Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

665. Obama faces extortion (4/18/2011)

Today the Feds have occupied the high ranking of government office. They manipulate the politicians to squeeze money and power through false flag terror attacks and war. They used to set up a plot, then let the President sign it so they would not have to take any responsibility. The president becomes an important role in their plot.

Here are the cases:

1. According to the article “CIA spy captured giving nuclear bomb to terrorists”, President Kennedy was assassinated because he rejected the Cuba war plan “Operation Northwoods”.

2. President Clinton was seriously humiliated by “Lewinsky scandal” because he didn’t approve the request of “war on Iraq” proposed by the Neo-con group.

3. G.W.Bush was awarded the post of President(2001-2004) for the promising of Iraq war. (In a controversial election “Bush vs. Al Gore” with the background that Clinton finished his term with splendid economic achievement- an unprecedented budget surplus)

G.W.Bush also was rewarded with second term of President (2005-2008) for the promising of Iran war. (At the background that he activated Iraq war with a big lie (WMD)) The plot signaled with the event of a B-52 loaded with nuclear missiles flied over US continent. The plot was failed to go through.

4. Now President Obama faces the Iran war deal. He is under extortion: a puppet of the Feds –
Donald Trump is waging a propaganda war – Birther movement. The purpose is clear: either you approve the war on Iran or you lose the chance of second term. What I worry is worse: Obama may be sacrificed for Iran war. Iran war needs big justification. Nothing is bigger than the assassination of the President. They killed President Kennedy. So what for the Feds to kill another one?

, “CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists

Most ominous in this SVR report, though, is Pakistan’s ISI stating that top-secret CIA documents found in Davis’s possession point to his, and/or TF373, providing to al Qaeda terrorists “nuclear fissile material” and “biological agents” they claim are to be used against the United States itself in order to ignite an all-out war in order to reestablish the West’s hegemony over a Global economy that is warned is just months away from collapse.


“Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.”

Though Operation Northwoods had the “approval” of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it did not have the approval of their boss, President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), but who barely one year after his outright rejection of this monstrous plan to kill thousands of innocent Americans was gunned down as an example to any future US leader what would happen to them if they dared go against the wishes of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC).

Today, as the US Department of Homeland Security has just issued a grim warning that the threat of terror strike on America is at a higher level than it has been since September 11, 2001, and the WikiLeaks release of secret US government cables reveals that al Qaeda is on the brink of using a nuclear bomb, a new President stands between his people and the CIA warmongers with the only question being will he protect them like Kennedy did?
666. Explanation to high price of oil and gold (4/28/2011)

Every American feels the hurt of the rising price of gasoline. It accelerates its inflation step from later last year. Here are two news.

Oil rises above $90 a barrel in Asia as US crude supply drop suggests demand improving
Alex Kennedy, Associated Press, On Wednesday December 22 (2010)

SINGAPORE (AP) -- Oil prices rose above $90 a barrel Wednesday in Asia after a report showed U.S. crude supplies dropped more than expected for a second week, which suggests demand is improving.

Saudis Slash Oil Output, Say Market Oversupplied

Published: Monday, 18 Apr 2011 | 5:40 By: Reuters

Consumers have urged the exporters' group to pump more crude to put a cap on oil, which surged to more than $127 a barrel this month, its highest level in 2 1/2 years amid unrest in North Africa and the Middle East.

In four months, the oil price increases more than 25%. It follows the steps of persecution the Feds applies on me.

1. From the news we know the high oil price is not out of "supply and demand". It's out of the "speculation". The big bankers manipulate oil price high to save Dollar. (Iran abandoned dollar in oil trading. See “556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)”)

2. The high oil price will also justify Iran war. After the war, the oil will return to normal. (Around $30/barrel) Then the media will tell people, "You see. We are right to go war on Iran. So you all can enjoy a low price gas now." So the anti-war mood will be minimized.

3. The plotter used to make money on war crisis. So they accumulate the oil future options to push up the price. Once the war happens, they can make huge profits. (They had done so in 911 attack when they made money in stock option market.)

4. In 2007 and 2008, when there was a plan to war on Iran - the plot was signaled by a B-52 loaded with nuclear missiles flied over US continent, oil had been pushed up to $147/barrel. Now it is in a similar situation.

5. The model will be: False flag terror attack happens in US and European countries.(likely nuclear bombing or dirty bomb attack). It will justify war on Iran because Iran is accused of developing nuclear weapons. During the war crisis, under the propaganda of the media, the price of oil and gold will go up like crazy. That is the time the mastermind to unload their stock (the oil future option and gold) to public.

Iran war plot has been in plan since Bush’s second term. It was delayed again and again because the Feds also project it as a distraction on a framed drug case so I can have the above conclusions through my observation.

667. Bin Laden's death is another trick (5/2/2011)

When people chanting for the news of Bin Laden's death, I have a sad feeling how ignorant people are cheated by this government. I also worry we may face a big "terror attack" planned by this government.

1. Since 911, I don't believe this government anymore. It is hijacked by a group of insiders. If they can cheat people with 911 such a big attack, what else can't they do? For those who insist to tarnish 911 truthers, one thing they can't deny is the "WMD" lie which justified war on Iraq. That's a big lie because it caused large civilian's casualty. Yet, that lie was neglected. The lier was awarded a second term of President because the inside group wants another war - Iran war. Bin Laden's death is only another soap opera - same like the death of Al Zarqawi. (so said Iraq Al Qaida)

2. There is a strategy purpose of Bin Laden's death - to justify a coming dirty bomb attack. The intelligence always arrange "provocative actions" to make the false flag terror attack reasonable. That was what we saw a month ago the "Quran burning" in Florida and the "veil ban" law passed in French. "Bin Laden's death" is a big one they push out today which indicates a big terror attack is going to happen recently.

3.It's a continuation of a series "nuclear crisis (bombing)" attempt since later last year. (see my posts from #651) You may verify it from rare report news. (not from US media)

April 6, 2011 posted by Gordon Duff

“More checkpoints per square mile than Baghdad”
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Busloads of police were brought into New York, some from distant communities. The national press, generously called the “mainstream media” reported none of this today. There was a defacto news blackout about the scale and nature of what is happening in New York City today.

The story in New York is that the city is testing its capability of detecting a “dirty bomb” or other “radiological device.” At a time when most municipalities are flat broke, busted, New York is spending an unprecedented amount, in what is said to be a drill. The city is hunting four “imaginary terror groups.”

US tornadoes force shutdown of two nuclear reactors in Virginia

Ewen MacAskill in Washington, Monday 18 April 2011

A US nuclear power company has disclosed that one of the tornadoes that hit the US at the weekend, killing at least 45 people and causing widespread damage, forced the shutdown of two of its reactors.

The series of tornadoes that began in Oklahoma late last week barrelled across the country, with North Carolina, where 22 people died, the worst-hit state.

Nine days later, on 4/27 there was an unprecedentary tornado storms attacked East side of America. Scientists suggested "some of the tonadoes may have been among the largest and most powerful ever recorded. " "2011 Tornado Outbreak Death Toll Hits 337, Second-Deadliest Day From Twister In U.S. History".

On 3/11, Japan suffered an earthquake biggerst ever in its history. On 4/27, US suffered a largest and most powerful ever recorded tonado storms. When both failed to produce a nuclear pollution crisis in US, the Feds activates Bin Laden. Beware of a coming "nuclear bomb attack". (Or dirty bomb attack)
668. Chinese secret police (5/5/2011)

C.Y. is the brother of my sister in law. His wife is W.S.. Last year the couple bought a house in same street where I live. It only takes five minutes to walk there from my house - one block away. According to my acknowledge to the Feds, they used to arrange agents and informants living around the target. The couple should belong to the monitor team. When there is a need, they are the one who can quickly come into my house - in Chinese tradition they are my distant relatives. They had involved in trap set up action which I talked about in "625. Feds start to kill (2/15/2010)", "639. FISA plot continues (6/27/2010)" and "644. Bio team and G-man (8/22/2010)". (In these articles, I call them "the couple")

My sister in law has three brothers and one sister, all live in San Jose area. Only this couple was selected to be my neighbor. It is not a coincidence. I now believe the couple work for Chinese secret police. C.Y. worked in prison system in Shanghai before he moved to US. It belongs to public security. I don't know what W.S. did in China. What I know is she has been acquaintance of C-lady long time ago in China. C-lady is a Chinese secret agent planted at my wife's office for as long as 16 years. (see "643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups? (8/12/2010)), with great opportunity W.S. is a secret agent too. Now, Chinese secret police are working aggressively with the Feds to frame the drug case.

