Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

618. South East Asia financial crisis (12/26/09)

In May 1995, I came back to US. The stock market was at an unreasonable level with high P/E value. I view it as a trap for me. Of course, I would not touch it.

In later 1997, media said the international speculators attacked Hong Kong dollar. The Hong Kong government managed to go over the crisis so the speculator turned on to South East Asia. Within months, the currency of Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, all depreciated significantly. That was the famous South East Asia financial crisis. With the success in other countries, the speculator came back to Hong Kong in 1998. This time they aimed at stock market. They bought a large amount of future contract to bid there was a low HanShen index(Hong Kong’s security index) for the August. To achieve their victory, the speculator had to sell down the security market. Hong Kong government, on the contrary, came out to save the stock market. It activated its big foreign currency reserve to take over the stocks poured out by the speculator. Finally the Hong Kong stock market successfully stood above 8,000 index.

A hedge fund company named "Long Term Capital Management" (L.T.C.M.) lost huge in that fight. News reported the Federal Reserve had called an emergence meeting, forcing big financial firms such like Citi group, Goldman Sach... to lend money to save L.T.C.M.. A Hedge fund company could manipulate other big financial firms, it must be more powerful than the Federal Reserve. Obviously it was a cover company of the Feds.

What caught my eye was a news which said that in order to sell down the security market, the speculator borrowed a large amount of stocks from celebrities and rich families of Hong Kong. Now those borrowed chips were all taken over by the Hong Kong government whom said it would keep those blue chips in hand as reserve and wouldn't sell it any more. Since what government bought in this battle occupies 11% of the total blue chip, a large amount of stock were locked up in safe box.

Then how would the speculator to compensate the lenders? They had to buy the same stock from the market. According to the principle of supply and demand, the buying action will push up the stock price. Since Hong Kong stock market always follows New York stock market, I concluded there would be a prosperous bull market.

I had the experience that secret police would suppress the whole market (in China) to restrict me to make money from stock. They didn't care other group's interest, but what if it was their own interest? It worth a try.

I bought 100 shares of Boeing on 9/23, and bought 100 shares of Travelers on 9/25. I chose Boeing because it was one of the only two big commercial plane manufacturers in the world. Feds wouldn't shut down a big company just for my 100 shares? As for "Travelers", it was a new Dow Jones 30 share. I don't think financial group would introduce a junk stock in Dow Jones 30. They would make money on it when people were still strange to it. Several days later, "Travelers" merged with "city Bank". So I then had 100 shares of Citi.

The response of the Feds was severe. I suffered heavy E.M. wave attack that I couldn't stay at my home. At last I had to go San Francisco to live with my parents. On 1/15 I encountered with a bank robbery on my way to my parents' house. I think it was a trap Feds prepared for me - a "random shooting death" case. The case was disrupted by a bystander. (see 402,404,561,562 "San Francisco bank robbery")

In mid March 1999, my parents and my wife told me they would leave for trip within a week. My parents would go China. My wife would go Hong Kong with my daughter and her father. So I would be left alone in the house, either in San Francisco or in San Jose. I thought the Feds could wait any time longer to boost the stock market. They prepared another murder case for me. Before my relatives' leaving, I bought an air ticket and went to Hong Kong on 3/19.

As I expected, the Hong Kong stock market went bull followed the leadership of New York stock market after I arrived in Hong Kong. Seeing a boiling market, seeing other stocks were rushing towards their historical high, I bought another 100 Boeing shares at the price $41 on 4/15. Boeing's historical high was $60, there was $19 space for its price to grow. When Boeing stock turned its head to downwards, I realized I made a mistake. I remembered the experience in China: a rising price curve suddenly stopped and turn downwards. The turning point was always when my purchase order finished. On 4/21, I sold my stock. I made $3100 dollars at Citi Bank. I lost $230 on that newly bought "Boeing". I knew if I held on it, they could drive the price to $34. I made $650 on the Boeing I originally bought on 9/23/1998 later.

In Hong Kong, I had a hard time to make a trading. The phone in my rented room was harassed. To carry out a trading, one day I had to go out in mid-night, to buy a phone card in a Seven-Eleven store and called the securities company to fulfill a deal by public telephone.

619. Nasdaq bubble (1/2/2010)

After Hong Kong, I went to South East Asia. In Bull market, there used to be one peak in chart. This time the bull market had multiple peaks in more than two years around 11,000 points of Dow Jones index. It almost became a plateau of peaks. I think the Feds maintain the stock market in high value at the hope that I'll return to buy back some stock. Of course, I wouldn't touch it any more.

On 7/26 2000, I came back to US. In August, in the statement of Securities company I found my wife had bought two high tech. stocks in May and June - two months before I came home. They were: 50 shares of New Focus @ $46/share and 200 shares of China Unicorn @ average $22/share. On 8/30, the price of New Focus was $136. The Nasdaq market was crazy at that time. I select Dow Jones fundamental stock because for most time, it would keep a certain value. I have different views on high tech. stock. They are highly speculated. It could become a piece of paper any time. So I urged my wife to sell her two high tech. stock immediately. She refused. Within days, the Nasdaq market went downwards. That was the start of the evaporation of the bubble. I think it was the result of my urge. Feds wouldn't let my account make money. (It was a joint account)

In the end of November, New focus was at $20 and China Unicorn was $14. They lost half of their original cost my wife paid. New focus later changed its name to Oclaro. 50 shares were shrunk to 6 @ $1 each. That piece of paper now is worth six dollars.

I think that's revenge from the Feds. To offset the profit I made in trading Boeing and City Bank. They lured my wife into the Nasdaq bubble. The money she lost almost equals to the profit I made.

Strange to say, the break off of the Nasdaq bubble doesn't affect the Dow Jones index. Dow still kept floating around 11,000 when Nasdaq lost almost two thirds of its value. I think that was because Feds still wished me to fall in their high value stock trap.

When I was in South East Asia, Feds still sent many informants disguised as tourists to travel with me. This needed a large operating fund. I think the money may come from the rising stock market. I thought many small groups worked on it. They follow the signal of buy and sell from a lady Whom media called "the Goddess of stock market". I noticed her because her hint for many times accorded with the plot Feds applied on me. In my opinion, the US stock market has been kept in an unreasonable high level since 1995 at the purpose to prevent me to profit from it. So the market had a tendency to adjust to normal (much lower from the current level) when there was a trap set for me.
620. Nasdaq bubble (2) (1/8/10)

I wrote "619. Nasdaq bubble" on 1/2. Next day, there was a swift response from the Feds. San Jose Mercury News had a big article "Lost Decade" in its first page with a Nasdaq index chart - though there is still two months away to the ten years anniversary of the Nasdaq bubble peak. It clearly shows that the Nasdaq peaks at 5048 on March 10, 2000. It apparently points at my words in last post "Within days, the Nasdaq market went downwards. That was the start of the evaporation of the bubble." (The time I referred was September 2000.)

Yes, the Nasdaq bubble did break off on March 10, 2000. It did follow what I said, that the Feds manipulate the Nasdaq stock to collaborate with the persecution on me. The internet surveillance team thought they found a flaw in my article so they made a rapid response to discredit. That's because they might have not taken part in the persecution in March 2000.

