuggling.)
1992 -1.78%
1993 -2.78%
1994 -1.40% -- (I left for China due to the persecution of the Feds)
1995 2.43% -- (Return to US. Persecution continued)
1996 5.48% -- (Saw “Cash for house”. Attempting to buy a house)
1997 13.22% -- (Taxpayer Relief Act passed)
1998 13.08% -- (dot com babble)
1999 13.74%
2000 29.07% -- (dot com babble broke up)
2001 0.79%

You can see how the Feds drove down the real estate value dramatically in 1990 when they started to buy in. Around 1996, when I recognized there would be a booming estate market and attempted to buy a house, how the Feds checked the other buyers with that five years new rule - Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and pushed up the housing market in following years. The first housing babble popped off before the five year ending of new “Taxpayer Relief Act”. You can see it from the Chart.

739. The third housing babble (10/1/2012)

This was what happened in 1990s. The Feds started to buy in the real estate property from 1990 when they drove down the housing price. In 1997, when they found I trying to buy a house, the Feds passed the “Taxpayer Relief Act” to check other buyers from competition. Then they pushed up the housing market with the “dot com” babble. Why? Because the area where I live is the Silicone Valley where the high tech. companies gather in and where the Feds hold a lot of property they bought in my case. The tactic was to encourage the establishment of new company. The high salary employee would boost the property price.

The “dot com” babble exploded in 2000. The Feds might have made good profit in property market in elsewhere but the San Francisco Bay Area where they invested heavily in my case. How to release their wealth? Then came the second babble.

In April 2001, Pentagon created EP-3 spy plane collision incident in South China Sea. In secret deal with China to release the spy plane crew, the Feds bribed China to frame a drug case in US. As a payback to Pentagon, the Feds helped Pentagon prepared 911 terror case. Silverstein leased WTC at that month. 911 also gave the Feds the Patriot Act they have longed for. (See: “695. The collusion of D.O.D. and D.O.J. (11/28/2011)”)

With Patriot Act and a framed drug case in hand, the Feds now was sure Kat Sung would be eliminated. What needed was a booming housing market. How to get it? By manipulate the Federal Reserve.


You can see how dramatically the interest rate dropped to the bottom in 2001 that created a housing babble US ever had which finally caused financial collapsing in 2008.

However, the property the Feds hold in Kat Sung’s case is still there, how to deliver the hot potato into other people’s hands? It’s still the mission of Federal Reserve.
Reuters – Wed, Sep 26, 2012.. .

(Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve launched a new round of monetary stimulus this month, saying it will buy $40 billion in housing-backed bonds each month until the labor market improves substantially.

The Fed has kept interest rates near zero since December 2008 and now says it expects weak economic conditions will warrant keeping them there through at least mid 2015, half a year longer than it had earlier expected.

When Federal Reserve exhausted their interest rate tool, to help the Feds to break away from their straits, Federal Reserve will turn papers into money by printing 40 billion dollars each month – all of them will poured into the real estate market in order to create a third housing babble. This time, the babble will come with severe inflation, I foresee.
740. Seize the house and frame a case (10/10/2012)

About two decades ago, I was impressed by a news story. It was about how a black family losing their house. The family had a dispute with the government on some fee. The government seized their house and auctioned it in a very low price only about a fraction of the house value ( I forgot the detail. say, if the worth of the house was 150 K, the buyer got it for 15 k.) The buyer was an attorney worked for the government.

Of course the news story was not for that black family but for that attorney who bought the house. It said he was harassed by perpetration such like the windows was broken by stones from time to time. It hinted that was a revenge from the black family who lost their house.

What I learned from this story was that government squeezes people by their law system and the beneficiaries were government officials. Later I found the Feds actively murder the people and loot their wealth. Several times I found the homeowner Association deliberately delayed to mail the yearly service fee bill to us. One year I even didn’t receive the bill until it was overdue. I thought it was attempt to take over the house.