Though I keep a distance to that couple, my wife becomes their close friend. Two weeks ago, the couple came to borrow the minivan which my wife drives. The excuse was to move furniture for their son's wedding. Their car is too small for it.

On 4/19, my wife fell down from stairs, hurt her foot. She has to stay home until now. It seems a new plot has been planned. The couple came on 5/1 to borrow the mini-van again. They said they have three relatives who would arrive on 5/4. They emphasized that three people with six big cases needed a minivan to deliver. My wife gave them her car-key. The key was too tight locked in a key ring to take off. Seeing them in trouble, I gave mine to them. The mini-van was bought 11 years ago to replace her old car. I keep one because I held a drive license then. Ten years ago, my drive license expired, I haven't driven since. Occasionally, I use the key to open the door when my wife pick up me for a food shopping drive.

Next morning, 5/2, news of Bin Laden's death was reported. I thought, the Feds was too eager to finish the case and start a war in May - when the Patriot Act would end. In the evening, C.Y. came to pick the mini-van. He then said he couldn't start up the car that it needed a jump. I realized its an attempt to link me to that car. The Feds must have planted something illegal in the car. Really as my foreseeing the jump up failed. C.W. came asking me to help him. I refused. I told him I won't touch that car. He left.

5/3, the car disappeared. C.W. got it fixed and drove it away after they failed to lure me into the trap.

5/4, every tree on my street are stuck with a notice. "No parking on 5/5 and 5/6. Street sweeping". I live in this street for 25 years. This is the first time I saw such a case. To clean the car from the street is a procedure of the Feds - to prevent other car interfering their action. The traditional way is to put a "No traffic" board at the entrance of the street. It indicates there will be big operation on 5/5 or 5/6.

I don't have driver license. I haven't driven for ten years because Feds play trick with the car too much. The mini-van is registered under my wife's name. Still the Feds try to link me to a planted car. They are crazy to finish their decades long framing case and to start the war on Iran. That's why I hurry writing the two messages.

669. Wikileaks and Al Qaida knew “Bin Laden’s death” in advance (5/10/2011)

C.Y. and W.S. will host a wedding party for their son on May 15. That date may be arranged by the Feds. They used to plan a raid on a party when their targets gather together. May is the last month of their project – when Patriot Act will end.

That’s why I think May 15 will be an operation day for Feds to frame a drug case, or a FISA case. (Foreign spy case, it is easy to frame a case when Chinese secret police is bribed to collaborate with the Feds.) It seems they will link me into the case with that vehicle. The couple borrowed the car last Tuesday and kept it since. My wife doesn’t care and said, “they may need it in wedding party”. (She doesn’t drive after her foot is hurt).

Of course, there will be “terror attack” around May 15 to distract. That’s why there was a “Bin Laden’s death” show played on May 1st. It was a forgery stage show created by the Feds, that’s obvious. You can learn it from the following news.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Unleash ‘Nuclear Hellstorm’ if bin Laden Caught

Posted by Ingrid Turner on Apr 25, 2011

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (NEWSTABULOUS) – According to news reported by WikiLeaks, threats have been received from al-Qaeda terrorists, stating that they will “unleash a nuclear hellstorm” upon Western countries if Osama bin Laden is ever caught or killed.

WikiLeaks: Al-Qaida Has Nuclear Weapons
Author: ICWN | Monday, April 25th, 2011

The militant group al-Qaeda claims to have nuclear weapons and did not hesitate to use them if their leader, Osama bin Laden captured or killed by the United States. Not yet known exactly where al-Qaeda’s nuclear weapons are stored, but are found in Europe.

Five days before May 1st, Wikileaks and Al Qaida knew of “Bin Laden’s death” would have happened and announced a warning. The news is a clumsy product of the “disinformation office” of the Feds. It means:

1. Al Qaida have nuclear weapon. They haven’t used it because Bin Laden hadn’t been caught or killed.
2. Wikileaks and Al Qaida knew Bin Laden would be killed several days later so issued a warning.

3.That news can be used to justify the coming “nuke bomb attack”. (or dirty bomb attack)
It proves this was a planned conspiracy. Wikileaks and Al Qaida are all work for the US intelligence. I have already talked about it in “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)”.

White House “Situation Room” Photo locked all Obama administration members into that plot. They are bound to a “false flag terror attack” war tank now by the Feds and will be ridden to “nuclear bombing attack” field and “Iran war” hill. That “terror attack” will happen soon, with great opportunity at coming week-ends.
670. New warning in May (5/20/2011)

On 4/18, at the high tide of birthers' movement, I wrote "665. Obama faces extortion (4/18/2011)". I said the Feds was pushing hard on Obama to approve the project of Iran war. I worried that he even might be assassinated. Right that day an incident proved my opinion. An Air Force jet with first lady aborted landing and had to circle round for some time because it was too close to a military cargo plane. The error committed by an air traffic controller could cause a collision. I think that was an intimidation to Obama. The life of him and his family are in the hands of the Feds.

Obama surrendered. The compromise date should be between 4/18 (the plane incident of the First lady) and 4/25. (Al Qaida issued warning that they would nuke US if Bin Laden captured or killed) It took the Feds five days to plan the hoax "Operation Geronimo".

Everybody saw the rest development. On 4/26, media said, 63% Of Americans Say They Wouldn’t Vote For Donald Trump, Obama released his "Birth certificate" on 4/27.

Donald Trump hinted he wouldn't run for president in early May. The birther's movement lost its power and scattered away. That's what Obama got.

Now Americans are facing a false flag "nuclear bombing" after May 1st, "Bin Laden's death". Since it is also planned as a distract on my case, I saw a synchronized activity against me the same day. At 5/1 night, C.Y. and W.S. came to my house, said they need to borrow a mini-van to pick up three relatives from China. (see "668. Chinese secret police (5/5/2011)")

My wife collaborated. They borrowed the car for unusual long time - more than two weeks. (5/2 to 5/17) I believe the car was under "surveillance warrant" of the FISA. Those "three relatives" are real Chinese agents. It is a deliberate plant arranged by US and Chinese secret police. To connect me to the car, they created a car breakdown, asked me to help. So the Feds could take a picture to show to the judge for warrant. I refused. I also refuse to attend their son's wending party and allege that week-end(5/15) a possible action day.

Now 5/15 passed. What's new? Another plot is planned immediately. Yesterday (5/19), my wife informed me that she would leave on Friday(5/20) for Boston to attend an education ceremony of her friend's son. It's an one day's notice. It is a sudden arrangement which I never heard of before. It's an order from the Feds, obviously. My wife's foot was hurt last month. She can't drive until now and is still difficult to walk. But she has to collaborate. She said, "it doesn't matter, I can use a handicape chair in air-port."

Once again, I issue a warning, Feds likely will frame a case on this week end, (5/20 - 5/22) followed with false flag nuke attacks in the name of Al Qaida.

It reminds me of another plot planned in February 26 this year. Feds created an unusual snow that day in order to finish the case before Patriot Act extinguished.