On March 2, 2000, I went to US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand to complain that FBI abused power to manipulate bank remittance. The staff there told me to file a written complaint to the legal Attaché. (Years later, I learned that legal -Attaché is the title of FBI representative in foreign embassies). I wrote a letter, here is part of it. (see " 37. Manipulate Bank operation")

Re: Letter to Mr. Ralph Horton
"March 7, 2000

Mr. Ralph Horton
Legal Attache
95 Wireless Rd.
Bangkok 10330


Obviously, my complaint on March 7 caused a swift response from the Feds. A decision of elimination was made. That was why you saw the Nasdaq index reached its peak on March 10 and went downwards since, because in their new project the target would be eliminated soon. It was unnecessary to maintain Nasdaq at high level any more.

In following days, I encountered an attempt to frame me in a drug case. I was in panic and seek political asylum in Foreign Ministry of Thailand on March 22, 2000. (see "49. Frame attempting" and "50. Seeking asylum") I managed to evade from that trap later and finally go back to US in July. Since the plot of the Feds failed, between May and August, Feds pulled back the falling Nasdaq index to maintain it around 4,000 level, lured my wife bought two stocks at that time. When I found this and urged my wife to sell the stock, Nasdaq market started its evaporation and after nearly ten years, still lost almost half of its value of the year 2000.

Nasdaq bubble and bubble were twins. Feds created it to make money both in stock market and housing market.

Feds bought a lot of real estate property in my case. These property mainly are in San Francisco area (where my parents and sister live) and San Jose Area (where I live). These two areas has another name - Silicone Valley - where there is a lot of high tech. company. Nasdaq bubble enable the Feds make big money on new listed high tech. company. Dot. com bubble increased the property value in Bay area where the Feds held a lot of houses.

621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the lone holdover from the Bush administration, will stay on his job for at least another year.

One year ago, I've said that Robert Gates' career prolonged for Iran war, (see #582) and a financial crisis had been created to save the dollar. In that year- 2009, there were two attempts to war on Iran. The first attempt was between April and July, when N.Korea tested the ballistic rockets and nuclear exploision. The second one was in the end of 2009 when Iran was revealed to have a secret nuclear facility in Qum and was given a three months ultimatum. The plan went soured, so the situation goes back to the similarity of early 2009. I would say what I said in #582 is very correct. Robert Gates has to stay for the planed Iran war. The only difference is, in the end of 2008, dollar was strenthened because of the break out of financial crisis. Panicked dollar were driven to the US bond, so the oil price was eased to below $40/barrel. Now it is pushed to $80/barrel to ballance the dollar.

To solve the problem, the war on Iran is still inevitable. And you see Gates prolongs his post of Defence Secretary for another time.

The Iran war may break out as early as later January.

I said so based on the following news.

1. Media on January 13, reported that "Responding to a highly sophisticated cyberattack alleged done by chinese government, Google threatens to exit China."

2. Iranian Cyber Army hit Baidu, China’s Internet search engine, Monday.
New York, January 13 --

Users who visited Baidu’s Web site were confronted with a picture of an Iranian flag and a message, “This site has been hacked by the Iranian Cyber Army."

Big Internet company such like AOL, MSN., all collaborate with the Feds. In order to censor my journal style article "The dark side of USA", they both shut down their important sites of Hometown and community web sites.(see "573. Big operation to censor my message (10/17/08)") Google did same thing.(I'll talk about it later) It's funny when they pretend to be critical on China. US did samething in covert way.

So when Google and China play a show like this, it may indicate there will be a big cyber attack in the Internet. China may play the role of "alleged hacker". The sites which have my postings will be hacked and my revelation will be lost. Of course, the prerequisite is there would be a framed drug case and I was eliminated.

As for the second news, it was apparently a provocateur case, an effort to suppress China to support Iran in coming Iran war. The two news appear in same day is not a coincidence.

I call it a big plot because besides the war, there may come with a big earthquake. Feds create big events to distract.

622. A case in early 2010 (1/26/2010)

China plays big role in framed drug case. The payment is big too. One of the payment is the punishment of former President of Taiwan - Chen Shui-Bian. Chen is a fanatical eulogist of Taiwan independence, so he is the most hated person of Chinese governemnt. Chen is also a puppet of the US. Unfortunately he is sold by his master once the Feds thought their interest was more important than their puppet's. Chen Shui-Bian was arrested for corruption. The case started when Switzerland revealed that Chen's family committed the crime of money laundry. No one has the power to force Switzerland to do so except the Feds. Yuan Hong-bing, a Chinese dissident writer, in his new book "Big doom of Taiwan", revealed that the Cheng Shui-bian's case was the result of "China's persuation on US which forced the bank of Switzland betrayed its customer". Yuan didn't say why US would sell its ally to a potential rivalry. I have talked about the secret deal long time ago.

Cheng Shui-bian is in custody. He proposed to bail out four times but all failed. His punishment becomes a chip too. His jail term will be confirmed once the framed drug case is done. So his detaining is prolonged again and again. The timing is synchronized with the drug case.

The latest bail out proposal was on 12/23, 2009. It failed. (It coincidenced with the Iran war date if you still remember that US gave Iran a three months ultimatum on 9/25/2009 that ends on 12/25/2009.) The court prolongs Chen's detaining for another two months which means Chen will be sentenced before February 23.

Another timing coindidence is the Patriot Act. The key section of Patriot Act was set to expire on 12/31/2009. As other plot failed to be carried out, it was extended too.

The House approved the Pentagon measure. "It also included short extensions of the USA Patriot Act,.... and several other expiring laws and programs as well as two more months in jobless pay and health care for the unemployment." (San Jose Mercury News 12/17/09)

The controversial Patriot Act included with "library record", "roving wiretap" and "lone wolf" provisions. All these three, I think, are particular set up for me. (See " 231. Lone wolf (5/29),

334. Patriot Act meeting on 7/21 (8/17/05), 545. Warrantless wiretapping law and my case (3/19/08)")

Iran war attempt went soured, Robert Gates stays in post for another year. Patriot Act expired, it was temporary extended to early next year. The detaining of former Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian is prolonged to February 23. All are waiting for the Feds to frame a new drug case in early 2010. We all see Feds are working hard for it: Google's internet hacking case; Bin Laden's new tape announcement; and Haiti earthquake. They try to make it a big one to cover up a drug case because it is a framed one.
623. Embedded program (1/31/2010)

Decade ago, I have read a news said that there was a secret team which design special program embeded in electronic chips so in emergency, Pentagon could activate those spy program to paralyse enemy's electronic devices, computers and weapons. Since most computer microprocessors are supplied by US firm, US takes a big stratege advantage over other countries.

That strategy, has been used in domestic surveillance.

Last year, I bought a pocket video camcorder. I use it to monitor the entry path of my home when I was out. I worry that the Feds may came to my house to do some perpetrate job. The camcorder shows a strange charactor. It works sometimes, but other times the memory was blackened with the word "File failed". Since each time I made sure the camcorder was working on "record" function, I think the Feds had remote controlled the camcord with embeded program. They blackened the memory of the camcorder when they had activity in the yard.