The yearly property tax is due on November 1st. Usually the bill is received in September or earlier so we have a plenty of time to mail the check. This time, until October 4th I didn’t receive the property tax bill. I asked my wife if she had taken it. She said no. Obviously the Feds have held the letter. They plan a framed case in later October and hope to seize the house if we miss the chance to pay the property tax.

On Sunday (10/7) I found the tax bill letter in my mail box. Someone put that letter there on Saturday night. I think it was my question to my wife rattled the Feds. They released the letter on Saturday night. But the attempt to seize the house doesn’t change. My wife refused to write check. It is unusual. She must have been threatened by the Feds. They certainly have planned a big case in later October.

My mother, my sisters and brother and their families, are arranged for a trip to Hawaii in the end of October. That’s not a coincidence. It is not an appropriate time for a vacation in Hawaii. But it's the time just before November 1st- the due date of property tax. It fits their plot to seize the property in the name of owing a debt when the victims are under arrest in a framed case or being eliminated in a travel incident.

741. Why the gas price jump high (10/15/2012)

On Oct 10, I revealed that the Feds have arranged a Hawaii trip for my family members. That’s a tactic they used to use when they planned a framed case. That night, my wife said she would take a tour to Thailand between Oct.19 to Oct. 25. It was a swift response to my revelation. They are showing off their power that they can order a trip any time they want on anybody.

To coordinate this October framed case, you also saw an unusual sudden rising price of gasoline in California, especially in Bay Area. A gas station owner complained that the gas price going up $1.00 just in five days.

California Refiners Ration Gasoline as Prices Near Record
By Lynn Doan – Friday, Oct 5, 2012

“We’re really sort of shell-shocked,” said Tom Robinson, president of Santa Clara, California-based Robinson Oil Corp., which operates 34 Rotten Robbie convenience stores. “If you’ve been in California long enough, you know how volatile our market can be. But to see prices go up $1 a gallon since Monday -- I’ve never seen that before.”


Calif. gas prices equal all-time high
By GILLIAN FLACCUS | Associated Press, 10/6/2012

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Saturday's price, the highest in the nation, equaled the record average high for California set in June 2008 of $4.61.

Be noticed that the sudden rising gas price started in first days of October. It matches well to the Feds October plot. Why? Because the Feds have collected so many real estate properties in my case in two decades. They want to keep the price good once they finish the case and pass these houses to the ordinary people. The houses mainly are located in San Francisco and San Jose where my family members and I live. The Feds managed to keep the price high there.

But the economy is actually still weak despite the lavish praise of the media. The housing market in nearby area is still low. The average price of house in Sacramento and Stockton is about half to the Bay Area. These cities are about one to two hour drive to San Francisco. To prevent the potential buyer to buy house there, the Feds pushed up the gas price.
742. Help Obama to win the second term (10/24/2012)

The recent Gallup poll shows that Mitt Romney leads over President Barack Obama in president Campaign. That’s just a gimmick to cheat people. The election result is pre-decided. Obama will stay for his second term. It doesn’t relate to any politics. It is for a case of the Feds. They need Obama’s Health Reform that they forced Chief Justice Roberts to change his mind in June to pass the “Health Reform”. (see “ 726. The surprise turnaround of Chief Justice (7/4/2012)”)

To keep Obama to stay in his seat, they have to create an economic background that favors him. Two months before voting date, in early September, we saw European bank chief Draghi said the bank would buy the bond with no limit. How could this affect US president election?

Draghi helps out Obama campaign

By Robin Harding in Washington September 6, 2012

Barack Obama’s chances of re-election as US president rose on Thursday and the words that did it were not his but Mario Draghi’s.

Long before Mr Obama stood up to accept the Democratic nomination in Charlotte, North Carolina, the head of the European Central Bank had sketched out a new plan to buy the bonds of troubled eurozone countries.

That will not move the polls; it will not move a single vote. But Mr Draghi has lowered the gravest of risks to Mr Obama: a pre-election meltdown in the eurozone that would have blown up banks, pulverised Wall Street, and routed a fragile US economy back into recession.

