Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

593. Payment to North Korea (3/15/09)

Similar to the bombing of a Syrian nuclear site on Sept. 6, 2007, Israel also destroyed a nuclear reactor of Iraq in 1981. One thing is very clear: the raids all achieved by "one shot did all." It couldn't be done by regular bomb. It must be done by an accurate guided missile.
I remember the news in 1981 said when Israel attacked the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq, nobody was inside the site except a French technician. (The Osirak nuclear reactor was built by a French company) I think that technician was the one who activated a signal generator without aware of that a missile was running toward him by tracking the signal. Such kind of practice is common in the intelligence world. A typical one was 7/7/05 London bombing. When four sacrifice (government informants) went boarding the underground train with smile, they did what their master told them to do. They never knew their mission was to be a "suicide bomber".

Bombing nuclear site of Syria in 2007 needed accurate inside information too. How do I know North Korea played a role of Trojan Horse? From a news that the President of South Korea made a sudden visit to North Korea and had a summit there. The visit started from 10/2/07, 25 days from the incident "bombing Syria". Obviously it was a payment trip.

Of course the media used to mislead public with big lumps of story such like "Surprising steps at Koreas summit", "North Korea's leader shows little emotion at summit"..... The real meaning was vague in news: Quote, "Worries that South Korea's President Roh Moo Hyun would give away too much had been high..... For the North's leadership, the declaration would yield the economic growth it is seeking without demanding the political change it fears." (By Norimistsu Onishi, New York Times) They promised to open regular cargo railway service crossing their heavily armed border and create a joint fishing zone on their disputed sea frontier. It benefited both sides so it was not a payment.

The real payment was in a sentence: "The countries reiterated a commitment to deliver aid under the February disarmament deal granting the North the equivalent of 1 million tons of fuel oil." So I knew the secret deal was done in February. Seven months later (May, /2008), in another short news, I learned that USAID would supply North Korea 500,000 tons of food based on that February deal.

North Korea was labelled as an evil country by Bush. From time to time it challenges US with missile test, nuclear weapon and war. Yet, it always get generous aid from US that other countries rarely got. With my revelation, you now are able to realize all these are a soap opera to cheat the public, or the targeted enemy such like Syria and Iran.
595. Push Iran to swallow a bait (3/25/09)

On 3/15, I talked about the payment to N. Korea for its role in Syria bombing. (see "593. Payment to North Korea (3/15/09)) Three days later, there was a news.

Re: " N. Korea rejects U.S. food aid
By Foster Klug Associated Press

Washington - North Korea has rejected U.S. food shipments and asked aid groups to leave the country.....

Last May, the U.S. said it would provide 500,000 tons of food to N.Korea.... As part of that agreement, the U.S. delivered 169,000 tons to N. Korea, with the most recent shipment of 5,000 tons of vegetable oil and corn soy blend arriving in January."
(San Jose Mercury, 3/18/09)

It's another swift response to my revelation. When I pointed out the petro dollar was the cause of Iran war, the high oil price went downwards since. When I revealed the fuel aid and food aid were the payment of a secret deal, N. Korea immediately refuses to accept the food aid. Will that change your opinion?

The current events indicate that another plot is going on. N. Korea has played a Trojan Horse in Syria's case. It will play that role again, the target now is Iran.

Early this month, US and South Korea had a joint military maneuvers. N. Korea reacts with alarm and warns it may trigger war. N. Korea warns that it won't guarantee the safety of passenger plane flying near its airspace which forced air liners changed their flight paths. N. Korea also warns a war if US dare to intercept their rocket which will launch a satellite into orbit.

All these are just soap opera. It's an effort to push for a deal. I think N. Korea is trying to sell weapon grade nuclear fuel to Iran. That will finally justify US to invade Iran. US and N. Korea work hard to show Iran: "see, we are hostile each other. So that nuclear deal is not a Trojan Horse. Pull it into your city."

On 3/17, two US journalists were seized by N. Korea border guards. It's only another soap opera to add a coat of sugar on that poisonous capsule. US is eager to finish the Iran war in 2009. (see "582. Robert Gates' career prolonged for Iran war (1/15/09)")
597. Rocket launch and worm Conficker (4/5/09)

The planed action date of this March and April plot will be around 4/4 to 4/8, when N. Korea will launch a ballistic missile which is coincidence with the return date of my wife from her China trip. It's easy to plant or create an incident in trip. It can develop into a big conflict if the US intercepts the launching North Korea rocket. All depends on the Feds' decision whether they will practice their plan or not in rocket launch.