Last year, I was blocked to internet for months with my home computer. I had to go to library. The public computer limited to two hours service, so I bought a notebook. There is no time limit for wirless service.

At the time when I looked for low priced notebook, an article in a Chinese newspaper I used to read said that the best quality notebook brand are Acer and Toshiba. The two were supplied by nearby store. It seems the Feds want me to chose from these two brands. At last I bought an Acer for its low price. Like that camcorder, this notebook gave me a lot of headache. The wireless function worked good on the first day, then for more than a week same function stopped working. Library staffs tried and failed too and said they didn't know why. Finally in a computer tutoring class, the instructer got it through by click on a link "Continue to this website (not recommended)." in a page "There is a problem with this website's security certificate.". So the notebook now can only go wirless in a tricky way with the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". But even that "not recommended" link once had disappeared and disabled wi-fi function. So I know any time the Feds could cut internet connection with their

embedded program.

The new notebook also doesn't work with Microsoft Word because it requires the product key. The product key is sticked at the bottom of the computer, but it always has "incorrect key" result after I entering that code. They alter the original code in my notebook.

I don't think the camcorder and the computer have a mood like human that they take a rest if they are tired and return to work when they are happy. They are manipulated by embedded program.

Recently, the car produced by Toyota encountered with a big problem of sudden acceleration. The problem was reported long time ago, but Toyota couldn't find the cause. At first it blamed the episodes on floor mats that entrapped the pedals. Then it claims it was caused by sticky gas pedals.

Since the media make it a hot topic recently, I think the timing is very important. They have a purpose.

1. The US auto maker giants GM and Crysler almost go bankruptcy last year if the government hadn't supported them with financial aid. To recover, US automakers have to take back the market share from their foreign rivals. Toyota is the biggest rival.

2. US and Japan have a big quarrel in its military base. Pentagon threats Japan may face a serious consequence.

Then I saw such a report:

Quote, "No easy answer to why Toyota accelerators stick
Experts say it is likely a series of issues rather than a single problem

updated 4:15 p.m. PT, Thurs., Jan. 28, 2010

WASHINGTON - Nothing illustrates that more than the contradictory statements from the two companies involved. Toyota Motor Corp. is telling the government that it thinks a friction problem in its accelerator pedal mechanisms may make the pedal "harder to depress, slower to return, or, in the worst case, mechanically stuck in a partially depressed position."

CTS Corp., the Elkhart, Ind., supplier that makes the devices for Toyota, said in a statement Wednesday that the friction problem accounts for fewer than a dozen cases of stuck accelerators, "and in no instance did the accelerator actually become stuck in a partially depressed condition."

.....Outside safety experts say possible causes also include the complicated electronic sensors that relay the message from the gas pedal to the engine, the design and location of the sensor system, a lack of a fail-safe override mechanism, and even a certain media-fed awareness that puts more people on the lookout for the problem.

The machenism of accelerator pedal is simple. How could a big firm with strong engineer resource can't find the fault? I believe what the CTS Corp says that it is not the pedal problem. When the acceleration system has a mood like my computer and my camcorder have, Toyota can never find the cause.
624. Plot on Chinese New Year Day (2/7/2010)

There is a massive propaganda movement about the conflict between China and US recently.

On January 29, US announced it would sell $6.4 billion worth of arms to Taiwan. China quickly suspended military exchanges with US and threatened of sanctions against the U.S. companies involved in the sale.

On February 2, Beijing blasted the US government for a planned meeting between president Obama and the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet.

The arms sale to Taiwan was a years old case. Bush administration did not want to offend China so they left it aside. Why Obama's team picks up this hot potato? A meeting with the Dalai Lama is even more an unnecessity. I achieves nothing but a dispute between the two countries. No one is foolish enough to do so. It obviously is a show to tell people that China and US having a quarrel. The purpose is to cover up a secret deal- a framed drug case in which China will play a major role from planting the drugs to supplying "witness". To make the framed drug case more believable, they created a situation that two countries are hostile so people won't suspect there is a conspiracy between the two.

The likely action date is February 13 - The Eve before the New Year's Day (chinese). Chinese used to have a family reunion at that evening.

Since it is a framed case, Feds used to create big events to distract. There may be a big natural disaster - earthquake; terror attack and possibly, Iran war to transfer public's attention.

Since it is a framed case, Feds will kill many innocent people. One target is B - my brother in law. I think the drug is planted in the merchandise he imported from China. Last month, he was told that he had heart trouble by a doctor. It is a pre-psychological planting to justify a murder. Feds prepared a "heart attack" death for him.
625. Feds start to kill (2/15/2010)

In "624. Plot on Chinese New Year Day (2/7/2010)", I said the likely action date could be February 13 the Chinese New Year's Eve and the Feds prepared a "heart attack" death for my brother in law. On Feb. 11, my wife asked me if I would go to the New Year's Eve dinner. I refused. I was afraid the Feds prepared a raid at family reunion. She was unhappy, and then said that my brother might have prostate cancer. He now was waiting for the result of medical examination. I think that was an intimidation from the Feds. About 17 years ago, when I told others that the Feds might have tried to kill me with radioactive material, they let a lady delivering the words: "So what, they have even killed President Kennedy."

Feb 14 was Chinese New Year's Day. My wife said there was another dinner
invitation that day. It was from a relative of my sister in law. My wife said
the couple bought a new house in my street, just a block away from my house. I often came across with the relatives of my sister in law when I was in super market or library. I think they are recruited informants of the Feds. Dinner invitation used to be given weeks ago, especially for the celebration of a new house. A same day invitation is unusual. I view it as another effort after the failure of Feb.13 plot. My suspicion that the couple is recruited informants got proved this time. In the area of my house, especially at same street, Feds only deploy the people of their own - either agents or informants.

Today is February 15, President Day. In the morning, my wife invites me out for a lunch. She also has another guest - G Lady. G Lady is a senior informant who used to guide and monitors my wife's activity. (See #32 and #47)
Of course, I refused again. Three dinners' day ends today. What will be next?

Likely it will be another travel plot. My wife will have a trip to China from
2/26 to 3/13. So the framed drug case will extend to that time. In Feds' plot,
my wife used to be arranged for a trip in their plot and been prepared for a
"natural death". The big ones were:

1. In the plot of September 2005, famous for hurricane Katrina, my wife was
awarded a fun trip to Vietnam. In Haloon Bay she almost encountered with "The worst storm to hit Vietnam in a decade." (See "361. Storm is now a killing tool of Feds (11/27/05)")

2. In the plot of August 2007, my wife and my family members were arranged a trip to Peru where a magnitude 8 Earthquake happened that could justify a
possible "travel accident". (See "503. Earthquake in Peru (8/18/07)")

3. In the plot of April 2009, I predicted in March that "The rehearsal of
response to a mock attack (see #594) indicates the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. I have said Feds will kill a lot of people in the framed drug case. (See "596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)") Then on April 8, my wife returned from her China trip with a severe flu she ever had had. That's the start of Swine Flu.

