Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

641. The early July plot and Al Gore case (7/11/2010)

In early July, my wife said that Y would like to see me, I said I have no intention. Anyhow, Y, accompanied by my brother, my sister in law and her relatives, visited my house at night on 7/11 without notice. A procedure was completed. Feds then could apply for a surveillance warrant on me from the FISA court. That's how Feds plant.

According to their early plan, there was a trip arranged for Y and me from 6/28 to 7/5. If I followed their plan, I think I would have been framed in some case related to DNA. That's from news.

1. Quote, "Manager of police DNA Lab resign

The manager of the San Francisco Police Department's backlogged DNA laboratory has resigned. .....

San Francisco Controller Ben Rosenfield has recommended permanently closing down the crime lab and outsourcing the testing conducted there.

(San Jose Mercury News, 6/24/2010)"

When the Feds planned a framed case, they used to get the people in key posts changed into their own people so fake evidence could go through. In October, 2003, when the Feds planed to frame a case and to murder the victim, they had a regime change in San Jose. Within a month, the police chief and the chief medical examiner were forced to resign. Judges were intimidated.

See "169. Development of Regime change in San Jose Police", "170. Suspends Coroner (10/11)", "171. Extort judge (10/16)".

2. Previously, Feds had push out eye-catching case to justify the importance of the DNA evidence. Ramsey Benet case was referred several times. This time, the victim is Al Gore.

Quote, “Al Gore A "Crazed Sex Poodle?"
Masseuse's claims read like R-rated vice presidential fan fiction
" After fleeing Gore's suite, the woman returned home to discover, a la Lewinsky, "stains on the front of my black slacks." Suspecting that the stains were Gore bodily fluids, the woman made sure not to clean them. "I carefully hung them up and decided to be sure not to launder them until I knew more what to do with what had happened. Just my intuition." While the masseuse hired a civil attorney, "I was not interested in making any money from this case," she told cops. "I did not want to be labeled a gold digger like the women in this situation are often labeled."

See "436. Ramsey Benet case and DNA (9/15/06)", "566. False arrest leads to DNA case (8/24/08)", "579. Jon Benet case again (12/29/08)", "590. Chandra Levy case and Jon Benet case (2/27/09)".

As I always said, whatever they refer – either it’s a celebrity or a famous case, DNA is no other than other evidence. If a corruptive police could plant a gun on victim, he could also plant a DNA. Feds did more, they even change the person who in charge of the DNA lab to their fellow-criminal.

642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010)

In #635 and #640, I alleged W.H.W. and C-lady are Chinese agents. Though C-lady once planed to go back to China in June, she stays. Then there is the comedy of the Russian spy case. I think that was used to justify another comedy of Chinese spy ring.

Russian spy case lasted only for eleven days: from 6/28 to 7/9 when US and Russia changed the spies in Europe.

On July 5, there was such news:

8-Year Prison Term in China Spy Case
Published: July 4, 2010

BEIJING (AP) — An American geologist detained by China’s state security agents over an oil industry database was sentenced Monday to eight years in prison.
The case of the geologist, Xue Feng, is considered a troubling example of China’s rough and arbitrary justice system.
The verdict comes more than six months since the last court hearing and two and a half years after Dr. Xue was detained. The long prosecution and pretrial detention were never explained

I could explain it. Chinese court detained Xue feng but had little evidence to give a verdict. When the secret police reached a deal with their American counterparts - to find some "spies" for the coming spy exchange, Xue Feng became a sacrifice.

There was other interesting news related to this case. It's about Asian Carp. For years I noticed this kind of news:



Peoria, Illinois -

Experts flock together to fight against Asian Carp, Professor Yu suggests the simplest way: Eat them "

In 1970's, Southern fish farms introduced Asian Carp to clean up over-grown plankton and the parasite that threaten other fishes. Environmentalists now fear the carp eat too much plankton to starve other fishes and may hurt people when they leap out the water. They seek to control it by chemical."


By Caryn Rousseau and John Flesher, A.P.

Chicago - ... To keep the fish out, Illinois officials planned to dump poison ..... to kill off the carp while the electrical barrier is turned off for maintenance."


Epoch Times

(To stop the greedy aggressor spreading to Great Lakes) Authority announces the plan to kill off all the invasive species by poison, netting and electrocution. "

Carp is a popular fish in China. It seems they are all right in the river of southern America. How can they become invasive species in Illinois area? Since the timing of these news reports matches the plot against me, the murder attempt by poison and the shooting of E.M. wave were so frequent for me, and the "Mafia" tone of the news, I think it was intimidation from the Feds.

Then comes this news:


By Fong De Chen, Epoch Times

Export to China, the America Asian carp become delicious dish

A company of Illinois plans to net the Asian Carp which invading the river of Illinois, sell them to China."

The news - six days after the spies were sent to the Russia - proves my allegation. Feds alter their plot. They will arrest "spies" and doing an "exchange" deal with China.
641. The early July plot and Al Gore case (7/11/2010)

In early July, my wife said that Y would like to see me, I said I have no intention. Anyhow, Y, accompanied by my brother, my sister in law and her relatives, visited my house at night on 7/11 without notice. A procedure was completed. Feds then could apply for a surveillance warrant on me from the FISA court. That's how Feds plant.

According to their early plan, there was a trip arranged for Y and me from 6/28 to 7/5. If I followed their plan, I think I would have been framed in some case related to DNA. That's from news.

1. Quote, "Manager of police DNA Lab resign

The manager of the San Francisco Police Department's backlogged DNA laboratory has resigned. .....

San Francisco Controller Ben Rosenfield has recommended permanently closing down the crime lab and outsourcing the testing conducted there.

(San Jose Mercury News, 6/24/2010)"

When the Feds planned a framed case, they used to get the people in key posts changed into their own people so fake evidence could go through. In October, 2003, when the Feds planed to frame a case and to murder the victim, they had a regime change in San Jose. Within a month, the police chief and the chief medical examiner were forced to resign. Judges were intimidated.

See "169. Development of Regime change in San Jose Police", "170. Suspends Coroner (10/11)", "171. Extort judge (10/16)".

2. Previously, Feds had push out eye-catching case to justify the importance of the DNA evidence. Ramsey Benet case was referred several times. This time, the victim is Al Gore.

Quote, “Al Gore A "Crazed Sex Poodle?"
Masseuse's claims read like R-rated vice presidential fan fiction
" After fleeing Gore's suite, the woman returned home to discover, a la Lewinsky, "stains on the front of my black slacks." Suspecting that the stains were Gore bodily fluids, the woman made sure not to clean them. "I carefully hung them up and decided to be sure not to launder them until I knew more what to do with what had happened. Just my intuition." While the masseuse hired a civil attorney, "I was not interested in making any money from this case," she told cops. "I did not want to be labeled a gold digger like the women in this situation are often labeled."

See "436. Ramsey Benet case and DNA (9/15/06)", "566. False arrest leads to DNA case (8/24/08)", "579. Jon Benet case again (12/29/08)", "590. Chandra Levy case and Jon Benet case (2/27/09)".

As I always said, whatever they refer – either it’s a celebrity or a famous case, DNA is no other than other evidence. If a corruptive police could plant a gun on victim, he could also plant a DNA. Feds did more, they even change the person who in charge of the DNA lab to their fellow-criminal.

642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010)

In #635 and #640, I alleged W.H.W. and C-lady are Chinese agents. Though C-lady once planed to go back to China in June, she stays. Then there is the comedy of the Russian spy case. I think that was used to justify another comedy of Chinese spy ring.

Russian spy case lasted only for eleven days: from 6/28 to 7/9 when US and Russia changed the spies in Europe.

On July 5, there was such news:

8-Year Prison Term in China Spy Case
Published: July 4, 2010

BEIJING (AP) — An American geologist detained by China’s state security agents over an oil industry database was sentenced Monday to eight years in prison.
The case of the geologist, Xue Feng, is considered a troubling example of China’s rough and arbitrary justice system.
The verdict comes more than six months since the last court hearing and two and a half years after Dr. Xue was detained. The long prosecution and pretrial detention were never explained

I could explain it. Chinese court detained Xue feng but had little evidence to give a verdict. When the secret police reached a deal with their American counterparts - to find some "spies" for the coming spy exchange, Xue Feng became a sacrifice.

There was other interesting news related to this case. It's about Asian Carp. For years I noticed this kind of news:



Peoria, Illinois -

Experts flock together to fight against Asian Carp, Professor Yu suggests the simplest way: Eat them "

In 1970's, Southern fish farms introduced Asian Carp to clean up over-grown plankton and the parasite that threaten other fishes. Environmentalists now fear the carp eat too much plankton to starve other fishes and may hurt people when they leap out the water. They seek to control it by chemical."


By Caryn Rousseau and John Flesher, A.P.

Chicago - ... To keep the fish out, Illinois officials planned to dump poison ..... to kill off the carp while the electrical barrier is turned off for maintenance."


Epoch Times

(To stop the greedy aggressor spreading to Great Lakes) Authority announces the plan to kill off all the invasive species by poison, netting and electrocution. "

Carp is a popular fish in China. It seems they are all right in the river of southern America. How can they become invasive species in Illinois area? Since the timing of these news reports matches the plot against me, the murder attempt by poison and the shooting of E.M. wave were so frequent for me, and the "Mafia" tone of the news, I think it was intimidation from the Feds.

Then comes this news:


By Fong De Chen, Epoch Times

Export to China, the America Asian carp become delicious dish

A company of Illinois plans to net the Asian Carp which invading the river of Illinois, sell them to China."

The news - six days after the spies were sent to the Russia - proves my allegation. Feds alter their plot. They will arrest "spies" and doing an "exchange" deal with China.
I blame all speculators, they drive up prices!
643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups? (8/12/2010)

In 1994 when I went to Shanghai, the Feds had secret deal with the Chinese secret police. China sent agents to the US to work for the Feds. Two applied job in B's(my brother in law) company. W.H.W. works as manager of the warehouse. He receives imported goods and pick up the merchandise for the order. L works as deliver man. To this year(2010), the two have worked for 16 years. That's a real long concealment. Feds finally decides to finish this fruitless work. Last October my father passed away. Two months later, B was pronounced having heart trouble. Doctor said that he might have a sudden death. My brother was confirmed having a last phase cancer. (see #625. Feds start to kill (2/15/2010)) L resigned at this time. His 16 years long concealment ended. He went back to Canton to enjoy his retirement. Then why W.H.W. stays? He must do the last plant job. L's leave may force B to do the deliver job. W.H.W. will prepare the merchandise planted with the drugs for him.