This time they do it again before Patriot Act ends in that three months extension period. What makes this May special is: To justify a nuke terror attack, they created a hoax "Bin Laden's death" show.
670. New warning in May (5/20/2011)

On 4/18, at the high tide of birthers' movement, I wrote "665. Obama faces extortion (4/18/2011)". I said the Feds was pushing hard on Obama to approve the project of Iran war. I worried that he even might be assassinated. Right that day an incident proved my opinion. An Air Force jet with first lady aborted landing and had to circle round for some time because it was too close to a military cargo plane. The error committed by an air traffic controller could cause a collision. I think that was an intimidation to Obama. The life of him and his family are in the hands of the Feds.

Obama surrendered. The compromise date should be between 4/18 (the plane incident of the First lady) and 4/25. (Al Qaida issued warning that they would nuke US if Bin Laden captured or killed) It took the Feds five days to plan the hoax "Operation Geronimo".

Everybody saw the rest development. On 4/26, media said, 63% Of Americans Say They Wouldn’t Vote For Donald Trump, Obama released his "Birth certificate" on 4/27.

Donald Trump hinted he wouldn't run for president in early May. The birther's movement lost its power and scattered away. That's what Obama got.

Now Americans are facing a false flag "nuclear bombing" after May 1st, "Bin Laden's death". Since it is also planned as a distract on my case, I saw a synchronized activity against me the same day. At 5/1 night, C.Y. and W.S. came to my house, said they need to borrow a mini-van to pick up three relatives from China. (see "668. Chinese secret police (5/5/2011)")

My wife collaborated. They borrowed the car for unusual long time - more than two weeks. (5/2 to 5/17) I believe the car was under "surveillance warrant" of the FISA. Those "three relatives" are real Chinese agents. It is a deliberate plant arranged by US and Chinese secret police. To connect me to the car, they created a car breakdown, asked me to help. So the Feds could take a picture to show to the judge for warrant. I refused. I also refuse to attend their son's wending party and allege that week-end(5/15) a possible action day.

Now 5/15 passed. What's new? Another plot is planned immediately. Yesterday (5/19), my wife informed me that she would leave on Friday(5/20) for Boston to attend an education ceremony of her friend's son. It's an one day's notice. It is a sudden arrangement which I never heard of before. It's an order from the Feds, obviously. My wife's foot was hurt last month. She can't drive until now and is still difficult to walk. But she has to collaborate. She said, "it doesn't matter, I can use a handicape chair in air-port."

Once again, I issue a warning, Feds likely will frame a case on this week end, (5/20 - 5/22) followed with false flag nuke attacks in the name of Al Qaida.

It reminds me of another plot planned in February 26 this year. Feds created an unusual snow that day in order to finish the case before Patriot Act extinguished.

This time they do it again before Patriot Act ends in that three months extension period. What makes this May special is: To justify a nuke terror attack, they created a hoax "Bin Laden's death" show.
671. Climate weapon (5/31/2011)

In last article, I talked about the Feds planned a case in week-ends (5/22-5/23). They arranged a sudden trip for my wife on that week -ends. There were some events I think was part in their plot.

1. 5/21, Saturday, the Judgment day that the evangelical broadcaster Harold Camping had declared.

2. 5/21, an Icelandic volcano erupted. It spews ash and soot into the air. It was the volcano's largest eruption in 100 years. Some European countries halted the air flights.

3. 5/21. A magnitude 3.6 earthquake shook San Francisco Bay Area. There had been no reports of damages or injuries.

3. 5/22. A massive tornado attacked Joplin, killed more than one hundred people. It was an EF-5, the strongest rating assigned to tornadoes and also was the deadliest single twister since the weather service began keeping official records in 1950.

Feds like to play the role of God. It seems they prefer to use evangelists to reach their goal. If you remember another evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson who had predicted that Lord told him Bush would be elected President twice in a overwhelming victory. It was a typical story how Feds used religion and superstition to cover up a rigged election. Since modern technique can alter weather and set off natural disaster such like volcano eruption and earthquake, it's more frequently for the Feds to guise these artificial disaster in the name of Mother Nature.

That's why we saw earthquake, volcano eruption and tornado in 5/21 and 5/22. If the 5/21 framed case had gone through successfully, I believe the S.F. Bay Area earthquake and Iceland volcano eruption would develop to a very big one (to the level of 3/11 Fukushima earthquake), plus that strongest-ever tornado, would have made the world a dooms day like end times. It's what the Feds want - distract. Some believers of the "Rapture" even had spent all their savings before the "judgment day", what else would they care?

As for that strongest tornado, I believe it was Pentagon's work. They took time to test their climate weapon. Try to promote it to a weapon that can destroy as much as they can.

Europe's economic powerhouse, Germany, announced plans yesterday (5/30) to abandon nuclear energy over the next 11 years, in the wake of Japan's Fukushima disaster. It is an abrupt turn for Germany because just five months ago, it pushed through a plan to extend the life span of the country's nuclear reactors.

Why it's Germany, not Britain, French, Belgian, Holland ....?

My interpretation: German, as well as Japan, is a defeated country in World War ll. Both are still under occupation of US troops. When Germany realizes US is using climate weapon and they could be the same extortion target like Japan. They choose to abandon the nuclear energy to keep their sovereignty.

A news two years ago has reported the intention to extort Japan with HAARP caused earthquake. At that time, the news might be viewed as crazy for some people. When the 3/11 earthquake took place, that news has been proved true. Now it’s for Iran war – to wage a public panic on coming “dirty bomb attack”.

Western Bankers Threatened Japan with HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes
Tuesday, June 3 (2008)

Constructed by the US Navy and Army in Alaska's bush country during the early 80s, the Pentagon's widely acknowledged high-tech "sky zapper" also can rattle the earth's substructure. But while the Defense Department acknowledges the program's existence, officials are keeping the "Pandora’s box" that is HAARP--High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program--classified.

Formerly a well-traveled Far East correspondent for Forbes magazine, Fulford, fluent in Japanese, is hosting What is This?, his weekly podcast from Tokyo, and alleges "Hazel" Takana, Japan's finance minister, told him in 2007 "a group of American and European oligarchs" threatened to strike the country with manufactured earthquakes unless he ceded control of the Japanese banking system.
672. E-coli, a bio attack (6/10/2011)

Though Germany try to avoid artificial nuclear disaster attack by abandoning the nuclear power, it can't escape from a bio attack. There is a wide E-coli outbreak in Europe which is considered the third largest in recent world history and maybe the deadliest.

There is no doubt the target is the German. Though nine European contries were hit, virtually all the sick people either live in Germany or recently traveled there.

The new deadly E-coli is a laboratory product. The anti-biotic bacteria used to fit one medicine to develop its immune then to fit another. How could it suddenly become a multi-anti-biotic bacteria.

It's never been seen before.

It is immune to eight different classes of antibiotics.

This means the original strain was exposed to eight different strains seqeuntially with each immune strain being exposed to the next drug until immunity was developed to that.

This only happens in laboratories.;article=137311;title=APFN

It's a bio-attack so people can't find the natural source. Secret agents can go here and there, from market to restaurant and spread the bacteria on cucumber or spruce or other vegetables. Media discorage such an effort:

E.coli source may remain a mystery
By E. Rising and M. Stobbe (A.P.) 6/2/2011

Patients said they ate lettuce, tomatoes or cucumbers, but oficials testing produce across the continent have yet to find any vegetables with the particular strain involved.

They might never find the cause of the outbreak. "
(San Jose Mercury News)

That is very true. They can never find the natural cause of the outbreak because it is an artificial bio attack.

In my thread "BP Gulf oil spill is sabotage", I said it was an extortion on Great Britain. The oil spill started in April 2010, lasted for months, maintain a pressure on Britain. It only stopped leaking when Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Cameron paid a visit to Washington to compromise with a secret deal.

The E-coli outbreak in German started on May 1st, coincidenced with "Operation Geronimo". On 6/6, Germany Chancellor Ms. Merkel has an official visit to US. She, must concede something to the US demand.
673. Another attempt of Nuclear attack (6/20/2011)

Read the following news censored by mainstream media. Watch the date.