The Three days' dinner is very intensive. So was the next plot. It is only ten
days away. How intense is it?
Four months ago, (October) my father passed away. I felt the persecution. I tried to go to Hong Kong through Canada but was denied to enter Canada by the board guard. It proves what I worry is real. I am targeted. (See "611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)"). Last month, my brother in law was said to have "heart trouble".
This month, my brother is said may have "prostate cancer". Feds is so eager that they start to kill.

By the way, the court of Taiwan extends the custody of former president Chen Shui-bian again for another two months. That means Feds should finish their framed case before 4/23. Relate to this news, what will take place next?

Quote, "U.S. Terror Attack 'Ninety Days at Most'
Feb. 15, 2010
Fox news,2933,161962,00.html

626. Iran war - Part of the March plot (2/21/2010)

The drum of the war on Iran is beating again. This is part of the March plot to distract public attention from the framed drug case.

Quote, "US Army Chief: "Iran attack option on the table"
February 15. 2010

Inspectors Say Iran Worked on Warhead

Published: February 18, 2010

WASHINGTON — The United Nations’ nuclear inspectors declared for the first time on Thursday that they had extensive evidence of “past or current undisclosed activities” by Iran’s military to develop a nuclear warhead, an unusually strongly worded conclusion that seems certain to accelerate Iran’s confrontation with the United States and other Western countries.

To justify the war, a false flag terror attack is inevitable. Just like 911 attack is necessary for Iraq war. WASHINGTON—The U.S.'s top intelligence officials said Tuesday that an attempted al Qaeda attack on the U.S. in the next three to six months was "certain." That warning was issued on 2/3/2010, probably for the 2/13 New Year's Eve dinner plot. Then on 2/15, a more clear warning of the "terror attack within 90 days" was issued.(see #625) I think that is for the coming March plot. I made it more precise: The time likely will be from 2/26-3/14.

Following the plot, there will be big internet attack to wipe out my postings. There will be a big economic fluctuation too – the Euro will depreciate significantly. That is too, part of the big plot to hit Iran’s finance and has been prepared in advance.
627. Bombing IRS building (2/28/2010)

Nine days ago, a software engineer flied a plane into an IRS building. Although it could be an individual case, it also could be a created case similar to 911. The 911 attack justified the Mid-East war. This event may be used to justify a coming attack on IRS office.

I say so based on the following:

1. In TV, we saw the damage the plane caused on building is vast and severe, almost the whole first floor was broken and having fire, though the casualty was comparatively light.

"Originally Posted by bhkad
I swear I already heard someone on TV say that the plane couldn't carry enough gas to fuel such a conflagration. That made me think along the same lines as you. "

I heard the same. About an hour after the crash, one of the anchors was describing the scene and he said that there "MUST" have been some sort of extra incendiaries on board, because the fire was "much too big for such a small plane".

Keep in mind that the Piper PA-28 has a fuel capacity of only 48 gallons.

2. Dispute with IRS is common. What's so big made Joseph Stack to sacrifice his life for it?

3. His finance seems OK. He at least could access to plane which real poverty couldn't afford for.

I alleged the Feds was behind it because:

1. It is a criminal style Feds used to commit. We saw similar case in 911 attack and in Lidle's case. (see "442. Lidle's air crash in New York.(10/15/06)")

911 attack was used to justify Mid-east war. Lidle's air plane crash was planed to justify a coming dirty bomb attack.
On 10/9/2006, North Korea had a nuclear test.
On 10/11, Lidle's small plane crashed to a sky-rise in New York.
On 10/12, a warning of dirty bomb attack was posted in internet which claimed seven NFL football stadiums will be hit with radiological "dirty bombs".

2. Motive: the Feds is eager to finish my case. Timing factors: the Patriot Act with provisions particularly on me expires today. The payments to China are due and now are extended for a month or so. (see the case of Taiwan's president in #625 ) The tax exemption for house purchasing will due in March that will affect the real estate market. Feds hold a lot of house property in my case.

3. Timing. 2/13 New Year's Eve dinner plot went soured. Another plot is planed in my wife's trip from 2/26 to 3/14. A crash on IRS building happened on 2/18 may justify the coming attack in IRS office.

The likely action is to arrange me in an interview in IRS office. To persecute people through IRS is also a tactic the Feds used to. Then a bombing will do the elimination job which is already justified by Stack's case.

I allege so because there was attempt to search my house through IRS. Re: #610 The latest case is trying to perform search in the name of IRS. To reach their goal, my wife deliberately filed wrong tax return. I had to abandon the joint tax return. One event they created was the Virginia Tech. massacre which was used to distract the framed case. It took place on April. 17, 2007 - the last day to file the tax return. The Feds expected me to file the tax return.

Along with this there will be an attack on the Internet which is certain to take place. My revelation is too true to exist. Other possible events are, terror attacks to justify war on Iran and big natural disaster - possibly earthquake which will happen in Bay area, California.

628. Hong Kong as payment (3/7/2010)

Hong Kong is part of the payment to China in this plot.

1. Five legislators of Hong Kong resigned early this year to call for a referendum to give public the voting power to elect the Administrator of Hong Kong. That is against the will of Chinese government. They prefer a puppet Administrator elected by an appointed delegate. Just at this time, the democratic party in Hong Kong splits. The effort of the five legislators fails.

2. A prominent dissident of Hong Kong - Si Tu Hua, who is famous for supporting the students of Ti An Men Square, was pronounced having cancer last month.

All these were the work of the intelligence, I think. These are political payment. There is financial payment, too.

Quote, "February 2, 2010, 03:46 PM ET

Hong Kong Court Awards Wang Fortune to Foundation

Following a nearly nine-month trial that gripped Hong Kong's news media and business world, a judge ruled today that the estate of Asia's wealthiest woman should go to the charity she founded rather than to her alleged lover, Bloomberg reports.

The Chinese city's High Court upheld a 2002 will awarding Nina Wang's fortune -- estimated by Forbes to be $4.2-billion at the time of her death in 2007 and valued as high as $13-billion by Hong Kong news media -- to the family-run Chinachem Charitable Foundation. A 2006 will produced by Tony Chan, a feng shui master who claimed to have had an affair with Ms. Wang, was ruled invalid.

Ms. Wang inherited billions from her husband, Teddy Wang, a property magnate who was declared legally dead in 1999, nine years after he was kidnapped."

Teddy Wang, a billionaire, was kidnapped in 1990. His body was never found. After he was declared legally dead by the court, there was a fight for his wealth between Teddy Wang's father and Teddy Wang's wife - Nina Wang. (Teddy Wang and Nina Wang had no children) Nina Wang finally got the estate of Teddy Wang, though the court had judged she faked the will of her husband. Nina Wang signed a will in 2002 that the estate she owned would be given to "Chinachem Charitable Foundation" after her death.

Charitable foundation is usually used as a cover up term for the organization of intelligence. The famous international speculator, Soros, operates with "charitable foundation".

Nina Wang died of cancer on 4/3/2007. After her death, Tony Chan stood out to compete for her estate. Tony said he was a secret lover of Nina Wang and he held a will of her which was signed on 10/16/2006. Tony Chan also said the 2002 will was signed by Nina Wang as a tactic to get Chinese government to influence the court of Hong Kong to favor her in the inheritance case.