In 1994 (or 1995) another two Chinese agents were sent to work in the travel company where my wife works. They are C-lady and G-man.(see #111) G-man is C-lady's brother. C-lady works in that travel company for 16 years now. Like L, two months ago she said she would go back to China, then she changed her mind. I think Feds has altered their plan - to send her back by the "breaking of Chinese spy ring". G-man left years ago. I think he was recruited by the Feds and has more important work to do as a double spy.

G-man came with his family - his wife and his daughter. G-man's daughter is same age as my daughter. I think that's the reason why he was picked up.

My daughter was 6 years' old in 1994. She had three playmates at that time. When I came back from Shanghai in 1995, I found that three playmates were replaced by new one. The old friends of my daughter were all moved away. She had three new friends. The house next to mine had two new family tenants. Each family miraculously had a child with similar age of my daughter. Plus G-man's daughter, my daughter had three new playmates.

Though Feds' work was very efficient, it also gave me a chance to recognize how they work.

1. Change victim's neighbors, colleagues into agents. Let these agents work as close to the target as possible. Even children's playmates were replaced.

2. Pander to targets' habit and taste - Similar age children, speaking same dialect. G-man and C-lady speaks Shanghainese as we do.

3. They work with patience and always with a smiling face because they have purpose. B is a hard employer, W.H.W. and L. still stay for as long as 16 years. Their justification is: "Though B is tough and rude, his heart is kind." B is so pleased that he always boasted that "My employees said I'm a kind boss."

They are Chinese agents planted in B's company and the travel company my wife works. The purpose is not only for surveillance and plant but also for the FISA search warrant. The real target is US citizen. The funny thing is, their job doesn't relate to a bit of spy work because my relatives are all decent US citizens. That's why Feds had created a strange "Russian spy ring" which "The only things missing in more than a decade of operation were actual secrets to send home". That is exactly my case. What evil is the Feds start to kill to cover up their crime when they decide to close the case.

644. Bio team and G-man (8/22/2010)

On 8/12, I wrote #643, said that G-man may now be a double agent. I think it's an accurate judgment because there was a swift reaction from the Feds next day.

In the morning of 8/13, When I left home I found there were traffic board set up at the ends of the street to block the vehicles from entering. That was a sign of big operation. Feds used to block the traffic to prevent others from seeing their secret operation. I immediately remembered the article I wrote the day before. What would they do this time?

It seemed everything was alright until the evening. I felt itching and found many swelling on my feet. At first I thought I might have been stung by insects when I watering the tree in the backyard.

Then came the visters - the couple (R of S.I.L.) (relatives of my sister in law, see #625. and #639). They just return from a trip to Shanghai.

After they leaving our house my wife complained mosquitoes. Her feet were full of swellings too. I told her it was not mosquito. Mosquito was not able to bit behind trousers. It was flea or tick because the sting part were at feet. My wife reminded me that she also noticed the couple kept scratching their feet and shank. Relate to the road blocking that morning, I realized it was the work of a bio-team of the Feds. They released a large amount of fleas or ticks in the day when nobody was at home. So far as I know, only Pentagon has secret bio-labs. D.O.D. and D.O.J. collaberate in my case. They used to privately punish the people they don't like with high tech. weapon. Because the result of those weapons looks natural and hard to be traced, they call themselves "God". That's what we saw in D.C. sniper case (When the Taro card told police they were "God", and Pat Robertson said "the God" told him Bush would be elected twice.)

G-man was a top Chinese agent. Though he was selected to work in my case for having a daughter with similar age of my daughter and he speaks same dialect as my family does, he originally worked as a manager of a Hotel casino in Srilanka. His customers were all high ranking officials of Srilanka government. Later when G-man met a Srilanka Minister in US, that Minister couldn't believe G-man worked only as a staff in a small travel company. These people of course didn't know he had a special mission here.

Anyhow G-man got a special treatment in travel company. The owner of the A and S tour inc. is Mrs.H. Her brother H is an arm dealer. G-man, a new staff of the travel company, was given a Benz to drive by H. So they had a particular relationship. G-man knew there was an operation then and the arrest would happen and left travel company earlier.

The name of the operation was "Fire Dragon". (see "32.Operation Fire Dragon") The Feds disguised as a buyer of AK-47 from South America. The dealer was H. The supplier was North Company (or North Industry Company) - a company with the background of Chinese military. Originally, G-lady and G-man worked in "A and S Tour inc". Then G-lady introduced my wife into the company. She and G-man all left the company before the case broke out. They avoided to be involved in. I believe my wife was guided in to be investigated in that case. When the operation finished, H was fined. He soon opened a restaurant in San Francisco. To review the case now, the real victim is the North Company. That left me a question, what was the role of G-man in this case? Did it mean Chinese secret police co-operate with their American counterpart to frame Chinese military?

About one year later, G-man brought some fluorescent lamps to my home. A friend of his had moved house and abandoned these lamps. G-man said he thought we could use these lamps to save energy bill. I had alleged fluorescent lamp could be reformed to be killing weapon.(see #22-24. Fluorescent lamp killing) G-man's action proved my allegation, and proved he worked for the Feds as well. Although my wife urged me to install the lamp, I refused and put them into the garage. Some time later when I want to check the secret of the lamp parts, I found they disappeared. Feds took it back when they saw I refused to install them. High tech. weapons should be managed strictly. Feds wouldn't "abandon" it too long.
645. Sri Lanka and Thailand (9/1/2010)

Sri Lanka government had fought against its rebellion - Tamil Tigers for 30 years long. None got upper hand. The balance was broken in early 2009. The government security force launched an invasion at rebellion In January, killed the leader of Tamil Tigers and finished the war in May. The achievement was got under the support of Chinese government with its arm supply to the Sri Lanka government. Usually when such balance was broken, the other side would interfere - by international protest and increase the support to the opposite side. But this time U.S. looked on unconcerned. Tamil Tigers have become a sacrifice as a payment to China. In early 2009, Feds had planned a big operation. The most impressive event was they originally were going to kill people with Bird Flu (H5N1). When the plot failed, they created a Swine Flu (H1N1) crisis to cover up. Each time China would play an important role in the plot and would get some payment for collaboration.

No resistance or rebellion, or terrorist group - can survive without outside support. Feds is an expert on it. They like democracy - two competitive parties. By supporting the party who promise to give them more the Feds always take advantage. When G.O.P. promised to give them war and power (patriot Act), Bush was selected to be president. The "God" also let him stay for a second term despite a big lie scandal. (W.M.D. in Iraq) Another sample is the Mujahideen. When it was used to fight against Soviet Union, it was called resistance. When the Feds need a false flag terrorist to extort American people, they change the name Mujahideen into Al Qaida though the leader is the same agent - Osama Bin Laden.

When there is a need, asset became a sacrifice. Sri Lanka is a payment to China in 2009 operation. I think G-man played a role in that deal. Several years ago, he got US citizenship. He then became a businessman to sell Malaysia's oil palm tree to China. Selling Sri Lanka to China was one of his businesses, I think.

Of course, Sri Lanka is a small payment. If the plot goes through, the payment would be bigger. Thailand is part of it.

In March and April of 2009, there was a riot in Thailand. The opposition party of the Thailand organized its people (in red shirts) to block the traffic in Bangkok and surrounded the building of Prime Minister for three weeks. The protesters demand a regime change. There was a conflict between the demonstrators and the military. The casualty was more than one hundred. The riot ended on April 14, 2009. It accorded with the end of the mysterious S.A.R.S. alike pandemic. See "605. Swine Flu time table (5/20/09)". The coincidence enables me to believe Thailand was also a part of the payment to China. The opposition leader - former Prime Minister, Taxin, was thought pro-China and was reported being in China sometimes.

This year in March, April and May, the red shirt movement rose again. Thai troops and protesters clashed, dozens dead, hundreds injured. The Thailand crisis ended like last year's because the main plot in US failed to go through.

On 8/23 Taxin resigned his job as an economic adviser to the Cambodian government. Cambodian and Thailand government also announced to exchange their ambassador to recover the broken relationship. When I read the news I knew the main operation of this year is finished. The main event in this plot: Google withdrew from China in January; the sinking of the S. Korea warship Cheonan in March 21, the media attack on sex scandal of Vatican in April and Euro crisis took place in Greece; the arrest of Russian spy ring in June. They were so confident that the deal will go through they even put Taxin in a neighbor country so once the deal is fulfilled, their puppet could get back to Thailand as soon as possible.

Sri Lanka is a small chip paid to China for its collaboration with the Feds. Thailand is big chip and is reserved for next deal. Of course, there is an even bigger one - Taiwan.

646. Plot in later 2010 (9/18/2010)

In last article, I talked about Taxin's resignation as an economic adviser to the Cambodian government and the exchange of the ambassadors of Cambodian and Thailand. I said it might be a signal of the end of the plot of early 2010. As always being, the Feds quickly start a new plot.

In early September Arnold Schwarzenegger had a trip to China. Arnold works for the Feds. He was put on to the seat of California Governor for my case, I think. That was in March, 2003, four months after the election. There was a sudden recall on Gray Davis. How could voters changed their mind in just four months while there was no big scandal? Only Feds who control the media and politicians could do this. (see "147. Steal California (7/31/2003") Arnold then had been a representative of the Feds in a special mission to confirm the secret deal with China. (see "323. Arnold's role in recent plots (6/22/05)" and "358. New secret deal (11/17/05)") Now Arnold repeats his job in a new plot.

Here is the news: "Schwarzenegger Wants China to Invest in California’s High-Speed Rail Network

Sept. 14 – California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger finished up a brief tour of the Yangtze River Delta Region on Monday with high hopes that China will be in the bidding for a contract to build the western U.S. state’s proposed US$40 billion high-speed railway.

Three days after his announcement, the opposite party in Thailand rises again.

Quote, "Thai Red Shirts begin coup anniversary protests

By GRANT PECK, Associated Press Writer – Fri Sep 17, 9:39 am ET
BANGKOK – Hundreds of anti-government activists carried roses to prisons around Thailand on Friday to show their support for jailed colleagues and begin a series of protests marking the fourth anniversary of a military coup.