If that happened, it would not be Mr Obama’s fault, but he would get the blame. Just as the failure of Lehman Brothers doomed his rival John McCain in 2008, a eurozone implosion would create economic odds too great for Mr Obama to surmount.

Within days, Federal Reserve Chief Bernanke pushed out another QE which would push up economy temporarily but hurt it in long term with inflation. The Republicans felt it immediately. The timing of issuing QE3 is not a coincidence. It helps Obama.

Fed risks political fallout from QE3

By Robin Harding and James Politi in Washington September 14, 2012

Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, duly opened fire on Friday after the Fed began an open-ended third round of quantitative easing (QE3), under which it will buy $40bn of mortgage-backed securities a month.

QE3 will create another housing bubble.

Marc Faber: Fed's QE forever is ludicrous; no country has become rich from consumption

Source: BI-ME , Author: Constantine Gardner Fri September 14, 2012

"Asset prices will go up and the money will flow to the Mayfair Economy," he said, defining the latter as an "economy of the rich people whose assets prices go up and whose net worth increases" without any trickle down benefit to the real economy.

What you have is a small economy that is booming and the majority of the economy is being damaged by QE, Faber explains.

Faber sees the Fed's monetary policies over the last 15 years as mainly responsible for the various asset bubbles (Nasdaq, real estate etc...) leading to the subprime crisis in 2007. "The money printers and the neo-Keynesians interventionists are responsible for the crisis, reckons Faber, and people should know this."

Dr Bernanke's attempt to boost growth and reduce unemployment will end up, according to Dr. Faber, in a fiscal Grand Canyon with never ending deficits, the majority of the economy being damaged, the man in the street facing higher prices and losing his job.

Faber sees the Fed's monetary policies over the last 15 years as mainly responsible for the various asset bubbles (Nasdaq, real estate etc...), the Nasdaq bubble is the bubble, I talked about these two bubbles from #733 to #739. And the Federal Reserve now continues to create the third one. At the purpose to help the Feds to remove the hot potatoes in their hands to the ordinary people.

743. Create a hoax of a better off economy (10/29/2012)

Three months before the voting date, the unemployment rate was still high that it made the re-election unlikely for Obama.

What Does an 8.3 Percent Unemployment Rate Mean for the Election?

By: Jon King | August 5, 2012

Many pundits (including this one) have made the point that if the unemployment rate is at 8% or higher that the president will have an uphill battle to win the election.

The reason why 8% is such a hurdle is that no modern president has ever won re-election when unemployment was over 8%. Actually, if one wants to take an even more skeptical view, they could say that no president since Roosevelt has won re-election with unemployment over 7.2%.

It’s hard to convince people the unemployment rate would drop below 7.2% in two months from 8.3%. But they still could manage to get a figure of 7.8% in order to make Obama’s re-election more reasonable.

[quote ] Fact Check: Labor Secretary Solis Misleads on Jobs Revisions

by Joel B. Pollak 5 Oct 2012

Suspicion about the federal government's September jobs report has fallen on Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who appeared on CNBC this morning and defended the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), claiming--falsely--that upward revisions of 86,000 jobs were from the private sector. In fact, the new number is entirely accounted for by upwards revisions to state and federal government payrolls.

The BLS reported that while only 114,000 jobs were created in September--which would have translated into a rise in unemployment from 8.1% to 8.2%--the unemployment rate fell dramatically to 7.8%. That unusual drop is the fastest in nearly three decades, and was unexpected even in the rosiest predictions.

One reason for the rise was an upward revision of 86,000 to the July and August jobs numbers--all of which came from a 91,000 increase in the estimate of public sector jobs. Private sector job estimates were actually revised downward by 5,000.