The timing of case is coincidence with the framed drug case. On 9/21 to 9/23/2009, the lawyers of two parties gave the closing argument in court. That was the time of attempt Iran war. (see "612. War crisis in September (10/29/09)") The judge said the verdict would be given in the end of the year. That was coincident with another attempt of Iran war. In September crisis, Iran was given an ultimatum of three months.

Anyhow, the plot didn't go through in December, so the verdict delayed too. On 2/2/2010, the Chinachem charitable foundation won the case but still couldn’t touch the estate. The judge didn't give any order on the inheritance process.

Legally, Tony Chan might appeal before 2/28. Now the judge approves to extend that appeal date for one more month. What for? I think they are waiting for the result of March plot. (see "626. Iran war - Part of the March plot (2/21/2010)") China has to do some service to receive the payment.
629. Attack the Euro (3/13/2010)

Since Iran abandons dollar for Euro in its oil trading, a weak Euro would significantly hit Iran's economy. I saw in each attempt to have a war on Iran, it used to be followed with a plot to hit the Euro. The typical samples were: In January 2007, Russia had a dispute with Belarus and shut off the oil pipe for several days. In August 2008, Russia invaded Georgia where there was gas pipe line to Europe. In both events, if the crisis broadened, The oil and gas to Europe would have been cut. The European's economy would have been hurt and Euro would have depreciated. So would be Iran.

See "462. The collapse of Euro and worldwide economic crisis (1/20/07)", and "565. Georgia war and Russia, their role in Iran war (8/19/08)"

The resource to sabotage the Euro by the failures of energy supply exhausted. The plan to have war on Iran doesn't go through yet. What's next? We see the international financial speculators again.

You may have noticed that started from later January, the financial crisis of Greece became a hot topic in media. In article "The Bond Vigilantes who left Greece in Ruins" (Business Week 2/22/2010), the writer says, "On Feb.10, striking labor unions shut down schools.....

As of Feb. 10, European officials seemed to be angling for a compromise plan to aid Greece but on such harsh terms that no one else would want such a deal. .....

In the month through Feb.10, the yield on the Greek government's three-month bills soared from less than 1% to 4%....."

The timing reminded me of the Feb. 13 Chinese New Year's dinner plot. The Greek's financial problem was created for that plot. If the 2/13 plot went through, then there would be "terror attacks" which would have justify the war on Iran. At the same time Iran would have suffered a blow in its finance too - a devalued Euro. All these didn't go true because the 2/13 plot went soured.

Who created that crisis? In a meeting with President Obama on Mar.9, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou called for a clampdown on financial speculators he blamed for worsening his country's situation. Who are those international speculators? Goldman Sach was picked up particularly: "Goldman stars in this Greek tragedy - The firm's currency and bond deals for Greece have drawn fire" (Business Week 3/1/2010)

Russia had disputed over its neighbor countries(Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia) with attempt to shut down the oil and gas supply to Europe. Now it's the PIG'S four countries. (Greece, Ireland, Portuguese and Spain). They will appear in turn to pull down the Euro once there comes a renewed Iran war plot.

630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010)

Twice the Feds had applied earthquake technique in their framed drug case on me. One was the 8 magnitude quake in Peru on 8/15/2007. The other one was the 8 magnitude quake in Sichuan, China on 5/12/2008. Find the detail in my article:

"503. Earthquake in Peru (8/18/07)" and "552. Setting off an earthquake is a mature technique (6/14/08)", "553. Sichuan quake used as a diversion (6/19/08)".

When three earthquakes took place in my area early this year, I was aware there was another big case framed. The three quakes that alarmed me were:

1. 1/7, 10:09 a.m. at east Milpitas, 4.1 magnitude quake. "Jolt felt across Bay Area" (Bay Area News group 1/8/10)

2. 1/8, 11:48 a.m. at east Milpitas, 3.7 magnitude quake. "Inn case you didn't notice, the joint was jumping" ( 1/9/10)

I was in library and strongly felt when these two quakes happened.

3. 1/9, 4:27 p.m. at Humboldt, North California, 6.5 magnitude quake.


4. 1/12 A big earthquake in Haiti killed more than 200,000 people.

On same day, Google threatened to exit China, citing of highly sophisticated cyber attack alleged done by Chinese government. I knew the new plot was in action. I wrote "621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010), Reminded people of a coming framed drug case, that there would be a big Internet attack and possibly a big earthquake to come.

5. 2/26 In Chile, 8.8 magnitude quake.

I think the two big earthquakes were used to justify a planned earthquake in California where I live. The Haiti quake was prepared for 2/13 Chinese New Year's plot. When it failed to go through, the Chile quake was prepared for 2/26 to 3/13 travel plot. The disaster would distract public attention on a framed drug case. I allege at same time there would be false flag terror attack in US and Europe to provoke a war on Iran. One thing for certain is my articles would have been eliminated in a massive "Internet attack". My revelation is too true to exist for the Feds.
631. March and April/4 plot (4/2/2010)

This March is a busy month for Feds to prepare "false flag terror attacks" for Iran war and the framed drug case. The designated action day was in early March when my wife had a trip in China. Then there was another chance on March 27 when there was a family party to celebrate my mother's birthday.

U.S. positioning 'bunker-busters' for possible Iran strike
By Haaretz Service

The United States is transporting 387 "bunker-buster" bombs to its air base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean as part of preparations for a possible strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, according to a report in Scotland's Sunday Herald.
Neither the United States nor Israel have ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the long-running row over Iran's disputed nuclear ambitions.

On 3/23, Google shuts down its search engine business in China. That once again justifies for a possible cyber attack in the Internet.

On 3/25, Osama bin Laden, in tape, threatens to kill Americans

DUBAI, March 25 (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden, in a fresh audiotape, threatened to execute any Americans taken prisoner by al Qaeda if accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is executed, al Jazeera television reported on Thursday. (Writing by Cynthia Johnston)

On 3/25, The Epoch Times warned that "U.K. faces Nuclear terrorist threat."

Next day, 26 Mar 2010

A South Korean navy ship with 104 people onboard was sunk near the North Korea border on Friday.

I think if I had gone to my mother's birthday party on 3/27, the sunken South Korean war ship would have developed to a war crisis like the Tonkin Bay case in Vietnam War era. There would be "terror attack" in Europe and in the US which would lead to war on Iran.

Then how do you view the two explosions blasted Moscow's subway station which killed 38 people on 3/29? That is the continuation of the pre-preparation of the major "terror attack" planned in Europe and in US. The new action date is set on 4/4. 4/5 is Chin Ming Festival - a Chinese memorial day to recall their ancestor. 4/4 is Sunday; my family members will go to the cemetery to commemorate my father who passed away five months ago. The re-union day of my family has become the action day in Feds' plot. It becomes very evident since this January.

632. Familiar tactic and reward (4/13/2010)

April 5 is Ching Ming - a Chinese traditional festival to commemorate their ancestors. On 4/4 my family members met in cemetery where my father buried because that was Sunday. In same day there was a magnitude 7.2 quake took place in Baja California of North Mexico.