The "Red Shirt" supporters have been generally quiet since the army quashed large demonstrations earlier this year in Bangkok's main commercial district. About 90 people died during those protests, more than 1,400 were hurt, and most of the group's top leaders were arrested. "

Starts from 9/16, San Jose Mercury News forcasts that there will be a rain on Sunday, 9/19. It's unusual because it's still summer - the dry season. The tactic is the old one. China will supply the drug. The drug will be planted in the shipment of unbrella. To frame B (my brother in law) in the case, there must be a rain day on week ends. B has to work on week-ends while his employee are on holiday. That unsusal rain is an urge to B. It's time to order an umbrella shipment from China. The similar story acted again and again and again. Even the action of one of the payments -Thailand regime change, had played several times. There is one thing new here: the 40 billion contract to build high-speed railway is likely the next reward to China.
647. Prepare war on Iran (9/29/2010)

As usual, a big event – war on Iran, will follow to distract the public attention on the framed drug case. To justify the war, false flag terror attack is a necessity.

Arnold finished his secret deal tour on 9/13. Pre-psychological propaganda work immediately followed up.

Eiffel Tower evacuated after threatened
By Angela Doland A.P.

Paris – Paris' Eiffel Tower and its immediate surroundings were evacuated Tuesday evening after an anonymous caller phoned in a bomb threat. “

Spy Chief warns nation faces new terror threats

The head of Britain's domestic spy agency warned today that the U.K. Faces potent new threats from terrorism incubated in Northern Ireland, the Middle East and North Africa.

(San Jose Mercury News, Briefing News)

US had U.K. Joined in war on Iraq. This time they will have a new partner – France. The same tactic repeats. (see “541. Eiffel Tower bombing had been planned for Iran war (2/28/08)”)

The probable action may take place in October when my wife is arranged for another China tour. It's unusual, she was used to be arranged one tour each year. This is the second one for year 2010. Feds is in urgency.

Yesterday, there was another alarm.
'Terror threat' closes Eiffel Tower

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Intelligence officials have intercepted a credible terror plot against Britain and France, raising security fears at the Eiffel Tower, but failing to raise the overall threat level in either country.

Read more:
It's a second warning within two weeks. Feds is in a hurry.

648. Pope and Vatican raided (10/8/2010)

To suppress the anti-war voice for the coming Iran war, an extortion on Roman Catholic is a necessity.

Pope was summoned to court in U.K..
Quote, “Pope served summons: Crimes against humanity, child abuse, trafficking
• September 20th, 2010 8:20 pm ET
A Public Summons to Pope Benedict was delivered today at the residence of the Vatican Ambassador to England in south London. Human rights defender, the former United Church of Canada minister noted for taking Christ's teachings to heart, Rev. Kevin Annette delivered the summons after leading a 20,000 people protest this weekend against the Pope for alleged complicity in crimes against humanity, child abuse and trafficking.

Vatican also is attacked in finance.

Quote, “Official seize Vatican funds

By Rachel Donadio New York Times

Rome – Italian monetary authorities said Tuesday that they had impounded $30 million from the Vatican bank and placed its top two officers under investigation in connection with a money-laundering inquiry. The announcement amounted to another potential storm confronting the papacy of Benedict XVI, who is struggling with the effects of an abuse scandal. “

Action was swift, obviously well prepared in advance. One week after Arnold Schwarzinegger's China trip, Pope and Vatican suffered from an unprecedented attack. It happened simultaneously with the terror warning in Britain and France. You may have noticed that US had a travel warning on tourists to Europe. I think that is a co-operation to a framed drug case – possible action time in late-October. The Feds arranged a China trip for my wife which starts on October 17 despite it is a bush season (Thanks giving and Christmas) for travel company she works for.
649. Super-virus attack (10/16/2010)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's China trip have rich fruit. We see not only terror alarm in Europe, Pope and Vatican raided, but also worm attack in Internet. All these related to war on Iran.

Quote, “
Computer super-virus 'targeted Iranian nuclear power station' but who made it?
24th September 2010

The world’s first cyber ‘super weapon’ may have been designed to attack a nuclear power station in Iran, experts believe.
And they say that it is so sophisticated that only a country with a high level of computer programming know-how would have been able to create it.

Iran was hardest hit by Stuxnet with nearly 60 per cent of all infected PCs found there.
Facebook was down.

Quote, “
More Details on Today's Outage
by Robert Johnson on Friday, 24 September 2010 at 01:29

Early today Facebook was down or unreachable for many of you for approximately 2.5 hours. This is the worst outage we’ve had in over four years
, “

My revealing articles are the most hated material by the Feds. To wipe out my posts in message boards of Internet is always their priority. In plot of this year, the first event was the “Google withdraw from China”. I pointed out it was a puppet show immediately in my article “621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)”. Six months later, the development proves my comment is very correct.

Quote, “
Google moves to appease China
Search giant seeks compromise in ongoing censorship dispute

By John Boudreau San Jose Mercury News

Quote, “
Promise to accept supervision, Google continues staying in China

7/21/2010 World-Journal
China renewed Google's Internet license after it pledged to obey censorship laws.

Now everything goes back to the origin. It proves the flag of “Free speech” Google carried with when it left China market six months ago was a false one. It was planned to justify an Internet raid on my articles. When a secret deal ended. Google threw away the mask and recover its real face.

Of course, a new deal is made in September. So we still see the old tactic react – in new false flags.

650. Routine (10/24/2010)

One of the old tactics used in my case is earthquake. In “630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010)”, I talked about Feds intended to distract the framed case with natural disaster – earthquake.

On October 21, there was a a powerful quake struck the offshore of Gulf of California. The magnitude was 6.7. It took place almost at same time when there was a biggest ever earthquake drill in California. Over eight million people took part in the Drop, Cover and Hold On in the 2010 California ShakeOut! . Newspaper said that the newest research warned people the BIG ONE would come earlier, more fierce. The magnitude could be 8.

That events, I think, were used to justify a planned big earthquake in California if the framed drug case being practiced. My wife is arranged a China trip from 10/17 to 10/27. That's her second Chinese trip this year. This has never happened before. Feds is in a hurry. It's also unusual that there was a rain on her leaving day – Sunday, (10/17) and there is a storm this week-end, (10/23-24). To create a rain day on week-end is old tactic too, because B (my brother in law) only works on week-end himself when his employee are on holiday. It's unusual because it is not the rain season yet. Rain used to come after November in San Jose area. I used to clear the dead leaves from the gut when the first rain comes. The leaves haven't turned into yellow when these two rains came this month. The tree is still green. The Feds is really in a hurry.

The unusual rain and unusual Chinese trip, plus biggest earthquake drill are the reaction of the old tactics. It becomes their routine.
649. Super-virus attack (10/16/2010)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's China trip have rich fruit. We see not only terror alarm in Europe, Pope and Vatican raided, but also worm attack in Internet. All these related to war on Iran.

Quote, “
Facebook was down.

Quote, “, “

My revealing articles are the most hated material by the Feds. To wipe out my posts in message boards of Internet is always their priority. In plot of this year, the first event was the “Google withdraw from China”. I pointed out it was a puppet show immediately in my article “621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)”. Six months later, the development proves my comment is very correct.

Quote, “ “

Quote, “ “

Now everything goes back to the origin. It proves the flag of “Free speech” Google carried with when it left China market six months ago was a false one. It was planned to justify an Internet raid on my articles. When a secret deal ended. Google threw away the mask and recover its real face.

Of course, a new deal is made in September. So we still see the old tactic react – in new false flags.

650. Routine (10/24/2010)

One of the old tactics used in my case is earthquake. In “630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010)”, I talked about Feds intended to distract the framed case with natural disaster – earthquake.

On October 21, there was a a powerful quake struck the offshore of Gulf of California. The magnitude was 6.7. It took place almost at same time when there was a biggest ever earthquake drill in California. Over eight million people took part in the Drop, Cover and Hold On in the 2010 California ShakeOut! . Newspaper said that the newest research warned people the BIG ONE would come earlier, more fierce. The magnitude could be 8.

That events, I think, were used to justify a planned big earthquake in California if the framed drug case being practiced. My wife is arranged a China trip from 10/17 to 10/27. That's her second Chinese trip this year. This has never happened before. Feds is in a hurry. It's also unusual that there was a rain on her leaving day – Sunday, (10/17) and there is a storm this week-end, (10/23-24). To create a rain day on week-end is old tactic too, because B (my brother in law) only works on week-end himself when his employee are on holiday. It's unusual because it is not the rain season yet. Rain used to come after November in San Jose area. I used to clear the dead leaves from the gut when the first rain comes. The leaves haven't turned into yellow when these two rains came this month. The tree is still green. The Feds is really in a hurry.

The unusual rain and unusual Chinese trip, plus biggest earthquake drill are the reaction of the old tactics. It becomes their routine.

:eek3: Holy Moly.

This seems like asshat off his meds? Now, I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, Darla wth are you talking about? After all, asshat seems like asshat off his meds.


But, what if asshat is actually on meds!?

Picture that.

And then he goes off of them.

I say this here is what you'd get!
649. Super-virus attack (10/16/2010)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's China trip have rich fruit. We see not only terror alarm in Europe, Pope and Vatican raided, but also worm attack in Internet. All these related to war on Iran.

Quote, “
Facebook was down.

Quote, “, “

My revealing articles are the most hated material by the Feds. To wipe out my posts in message boards of Internet is always their priority. In plot of this year, the first event was the “Google withdraw from China”. I pointed out it was a puppet show immediately in my article “621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)”. Six months later, the development proves my comment is very correct.

Quote, “ “

Quote, “ “

Now everything goes back to the origin. It proves the flag of “Free speech” Google carried with when it left China market six months ago was a false one. It was planned to justify an Internet raid on my articles. When a secret deal ended. Google threw away the mask and recover its real face.

Of course, a new deal is made in September. So we still see the old tactic react – in new false flags.

650. Routine (10/24/2010)

One of the old tactics used in my case is earthquake. In “630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010)”, I talked about Feds intended to distract the framed case with natural disaster – earthquake.

On October 21, there was a a powerful quake struck the offshore of Gulf of California. The magnitude was 6.7. It took place almost at same time when there was a biggest ever earthquake drill in California. Over eight million people took part in the Drop, Cover and Hold On in the 2010 California ShakeOut! . Newspaper said that the newest research warned people the BIG ONE would come earlier, more fierce. The magnitude could be 8.

That events, I think, were used to justify a planned big earthquake in California if the framed drug case being practiced. My wife is arranged a China trip from 10/17 to 10/27. That's her second Chinese trip this year. This has never happened before. Feds is in a hurry. It's also unusual that there was a rain on her leaving day – Sunday, (10/17) and there is a storm this week-end, (10/23-24). To create a rain day on week-end is old tactic too, because B (my brother in law) only works on week-end himself when his employee are on holiday. It's unusual because it is not the rain season yet. Rain used to come after November in San Jose area. I used to clear the dead leaves from the gut when the first rain comes. The leaves haven't turned into yellow when these two rains came this month. The tree is still green. The Feds is really in a hurry.