In addition, the BLS reported a large rise in the number of part-time jobs, adding 600,000 jobs to the total--a dramatic increase of 7.5%, not explained by any other economic indicators--and raising questions about whether the government had changed the way it counted part-time workers. [/quote]

Nobody can verify the figure. It’s all under their control. They could cover up the truth of 911 attack. They could make Bin Laden died twice. So what to maintain a puppet president? If they could have kept a war criminal (who activated a war with a lie) to stay on his second term, what’s the problem for another puppet? All they have to do is to create a hoax of a better off economy for several months then blame everything on the coming financial cliff.
744. Manipulation in Mother Nature’s guise (11/7/2012)

The Feds like to play the God’s role to control people. In 2004, when they planned to keep a proved liar on chair for his second term, they said it was the “God’s will”.
Pat Robertson predicted "I think George Bush is going to win in a walk, I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."
Eight years later, the Feds want to shape up the way for Obama. They play the God’s will in another way – in Mother Nature’s guise.

If you still remember how storm Issac had disturbed the GOP Convention and suppressed Republican’s spirit.

It was so coincident that Limbaugh alleged:

Rush Limbaugh Says Obama Manipulated Isaac Storm Track To Delay GOP Convention: ‘The Hurricane Center Is … Obama’
By Stephen Lacey on Aug 27, 2012

Then another coincidence came:

Conspiracy Theorists Say Obama Engineered Hurricane Sandy
By Elizabeth Flock October 29, 2012

As Hurricane Sandy blasts the eastern seaboard just over a week before Election Day, a number of conspiracy theorists have decided President Barack Obama engineered the mega-storm to secure his re-election.,, and ConsfearacyNewz all posted stories over the last several days alleging that the The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, helped the president engineer Sandy.

Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012 05:28 AM PDT
So what does Romney do now?

If the hurricane freezes the presidential race in place, it's not good news for the GOP nominee
By Steve Kornacki

For Romney, the downside is obvious: Sandy has for now frozen the race in place – and where the race is right now isn’t good for him. If the election were held this moment, Barack Obama would probably be returned to office for a second term. The president is at best tied with Romney in the national horserace and at worst behind by a point, but he holds clear advantages in the most important battleground states and is much better-positioned to reach 270 electoral votes.

Romney needs to shore up states like Virginia and Colorado and erase stubborn gaps in Ohio or Wisconsin and Iowa before next Tuesday. Momentum alone doesn’t seem like it will get him there. He surged in the wake of the first debate in Denver, but the race has settled into place since then. For lack of a better term, Romney is in need of some kind of jolt that would fix his swing state problem.

Sandy severely complicates this task. For one thing, it has overtaken the presidential campaign as the top national story and will continue to do so for several days. Obama, as the president, has an obvious place in this story. The actions of the White House and the response of the federal government are integral to the clean-up, and Obama has a platform to showcase his presidential leadership. Romney, though, has no official role, and really can’t force his way into the story. There’s also the matter of unseemliness – it wouldn’t look too good for Romney to keep right on campaigning as the rest of the country takes stock of a natural disaster. Thus did Romney cancel events yesterday and again today.

745. Manipulation the election (11/12/2012)

Boeing Announces Big Layoffs in Defense Division
Published: Wednesday, 7 Nov 2012

Watch the date of the announcement. The day next to the election day. Big lay off took some time to plan. Boeing is a big firm that under the control of the Feds. They don’t want to hurt Obama’s campaign so they sealed the bad news until he is re-elected. Same tactic was seen in other areas.

Record-High Food Stamp Enrollment Data Released After Election
November 10, 2012

Nearly 421,000 new participants were added in just one month from the July 2012 figure of 46,681,917. Almost 2 million more participants were added in the last year when compared to the August 2011 figure of 45,794,474. There were about 32 million Americans on Food Stamps when President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.

The U.S. Monthly Data report is typically issued at the end of the following month, or pushed slightly into next week if there is a weekend or holiday at the end of the month. For example, July 2012's numbers were released on September 28, 2012 (See below). However, the August 2012 report was released unusually late on November 9, 2012, well after the U.S. Presidential Election had taken place.

Unemployment generally correlates with food-stamp enrollment. The Feds made it a sharp drop two months before the election day from 8.3% to 7.8%. I alleged the figure was rigged(see #743). It’s a big conflict to the Food Stamp Enrollment data. How the sharp drop of unemployment could cause a record high food stamp enrollment? To prevent the contradiction to hurt Obama’s election, we saw an unusual delay of Food stamp enrollment data releasing.