Quote, “Tijuana, Mexico - One of the strongest earthquakes to hit Southern California in decades shook tens of millions of people in two countries and three states on Sunday, swaying buildings from Los Angeles to Phoenix to Las Vegas." (Associated Press, 4/5/2010)

I think if I attended the 4/4 family re-union, that earth-quake would have taken place in North California and would have been a bigger one. I just talked about the Feds would apply earthquake in my case to distract 20 days ago. (see "630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010)")

Of course, a cyberspace attack would be followed to eliminate my postings in the Internet.

Quote, "More China attacks cited

San Jose Mercury, April 3, 2010

Beijing (AP) - An organization for foreign journalists based in China has become the latest victim of cyber attacks targeting the Web sites or e-mail accounts of human rights groups and reporters focused on China."

I have to say what I have talked about is correct. Watch my recent articles about earthquake and the event of "Google exits from China", they repeated again and again with the attempt drug case. It's true too that at same time there would be war on Iran justified by false flag terror attack.

The bombing of Moscow's subway station played the same role of London 7/7 bombing in 2005. Both would justify planed terror attack in US. (Both failed to be carried out because the framed drug case went soured)

U.K. was awarded the Host of 2012 Olympic game on 7/6/2005. What is the prize for Russia for its 3/29 subway bombing?

Quote, "Kyrgyzstan opposition takes control of Nation

President flees; dozens die in clashes between police and protesters

By Peter Leonard, Associated Press "

The new Kyrgyzstan regime is said pro-Russia and has been admitted by Moscow immediately. The similar story we had seen in 8/8/2008. (The opening ceremony of 2008 Olympic Game in China) On same day, Russia invaded Georgia and had a piece of Georgia’s land "being independent". It is coincidence with the attempt of war with Iran in August 2008.
633. Volcano eruption (4/23/2010)

In February, Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv talked in a FOX broadcast:

"I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most."


Now more than two months has passed. There were many attempts to frame a drug case in these two months, and the plot to activate false flag terror attack as well. According to the character of the Feds that they used to make money on such big "terror attack", what did they do to take advantage on this "90 days plot"?

A volcano in Iceland which had been dormant for 200 years erupted on 4/14. The ash cloud from the volcano halted most air traffic in Europe for almost a week.

"Volcano costs airlines $2 billion

By Arthur Max

Associated Press 4/22/2010

.... An aviation group called the financial fallout worse than the three-day worldwide shutdown after the 2001 terrorist attacks in United States."

Do you still remember the unusual trading in stock market during 911 attack? Someone bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stock and future option trades in the weeks before the attacks of September 11. They made big money on these speculations.

Same case repeated in September 2007 when a B-52 carried nuclear missiles flied over US Continent on 8/31/2007. I alleged that was an attempt of "nuclear terror attack". There were also unusual "Bin Laden" trading in US and Europe stock market with that event.

So would the same speculators miss this "90 days utmost" chance? As we have seen, they had a busy "60 days" in February and March, plot came one after another. When it failed to go through, what for their huge investment in future contract market? To avoid a huge loss in their speculation, a volcano eruption created to replace the "terror attack".

The 4/14 volcano eruption in Iceland is not a coincidence. It is in the last "30 days" of the "90 days utmost" - the harvest days for the Feds. The longer the air traffic halted, the larger loss the airlines suffered, the more profit the Feds will make.

634. Pope and Roman Catholic under attack (5/5/2010)

Here are some excerpts from news articles of San Jose Mercury News in recent weeks.

"Sex abuse scandal taints Palm Sunday services

....Cardinal Sean Brady.... as a youthful priest 35 years ago, had two boys sign papers not to reveal scandal. "The inquiry had the effect of shielding and prolonging the career of a priest who was exposed 15 years later as the most notorious child-abuser in the history of Irish church. But the Vatican has been buffeted by recent disclosures of inaction as well."
(New York Times, 3/30/2010)

"AP: Abuse case delayed for years

Vatican waited 12 years to defrock Arizona priest" (A.P. 4/3/2010)

"Vatican defends pope, criticizes New York Times

... an article describing failed efforts by Wisconsin church officials to persuade the Vatican to defrock a priest who had abused as many as 200 deaf boys from 1950 to 1974. The pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office when the case was referred there in 1996." (New York Times, 4/2/2010)

"Pope delayed defrocking

A former East Bay priest with a long record of sexually abusing children remained in the clergy for years while then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, bucked pleas from the from the Oakland Diocese to defrock him in the 1980s, according to an A.P. report citing church documents." ( , 4/10/2010)

"Pope's link to '90s Austrian abuse case under scrutiny" (New York Times, 4/27/2010)

"News of abusive priest hit Vatican year earlier

Rome was warned of molester in '95, not '96 as claimed" (A.P. 4/23/2010)

What do you learn from these news?

1. The cases mostly took place in '80s and '90s, some even were 50 years ago.

2. Most reports target at Benedict XVI when he was a Cardinal.

3. All these news appear in later March and April. It is exactly what Vatican called as a "campaign of attacks on the pope and the church.

What is the purpose of this propaganda campaign? Since this January, the Inside group works hard to frame a drug case and then to start the war on Iran. The war effort was especially active in April. As a leader of Catholic, Pope Benedict XVI is against war. Then we saw this campaign. It lowers the moral image of the Pope. Once the war starts, his anti-war voice would be weakened. How can Vatican criticize others when its own profile is tainted?

Media played important role in propaganda for the Iraq war. Now it beats the drum again for another war.
635. May 21 plot (5/12/2010)

On 4/11, my relatives visited me. I have no income. They brought some money to help me. Recently, my father passed away. My brother was found having cancer and B (my brother in law) was said having heart trouble. I warned that B was the target of the Feds and it was a tactic to kill him instantly once they framed a drug case on him.

Trying to find a flaw in my theory, B asked me, "I imported containers of umbrellas, how could the Feds make sure the umbrella I delivered had drugs inside?" That's a reasonable question. So the key was at the man who prepared the order. That is W.H.W. (Warehouse worker) He manages all the merchandise in warehouse and picks up them for each order. I allege he is an undercover Chinese agent.

Why? W.H.W. applied a job in B's company in 1994. (or in early 1995) It was the time when I couldn’t bear the E.M. wave weapon radiation from the Feds and went to Shanghai. (From July 1994 to May 1995) In China I found I was still harassed by Chinese secret police, (see "15. EM sleep wave in China (4)" and "617. Manipulate stock market in China (12/21/09)") Obviously, Feds had established a partnership with Chinese secret police at that time and had some Chinese agents worked in my case since.

The reason I gave to B: 1. B is a man with bad temper. The former warehouse workers came and left. They couldn't stand with his rudeness. W.H.W. came and stays until now. It's 16 years long. He has a mission.

2. W.H.W. came from Macau, where he worked for Xin-Wah News agency. It's a Chinese state running organization, famous for its intelligence work.

3. W.H.W. has green card (alien resident) for at least 16 years. He never attempted to get a US citizenship.

That's because he plays the role of "foreign agent" with which the Feds could apply a surveillance warrant from FISA court easily. He is just a plant. The real target is B.