The unusual rain and unusual Chinese trip, plus biggest earthquake drill are the reaction of the old tactics. It becomes their routine.
I wonder if they see dead people?
651. Terror case around 10/27 (11/2/2010)

My wife was arranged an unusual Chinese trip from 10/17 to 10/27. If a framed drug case broke out at this time, big events would be created to distract public attention. Either there would be natural disasters (artificial), or terror attacks, or the war on Iran, or all of them. A typical one was the plot of April 8, 2009. My wife, severely sickened with flu, returned from her China trip on that day. Around 4/8/2010, there was a pandemic took place in Mexico that killed 168 people in that month. Later, government said that was a new flu and gave it a new name - Swine flu. I had accurately predicted that event in "596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)".

This time the big event was terror attack. On 10/29, media made it a big news that two mail bombs from Yemen were found on separate cargo planes. The information was delivered by Saudi-Arabia security to US on 10/28. I think if Feds had activated the framed drug case on 10/27, next day there would be a series of terror bombings in US and Europe. That could have developed to a nuclear attack. People could see it from their pre-psychological propaganda.

Re: "10/10/21 Clinton Lost Nuclear 'Biscuit'

Published October 21, 2010

At the time, Patterson described how Clinton misplaced the card for months, confessing the loss after being asked to provide the card so it could be replaced with an updated code.

ABC noted that a similar claim was made about former President Jimmy Carter, who was said to have left the card with the launch codes in a suit sent to the dry cleaner. "

Quote, "Oops! US Air Force loses 50 nukes

Published 28 October, 2010

US military lost track of 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles recently. The incident became public after a former Air Force officer tweeted about the loss of communication between the missiles and the control center. "

Clinton time is a decade away. Carter time is much older. Why would they beat a dead horse? It's similar to the recent attack on Roman Catholic with decades old sex abusing cases. There is a purpose behind it. Did other presidents of US have committed similar negligence? Why Clinton and Carter were picked up? It抯 because they are in same party with current president - Obama. To make it easy for people to believe Demo-controlled government is negligent in security. These events are used to justify a coming nuclear terror attack. The two news within a week is not a coincidence. It opens a passage of nuclear attack when the low end gate (operation) of air force and the high end gate (command) of President are both opening.

These bombing attack news and nuclear negligence news were all released at a time around 10/27.

652. Another plot of nuclear attack (11/11/2010)

I allege Feds planned a nuclear attack on US in later October. If you remember, there was an attempt of similar attack on August 30, 2007 when a B-52 carried 6 loaded nuclear missile flied over US continent.
On August 28, 2007, media reported that Bush accepted the resignation of Attorney General Gonzales. His top adviser - Karl Rove also left his post on August 30. The news told us that the rat always is the first to learn the ship would sink. And this time, we got:

by arminius33 ? Mon Oct 11, 2010

What makes this latest development all the more ominous is that Emmanuel is not the only VIP within organized Zionist interests getting our of Dodge. Shortly after Emmanuel抯 announcement, the political world was rocked with the news literally within days of each others that Emmanuel抯 colleagues, namely David Axelrod (Obama抯 Chief Political Advisor) and Larry Summers (Chief Economic Advisor) announced they were leaving as well.

Emmanuel left for no convincible reason. He just cut off the relationship to a criminal nuclear attack like what Karl Rove and Gonzales had done.

Another man had predicted this terror attack.

Quote, "Alex Jones Predicts Staged Terror Attack in October-November 2010

We have Obama and Clinton advisers saying, "What Obama needs is a giant terror attack to win the mid term elections and to get a second term in 2012'.

[ame=""]YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts Staged Terror Attack in October-November 2010[/ame]!

It means the Obama administration approved the plot for the interest of their party. The plot went soured when they failed to frame me into a drug case.

On 11/2 I wrote "651. Terror case around 10/27 (11/2/2010)". Next day afternoon something strange happened while I logged into E-Bay's forum. I found I could post everything except #651. Then I was blocked to post in the internet. Next day (11/4) the problem continued. I went to library. There in Chinese newspaper "World Journal" there was an article about "Asian Carp". It said the authority changed their policy - they will kill and eat the Asian Carp instead of intercept them. It was obviously an intimidation. #651 revealed their plot. Feds are so angry that they decide to kill and eat me. How to kill and eat? I don't know. But it proves I am very correct on their mafia style communication. see "642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010) ".
653. Target of nuclear attack - AE911 TRUTH (11/18/2010)

There was a missile launch on Nov.8 off California coast.
, "Mystery Rocket Launch Caught On Camera Off California Coast - Expert Interviewed "

The odd thing is Pentagon denied it knew there was a rocket launching. I allege it was part of "later October plot". Either it was a practice of the plot or a signal to the counterpart of the Feds - the rogue teams of secret police of other joined countries, among them U.K. and China are sure conspirators. It convinces them that the Feds did have prepared a nuclear attack on US.

One thing should be noticed is that there were multiple targets Feds planned to attack. In Aug. 30, 2007, six nuclear missiles were loaded on B-52. In this later October plot, 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles lost track. In "511. Seven most wanted cities by Feds (9/28/2007)" I said that Washington DC, Boston and Houston were the possible targets. In this plot, I add two more cities: New York and San Francisco. The reason: there are people live there Whom Feds fear so much.

For many times, I said that Feds planned framed drug case on me with big events to distract. So many times their plans didn't go through because they failed to frame me in drug case. Iran war delayed again and again because for Feds, Iran war is less important then a witness to their crime. Two months ago, another big threat appeared.

Evidence Refutes the Official 9/11 Investigation: The Scientific Forensic Facts

by Richard Gage and Gregg Roberts
Global Research, October 13, 2010
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - 2010-10-04

"Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" is a professional group. The evidence they gave is a fatal to the Feds. AE911 TRUCE press conference to media on 9/9/2010 must have rattled the Feds. I think it motivated the Feds again to activate the second nuclear attack in later October. To eliminate individual, Feds could frame a drug case. How can they eliminate a group? There are hundreds of them. One easy way (for the Feds) is: a nuclear attack.

The home base of AE911 TRUTH is in San Francisco (Berkeley?), that's why I think it becomes a target. The other one is the New York City.

654. A 90 days' project (11/30/2010)

The 10/27/2010 plot went soured. For which Feds created UPS mail bomb case. The plot ends with BBC's announcement.

UPS Yemen Bomb Scare is a Hoax BBC Confirms NO Explosives

Obama lies about the Bomb at Midlands UK airport, BBC don't even try to hide it. As the producer in V for Vendetta says "It's not our job to make up the news, that's the governments"

The FAKE bomb attack comes 4 days before the Midterms, and 3 days after British Airways said security was to tight and that naked body scanners were too intrusive, how convenient for those America scanner makers that this story would break.

Anyhow, a new 90 days project is set up immediately. Here is a strange news.

"Israel's Netanyahu unveils U.S. plan for new talks

By Allyn Fisher-Ilan Allyn Fisher-ilan – Sat Nov 13,"

The US has given Israel a written guarantee that it won't pressure the Jewish state for additional settlement freezes if it accepts a limited 90 day construction moratorium to revive Mideast peace talks.

My interpretation of this news is: US covertly promised Israel to activate the war on Iran in exchange for a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine . For years the promise was broken again and again. Isarel. loses patience and starts its settlement construction in Palestinian's land. This time, to assure Israel, Feds gave Israel a written paper to guarantee a war.

On 11/8, a mystery missile launched off California coach. I now think it was a signal to the rogue team of the counterpart of the Feds in collaborate countries. It indicates that the Feds determined to activate a nuclear attack.

November 11, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

“The 2010 election had one purpose, war with Iran, even if the risk is world conflict and the real loser, no matter what happens on the battlefield is the United States.”

Plans are in motion for a “false flag” attack on America. Iran will be blamed, everyone knows that and Iran will be totally innocent. This is the last thing Iran would ever want. The most likely scenario is a nuclear attack. Two bombs are missing, bombs built by Israel in South Africa and lost long ago. These were supposedly Saddam’s bombs. Now we are told Iran has them. Israel has had them all along and the fear, they may be inside the United States already.
653. Target of nuclear attack - AE911 TRUTH (11/18/2010)

There was a missile launch on Nov.8 off California coast.

The odd thing is Pentagon denied it knew there was a rocket launching. I allege it was part of "later October plot". Either it was a practice of the plot or a signal to the counterpart of the Feds - the rogue teams of secret police of other joined countries, among them U.K. and China are sure conspirators. It convinces them that the Feds did have prepared a nuclear attack on US.

One thing should be noticed is that there were multiple targets Feds planned to attack. In Aug. 30, 2007, six nuclear missiles were loaded on B-52. In this later October plot, 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles lost track. In "511. Seven most wanted cities by Feds (9/28/2007)" I said that Washington DC, Boston and Houston were the possible targets. In this plot, I add two more cities: New York and San Francisco. The reason: there are people live there Whom Feds fear so much.

For many times, I said that Feds planned framed drug case on me with big events to distract. So many times their plans didn't go through because they failed to frame me in drug case. Iran war delayed again and again because for Feds, Iran war is less important then a witness to their crime. Two months ago, another big threat appeared.

"Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" is a professional group. The evidence they gave is a fatal to the Feds. AE911 TRUCE press conference to media on 9/9/2010 must have rattled the Feds. I think it motivated the Feds again to activate the second nuclear attack in later October. To eliminate individual, Feds could frame a drug case. How can they eliminate a group? There are hundreds of them. One easy way (for the Feds) is: a nuclear attack.

The home base of AE911 TRUTH is in San Francisco (Berkeley?), that's why I think it becomes a target. The other one is the New York City.

654. A 90 days' project (11/30/2010)

The 10/27/2010 plot went soured. For which Feds created UPS mail bomb case. The plot ends with BBC's announcement.

UPS Yemen Bomb Scare is a Hoax BBC Confirms NO Explosives
YouTube - UPS Yemen Bomb Scare is a Hoax BBC Confirms NO Explosives

Anyhow, a new 90 days project is set up immediately. Here is a strange news.

"Israel's Netanyahu unveils U.S. plan for new talks

By Allyn Fisher-Ilan Allyn Fisher-ilan – Sat Nov 13,"

The US has given Israel a written guarantee that it won't pressure the Jewish state for additional settlement freezes if it accepts a limited 90 day construction moratorium to revive Mideast peace talks.

My interpretation of this news is: US covertly promised Israel to activate the war on Iran in exchange for a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine . For years the promise was broken again and again. Isarel. loses patience and starts its settlement construction in Palestinian's land. This time, to assure Israel, Feds gave Israel a written paper to guarantee a war.