Two Nebraska Nuclear Plants Partially Submerged by Missouri Floodwaters

June 17, 2011By LBG1
FAA issues 'No Fly Zones' due to 'hazards'

Ignored by the Mainstream Media two nuclear power facilities in Nebraska which were designated temporary restricted no fly zones by the FAA in early June due to ‘hazards’. The FAA restrictions, ‘effectively immediately’, ‘until further notice’. The Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant, currently sandbagged against the floodwaters of the Missouri River, and, the Cooper Nuclear Station, located on the Missouri River. According to the NRC, there’s no need to panic. If so, then why the No Fly Zones due to ‘hazards’ issued by the FAA?

Video news report from local NBC 6 on the Ft. Calhoun Power Plant and the massive amount of farm land flooded by the Missouri River. According to a local farmer worried about the levees, ‘We need the Corps-Army Corps of Engineers–to do more. The Corps needs to tell us what to do and where to go. This is not mother nature, this is manmade.’

On June 6, 2011, the Federal Aviation Administration put into effect ‘temporary flying restrictions’–until further notice–over the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant in Blaine, Nebraska.

According to an informative post at the site The People’s Voice, the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant and the Cooper Nuclear station are ‘partially submerged’ by Missouri floodwaters.

On June 7, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant filed an Alert with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after a fire broke out in the switchgear room. During the event, “spent fuel pool cooling was lost” when two fuel pumps failed for about 90 minutes.

On June 9, Nebraska’s other plant, Cooper Nuclear Power Station near Brownville, filed a Notice of Unusual Event (NOUE), advising it is unable to discharge sludge into the Missouri River due to flooding, and therefore “overtopped” its sludge pond.

Bin Laden's No. 2: Muslims will destroy America

By BEN HUBBARD, Associated Press Ben Hubbard, Associated Press – Wed Jun 8, 4:24 pm ET

CAIRO – Osama bin Laden's deputy warned Wednesday that America faces not individual terrorists or groups but an international community of Muslims that seek to destroy it and its allies.
1. FAA issued "No fly zone" over the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant on 6/6.

The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant filed an Alert with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on 6/7. It means FAA knew the nuclear alarm in advance and knew it earlier than the NRC which directly oversees the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant. Is that strange? It reminds people that Al Qaida issued warn that they would activate a nuke attack if Bin Laden was killed five days before "Operation Geronimo".

2. There was no report from the mainstream media about this event. Compare to the news with Japan Fukushima nuclear leaking it is a blank. Remember it happens in USA! They will be reported only when the main plot went through and the situation would be created to a disastrous level.

3. Al Qaida No.2 - Zawahri threatened to destroy US and its allies on 6/8.

I think the Feds planned another nuke attack around 6/10 after the soured 5/21 plot. (see: 671. Climate weapon (5/31/2011)). The nuclear bomb attack in the name of Al Qaida is an already done project. Each time they need a nuclear panic background for the public. That's why in this year we saw rare three incidents on nuclear power plants. All related to climate weapons.

1. 3/11 Japan Fukushima power plant damaged by the largest earthquake and tsunami in Japanese history.

2. 4/27, Two nuclear reactors in Virginia were shutdown in an unprecedented tornado storms.

3. 6/7 - 6/14, no fly zone and level 4 emergency alarm in two Nebraska nuclear plants due to the historical big flooding.
674. Attempted plant case of Marijuana (6/30/2011)

In "663. IRS raid plot (4/3/2011)", I alleged Feds would make 4/17 the action day to perform the framed case. This was proved by a moderator who monitors the web site "stonerforum".

When I visit the "stonerforum" in later April, I surprised to find that in my user's name frame, I was attached with a label:

FBI Case #0995029841"

In posting area, it comes:
The posting date was 4/17. Agents like to show off their power, especially to show off they knew everything in advance. (They like to play the role of the God.) They expected I would have disappeared in 4/17 action, so made such a show. Anyhow, 4/17 action was postponed like former other plans. The above notice becomes an open intimidation.

Of course, they wouldn't let such advertisement existed long. Two months later, on 6/18, I was banned from the Stonerforum. The notice said,

You have been banned for the following reason:

Done with the consipiracy theories, you have done nothing to contribute to the stoner side of this site. good bye
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

I have no words for "conspiracy theories" because now in US truth used to be labeled with "conspiracy". Though ban conspiracy poster is still a rare thing. What's new for me is this time they revealed their purpose was to let me "contribute to the stoner side". I have no experience with Marijuana so I couldn't contribute any. I only reveal how the law enforcement agency to cultivate a drug society so they can make a living on it. Just like what the Feds created and maintain the Al Qaida and other terrorist group so they can keep on asking for more power and money from the people in the name of "war on terror". That is the reason they try to eliminate me.

On 6/28, there was an inexplicable rain in San Jose. June is a dry month for San Jose. The rain is rare.
Strange showers will not rain on your parade

By Mike Rosenberg 6/28/2011 San Jose Mercury News
How unusual is South Bay rain this time of year?

*It hasn't rained in the last week of June Since 2001.

*The current rainfall record for June 28 is a measly 0.02 inches, set in 1952.

*During June 2008, June 2009, June 2010, measurable rain fell just once total. "

"Record Setting storms

By Linda Goldston 6/29/2011 San Jose Mercury News

..... record rainfall drenched much of the Bay Area Tuesday, ..... giving San José and other cities the wettest June 28 on record. 0.52 inch by (the former record was 59 years ago -0.02 inches.)
For me, that strange rainfall is no strange at all. In my yard, I have five fruit trees. It's summer time. I water the trees but leave the other open yard alone. If Feds planted some Marijuana seeds there, a big rainfall would help the seeds to grow up. On 6/29, when I was surfing the Internet, a window popped up - a web of "Cannabis seeds". I have never seen this web before. Obviously it's the work of the surveillance cyber team. The inexplicable 6/28 rainfall and the odd "Cannabis seeds" web site on 6/29 may indicate the Feds are framing a new drug case.

Consider the Feds like to create terror attack on holiday, (remember how they created snow storm in London and New York last Christmas season?) it's no coincidence that six days away is 7/4. (May be six days is the time needed for Cannabis seeds to sprout?) Beware of a big terror attack on National Day.

675. Virus attack and boat sinking (7/19/2011)

In web site, a man kept on suggesting me to stop post the revelation article.

Cake Balls by Autumn: “Maybe if you stopped posting crap all over the internet, the FBI wouldn't be watching you!”

My reply: “When you could turn wolves to be vegetarians, then come back to continue your mission.”

The day I refusing the offer was 7/4. Next day, 7/5, a virus attacked my computer. I couldn’t connect the Internet.

I went to the computer store. The service man told me the only way to solve the problem was to send my computer to the store, they would clean the virus. It would take several days. Worried that the Feds would take chance to plant more malicious program or even illegal document into my computer, I didn’t do so. I bought a new computer.

This may indicate how accurate my analysis has been that they are afraid of it.

This also means there is a new plot coming. The likely time will be around 7/21. The day news reported that Canadian government will have a court meeting to decide the deportation of Lai Cheong-xing – a China most wanted smuggling head. Lai’s case dragged on for more than a decade. For many times when there was a framed case on action, Lai’s deportation case would have been on court simultaneously. So I realize Lai has become a payment chip in my case in China-US secret deal.

It also coincides with a boat travel of my relatives. My brother and sisters have a boat trip this time in Europe. Though it’s an old tactic, the Feds repeat it again and again. The latest one was six months ago in Christmas vacation. To justify the planned incident I allege the Feds had created another travel boat incident (Carnival incident in November) one month in advance. (see “656. Christmas holiday season plot (12/9/2010)”)

Similar thing happens this time. On July 3, a tourist fishing boat filled with Bay Area men capsized in the sea of Cortez – near Mexico. Seven people missed and died. The media made it big news because some victims are from local. I neglect it at first. One week later, when I learned that my relatives would have an European boat trip, I thought of it immediately. It’s the same pattern of the boat story six months ago. I think the 7/3 tourist fishing boat sinking was a sabotage. It sank at mid-night. Tourists were in sleep. Nobody knew what exactly happened. It was created to justify the planned tourist death of another boat incident.
676. Create money laundry case (7/24/2011)

Last year, my mother told me she would give me 400,000 yuen (about $60,000) because she had sold the apartment in Shanghai.