This rocket launch obviously is a product of the secret deal between the N.Korea and the US. Will N. Korea really crazy enough to shot a target in the land of Japan or US? Everybody knows it's impractical. Because the retaliation from US could be disastrous. Recently, (just months ago) N. Korea receives food aid and fuel aid from the US. How can a nation without enough food and fuel to provoke a war?

Yet, the media blow the trumpet to propaganda on the threat from North Korea and hint that Japan and US may intercept the missile. What a comic. But it's a necessity for Feds. They planed a big case in early April. From the conflict with N. Korea, pandemic bird flu, possible terror attack, to internet blockade.

When people lose the freedom to move around under martial law or quarantine as Feds has designed, they also lose independent information from internet. Thus they have to take what Feds want you to know because the media is in their grasp.

On 3/28, news report said "Computer worm set for a return April 1.". Though Conficker worm causes little damage on April 1, it's still lurking, waiting for the right time to attack. I think the hand behind the screen is the Feds. Worm can be viewed as a weapon in modern information war. It will be used in big case, just like anthrax used in 911 case to push through the Bill of Patriot Act.

I have rich experience of internet harassment, and worms attack as well. see "153. Computer Warm attack(8/16) and 336. Worm and internet censorship (8/22/05)". Several months ago, I was blocked to internet for nearly three months.

The failure of the promised worm attack on 4/1 may indicate that the April plot went soured again. They'll use that Conficker in next plan.

So next time when there is a big terror attack, or a big pandemic, or a big disaster like wild fire, and you lose freedom in martial law or quarantine, and internet is sabotaged that you can only watch the TV which offers repeated picture, (such like airplane impact WTC and the building collapsing in smoke) and repeated warning from government, remember what I said today.
598. Block telephone service (4/10/09)

My wife returns from her China trip on 4/8. The date coincidence with the date of N. Korea's rocket launch date. (4/4 to 4/8). So I alleged that was the action date. Then there came another incident.

In midnight between 4/8 and 4/9, four separate underground fiber-optic cables were cut in San Jose area. Huge portions of a telecommunications network across three counties have lost service to land line phones, cell phones and /or the internet.

The case is obviously:
1. It's an organized crime. Since it was done in separate places at same time, it was not an individual random incident.

2. It needs inside information and co-operation, from the knowledge of location and access to the manhole. Quote, "One of them is to have big, heavy covers over the manholes and special ways to get them off," Britton said, "There's a tool you use. And in this case someone obviously had access to that."

3. The significance was played down. Quote, "The FBI joined the investigation, but authorities ruled out terrorism as a motive, and instead called it pure criminal vandalism." (The above information are from news "AT&T offers $100,000 reward", San Jose Mercury News" 4/10/2009)

Here is a confusion. What kind of an organization which is powerful enough to have co-operation from big communication firm and has the authority to de-grade a big criminal case, has the motive to risk a criminal charge to play some joke - say, vandalism - without any obvious interest purpose? It seems make no sense.

Or, if you have read my last message that, "(#597) you lose freedom in martial law or quarantine, and internet is sabotaged that you can only watch the TV which offers repeated picture, (such like airplane impact WTC and the building collapsing in smoke) and repeated warning from government, remember what I said today." You can find this is just a piece of the ring - the victim will lose all contact to outside, losing freedom of moving; blocked internet access and losing telephone service as well.

After years of restless effort to frame a case, Feds now makes the plan a perfect one. Only it has been soured so far under my revelation. That's why I was harassed so much in internet and why Feds activated so much accessories to call for a "ban" on me.
599. Cut power supply and activate a terror attack (4/15/09)

Not only internet would have been attacked, telephone service would have been lost, power supply would have been cut too. Watch the date of the news:

Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies
APRIL 8, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials.
The spies came from China, Russia and other countries, these officials said, and were believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls. The intruders haven't sought to damage the power grid or other key infrastructure, but officials warned they could try during a crisis or war.