On 11/8, a mystery missile launched off California coach. I now think it was a signal to the rogue team of the counterpart of the Feds in collaborate countries. It indicates that the Feds determined to activate a nuclear attack.

you are plain weird
655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)

On 12/4, I wrote an article "Wiki-Leaks is another false flag" and posted it in APFN. One hour later, I was surprised to find the topic was replied by Julian Assange. I don't think it was Assange himself did it. He is on the run. Most likely it is the work of his handler - the Feds. The purpose is to link me to a would be "criminal". Assange is a living plant like Bin Laden. Here is the topic:

Wiki-Leaks is another false flag? kathaksung, Sat Dec 4 09:27

* Thats not all, Netanyahu said.... ?Percy, Sat Dec 4 18:52

o Julian Assange answers your questions?Julian Assange, Sat Dec 4 10:24;article=134449;title=APFN

Bin Laden is a living plant.

In 1990, Soviet bloc collapsed. US intelligence turned its resource which used to deal with Soviet bloc to the new target - Mid-east countries which are rich in natural resource. Bin Laden, an asset of the CIA in Afghanistan war(against Russian), was revived in this new project as a false flag - Islamic extremist. He went to Sudan first in 1991.
The Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden and extradite him to Saudi Arabia . pages/Prior_Knowledge/Clinton_let_bin_laden.htm

Saudi and US didn't take the offer with various excuse because Bin Laden is a living plant they deployed there.

In 1995, Bin Laden tried to set up a connection with Saddam but was refused.
Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam, al Qaida

A September 2006 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that Saddam was "distrustful of al Qaida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qaida to provide material or operational support."

The Senate report, citing an FBI debriefing of a senior Iraqi spy, Faruq Hijazi , said that Saddam turned down a request for assistance by bin Laden which he made at a 1995 meeting in Sudan with an Iraqi operative.

Sudan may have felt the danger to accomodate Bin Laden. In May 1996, the Sudanese asked bin Laden to leave. He went to Afghan and stay there until now.

In August 1998, Sudan and Afghanistan were bombed by US missiles.

In 2001, after 911, Afghan, facing US invasion, made an offer but failed.
Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over
* Taliban demand evidence of Bin Laden's guilt, Sunday 14 October 2001 22.19 BST

In Bin Laden's recent 20 years, the countries he went or tried to go, have something in common: They all have rich natural resources. Sudan and Iraq have oil. Afghan has rich mine. '
Afghanistan to develop $3 trillion in mining potential
DUBAI * Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:14pm

He didn't go to Yemen, Somali or Syria for his "revolution" because they are resource poor countries, not in US interest list. He didn't go to Saudi or Kuwait. Because they are US allies. He only went to Sudan, Afghan, or Iraq (intended to) because these three countries were not controlled by US at that time. As a living plant, he gave US the excuse to activate attack on these three countries. (Even Saddam realized that Bin Laden was a dangerous living plant and rejected him, Iraq at last was invaded with an un-existed WMD)

Julian Assange is another false flag and living plant. The target is not to control natural resource but to control the free speech kingdom - the Internet. If you have noticed that in last month, the events come with the Wiki-leaks' third leaking. '
The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet
from the free-speech-isn't-free dept

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites
WIKILEAKS will leak 250.000 documents Sunday Nov 28
Sat Nov 27, 2010;article=134278;title=APFN;pagemark=60

What will be their next step? Feds will upgrade the secret level of the leaking document to their puppet Assange. That will finally justify the legitimate of control of the Internet. When you saw that Wiki-Leaks is moving from this server to that, this web site to other, do you realize all these sites could be potential victims of the next wave of Internet censorship and seizure? Assange does same thing Bin Laden has done.

I always say that I am the most wanted of the Feds. Though I am always under the surveillance of the Feds, to set up an internet communication with a "criminal" could justify their action and turn an unreasonable search into a reasonable one. On 12/5, (next day that Assange post reply to my article) A working van of "Direct TV" parked at my front door. Technician installed something in my neighbor's house. (we share one roof and the wall) I think that they were installing detective instrument. My neighbor has had a dish satellite antenna already.

656. Christmas holiday season plot (12/9/2010)

The next possible action on me and my family likely will be in coming Christmas and New Year's day holiday season. Feds used to apply a search and arrest warrant on holiday because there is family re-union that day. This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Carib - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. Of course, I refused the invitation. It is easy to frame a case or apply an incident on a trip. Anyhow, that will cut my connection to most of my relatives. My mother, my wife and my daughter, my siblings and their spouse all joined that trip. Moreover, my wife's cousins - Dr. Wang (Huang) and Mr. Wang (Huang) Yi Hong and their spouse also will join the trip. They were murder targets too. see: 223. FBI director said HongKong will be attacked (4/24/04) 242. Dr. Wang is a target (7/24)383. The cross murder deal (2/7/06), 392. 12/2 plot to murder Mr. Wang Yi Hong (3/15/06).

This is third long time trip for my wife this year. It never happen before. It only proves how intensify the persecution is going on.

Last month (November) there was a fire in another cruise ship Carnival. It drifted on the sea for three days without power. "They can call it a nightmare. A cruise from hell." (AP) said.

I think it was a drill of the Feds. Though the usual practices are food poison. It was a psychological pre-planting to justify a coming incident of Royal Caribean (a cruise arranged for my family) if a framed case would go through. And that will be followed by terror attacks, (nuclear attack) Korean crisis and Iran war.

657. Internet control and computer plant (12/16/2010)

On Dec. 7, I wrote "655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)". Later that day, I learned that Assange turned himself in to the British police. I think that was a swift reaction to my analysis. When Assange's real face was exposed, it was unnecessary to maintain the puppet show. Anyhow, his mission is done. The Internet censorship law- COICA, will go through the House next month even he is absent. WikiLeaks established in 2007. The high tide is in recent days. Feds finally consume Julian Assange in my case. On 12/4, they set up a link between Assange and I by answering my post with his name. Then when I correctly revealed his role is a false flag on 12/7, they ended his hide and seek game earlier than planned.

This time the possible accusation the Feds apply on me might be "access the secret site". I worry that Feds had planted some secret in my computer. I bought a note-book one year ago. I seldom use it because it was heavily harassed by the Feds. The telephone line was blocked; wireless didn't work; even the software Microsoft Word didn't work. Three months ago, my wife suddenly became active on computer with the excuse that she wanted to watch the movie from the Internet. Then came an AT&T technician who found problem in outside station. So the line was opened. Then my wife asked a computer specialist work on my note-book. He downloaded some program into my note-book. So I could go Internet at home and write, store articles with Microsoft Word Pad.

Sometime later, I found that new Microsoft office software having strange character. It kept pop up when I didn't use it. Have you ever seen the Word Pad actively invite you to use it? It also started to request my name if I want to use it. I suspect some one was controlling my computer remotely. They might covertly collect my material through spy software downloaded by that specialist or even input some "confidential material" into my computer without my awareness. My wife never watch a movie from the Internet until now. What she did three months ago, was an action instructed by the Feds. They set up a trap in computer for me. I allege.

To eliminate my suspicion, the computer specialist my wife invited was S.Y.. He was my neighbor 15 years ago.
That was 1995, when I returned from Shanghai, I found my next door neighbor changed. Two families shared a four bed-room house. One family was a couple named Y with a son. The other one was a single mom with a daughter. My wife also had a new colleague: G-man who had a girl. (see 643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups? (8/12/2010) )
The three children were at similar age to my daughter.

My daughter had had three playmates before 1995, they lived cross street or several buildings away. They were all moved away at that time. Instead, Feds found three new playmates for my daughter. From them, I learned that when Feds put one under surveillance, they even get the child included.(my daughter was 6 then) And how close it was? Two families were in next door. One worked as my wife's colleague.

C.Y. was a Chef. He never worked long in any restaurant. Sometimes one week in this one, sometimes a month in that, he changed his employer all the time. When Mrs. Y said her husband had almost worked for every restaurant of the Bay Area, I interpreted it as: the Feds had investigated all restaurants in Bay Area.

S.Y. was a boy then. Last time I saw him, he was still a pupil. Now he is a young man. It seems the Feds have cultivated him as a computer "specialist".

In “656. Christmas holiday season plot (12/9/2010)”, kathaksung said,

“The next possible action on me and my family likely will be in coming Christmas and New Year's day holiday season. Feds used to apply a search and arrest warrant on holiday because there is family re-union that day. This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Carib - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26.”

If the case had broken out, there would be big event to distract public attention. The big events used to be natural disaster such like earthquake, pandemic…., or war in Korea, Iran…., or terror attack…. .

The distraction prepared for 2010 Christmas holiday plot was war in Korea and terror attack in Britain and US.

In Later November, N. Korea shot artillery onto a S. Korea n island. It said the planned U.S -S. Korean military drills were pushing the peninsula to the “brink of war”. This was the first military offensive on civilians since the Korean War ended in 1953. As retaliation, S. Korea shelled N. Korea.

The situation intensified. N. Korea threatened the South with an unspecified “catastrophe” if the y dare to carry out the military exercise with US army. S. Korea’s President declared that the reunification of Korea was drawing near. Former US national intelligence director Dennis Blair said that S. Korea was likely to take action against N. Korea. It seemed a real big war was coming.

As a matter of fact, N. Korea has no ability to afford a war at this time. It is in a crisis of food shortage. It even has not enough food to feed its own military. It’s only a performance of a soap opera. The real handler is US. The order used to be delivered through China. This time, the game became too big. N. Korea was suspicious. To make sure it was just another soap opera show, they want to hear the command from its master personally. Then people saw Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico had a trip to N. Korea.

Bill Richardson, like former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a representative of the Feds. He visited N. Korea between 12/16 and 12/20. Notice the time that he left N. Korea was 12/20. It was the starting time of the alleged arranged cruise trip - dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. (see second paragraph of this article) If the Feds succeeded to frame a drug case when the cruise trip started, then Richardson would have given N. Korea the order “Go”. A big war in Korea would have started. But the set up went soured, so Richardson’s trip became one that “break through the North isolation” and “yielded important progress”.

There was an unusual soft tone from N. Korean officials at the night of 12/20.

Quote, “North Korea withholds retaliation after drills

By Sharon LaFraniere and Martin Fackler
New York Times

…..North’s official news agency issued a statement Monday night (12/20) saying that it was “not worth reacting” to the exercise. ….. “The world should properly know who is the true champion of peace and who is the real provocateur of a war.””

People could feel the relaxation of N. Korea and thus to know how big the war could be if the 2010 Christmas plot would have gone through.