We lived in that apratment for decades. It is in a nice location. After we migrated to the US, my uncle moved in. Several years ago, my sister bought a new apartment in Shanghai. My uncle moved to the new residence. The old apartment was sold last year with a good price - about 4 million yuen ($600,000).

I refused my mother's gift offer. It's too big sum of money which might cause tax problem. I only eccept $10,000 which may be exempted from tax report. I am under surveillance. I keep my life as simple as possible. My mother gave me the cash. I refused. After I found the Feds had tried to set me in "fake money" or "drug money" trap, I stop to take the cash help. She could give it to my wife because she now pays bills for me.

My mother came again, persuaded my to take the whole money. She said if she died, I would have lost that money. "So be it". I replied. I then believe that's another trap set by the Feds. This worry now seems becoming true.

Then came the Christmas season. After that "boat trip", In early January, (1/2) my mother and my daughter were sent to Shanghai and Hongkong. They came back on 6/1 and 6/2. It coincided with the plan of the Feds.(After the boat trip plot went soared, they extended the Patriot Act to February than to May which I thought was particularly on me. 1/2 (1/1 is New Years' Day) to 6/1 exactly covered that five month period.) I thought the gift money event was passed. Under the surveillance of the Feds, I don't believe any "cake falling from the sky" fairy tale.

Two weeks ago, my mother came to see me. She said, early this year, when my wife went to Shanghai, she gave the rest of that 400,000 yuen (deduct $10,000 that I accepted, it should be about 330,000 yuen) to my wife. My wife remitted the money to her cousin in her homecountryside in Fujian Province. It happened six months ago. My wife never told me about it. I don't care whoever taking the money. It's same for me - for safety reason, I am not greedy.

My mother said she decided to give me another 400,000 yuen which she kept in Hongkong. Or should she give it to my wife? I said no. My wife's money is my wife's. I would rather mother kept her own money in her own account. The question came again. "What if I die?" My mother asked. "So be it". I am not greedy, share it with other siblings.

Mother said she split the rest of the house money with my uncle. After that, my uncle fell on street and died in hospital this February.

Several days ago, news reported Lai Cheong-xing's case. It says recently, Lai was bailed outside and he did money laundry. Now I realized what had happened. That apartment trading might have been arranged by the secret police of China and the US. The buyer's money may be from Lai Cheong-xing. They wish to create a large money transaction. I didn't fall in that trap. My wife did. (though she works for the Feds, or was she instructed to do so?)

My uncle is the seller in apartment trading. He is an important witness. He was silenced immediately after the house money finally split between he and my mother.

The location of the sold property: Room ##, No. 1167 Nanking Road the West. Shanghai.
Trading time. Sometime 2010.
Seller: He Zhi-gang (my uncle)

Though my uncle died, there are still many witnesses who knew the house trading and money distribution. (My uncle's family members and my family members) I worried their safty. I am afraid the Feds will kill them in boat travel or other accident.

Re: Canada court rules against China's most wanted man

By Greg Joyce Reuters
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — A Canadian court cleared the way on Thursday for the extradition of China's most wanted man, dismissing concerns that he could be tortured or executed back home.

Lai's lawyer, David Matas, said Lai's brother and his accountant both died in prison of unexplained causes and argued to Shore on Thursday that the same fate could await Lai.

Lai was escorted to Beijing on 7/22. It was a planned action date of a framed case. People familiar with Feds' plot could see what happened that day as distract or attempted distract.

677. Norway terror attack to distract July plot (7/30/2011)

In #675, written on 7/19, I predicted a new plot was coming, the time likely would be around 7/21. My prediction was very accurate. The Feds made it a big plot.

7/21. Court of Canada pronounced deportation of Lai Cheong-xing.

7/22. Lai was escorted to Beijing.

7/22. Terror attacks took place in Norway which shocked the world.


7/22. Historical heat dominated New York.

New Yorkers sweltering, and they have company

By Feraldine Baum and Tina Susman (Los Angeles Times)

On Friday, the temperature reached 103 degrees in Central Park and with the humidity, say weather experts, it felt like 115.
(San Jose Mercury News 7/23/2011)

7/23. Trains crashed outside Wenzhou, killed 40 people. It becomes a big case in China.

At that time, my brother is in Europe. My sister joins him in a cruise trip.

I allege the secret police of China and US had created a money laundry case through Lai Cheong-xing. They try to frame my family in that case because my mother sold the apartment in Shanghai and got a large sum of money last year.

To cover up the truth, the secret police managed to murder the witness of the house trading. The owner of the apratment in document should be N. Sung (my brother. When my mother bought the house, considering she was old and might pass away anytime, she put my brother's name as owner). My brother then got cancer. He is arranged a European cruise trip this month which I think is a plot to murder him in boat accident. (see "675. Virus attack and boat sinking (7/19/2011)")

My uncle He Zhi-gang was the man handling the house trading. He was died this February. see "676. Create money laundry case (7/24/2011)")

What I know about the buyer is he is a wenzhounese. I strongly believe he is among the victims of the 7/23 train crash. The odd behave of the Chinese government in this tragedy now causes rage of Chinese people.

As I always said, Feds would create big case to distract the framed case. You all saw it. Norway terror case was a big one. People don't know that if the plot of the Feds had come through, there would have been more big natural disasters - volcano erution, earthquake..... Plus a bigger one - nuclear bomb attack. The heat over New York - would play the same role as the snow storm, would keep people from go outside (stay in air condition situation) and keep tourists away from the city, thus to reduce the casualties if a nuclear bomb attacks. (see post of 2/24/2011 and 3/1/2011)

I will talk about the details of this plot later and how the Feds try to frame me. I worry that they planned different murder tactics such like gaspipe exploision, bank robbery shooting (which they had tried once. see "402. Bank robbery in San Francisco (1) (4/25/06) ", #404, #561, #562)
678. A special trip to deny (8/4/2011)

My mother told me on 7/10 that she had given my wife about 330,000 yuen. My wife remitted the money to her cousin in Fujian.

Two days later, my daughter told my wife that she had got a prize in Internet - free Mexico cruise trip for sixteen people. She let my wife to find people to join that free boat travel.

I view this as a framed "money laundry" case. With my mother's visit, they would say that I knew the money remittance. To eliminate the witness, they immediately arranged a free cruise trip.

My computer was disabled to connect Internet on 7/5. Realized there would be a big case to come, I bought a new one on 7/15. On 7/19, in #675, I predicted some events would happen around 7/21. On 7/24, I revealed the attempted "money laundering case" in #676.

On 7/30, my mother came to see me again. She denied what she said three weeks ago, said she hadn't given the money to my wife. Obviously, it was the result of my post "676. Create money laundry case (7/24/2011) ". The revelation must be contradict to the Feds investigation report to the judge. They had to do a fire extinguish operation. I am sure I didn't make any mistake on that meeting. I am not able to create a " remitting money to her cousin" story.

679. Norway massacre and Virginia Tech massacre (8/4/2011)

I believe the mastermind of the Norway massacre is the same one of the Virginia Tech massacre which happened on 4/16/2007. In that case, gunman killed 32 people. Both cases were used to distract a framed case on me.

Like this one, I, too, had predicted something would have happened on 4/17/2007. Four days before 4/17, in "478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)" I wrote," That's why five days ago, I related the Attorney General Gonzales' hearing of April 17 to the final date of tax return. I have to say again I was very correct. Two days ago, I learned that my wife will have a tour started on April 17. She refuses to tell me where she will go. The tour will last 2 weeks or so. Unusual long compare with her former travels. So framed case will happen in later April. (from Apr. 17)".