The similar figure is C-lady. (Chinese lady) C-lady applied a job in my wife's company in same period in 94(95) while I was in China. Like W.H.W., she stays since. It is 16 years now. Her travel Visa expired long time ago, so she is an illegal immigrant for 16 years. That doesn't affect her job because she worked for the Feds.

You see, that's how Feds gets legal warrant to monitor US citizens. With the help of foreign secret police, (here it's China's) they play the FISA court rule. They put my brother in law and my wife under surveillance by planting two "foreign agents" in their offices for as long as 16 years.

The same tactic they have used in Mid-east. Bin Laden is the similar living plant. He had been to Sudan, and then Sudan was bombed by missiles. Bin Laden had offered Saddam for co-operation. Saddam refused. So Bush had to start the war with the excuse of "W.M.D.". Taliban leader accepts Bin Laden, and then Afghan was invaded.

I revealed that two planted "foreign agents" on 4/11. Several days later, there was a notice in Library.

"Santa Clara County Library will be closed on Friday, May 21 for staff development day". The tactic is familiar. Feds like to do the arrest on Friday, so they will have three days to murder in jail without disturb. (the next two days are weekend) I think the Feds planned a new plot on 5/21. It's 40 days from 4/11 to 5/21. The time they needed to place a big order to B (my brother in law) and having that goods shipped. (of course, planted with drugs)

Beware there will be framed drug case on May 21. Also beware there will be big terror attack taking place in Europe and US and followed stock market crash and financial crisis worldwide, and internet attack, big disaster as well.

636. Korean crisis and May 21 plot (5/27/2010)

On Mar. 26, a South Korean navy ship was sunk in an explosion - one day before the planned arrest in a framed drug case. In #631. I wrote: “I think if I had gone to my mother's birthday party on 3/27, the sunken South Korean war ship would have developed to a war crisis like the Tonkin Bay case in Vietnam War era. There would be "terror attack" in Europe and in the US which would lead to war on Iran.

In #635, I alleged that Feds had planned a new plot on May 21. Later development repeated the similar process of Mar. 26 plot. On May 17, Epoch Time reported that the South Korea government would announce to the world the result of their investigation on the sunk warship on May 20 - one day before the framed case I alleged before. Once again, war crisis in Korea was created to distract their domestic mission.

As usual, war on Iran is part of the plot. So we saw the news:

"US sets deal for sanctions against Iran

By David E. Sanger and Mark Landler

New York times, 5-19-2010

Washington - The Obama administration announced an agreement Tuesday with other major powers, including Russia and China, to impose a fourth set of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, setting the stage for an intense tug of war with Tehran as it attempts to avoid passage of the penalties by the full U.N. Security Council."

The timing - May 19 - is accordance with the main plot.

Iran obviously felt the coming threat of war and had made a compromise.

Quote, "Iran agrees to ship uranium abroad

Move seen as attempt to avoid sanctions for enrichment program (Associated Press, May 18, 2010)"

Iran's action couldn't save it from sanction. The war is prepared for a long time. So US hurried announced the agreement next day despite Iran's retreat.

The attempt of war in Korea and Iran, (the announcement on May 19 and 20) proved what I said that the Feds would distract the framed case by terror attack and war. It also proves my allegation is very correct that the planned date is May 21.
637. The sunken warship of South Korea (6/7/2010)

The sunken warship of South Korea is another soap opera conducted by the US intelligence.

1. North Korea has no motive. North Korea has economic problem and had a currency reform early this year. It failed. North Korea relies much on the aids from China, South Korea, and even US. To create such kind of crisis would offend all these countries. The Central Journal of South Korea has referred the information from the high ranking officials of S. Korea government on May 28 that N. Korea leader Kim Jong Il had personally assured the Chinese President that N. Korea is clean in this incident during his official visit to Beijing between 5/3 to 5/7.

2. South Korea has the motive. There would be an election between late May and early June. If a state was attacked by enemy, the ruling party used to get strong support from public. But this time the principle failed. The party of President Li Ming-Bo lost big to the opposite party, Because a quarter of South Korean people don't believe the result of "international investigation on sunk Cheonan". The dead people were all low ranking sailors. The victim family doubt government's role because no officer among casualty.

3. US media report little on the result of recent S. Korea election, let alone the news that a quarter of S. Korean people won't believe their government in this case.(I learned it from Chinese newspaper) There is reason for the censorship.

4. I believe the Feds conducted this crisis. They used to plot big events to distract a framed drug case. As I have written and predicted in #631, 635, 636:

3/26 Cheonan warship sunk in an explosion. (One day before the alleged action date)
3/27 My mother's birthday party in my brother in law's house. He is a target in framed drug case.

5/20 South Korea officially announced the result of "International investigation of the sunk Cheonan".(One day before the alleged action date)
5/21 A planned action date to arrest in a framed drug case which I predicted on 5/12. (see “635. May 21 plot (5/12/2010)”)

638. Scapegoat for their plot (6/17/2010)

Feds used to have a scapegoat to take the responsibility if they commit a crime. The big events in my case were:

1. In April, 2001, Feds (DOD and DOJ) created EP-3 spy plane incident. In the name to release the spy plane crew, FBI and DEA signed a secret deal with Chinese government. In the secret deal, China would frame a drug case for the Feds. The payment was huge. China was granted to host 2008 Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO. China was greatly benefitted by this deal. As a result, China now becomes the second economic power in the world.

In April, 2001, both the director of FBI and DEA resigned from their posts to take the responsibility for that secret deal.


2. On 8/30/2007, a B-52 flied over the US Continent with loaded nuclear missiles.

8/30/2007, the last day Karl Rove stayed in his office. (to take the responsibility of planed false flag nuclear attack

(I predicted it two days in advance. Re: "505. Assassination, murder and terror attack (8/28/07)

The rest of the August plot started from 8/20 to September. The action date is between 8/31 to 9/3 when Feds closed the Bay Bridge. (see #503) At that time there will be massive terror attack in US and in Europe. I think that's why Karl Rove resigned in advance. His last date in office will be 8/30. So he will leave before the "Super 911". To get rid of any responsibility of involvement in false flag terror attack. As a matter of fact, he is probably one of the men who took part in the planning of the terror plot. (see #447. Karl Rove had promised an "October surprise" to Republican for Mid-term Election)

3. May 21, 2010 - Feds' action date I predicted nine days ago. (see "635. May 21 plot (5/12/2010)" I revealed in order to gain surveillance warrant to monitor US citizens, Feds cheating the FISA Court by planting Chinese agents in my relative's office)

On May 21, 2010, New York Times reported that "National intelligence director resigns. Obama asked Blair, who has fought with CIA, to leave."

(Although the plot of 8/30/2007 and 5/21/2010 all went soured, the circumstance evidence proved there was such plan. Also read "636. Later development proved my allegation (5/27/2010)")

Persecution continues. Early this month, my bicycle got flat tire five times within seven days. I had to repair my bike almost everyday recently. What is their purpose? Block me to go to library?