Record-High Food Stamp Enrollment Data Released After Election
November 10, 2012
Nearly 421,000 new participants were added in just one month from the July 2012 figure of 46,681,917. Almost 2 million more participants were added in the last year when compared to the August 2011 figure of 45,794,474. There were about 32 million Americans on Food Stamps when President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.

The U.S. Monthly Data report is typically issued at the end of the following month, or pushed slightly into next week if there is a weekend or holiday at the end of the month. For example, July 2012's numbers were released on September 28, 2012 (See below). However, the August 2012 report was released unusually late on November 9, 2012, well after the U.S. Presidential Election had taken place.
746. GOP is obedient to the Feds (11/21/2012)

With 60,000 dead, Mexicans wonder why drug war doesn't rate in presidential debate

Much of Latin America was dismayed that they got only a glancing mention in Romney and Obama's final presidential debate.

By Sara Miller Llana | Christian Science Monitor – 10/23/2012

That means no candidate talked about the drug trade, despite historic violence playing out in Mexico, much of it along the 2,000-mile border that the US shares.

So far, the death toll in Syria is about 30,000, much less than 60,000. The media and US politicians beat the drum on civilians’ death there but keep a blind eye on its neighbor Mexico. Are the lives of the Muslim more valuable than Mexicans? No, it’s because this topic would certain to draw out a scandal – Operation Fast and Furious. It’s an Achilles’ heel of the Obama’s administration. Why the GOP and Romney hadn’t taken the advantage on this issue in election campaign? Because it’s the Feds that control this nation and the election. Eric Holder and D.O.J. committed the crime to supply the weapons to Mexican drug gangs and made Mexico a slaughtering field. The republican dares not to offend its master. So the issue was left alone.

The cause that leads the Feds to keep Obama on his chair is they need his Healthcare for their case. (see “726. The surprise turnaround of Chief Justice (7/4/2012)”. Obama is the rare President who could be re-elected when unemployment was above 7.4%. After the failure, the Republican recognizes the intention of the Feds and bows down:

Boehner: 'Obamacare is the law of the land'

By Michael O'Brien, NBC News 11/8/2012

Republicans' efforts to undo President Barack Obama's health care reform law appear to have come to an end, as House Speaker John Boehner described it Thursday as the "law of the land."

747. Petraeus case is an extortion (11/27/2012)

On Nov. 10, CIA Chief Petraeus resigned from his post because the FBI had found his affairs in Broadwell’s email. On Nov. 20, we have such a news:
Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants

by Declan McCullagh
| November 20, 2012

A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans' e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law.

CNET has learned that Patrick Leahy, the influential Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, has dramatically reshaped his legislation in response to law enforcement concerns. A vote on his bill, which now authorizes warrantless access to Americans' e-mail, is scheduled for next week.

Obviously, the FBI activates its accessories in Senate to change the law to justify its action on the CIA Chief. The cause they applied on Petraeus case is weak, fragile and unreasonable.

In unusual CIA case, FBI detoured from usual path
By RICHARD LARDNER | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The way the FBI responded to Jill Kelley's complaint about receiving harassing emails, which ultimately unraveled or scarred the careers of ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and Marine Gen. John Allen, is the exception, not the rule.

The FBI commonly declines to pursue cyberstalking cases without compelling evidence of serious or imminent harm to an individual, victims of online harassment, advocacy groups and computer crime experts told The Associated Press.
Instead, the FBI considered this from the earliest stages to be an exceptional case, and one so sensitive that FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.
Civil liberties groups have criticized the FBI for pursuing the investigation of the emails to Kelley because there is no indication the messages contained any threatening language or classified information. The episode underscores the need to strengthen the legal protections for electronic communications, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.