The Feds made the Virginia Tech. massacre on 4/16. It played its distract function most in next day because Newspaper started to report it next day.

The two shooting cases were designed by military expert. In Virginia Tech killing, the criminal locked the exit gates of the building with chains in advance, entraped the students who tried to escape. In Norway, they chose an Island. That make the killing number high. It is out of a military tactic to entrape the enemy and eliminate them.

The gunman in both cases were psychological trained. They were cold blood to the victims.

Quote, "Several witnesses gave accounts to news media of how the gunman would mow down bystanders in a hail of bullets, then coolly pull out his pistol to finish off the wounded and dying who lay heaped on the Ground." (Norway, Mercury News July 24/2011.)

In VA Tech killing, Quote, "He seemed very thorough about it, getting almost everyone down. I was trying to act dead," the freshman mechanical engineering student says. "He left for about 30 seconds, came back in, did almost exactly the same thing. I guess he heard us still talking.

Shoot repeatedly on wound and dying people to make the death rate as high as possible. That's their mission. To make the distract to the utmost.

Though Anders Breivik said he hated Muslims, the target he chose was not a mosque but a summer camp held by ruling Labor Party.
He was born in Norway and chose as his targets not Muslims whose presence he detests, but the Labor Party leaders who let them into the country, and their children, the future leaders of that party." (end of quote)


There is political factor in it. I'll talk about it later.

Read my analysis about Virginia Tech. killing at: "480. The real killer behind Virginia Tech. massacre (1) (4/23/07)" to "498. Why VT shooting planned on 4/16 (12) (7/23/07)".

680. Lai Chang-xing and money laundering case (8/10/2011)

Lai Chang-xing was a smuggling head - a China most wanted escapee. His case was always a big news in Chinese newspaper. Nine years ago, I found his deportation date coincided with the action date of the plot applied on me. The deportation was always cancelled at last minute(in air port) when the plot on me went soured. I realized he became a payment chip in secret deal between US and Chinese secret police. I wrote down my allegation first in "94. Interest exchange (10/19/2002)".

The same show staged again and again whenever there was a renewed plot fell on me. The most drammatical one happened in 2007. In airport before he was escorted to the plane to Beijing, in desperation, Lai hit the pillar with his head to resist the deportation. He knew what waited for him was torture and death. It was a shocking to Chinese media. So the reporters puzzled this time - how could Lai left for Beijing this time (7/22/2011) with smile on his face?

My interpretation is that Lai, from being a payment chip, becomes a co-operator of the Feds' plot. He was charged by Canadian government of money laundering. He should know as a China most wanted, he was under surveillance. How could he go on to commit crime?

On 7/10/2011, my mother told me she had given a sum of money (about $50,000) to my wife, and my wife had remitted it to her cousin in Fujian. (her countryland) The money was from by selling an apartment in Shanghai which we had lived for decades. What alarms me was two days later, my daughter told my wife she got a trophy from the Internet - 16 free tickets for a Mexico cruise. For me, this is obviously a murder arrangement. The Feds intend to eliminate all witness of the house trading and turn the money into illegal money laundering.

The handler of the house trading, my uncle, died this Februry. He was the main witness. My brother, the former paper owner of the sold apartment, was arranged in a European travel with a cruise trip in later July. He might die in "travel accident" if the main plot went through. The buyer of the house was a Wenzhonese. I allege he died in the train crash in Wenzhou on 7/23. One day after Lai Chang-xing's deportation.

My uncle's children and my aunt will come to Bay Area this month (August) to bury my uncle's ash in a cemetery. What waiting for them and other witness are that free cruise tickets. Now the 7/22 plot went soured. New plot are in planning, I believe. How many people have died in 7/22 plot? (Norway massacre and Wenzou train crash) How many people would have died if 7/22 plot had gone through? (Big disaster like earthquake, and nuclear bomb attack on New York)
Lai was not deported, he climbed through a toilet window when customs officials in his pay warned him the cops were coming. He had about 30% of customs officials on his payroll. Zhu rong ji had his number and got as close as anyone to nabbing the bastard.
Anyway just wait for the news that he is very depressed and has committed suicide in his Chinese 'holiday home'..
Canada could not return him to PRC because it would have been against Canadian law to return a prisoner to a country that exercised the death penaly.
For the same reason it is unlikely that Julian Assange will ever stand trial in the US.

So, you are connected to the Fukienese snakeheads, heh?
681. Norway police is complicity of Anders Breivik (8/15/2011)

Norway police helped Breivik in his terror attack and cover up the plot.

1. Breivik was in police uniform that helped him in his terror attack.

2. Two days before the Norway terror attack, a special police unit conducted a bombing exercise in downtown Oslo which was in same area where Breivik detonated a bomb. The drill was a cover up operation to ensure the success of terror attack case. Breivik was in police uniform. He would have been misunderstood as being a policeman in anti-terror exercise if he was checked or discovered by security guards. The same tactic was used in 7/7/2005 London subway bombing. That criminal style was out of the same handler.

3. The seemingly incompetence of police assured the slaughter going on in Island. It took police one hour to reach Utoya after they received shooting report. In Virginia Tech.killing, Police blocked an information of shooting death of a student (murderer was at large) Which guaranteed the shooting spree could be carried out two hours later. Quote, "Feds Ordered VA Police To Stand Down
Local authorities were told to take no action to pursue killer by Federal agents.
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, April 20, 2007

4. Hide other shooter.

Witnesses said there were two shooters:

Marius Helander Roset said, “I am sure that there were shots from two different places on the island at the same time”, he said.

The person was following them around was 180 centimeters tall (5’9″), had thick dark hair and non-Nordic appearance. He had a pistol in his right hand and a rifle on his back.
“I believe that there were two people who were shooting”, says Alexander Stavdal (23).

Yet Police said there is only one - Breivik. He was immediately described as “a lone wolf assassin”, who “acted alone” (BBC July 24, 2011)

In Feds planned case, there used to be back-up team to assure the success of the operation. In Virginia case, I alleged the real shooter was a Chinese man. There were at least two others as support group members: Cho Seung Hui and Emily Hilscher. (see my analysis #480 -#498) Of course, Authorities, like their countparter of Norway, said there was only one shooter.

5. Police knew he was Breivik before they arrested him.

“He surrendered the moment police called his name 3 minutes after they arrived. What we don’t know is how the police knew the terrorist’s name before they arrested him,” said Snow

Police knew him. There was a tacit understanding between them. They called his name, he dropped the weapon immeddiately to avoid a friendly killing.

This was a terror attack co-operated (planned) by police. You can see the trace of the Feds in it.

682. 7/23 Wenzhou train crash (8/20/2011)

7/22 Norway killing was a sub-plot to distract the main plot - a framed money laundering case. In that case the Feds have to turn a sum of legal money (money from house sale) into illegal money. (laundering money from Lai Chang-xing). They must kill the witness of house trading.

In China, there is a famous group - Wenzhou real estate speculation group. The buyer of the apartment was a Wenzhounese. On 7/22, Lai Chang-xing was deported to China. I was worring my brother's safty - he was the paper owner of the sold apartment and was arranged in a cruise trip in European at that time. Then Wenzhou train crash news came.

I allege it was a murder case because things were odd in that crash.

1. Rescue delayed. When the relatives of the victims heard the news and arrived at the scene, they found the rescue police troops still stood down there. The explaination: they were waiting for their official for instruction.

2. Hurried to finish the rescue earlier. About ten hours after the crash, the authority announced that "There is no more trace of life. The rescue stops." A police captain refused the order to push the wreckage from the bridge (15 meterts high), insisted to going on the search on field. Later, a two years old girl was found still alive in the wreckage. The early order to stop the rescue angers the Chinese people.