I also fond Feds had intruded my house. I always bind the door with a thin thread when I leave my home. I found the thread was broken on 6/10. Someone had broken into my house that day. Plant something or install something at my home, Or is it just another search?
Persecution continues. Early this month, my bicycle got flat tire five times within seven days. I had to repair my bike almost everyday recently. What is their purpose? Block me to go to library?

I also fond Feds had intruded my house. I always bind the door with a thin thread when I leave my home. I found the thread was broken on 6/10. Someone had broken into my house that day. Plant something or install something at my home, Or is it just another search?

Here ya go, AHZ, read up on this thread. You'll love it... The style, the fun!
639. FISA plot continues (6/27/2010)

Even though I revealed the planted Chinese agents several times, and these exposed moles retreated, the similar tactic repeats. FISA warrant, after all, is the easiest warrant Feds can get.

The FISA plot I revealed:

1. In late 2001, I alleged that may tenant and his friend lived in next house were the moles sent by the Feds. At that time I didn't know about the FISA Court. (see #"44. My tenant", "45. Tenant")

On 5/10/2002, in "65. Birthday Party on May 3 (5/10)", I said I alleged the Feds had planned to raid my sister's house on 5/3, so I didn't attend that family party.

In late May, my tenant and a Chinese lady live in neighboring house both moved away within a week. T's friend left earlier. In August, from newspaper I learned that former Attorney General Ashcroft was rebuked by FISA Court for cheating. It was at the time of May. Then I knew I was under the surveillance of FISA warranty, that my tenant, his friend lived in next house, the lady in B house, were all Chinese secret agents. They were planted there for FISA warrant to monitor me. There were only four house units in my lane, they settled agents in three of them. What a plant. (see "85. Chinese secret police and DNA (9/1)" and "86. FISA Secret Court ruling")

2. On 1/25/2009, I wrote "584. Beauty and Chinese secret police (1/25/09)". I alleged the man hired by my sister for two years to look after my disabled father was a Chinese secret agent. The alleged mole left soon after my revelation. That's another case of FISA rule abusing with it they monitor the house of my sister.

3. On 4/11/2010, I told my relatives that W.H.W. and C-lady were Chinese secret agents planted in their office for 16 years for the convenience of FISA warrant. Several days later, the library I go had a notice that it would closed on 5/21. I wrote "635. May 21 plot (5/12/2010)", alleged 5/21 was a planed action date.

On 5/30, my relatives came to my house, brought three suit cases for C-lady, said that was what C-lady asked for - her mother was very sick, so she decided to go back to China and ended her 16 years long illegal immigrant's life. Is that too coincident? The strange thing adds too. Two days later, there was a noise from the B house - a moving company was cleaning the B house - the house once lived by a Chinese secret agent in 2001. (see 1.) There is a "for sale" board in front yard of the B house. My revelation leads out another covered "FISA surveillance". Since the Chinese lady left B-house in 2001, the house changed hands. The latest owner never showed up. Most likely it was another Chinese secret agent to occupy the house with his name. He doesn't live here because what Feds needs was only for a FISA warrant.

4. New plot is still a FISA one.

In "625. Feds start to kill (2/15/2010)" I talked the trap set up by the Feds through my sister in law's relatives. The couple was arranged living in same street where I live. They visited my house on 6/22 and 6/24. The wife of the couple is said a friend of C-lady. They are friends before they come to US. But more alarming one is this news, my wife told me three days ago that Y would come this week.

Y is a close friend of my brother. They once were neighbor. So I knew him since we were teenager. I knew him worked for the government in 1994 when I went to Shanghai. Y had a dinner for me and other friends in restaurant. People told me Y did very well in the company - the Bureau of Chemical Industry. So he could report the expense to the company's account. Y said he had travelled most western countries except US. One day he suddenly called me to tell me some inside news. I forgot the topic,(either about visa or stock market news) It obviously was a disinformation from the secret police. I rebuked him at once. I never saw him since then. Anyhow I haven't told anyone about my allegation. I thought he was forced to do so. That was 1994, Y should have travelled all the worlds in these 16 years but never came to US.

It seems the secret police of China and US can't wait any longer. They do everything they could. Y arrives in this week. My wife said they arranged a week's trip for Y and want me to accompany with him. I figure the trip should be around 6/28 to 7/5. It is coincident with the news that South Korea and US will have a military rehearsal in Yellow Sea. FISA and Korea crisis are too familiar with I, and with the Feds too. They are in urgency.

Another action probably has been set up in this coming week-end. July 4th is National holiday. It’s a long week end which is a favor of the Feds.

640. Russian spy comedy (7/11/2010)

In early July, there was a strange Russian spy show. The comedy ends quickly in ten days when those spies were exchanged for some US spies.

Spying Suspects Seemed Short on Secrets
Published: June 29, 2010
WASHINGTON — The suspected Russian spy ring rolled up by the F.B.I. this week had everything it needed for world-class espionage: excellent training, cutting-edge gadgetry, deep knowledge of American culture and meticulously constructed cover stories.

The only things missing in more than a decade of operation were actual secrets to send home to Moscow.

This is a strange case. Spy arrested for doing no spy work. If you follow my articles, you would find it was not a coincidence. It was done to justify a Chinese spy ring. It was a swift response to my last article "639. FISA plot continues (6/27/2010)"

Russian spy event was a cover up case. The Feds try to confuse people with the similarity of the two spy group.

1. Long time embedding. Russian spies had ten years long history. W.H.W. and C-lady and their colleagues came to US 16 years ago.

2. Civilian life as a couple. There are four couples in Russian case. There are two in Chinese spy ring. The couple lives in the same street of mine, (relative of my sister in law, friend of C-lady). For another couple, the husband is C-lady's brother- G-man. I talked about G-man in "111. How they plant".

3. Both lack of spy work. Strict to say, those Chinese secret agents actually are paid to work for the Feds to frame a drug case. They are hired with the title of "foreign agents" to cheat for surveillance warrant to deal with US citizens. The domestic search warrant is hard to get but a FISA warrant is easy.

On 5/12, I wrote #635 to reveal W.H.W. and C-lady are Chinese secret agents embedded as long as 16 years.

On 5/30, I was told C-lady would finish her 16 years long illegal immigrant life to go home. The unknown resident of neighbor House B moved out. I think that was the result of my revelation.

About one week later in June, the "For sale" board of the B-house disappeared. I asked my wife, learned that C-lady changed her mind. She would stay. It means the Feds and the Chinese secret police have reached a new deal. Another plot is coming. Then I learned Y was coming and the attempt to frame me in another FISA case. (see last post)

On 6/27, I wrote #639, revealed a series of FISA abusing case. On 6/30, Russian spy case broke out. Will there be a Chinese spy case followed?

What I know is they had arranged a trip for Y and me during 6/28 to 7/5. I refused and alleged there would be a raid prepared in long week-end of 7/4. The Epoch Times reported that originally, S.Korea and the US Navy planed to have a military exercise in Yellow Sea between later June to early July. (6/26/2010, Epoch Times) On 6/29, Epoch Times said that the planed military exercise (starting date on 6/28) is delayed to sometime in July.

It seems the Feds doesn't want to waste its long time planting operation. They will squeeze the last drop of juice from it. What will happen in July? A new plot is at sight.