It was not a coincidence that on 12/20 British security force arrested 12 terror suspects. It was one action of the plot.

, “British Police Arrest 12 Terror Suspects
Jennifer Glasse | London 20 December 2010

The plot likely was a dirty bomb attack which would justify war on Iran. The targets were London and New York. For this the Feds created a severe weather situation – unusual big snow storm.

, “Snow, ice storm brings travel chaos to Britain

By Associated Press - Athens Banner-Herald
December 21, 2010

LONDON - The Christmas travel season turned angry and chaotic Monday …..

“Christmas Blizzard of 2010 creates havoc for air travelers; commuters across NYC trapped by snow
Monday, December 27, 2010
You could see the traffic reduced to the least both in London and New York. People, if they originally planned to go to the two cities, would cancel their plan. The severe cold temperature also kept the residents stay at home. That would reduce the casualty to the minimum if a nuclear attack or a dirty bomb attack taking place.

Were the perpetrators kind people? No, they did so to save money and to avoid the trouble caused by terror attack. US government paid three million dollars to the family of each victim of 911. They also have to deal with the blame, doubt and suspicion from victim’s family. To justify a war, the Feds have to make the attack a big one. To consider the cost, they must make the casualty as less as possible. Then they use the high tech. weapon – manipulation of the climate. The snow storm fits their purpose perfectly.

Though it’s still a secret to the public, climate manipulation is a skilled technique. As long as 14 years ago, Secretary of Defense Cohen has talked about this technique already.

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

April 28, 1997
Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.

For 2010 Christmas plot, the Feds prepared two snow storms for their nuclear terror attack plan. In this later February, when the news reports there will be a snow in San Francisco, what can I expect for?

Bay area wonders: How low can it snow?

Next storm has ’50 – 50’ chance of dropping flakes at sea level for first time since 1976.
By Joe Rodriquez,

It’s not a right comparison. The snow of 1976 fell on February 5. Now is later February, I’m afraid they could hardly find the snow record in this area at this time in recent years. The article is at the top of the first page of the Mercury News. It is obvious an advice to residents to stay at home in this week-end when the storm comes.

Based on this unusual phenomenon, I think the Feds have planned another plot in coming week-end. They set up a drug case, and distract public attention by the terror attacks in San Francisco, New York and London, followed with the war on Iran. I think the Iran’s warships are allowed to pass through Suez Canal is a trap. Egyptian military works for US. It is maintained by the US aid – 1.3 billion each year.


Evidence that the Feds had prepared another nuclear terror attack (or dirty bomb attack) on 2/26 on New York and San Francisco.

The snow fell in night between 2/25 and 2/26 in San Francisco and Bay Area. Mer cury News on 2/26 wrote, “No kidding. The last time it snowed here, in the winter of 1976.”

And this one. “Brief News (New York) Mercury News 2/26

Severe winter storm hits Northeast, one killed

Another severe storm walloped the East on Friday(2/25), delaying flights, closing scores of schools…..

The National Weather Service issued winter storm warnings for much of upstate New York. Forecasters said areas outside Albany could get 12 to 16 inches. “

Watch how accurately they led two snow storms to San Francisco and New York on 2/25 for the 2/26 plot.

Also watch this Brief News. “ Texas (Mercury News 2/26)

Terror plot suspect appears in federal court

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari appeared in federal court in Lubbock on Friday (2/25). He has been charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction after federal authorities said he bought explosive materials online. “

The tactic is similar to that “British police arrested 12 terror suspects on 12/20” for the 2010 Christmas plot. They used to push out a “terror case” as a psychological pre-plant to the public to hint the coming attack was done by Islamic terrorists.

One thing interesting was that on Thursday (2/24) there was an ads in Chinese newspaper “World Journal”. The size was 6”*12”.

“Recently the price of gold rises rapidly, we buy your gold with the highest price

Our company is a reliable company, you may have seen us in TV and radio station,

The Best Place in San Francisco to sell your Gold (big font size)

*.*. B***** Jewelers, Inc. (Address)

One Day Only
February 26 Saturday “

Although it could be a coincidence, I believe it was a trap to loot treasure from victims. Big heads made big money in stock speculation, option contract. (We know they made money in stock market on 911 attack) The oil price and gold price always go up with the plot. (I said for many times that Iran war was planned to distract the framed drug case) Local operation team set up its own trap to collect money. After “terror attack”, there would be martial law. The looters, or another name – security force, could do whatever they want to the victims. Dead people can never complain.

As Feds hurries to finish the case, killing follows. My mother is in Shanghai now. She stays with her brother. Five days ago, I was told my uncle passed away and my mother would have a fun trip. I think that was arranged. Chinese traditionally won’t go travel in funeral time. I worry about my mother’s life.

Once again, when the 2/26 plot failed under my revelation, they quickly revived their puppet N. Korea.

Quote, "SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea threatened Sunday(2/27) to enlarge its nuclear arsenal and mercilessly attack South Korea and the United States, as the allies prepared to start annual joint military drills which the North says are a rehearsal for an invasion.


In “656. Christmas holiday season plot (12/9/2010)”, kathaksung said,

“The next possible action on me and my family likely will be in coming Christmas and New Year's day holiday season. Feds used to apply a search and arrest warrant on holiday because there is family re-union that day. This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Carib - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26.”

If the case had broken out, there would be big event to distract public attention. The big events used to be natural disaster such like earthquake, pandemic…., or war in Korea, Iran…., or terror attack…. .

The distraction prepared for 2010 Christmas holiday plot was war in Korea and terror attack in Britain and US.

In Later November, N. Korea shot artillery onto a S. Korea n island. It said the planned U.S -S. Korean military drills were pushing the peninsula to the “brink of war”. This was the first military offensive on civilians since the Korean War ended in 1953. As retaliation, S. Korea shelled N. Korea.

The situation intensified. N. Korea threatened the South with an unspecified “catastrophe” if the y dare to carry out the military exercise with US army. S. Korea’s President declared that the reunification of Korea was drawing near. Former US national intelligence director Dennis Blair said that S. Korea was likely to take action against N. Korea. It seemed a real big war was coming.

As a matter of fact, N. Korea has no ability to afford a war at this time. It is in a crisis of food shortage. It even has not enough food to feed its own military. It’s only a performance of a soap opera. The real handler is US. The order used to be delivered through China. This time, the game became too big. N. Korea was suspicious. To make sure it was just another soap opera show, they want to hear the command from its master personally. Then people saw Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico had a trip to N. Korea.

Bill Richardson, like former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a representative of the Feds. He visited N. Korea between 12/16 and 12/20. Notice the time that he left N. Korea was 12/20. It was the starting time of the alleged arranged cruise trip - dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. (see second paragraph of this article) If the Feds succeeded to frame a drug case when the cruise trip started, then Richardson would have given N. Korea the order “Go”. A big war in Korea would have started. But the set up went soured, so Richardson’s trip became one that “break through the North isolation” and “yielded important progress”.

There was an unusual soft tone from N. Korean officials at the night of 12/20.

Quote, “North Korea withholds retaliation after drills

By Sharon LaFraniere and Martin Fackler
New York Times

…..North’s official news agency issued a statement Monday night (12/20) saying that it was “not worth reacting” to the exercise. ….. “The world should properly know who is the true champion of peace and who is the real provocateur of a war.””

People could feel the relaxation of N. Korea and thus to know how big the war could be if the 2010 Christmas plot would have gone through.


It was not a coincidence that on 12/20 British security force arrested 12 terror suspects. It was one action of the plot.

The plot likely was a dirty bomb attack which would justify war on Iran. The targets were London and New York. For this the Feds created a severe weather situation – unusual big snow storm.

You could see the traffic reduced to the least both in London and New York. People, if they originally planned to go to the two cities, would cancel their plan. The severe cold temperature also kept the residents stay at home. That would reduce the casualty to the minimum if a nuclear attack or a dirty bomb attack taking place.

Were the perpetrators kind people? No, they did so to save money and to avoid the trouble caused by terror attack. US government paid three million dollars to the family of each victim of 911. They also have to deal with the blame, doubt and suspicion from victim’s family. To justify a war, the Feds have to make the attack a big one. To consider the cost, they must make the casualty as less as possible. Then they use the high tech. weapon – manipulation of the climate. The snow storm fits their purpose perfectly.

Though it’s still a secret to the public, climate manipulation is a skilled technique. As long as 14 years ago, Secretary of Defense Cohen has talked about this technique already.

For 2010 Christmas plot, the Feds prepared two snow storms for their nuclear terror attack plan. In this later February, when the news reports there will be a snow in San Francisco, what can I expect for?

It’s not a right comparison. The snow of 1976 fell on February 5. Now is later February, I’m afraid they could hardly find the snow record in this area at this time in recent years. The article is at the top of the first page of the Mercury News. It is obvious an advice to residents to stay at home in this week-end when the storm comes.

Based on this unusual phenomenon, I think the Feds have planned another plot in coming week-end. They set up a drug case, and distract public attention by the terror attacks in San Francisco, New York and London, followed with the war on Iran. I think the Iran’s warships are allowed to pass through Suez Canal is a trap. Egyptian military works for US. It is maintained by the US aid – 1.3 billion each year.


Evidence that the Feds had prepared another nuclear terror attack (or dirty bomb attack) on 2/26 on New York and San Francisco.

The snow fell in night between 2/25 and 2/26 in San Francisco and Bay Area. Mer cury News on 2/26 wrote, “No kidding. The last time it snowed here, in the winter of 1976.”

And this one. “Brief News (New York) Mercury News 2/26

Severe winter storm hits Northeast, one killed

Another severe storm walloped the East on Friday(2/25), delaying flights, closing scores of schools…..

The National Weather Service issued winter storm warnings for much of upstate New York. Forecasters said areas outside Albany could get 12 to 16 inches. “

Watch how accurately they led two snow storms to San Francisco and New York on 2/25 for the 2/26 plot.

Also watch this Brief News. “ Texas (Mercury News 2/26)

Terror plot suspect appears in federal court

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari appeared in federal court in Lubbock on Friday (2/25). He has been charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction after federal authorities said he bought explosive materials online. “

The tactic is similar to that “British police arrested 12 terror suspects on 12/20” for the 2010 Christmas plot. They used to push out a “terror case” as a psychological pre-plant to the public to hint the coming attack was done by Islamic terrorists.

One thing interesting was that on Thursday (2/24) there was an ads in Chinese newspaper “World Journal”. The size was 6”*12”.