3. Cover up the casualty. The official news was there were forty deaths. But the insurance company said there were more in their list.
"7/25 9:50am Hospital staff said, "In fact, until this morning more then hundred had died. They brought the victims here so they would be counted as dying in hospital not on field."
7/25 22:55: A friend of insurance company told me: "Confirmed death so far is 216".
(Watch China, 8/5/2011, A5, "The black curtain of operation after train crash")

4. Destroy the evidence. Hours after the incident, the engine carriage of the train was smashed and cut into pieces and were buried in a ditch. People puzzled. Government had no motive to do so. To check the wreckage to find the cause of accident would help government to improve the train security later on.

Only I know why. It's a crime committed by the secret police. To assure the murder target's death, they delayed the rescue and postpone the rescue earlier. They knew it was not an accident but a perpetration so they buried the engine car to destroy the evidence. They knew the cause already.

For the Feds, people's lives worth nothing. When they want more power, they could kill hundred of Federal employees for an Act. (Patriot Act. OKC bombing was the first attempt to get that act passing through). They succeeded to get it by 911 attack. Virginia killing and Norway killing were both used as distract in thier plots.
683. The rare seen natural disasters aim at New York (8/26/2011)

US economy now is at the edge of a cliff. The Feds is eagerly to seek a war to help it from falling to another economic downturn. That is war on Iran. The main purpose of Iran war is not for oil but for saving the dollar. Iran started to use Euro and Japanese Yen in oil trading in 2007. US had its first financial crisis in 2008. Because the dollar is unstable since then. The debt of the US rapidly piles up. Now it faces another economic crisis.

To start a war needs reason. "Operation Geronimo" was planned to justify a false flag nuclear attack on US. Bin Laden was dead ten years ago, it was a corpseless show. The Feds would blame the nuclear attack as "revenge of the Al Qaida" and the nuclear bomb is "from Pakistan". That's why they chose Abbottabad (Pakistan) as the site where "Bin Laden lived".

The effort to start war on Iran is restless since Bush's second term. It intensifies recently when US debt problem reaches high point. One of the main nuke targets is New York. We saw big natural disaster which ever happened now takes place this year. Severe snow storm attacked New York in December, (Christmas holiday plot, see 2/24/2011 post) Historical heat dominated New York, (7/22 plot signaled with Norway killing, see #677). Now we saw rare earthquake this week and the Hurrican Irene.

Hurricane Irene brings rain, heavy seas to coast

By MITCH WEISS - Associated Press 8/26/2011

On Friday morning, FEMA Director Craig Fugate and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano pleaded with people to heed warnings.
"People need to leave early, travel a safe distance and get somewhere safe," Fugate said. 'All the preparation and planning will be in vain if people don't heed those evacuation orders."

Nuclear bomb is WMD. To avoid a huge compensation they will face later on, the Feds are using their climate weapons to create natural disaster to evacuate people. The above news is a plain description of their purpose.

Next month is anniversary of 911 attack. It's a time fits for the "Al Qaida revenge" described by the Feds. It's a time people should alert the false flag attack from its own "government". Especiallly when there is unusual "natural disaster".

684. Norway killing - eliminate opposition (9/1/2011)

Norway terror attack was created to distract the main plot - the elimination of Kat Sung. There was also another purpose - to punish a satellite country that is disobedient.

The current Norway government is a center-left coalition government. It has a pro-Arab foreign policy and tries to be independent from the US led NWO.(New World Order) It planned to withdraw from the attack on Libya on Aug. 1.

Norway has been resisting that pressure and pushing for a more peaceful approach to the US-led NATO attacks on Libya and refused to provide weapons to NATO, finally announcing last month that Norway would quit its military role in Libya by August 1.

War now is the core policy of the US ruling class. Even when it is in a economic down turn and facing a debt crisis and budget problem, it still keeps its huge war and military spending. They still have one unfinished plan in Mid-East - war on Iran. Any defiance from that policy is not allowed. That's why Norway was selected as the target of a "terror attack".

Norway killing is malicious. The camp in Ytoya was organized by the ruling left party. The dead youth are the generation of the future leader. The NWO tyrant eliminate their potential opposition in advance.

In domestic US, their plan to eliminate opposition is evident too. Study and understand the meaning of the following news.

FBI's Mueller: Bin Laden Wants to Strike U.S. Cities With Nuclear Weapons

Ronald Kessler
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Osama bin Laden and his terrorist group desperately want to obtain nuclear devices and explode them in American cities, especially New York and Washington, D.C., FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III tells NewsMax.

Al-Qaida Plans Nuclear Attacks on 7 U.S. Cities

NewsMax Wires

Williams maintains that al-Qaida is not content on blowing up one nuclear device or even simply a "dirty" nuke - but wants to explode real nuclear devices in seven U.S. cities simultaneously

If you have noticed, the relation of recent earthquak, hurricane and FBI Chief's "especially New York and Washington, D.C., "
685. From schzopherenic to intelligence (9/8/2011)

Someone said he doesn't believe government would spend that much money to frame a case on me. He said a bullet would be much efficient for them.

It's true. Feds did prepared such economic way for me. The most drammatical one was on 1/15/1999 in a form of "bank robbery". The plot was interrupted by a good samaritan which led to the death of the robber (alleged asset of the Feds). Police captain died hours later after his squad killed the robber. (alleged revenge from the Feds) (see "402. Bank robbery in San Francisco (1) (4/25/06) ", #404, #561, #562))

Another shooting death plot took place on 4/13/2006. (see "400. Bank robbery created for "mis-shooting" (4/20/06)")

The third attempt was in June 2008.( see "559. Plan to murder in the name of "Bank robbery" (7/19/08)")

I feel the similar danger recently. I stay home when it's bank's business hour to avoid a "bank robbery" murder. Then someone suggest that:


Senior Member 07-24-2011, 06:50 PM

Mr.Sung would you be interested in running for president.I am sure you would do a better job than those that have been in office for the last 11 years."

"CinderAsh Senior Member 08-05-2011, 11:32 AM

You have the intelligence. Presumably some answers. Gain some heart and run as a representative for government yourself."

My communication in the Internet are scrutinized by the Feds. They used to call other members of the forum to intimidate them in the name of "investigation". People scared. They either leave the forum or remain silent. Occasionally, the agents and their followers dialogue with me with smear and ridicules such like "mental problem", "Schzopheric"..... Suddenly, some people suggest "running for president", "Start in your local area. Be seen and heard.". What's your think?

Criminal style from the assassination of JFK and M.L.King to anthrax letters to Senators and Washington D.C. sniper shooting spree, has its own way. It reminds me of the shooting case that led to the death of Fedral judge Roll and wounding the representative Giffords. The Feds just want to arrange another one like Arizona shooting case. I also worry the attempt of murder with gaspipe exploision.

686. Camp Utoya and Camp Casey (9/15/2011)

The tyrant of the NWO hate peace loving people that much that they put them as hitting target in their plot. We saw it in Norway killing (7/22/2011) and Hurricane Katrina event. (9/24/2005, a failed plot) The 7/7 London bombing was created to justify a dirty bomb attack on an anti-war gathering in US on 9/24.

With my own experience, I found the Feds had framed a case on me. The action date was 9/24/2005. (see detail in #342 and #343) Under my constant pre-warning, the plot went soured.

Quote, "342. Homeowner Association again (9/12/05)

A notice from H.A. forced a new requirement to clean the back yard before 11/1.
City offers a free dumping in time on 9/24.

I don't think it was a coincidence. Feds arranged me to do the dumping work on 9/24. I believe they plan a framed case on that day.
343. Killing two birds by one stone (9/17/05)
if the framed case goes on successfully, on 9/24 there will be a big terror attack in US to distract. "

9/24/2005 also was a day significant with: the landing day of Hurricane Rita and a big anti-war protest in Washington DC.

In early August 2005, Cindy Sheehan had set up a protest camp - Camp Casey (in memory of her dead son Casey) at Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex.. She left there on 8/30 for a big protest planned on 9/24 in Washington. Her anti-war bus trip hadn't become a news issue. Why? It was distracted by Hurricane Katrina.