What made the FBI crossing the path to create a scandal? There must be a reason. I think it was a potential extortion case. The FBI tried to blackmail CIA Chief Petraeus with the affair scandal but failed. Then we saw such a stage show.
748. Petraeus case is an extortion (2) (12/6/2012)

New report describes Broadwell emails to Kelley as ‘death threats’

By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – Tue, Nov 20, 2012

Paula Broadwell reportedly vowed in an email to make Jill Kelley "go away" the New York Daily News reported Tuesday in a story offering new details about how the mistress of former CIA Director David Petraeus threatened Kelley.

It’s ridiculous to interpret “go away” as a life threat. Yet it was “so sensitive that FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.” Is it funny that the two big heads of the D.O.J. kept their interest on someone’s affair while A.G. Eric Holder said he was not notified of “Operation Fast and Furious”?

As a matter of fact, Eric Holder is under heavy pressure to resign on “Operation Fast and Furious” scandal. FBI director Robert Mueller is on his “extended two years” term. Both are in their finale days in D.O.J.. (see #693 and #694) They have a mission to frame a case to terminate Kat Hak Sung, then to take the responsibility by “resignation” – a convenient way for the officials to quit from the crime they committed.

In 1990s, I left US twice because the intensified persecution of the Feds. Then they created OKC bombing and 911 attack to achieve the new law “Patriot Act” with which they establish the TSA search in airport. On 10/7/2009, I was denied to enter Canada on the border. (see #611) The only exit now is Mexico. A few days later, in later October 2009, D.O.J. created “Operation Fast and Furious”. They successfully turned Mexico into a killing field. It was obviously created for my case.

This year, the Feds have new plan to frame me through the new Obama’s Healthcare law. I revealed it in July. (see #726) Next month, a strange case happened.

Mexico focus on police commanders in CIA shooting
By E. EDUARDO CASTILLO | Associated Press – Mon, Nov 19, 2012.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — In a strange and aggressive attack by Mexican federal police on a U.S. Embassy vehicle that was pumped with 152 bullets, one major question remains: Why?

Mexican investigators are looking for the answer from five police commanders who are accused of ordering 14 officers to lie about what happened on Aug. 24 south of Mexico City, where two CIA officers and a Mexican Navy captain came under heavy fire while travelling in an armored SUV clearly marked by diplomatic plates.
"Commanders controlled by whom? Whose instructions were they following?" said one Mexican official with knowledge of the case.
Media puzzled, asked why? People rarely know it was an attempt to create scandal for CIA. “Operation Fast and Furious” has made D.O.J. notorious already. They now intend to extort CIA to collaborate in their plot in Mexico if I would be forced to be there.

749. Petraeus case is an extortion (3) (12/11/2012)

Who has the power to order the Mexico Federal police to murder CIA agents? Mexico government has no intention to offend its super power neighborhood. The answer is simple: It is someone who has the ability to extort the Chief of CIA.

We know the Feds control the drug gangs in Mexico. (see “698. FBI and DEA are behind the “Fast and Furious” (12/19/2011)”

US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US Government
Posted by Bill Conroy - July 31, 2011 at 5:07 pm

The son of a heavy hitter in a powerful Mexican drug trafficking organization has filed explosive legal pleadings in federal court in Chicago accusing the US government of cutting a deal with the the “Sinaloa Cartel” that gave its leadership “carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States.”

The Feds not only control drug gangs in Mexico, they also control mexico police force, turn it into their informants.

Reports Of Mexican Special Forces Serving As 'Death Squads' In The Drug War

Michael Kelley|Oct. 2, 2012
Ciudad Juárez, right across the border from El Paso, Texas, was perhaps the most dangerous place in the world between 2008 and 2011 as a “cartel turf war" led to more than 10,000 murders.

But U.S. and Mexican officials told Stratfor that the surge of killings can be partly attributed to Mexican special forces and hitmen who were acting as U.S. informants.

The CIA agents survived in Mexico police’ attack were lucky because they were in a bullet proof car. The plot continues. CIA Chief Petraeus was extorted by affair scandal. It seems Petraeus didn’t compromise to that blackmail. He knows once he obeys, he will be a slave for that power for life. He chose to resign.
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