“Recently the price of gold rises rapidly, we buy your gold with the highest price

Our company is a reliable company, you may have seen us in TV and radio station,

The Best Place in San Francisco to sell your Gold (big font size)

*.*. B***** Jewelers, Inc. (Address)

One Day Only
February 26 Saturday “

Although it could be a coincidence, I believe it was a trap to loot treasure from victims. Big heads made big money in stock speculation, option contract. (We know they made money in stock market on 911 attack) The oil price and gold price always go up with the plot. (I said for many times that Iran war was planned to distract the framed drug case) Local operation team set up its own trap to collect money. After “terror attack”, there would be martial law. The looters, or another name – security force, could do whatever they want to the victims. Dead people can never complain.

As Feds hurries to finish the case, killing follows. My mother is in Shanghai now. She stays with her brother. Five days ago, I was told my uncle passed away and my mother would have a fun trip. I think that was arranged. Chinese traditionally won’t go travel in funeral time. I worry about my mother’s life.

Once again, when the 2/26 plot failed under my revelation, they quickly revived their puppet N. Korea.

Quote, "SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea threatened Sunday(2/27) to enlarge its nuclear arsenal and mercilessly attack South Korea and the United States, as the allies prepared to start annual joint military drills which the North says are a rehearsal for an invasion.


So it's true, we CAN blame the government for the weather. Obama - you have some answering to do!! :)
Reality Check:

Financial speculation seen boosting oil price

By David Sheppard

LONDON | Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:06am EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - Financial speculators in oil are costing consumers at least $300 billion a year, according to almost 75 percent of industry players surveyed by Reuters.

The poll was of more than 40 major figures in the oil industry, including traders and analysts at some of the largest banks, trading houses and oil companies.

Of these, 73 percent thought increased speculation had boosted prices above the level dictated by supply and demand, with only 17 percent saying it has had no impact.

Many of those surveyed said it was hard to quantify how much speculation has raised prices by, but estimates ranged from around $10 to $30 a barrel. If prices are $10 a barrel higher than dictated by supply and demand, producers are earning an extra $6 billion a week globally, or more than $300 billion a year.

The role of speculation in oil has become increasingly controversial as financial investors have poured money into commodities, changing the shape of markets that were traditionally the preserve of major industrial producers and consumers.

Many financial participants have publicly denied the accusation they boost prices in the past, but the confidential poll of bank analysts, traders, hedge funds, brokers, refiners, exchanges, consumers, consultants and academics found a clear majority think increased regulation is necessary.

"My opinion is that investment inflows into the market over the last years did contribute to the price increases, and heightened speculation brought more volatility," Commerzbank analyst Eugen Weinberg said.

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has moved to rein in speculation in energy and commodity trading, especially oil, and has proposed limiting the number of futures contracts financial players can hold at any one time.

The position limit proposal stems from the spike in oil futures prices to a record of almost $150 a barrel in 2008. Even though CFTC economists said the surge was due to supply and demand, just over a quarter of those polled by Reuters share that view.

Oil is currently trading around $83 a barrel having doubled in price since the start of 2009. Many economists have warned higher oil prices risk derailing the recovery as the global economy heals from the biggest financial crisis in 70 years.

But while 64 percent of those surveyed favored increased regulation, only 41 percent said the current CFTC proposals would be successful. Almost a quarter said the limits did not go far enough or saw ways for traders to circumvent the rules, while 35 percent said they risked doing more harm than good.

"The proposed position limits are much too large," said Paul Cicio, President of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America (IECA).

"It will have insufficient impact to curb excessive speculation unless they take action to reduce the total amount of speculative positions relative to bonafide hedgers and ban passive index speculative trading."

The period for public comments on the CFTC proposals ended on Monday. Comments received so far illustrate the gulf between many financial investors and traditional large consumers like shipping firms, airlines and other energy intensive industries. In official comments submitted to the CFTC, the world's second largest container shipping firm and the U.S. Air Transport Association have urged the Commission to adopt limits, while warning the proposals do not go far enough.

On the other side, every one of the financial players to have filed a comment has opposed the Commission's proposal, arguing they risk reducing the ability of physical commodity consumers and sellers, including small retail investors, to hedge against price risks and inflation.

Commodity investments hit $283 billion in early 2010, according to Barclays Capital.

"The oil markets are the messenger when it comes to supply and demand fundamentals. I think too often we want to kill the messenger," said PFGBest analyst Phil Flynn in Chicago.

"With the huge growth of China in recent years, we have had some of the greatest demand growth ever for commodities. The value of speculators coming into the market is that they allow the needed investment in future supplies."

World oil demand is estimated at around 86 million barrels per day this year, the highest ever level according to the International Energy Agency
Of course it is costing someone money, how else could speculators make a profit unless someone was losing money?

But SuperSpin and Top-Freak will tell ya it aint so.
661. Earthquake of Japan (3/14/2011)

The March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan was created by the Pentagon, I believe.

Artificial earthquake is a matured technique and had been used in my case several times. (see “503. Earthquake in Peru (8/18/07)”, “518. Earthquake after wildfire (11/3/07)”, “552. Setting off an earthquake is a mature technique (6/14/08)” )

This big earthquake damaged several nuclear power stations in Japan. Officials presumed that partial meltdowns had occurred at two crippled reactors and that they were facing serious cooling problems at three more.

I allege it is the continuation of the series “nuclear terror attack” plot started later last year. The purpose is to push up a panic in public to justify the war on Iran. Iran is accused of developing nuclear weapons by the US though Iran denies it.

There were at least three times later last year that the Feds intended to activate a “nuclear terror attack” in US.

1. Later October 2010, days before 11/2 mid-term election. The plot was signaled with “Yemen UPS parcel bombing” case.

2. Christmas holiday 2010. The plot was signaled by Wikileaks case. (Which was planned to control the Internet communication, to wipe out my year long revelation) Military conflict between North and South Korea and two big snow storms in London and New York. The cities were selected because people there mostly anti-war and demand 911 truth.

3. February 26, 2011. The plot was signaled with two unusual snow storms in San Francisco Bay area and New York on 2/25. (see all these plots from posts starting from #651)

A recent case exposed where the “nuclear bomb” or “dirty bomb” material of the coming “terror attack” comes from. That topic told you why US almost have a warfare with its ally – Pakistan.

CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists

Posted by EU Times on Feb 11th, 2011 // 218 Comments
While all eyes in the West are currently trained on the ongoing revolution taking place in Egypt, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned “grave” as it appears open warfare is about to break out between Pakistan and the United States.

Fueling this crisis, that the SVR warns in their report has the potential to ignite a total Global War, was the apprehension by Pakistan of a 36-year-old American named Raymond Allen Davis (photo), whom the US claims is one of their diplomats, but Pakistani Intelligence Services (ISI) claim Raymond Davis is a spy for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Davis was captured by Pakistani police after he shot and killed two men in the eastern city of Lahore on January 27th that the US claims were trying to rob him.

Pakistan, however, says that the two men Davis killed were ISI agents sent to follow him after it was discovered he had been making contact with al Qaeda after his cell phone was tracked to the Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan where the Pakistani Taliban and a dozen other militant groups have forged a safe haven and former CIA agent Tim Osman (also known as Osama bin Laden) is believed to be in hiding.

Of the actual gunfight itself we can read as reported by the Time News Service which, in part, says:

“The scene could have been scripted in a Hollywood action thriller: For two hours at the end of last month in Lahore, U.S. diplomat Raymond Davis was closely pursued by two visibly armed men on a motorbike. He noticed them tailing him from a restaurant to an ATM, and through the crowded streets of Pakistan’s second [largest] city. They were close by when, in a crowded intersection, Davis produced his own handgun and fired seven shots.

The diplomat was apparently a crack shot, and all seven bullets found their mark, killing his two pursuers. Davis then called for back-up, and a four-wheel-drive vehicle raced onto the scene, striking a Pakistani bystander who was killed by the impact. But the people in the vehicle, whose identities remain unknown, escaped from the scene having failed to retrieve Davis, who was later arrested nearby.”

The combat skills exhibited by Davis, along with documentation taken from him after his arrest, prove, according to this report, his being a member of the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) black operations unit currently operating in the Afghan War Theater and Pakistani tribal areas comprised of US Military Special Forces Soldiers, CIA spies and freelance mercenaries.

Further information about Davis discovered by the Times of India includes:

662. Intensified persecution timed with Patriot Act (3/24/2011)

“Fearing the worst: Plant evacuated; 140,000 ordered to stay indoors”

Japanese officials advised residents up to 19 miles away from the broken nuclear plant to stay indoors to minimize exposure. This news tell you well why the Feds created big snow storm in London, in San Francisco and New York when I alleged they tried to activate a nuclear attack, (or dirty bomb attack) on these cities. They knew what would happen. To minimize the cost, they let snow storm to keep residents home and keep the tourists away from the killing field.

In “654. A 90 days' project (11/30/2010)” kathaksung wrote,

“Anyhow, a new 90 days project is set up immediately. Here is a strange news.

"Israel's Netanyahu unveils U.S. plan for new talks

By Allyn Fisher-Ilan Allyn Fisher-ilan ¨C Sat Nov 13,"

The US has given Israel a written guarantee that it won't pressure the Jewish state for additional settlement freezes if it accepts a limited 90 day construction moratorium to revive Mideast peace talks.”

The 90 days period should be from mid-November to mid- February. Feds determined to extinct kathaksung within 90 days. A “nuclear terror attack” and “war on Iran” are the cases just used to distract the attention on the framed case. In Feds’ mind, a witness of their crime is more important than any interest created by the war. Then why did they choose the February as their dead line?

Feb. 28 was the exterminate date of the Patriot Act. With virtually zero debate - or media attention, law makers extend that Act for another three months.
Obama signs temporary extension of Patriot Act
By The Associated Press

President Barack Obama has signed a three-month extension of key surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act.

Lawmakers will soon start debating a multiple-year extension of the provisions, which have drawn fire from defenders of privacy rights.

I always view the Patriot Act was created particularly against me. (see “231. Lone wolf (5/29)”, “ 334. Patriot Act meeting on 7/21 (8/17/05)” and “545. Warrantless wiretapping law and my case (3/19/08)”)

The Feb 26 plot, (marked with two unusual snow storms in New York and San Francisco) was a last ditch effort for Feds for the extinguished 2010 Patriot Act. A new plot is quickly set up for the extended Patriot Act (three months). I expect to see big operation in coming April and May. It will be big one. They made the 3/11 Japan earthquake the biggest ever in Japan’s history. If in coming month you saw big earthquake or other natural disaster, terror attack in US and Europe, (especially in Britain and France, because I think the rulers there will allow the “terror attack” to take place on their people in exchange for the oil interest of Libya), war on Iran and then the “Patriot Act” extinguished in May without further extension, then you know the Feds have eliminated kathaksung.