On 8/29, Hurricane Katrina drowned New Orlean. News of Katrina also drowned the news of Sheehan's anti-war bus trip. Following Sheehans north bound bus trip, another hurricane Ophelia in parallel way drew the eye balls of public. Three weeks later hurricane Rita which was blew up by the media as stronger than Katrina landed on Texas same day (9/24) the peace demonstration took place in DC. Today, media still talked about Katrina sometimes. Rare people knew there was a big anti-war protest in Washington at the same time. This was how an anti-war movement was distracted by Pentagon's climate alteration weapon.

On 9/17/2005, I warned that a terror attack would happen on 9/24 if a framed case on me would have gone through. I quote the article here: "Have you ever noticed that there will be a big anti-war protest on 9/24? Is that a coincidence? No, it's not. We know FBI infiltrate almost every organization. It is said the leadership of US Communist Party is controlled by FBI. Without the financial aid from FBI, US Communist Party can't survive. So it's natural that the leadership of anti-war movement are infiltrated by FBI too. Is 9/24 a particular day? No. Why it is selected for demonstration? Because Feds arranges a big terror attack on that day. It will not only distract the public attention from a framed case, but also will humiliate the anti-war movement to prove Bush is political correct."

If the framed case had been successful, then Camp Casey would have become Camp Utoya.
687. Natural disaster weapon and Hurricane Erin on 9/11/2001 (9/22/2011)

In big plot, the Feds used to organize natural disaster to help thier plan.
In 7/22/2011 plot, (signaled with Norway terror attack. The main target was New York, US) they arranged a historical heat in New York city that day. The purpose was to keep people from streets, (stay in air-conditioned room) because they organized a nuclear bomb attack. They evacuated the people in advance to avoid large casualty. Which meant less compensation demand the government will face later. The same tactic they had applied on New York in winter time plot. (big snow storm) and August 2011 plot. (signaled with Hurricane Irene)

In 9/24/2005 plot, (signaled with Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita) Three huricanes were used to distract public notice on an anti-war bus-trip led by Cindy Sheehan. The main target was the protest crowd in Washington DC on 9/24. I think the Feds had originally prepared a dirty bomb attack on them.

In famous 9/11/2001 terror attack, seldom people knew that there was also a hurricane headed to NewYork. That was Hurricane Erin.

Hurricane Erin went in a strange route. It moved slowly in early September close to New York. On 9/11, it was in the nearest point to New York of its way. After the planes hit the WTC, Erine made a 90 degree turn and left New York.

I think Hurricane Erine was used as a cover up force for 911 plot. The Boeing planes that hit the WTC were taken over by the drone pilot system in their last movement. (The command center was in WTC 7 which was destroyed several hours later.) If the plane missing its target that meant the plot went failed, Hurricane Erin would have headed to New York to distract public attention. The hijacked plane would have been shoot down but reported by news that it was lost in hurricane. Military action always takes everything in consideration in advance.

Media and government beat the drum on Hurricane Irene (2011) because it was used as main force to evacuate people in their plan. Hurricane Erin (2001) was neglected because it was used as a spare force for the plot. Rare news talk about it because the news space was reserved for the main plot - WTC collapse. They need a shock and awe effect.

Here is the url of the route chart of Hurricane Erin of 2001:

9/11 Weather Anomalies and Field Effects
by Judy Wood
This page last updated, May 19, 2008

688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)

In big plot, the Feds used to organize a similar exercise too, to assure its success.

In 7/22/2011 Norway terror attack:

Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack
Kurt Nimmo August 26, 2011

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.”

“Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to Aftenposten that the drill finished at 15:00 that same Friday,” the newspaper reports. “All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding,” writes Andreas Bakke Foss.

The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished, according to officials.

In 7/7/2005 London bombing: (The plot known with Hurricane Katrina, ended on 9/24/2005)

7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?
by Michel Chossudovsky August 8, 2005
A fictional "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005.
Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client.
The fictional scenario was based on simultaneous bombs going off at exactly the same time at the underground stations where the real attacks were occurring:

In famous 911/2001 terror attack:

Was the NRO's 9/11 Drill Just a Coincidence?

Posted By: ChristopherBollyn Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2002 16:24:12

U.S. SPY Satellite Agency’s Mock 9/11 Drill Exposes Administration Lies
By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

The NRO, which works closely with the Dept. of Defense and CIA, had planned a simulated exercise in which a small jet “crashes” into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. The government said it was a “bizarre coincidence” that one of the most important U.S. intelligence agencies had planned a mock plane-into-building crash on Sept. 11, according to the Associated Press who reported the story on August 22.

All those drills were identical to the coming "terror attack" and happened at same time at same place. They played mission to cover up the main attack. In case the perpetrators were found by the security guard at the site, they would pass the security check by disguising as part of the exercise. Here is how it interrupted the air defense:

9/11 War Games
paralysis of air defenses to ensure the attack succeeded?

"Is this real world or an exercise?" Col. Robert K. Marr Jr. Northeast
Air Defense Sector.

simulation of a plane crash into the NRO headquarters (near Dulles Airport, Virginia) - this was not a "terrorism" exercise but it did result in the evacuation of most NRO employees just as the "real" 9/11 was taking place, making it more difficult for the nation's spy satellites to be used to track the hijacked planes

The publicly available mass media articles about these exercises state that they were similar enough to the actual events that top NORAD personnel were confused, not sure if 9/11 was "part of the drill" or a real world event.

Since 911, the "bizarre coincidence" becomes routine job.
689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)

I have been blocked to access the Internet again since Oct. 2. What I can say is my revelation are too true to be known by others. The Feds are afraid of it. It also means another framed case will come. It may happen on 10/18. My wife is arranged a Philippine tour between 10/18 to 10/24.

How will the Feds frame me in the case? The frequent practice they do is to plant in trash. There was an evident one in 9/24/2005 case. The Feds arranged garbage dumping for me on that day. (see 342. Homeowner Association again (9/12/05))

About four years ago, our garbage cart was stolen. Since the neighbors are agents and informants, obviously they wanted us to buy a new one. Fearing the new garbage cart would be installed with detect bugs or planted drugs, I didn't order a new cart. I burnt the trash or threw them into public garbage can.

The latest attempt was on 6/10/2011. It was Friday, the garbage collect day for our community. At night of 6/9 my daughter urged me to take the recycle cart to the street. I refused. I hadn't done that for a long time. So I thought the Feds organized another case on 6/10 with the nuclear crisis in Nebraska. See (673. Another attempt of Nuclear attack (6/20/2011))

A news I learned several days later proved my worry. Those high ranking officials knew the planned disaster(used as distraction) was coming.

6/10/11 NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE!
June 10, 2011

Several weeks later, another news proved the 6/10 plot. Norway police had an anti-terror drill on 6/8, a prepare for the 6/10 "terror attack". The 6/10 plot went soured. They did it again in next month. That was the 7/22 "terror attack" done by Breivik.
The police forgot to inform practice
(Anti-terrorpolitiet avfyrte sprengladninger under en øvelse midt i Oslo, to hundre meter fra Operaen, men glemte å gi beskjed til publikum.) Anti-terror police fired explosive charges during a training center in Oslo, two hundred meters from the Opera, but forgot to notify the public.
HANS O. TORGERSEN Publisert: 06.08.2011 23.27 Oppdatert: 06.08.2011 23.27

690. FBI the trash men (10/17.2011)

Another event proved the 6/10 plot related to trash, was a news two days later.

FBI expands agents' reach
Privacy advocates express concern over broader search rules
By Charlie Savage New York Times

WASHIGNGTO - The FBI is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents - allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention.
(June 13, 2011 Mercury News)

The fourth amendment of the Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable search and arrest. One important role is to prevent the bad police to frame people by planting. Now the FBI issues their own rules to bypass the law. They can do it not on evidence by on "who have attracted their attention."

Recently there is a movement of "Occupy the Wall Street". It is expanding nationwide. I worry there may be a massive "dirty bomb" terror attack on the protesters in later October - the alleged time when the Feds carry out their framed case.