663. IRS raid plot (4/3/2011)

To minimize the cost of a “terror attack”, Feds created snow storm to keep residents at home and prevent tourists to visit the target city. They take the chance to collect money from the crisis. Thus we saw the one day “buying gold” advertisement on Feb. 26 in San Francisco. They also take the chance to lure the target people to the designated killing field for convenient death.

My wife’s relatives are the murder targets too. Her youngest brother lives in Toronto, Canada. He will go to New York on 4/17. How did Feds arrange it? They said his daughter is a talent in music. She is invited for a piano contest which will hold in Carnage Hall of New York. The girl is still a teenage and needs her parents to accompany. This is the tricky way to lure a Canadian to a US city where a terror attack will take place.

4/17 is a date so familiar with I. It reminds me of similar plot days. 4/17 was so many times chosen as the plot date. It closely relates to the end day of tax return. Read the following quotes from my former posts.

“#301. April plot (4/2/05)

Now Feds will have a frame case in April. Most likely around 4/17, the date when my relatives came back from China……
And this time Feds seems to perform a search and arrest by disguising garage door contractor. The notice from Homeowner Association set the last date on 4/17.
#398. April 18, the action date?(4/15/06)

As for 4/18, it's the 100th anniversary of the Great Quake of San Francisco….
.4/17 is also the date my parents come back from China
4/17 is also the last date to file the tax return. I allege Feds will frame me in the case by tax flaw.

#478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)

What will it be? I think it will be an unreasonable search in the name of IRS.

Two days ago, I learned that my wife will have a tour started on April 17. She refuses to tell me where she will go….. So framed case will happen in later April. (from Apr. 17)”

All these plots set the time on 4/17, related to the final day of tax return. Interesting enough, in all these plots, Feds arranged trips for my relatives and my wife. 4/17, either was their arriving date or the day of leaving.

Feds didn’t use that tactic since. Because on 4/16/2007, to distract the coming framed case, they did a big massacre in Virginia Tech. See: 480. The real killer behind Virginia Tech. massacre (1) (4/23/07) to #500. That was a big crime. They wish people forget it.

Now they pick up the old tactic again. I allege the Feds had planted drug in my garage and attic, and tried to perform a search to frame me in a drug case. (see “144. Roof contractor from Idaho” and “300. Garage door (3/27/05)”.) Last week, my neighbor came to my house, requested a checking in my garage because there was a flood in his garage. (His garage shared the wall with mine) As I always say, my community is full of agents and informants, let alone the neighbor. He will play the role to witness the merchandise stock was in my warehouse.

After my father’s death in later 2009, I realize the Feds start to kill. To get rid of the trouble of “IRS raid”, I went to the State Board, paid sales tax on all those unsold merchandise to turn these stock existed in business account into my private property. I paid the sales tax on 1/6/2010. Next day and the day after, there were two earthquakes in Milpitas. I knew it was a reaction to my action. They were angry. (see “630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010))

Beware of a big earthquake in California and dirty bomb attack in New York around 4/17.
663. IRS raid plot (4/3/2011)

To minimize the cost of a “terror attack”, Feds created snow storm to keep residents at home and prevent tourists to visit the target city. They take the chance to collect money from the crisis. Thus we saw the one day “buying gold” advertisement on Feb. 26 in San Francisco. They also take the chance to lure the target people to the designated killing field for convenient death.

My wife’s relatives are the murder targets too. Her youngest brother lives in Toronto, Canada. He will go to New York on 4/17. How did Feds arrange it? They said his daughter is a talent in music. She is invited for a piano contest which will hold in Carnage Hall of New York. The girl is still a teenage and needs her parents to accompany. This is the tricky way to lure a Canadian to a US city where a terror attack will take place.

4/17 is a date so familiar with I. It reminds me of similar plot days. 4/17 was so many times chosen as the plot date. It closely relates to the end day of tax return. Read the following quotes from my former posts.

“#301. April plot (4/2/05)

Now Feds will have a frame case in April. Most likely around 4/17, the date when my relatives came back from China……
And this time Feds seems to perform a search and arrest by disguising garage door contractor. The notice from Homeowner Association set the last date on 4/17.
#398. April 18, the action date?(4/15/06)

As for 4/18, it's the 100th anniversary of the Great Quake of San Francisco….
.4/17 is also the date my parents come back from China
4/17 is also the last date to file the tax return. I allege Feds will frame me in the case by tax flaw.

#478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)

What will it be? I think it will be an unreasonable search in the name of IRS.

Two days ago, I learned that my wife will have a tour started on April 17. She refuses to tell me where she will go….. So framed case will happen in later April. (from Apr. 17)”

All these plots set the time on 4/17, related to the final day of tax return. Interesting enough, in all these plots, Feds arranged trips for my relatives and my wife. 4/17, either was their arriving date or the day of leaving.

Feds didn’t use that tactic since. Because on 4/16/2007, to distract the coming framed case, they did a big massacre in Virginia Tech. See: 480. The real killer behind Virginia Tech. massacre (1) (4/23/07) to #500. That was a big crime. They wish people forget it.

Now they pick up the old tactic again. I allege the Feds had planted drug in my garage and attic, and tried to perform a search to frame me in a drug case. (see “144. Roof contractor from Idaho” and “300. Garage door (3/27/05)”.) Last week, my neighbor came to my house, requested a checking in my garage because there was a flood in his garage. (His garage shared the wall with mine) As I always say, my community is full of agents and informants, let alone the neighbor. He will play the role to witness the merchandise stock was in my warehouse.

After my father’s death in later 2009, I realize the Feds start to kill. To get rid of the trouble of “IRS raid”, I went to the State Board, paid sales tax on all those unsold merchandise to turn these stock existed in business account into my private property. I paid the sales tax on 1/6/2010. Next day and the day after, there were two earthquakes in Milpitas. I knew it was a reaction to my action. They were angry. (see “630. Earthquake in Haiti and Chile (3/22/2010))

Beware of a big earthquake in California and dirty bomb attack in New York around 4/17.

664. Libya oil as payment (4/11/2011)

Though the media use beautiful words “humanity”, “protect people”, “democracy” to cover up the war the Western powers activated, there is always dirty deals behind the scenes. Three years ago, I wrote “541. Eiffel Tower bombing had been planned for Iran war (2/28/08)” and “542. Terror attack, prophecy and payment (3/4/08) “. In which I point out “What will Sarcozy get for the secret deal of Eiffel Tower bombing and Iran war? Here is one of the payments.

"US lawmakers blast Boeing defense contract snub
Mar 1 (2008)

US lawmakers have reacted angrily after the US military awarded a 35-billion-dollar aircraft deal to Europe's Northrop Grumman/EADS group, in a major blow to US manufacturers Boeing.

Three years later, there is an abrupt turn.

Pentagon Awards Boeing Tanker Contract Worth $35 Billion
Decision Follows Decade of Wrangling; EADS, Alabama Lose Out; 50,000 Jobs in Washington, Kansas
Feb. 24, 2011

The background of this abrupt turn was: “Libya unrest: Air strike on protesters in Tripoli”, “ Libya unrest: Gaddafi forces violently quell Tripoli protest” which took place in mid-February. When US found a chance (likely created by CIA) to keep the profitable tanker contract for itself, they change the deal. The military contract was replaced by Libya oil interest. So I wrote” Libya deal”,


It should have been a secret deal among US, Great Britain and France.

Libya's oil interest has been sold to head countries of the NATO to exchange their support of Iran war. That's why France is so active to bomb Libya. War on Iran needs justification - a 911 alike terror attack. Britain and France would allow such false flag "terror attack" taking place in their territory. That possibly would be a dirty bomb attack.

Watch for the coming “terror attack” on Eiffle Tower, though in the name of “Islamic extremists”, actually from the puppets of western intelligence.”

As I always revealed the plots of the Feds in advance, they tried their best to discredit my prediction. This time they have another abrupt turn in Libya deal. In early April, the news headlines were: “Gadhafi troops recapture oil town” (A.P. 3/31); “Libya rebel leader says NATO falls short in mission”(A.P. 4/6); “Apparent NATO strike hits rebel convoy in Libya” (A.P. 4/8); “More Libyan rebels slain by NATO attacks” (4/9 Los Angeles Times) When the army of Gadhafi is heavily damaged by NATO’s air attack, how could it become such a condition?

A news of 4/8 solved my puzzle. The news in Chinese newspapers asked, “Official merchant? Merchant official? Chief Director assigned Governor of Province” (Watch China, 4/8). It says that the Chief Director of the Board of China Petro-Chemistry – Su Shu Ling, is assigned by Beijing to be a member of the committee of Communist Party of Fujian as well as the Vice Governor of FujiJan Province. He still keeps his post as Chief Director of the Board of China Petro-Chemistry. Chinese web site criticize, “ After all is he an official, or a merchant?”. “How could it be possible? Like Bill Gates to be assigned Mayor of Los Angles appointed by Washington”.

The unusual appointment on 4/2 indicates the Libya oil interest now is the payment to China. Chinese oil company is the interest receiver. Select Fujian is not a coincidence. From the beginning, I said it is the original place the Feds and their Chinese counterpart frame the drug case. (see “ 142. Drug case in Fujian” and “143. Drug case in Fujian (continuation)(7/10)” ) Not everybody willing to commit a crime to frame a drug case and kill a lot of innocent people. So there was such a show. They link the oil interest to the framed drug case and give Su all the high ranking title to commit the crime. Fujian Province is also my wife’s home country where she has many relatives. I worry there will be a mass killing to silence people.

The change of secret deal is swift, abrupt and very effective. All mean there will be big case in April and May when the Patriot Act ends. (Possible starting date is around 4/17.) Three days ago I was told Y came to US again. I have alleged him being a government informant. (see “ 639. FISA plot continues (6/27/2010)” ) I think he will play a Troy wood Horse in coming drug case. There will be “terror attack” in US, G.B. and France to justify war on Iran. Though they changed the payment. There must be some other deal to compensate French.
Definitely a major government conspiracy.... and AND andandanananaD what about the dark?
Haha, I bet none of you have noticed that the government have changed the darkness to daylight and the daylight to darkness. You didn't know, did you? Its because the president likes to go out at night cos then people cant see him. Yes, and they put something in the water so that everyone would sleep for an extra twelve hours and change their biorhythms.
The government will do anything, making day into night, making snow fall in June, anything to destroy America.
Kathsung for president (of the moon)