Do you think Russia and China have the motive to provoke US at this time. Does it make any sense? Yet, how convenient for this government to blame everything on other countries, or so said "terrorists".

As I always said, the framed case used to come with big events to distract. That big events likely will be terror attacks, or big natural disaster. The April 8 framed case came with terror attack too.

"10 arrested in terror crackdown in England

London (AP) - British police arrested 10 men Wednesday (4/8) in a series of anti-terrorist raids across northwest England. ....

The British government currently assesses the country's terror threat level as "severe," the second highest of five possible ratings." (Mercury News, 4/9/2009)

Watch at the date. Do you believe it was another coincidence? Since the April 8 framed case was soured under my revelation, British government had to finish it in a pre-emptive arrest to avoid a re-action of 7/7/2005 London bombing.
Just another reason to get off the grid. Go solar, man. It isn't just for pansies that want to save the planet from bovine bowel emissions.
600. Terror case in Britain and IRA (4/20/09)

The April 8 plot was planed in large scale. Since there is a model for Feds criminal tactic, we can see the resemblance of this one to the 9/24/2005 case. (marked with hurricane Katrina.)

Extract from: " 390. London bombing review (2) (continue to #388)(3/5/06)

7/6/2005 Blair declared Britain won the 2012 Olympic game hosting.
7/7/2005 First London bombing.
7/21, Second London bombing.
8/14. London bombing still would be used in new plot to justify the bombing in US.

Re: "US warns of new attacks on London
August 14, 2005

8/31. Chief Executive of Hongkong - Donald Tseng, invited the whole legislature of Hongkong to travel with him to mainland China on 9/25.

8/31. H.A. mailed an architectural inspection notice with heavy penalty intimidation. It included the enclosed yard. I thought it targeted at a self made little shed in backyard. If I tore down the shed, there would be a lot of junk. How could I handle it?

8/31. San Jose Council member Chuck Reed mailed a letter announced a "Free dumping day" on 9/24. Which offered a solution for backyard junk. The coincidence enabled me to realize that Feds planned to frame me on 9/24 if I would have dumped the garbage to the bin. (by claiming there was illegal things inside it?) But what if my wife did the garbage job? Then there was a sudden offering of fun trip from an airliner to the travel company my wife worked. Thus she left before 9/24.

9/22 -9/29. My wife left to South-east Asia for a fun trip.

9/24. Free dumping date. (attempt murder 2) Of course I wouldn't do as they wished.
9/24. Big anti-war protest in Washington. (planned to be humiliated by terror attack)
9/24. Hurricane Rita landed in Texas. An event to distract. (storm 3)

9/25 - 9/26. The legislature of Hongkong visited China. I allege there would have been a travel accident to kill Mr. Wang Yi Hong if 9/24 plot went on successfully. (attempt murder 3)

9/27. My wife took a boat trip in Haloon Bay, Vietnam. While Typhoon Damrey(storm 4) just left a day ago. (attempt murder 4)

The payment to British was not only to host the Olympic. Another reward came right after 9/24.

9/27. "Panel claims IRA has given up weapons
by John Daniszewsky
Los Angeles Times

....the Provisional Irish Republican Army had turned over the bullets, guns, blasting caps, bombs and explosive plastics that held much of Britain in terror for more than 35 years."
(Mercury News 9/27/05)"

Compare with this 4/8/09 case, we can see the resemblance:

1. Trip used to be a tactic to murder in the name of incident or easy to plant to a framed case. In both cases, my wife was offered by fun trips from Air liner or Chinese travel company.

2. A big event created to distract. It used to be a terror attack. It would be a big one in US. But to cover up US is the source of the plot, Feds arranged it a worldwide terrorist action. Britain became the pioneer victim.

3. I have said, Al Qaida and many other terrorist groups are puppet tool work for the Feds.
In Britain, it was IRA. In 9/24/2005 case, IRA abandoned armed resistance as a reward to Blair's British Government. In 4/8/2009 case, IRA attacked again to push Brown Gordon's government to join the framed case.

Re: Real IRA Shoot 2 British Soldiers Dead in Northern Ireland (3/9/09)

IRA faction takes credit for killing cop
(by E. Quinn and J.f. Burns, New York Times. 3/11/09)

One month later, we saw the terror case in England.
602. Swine Flu is a bio-attack from Feds (4/30/09)

Feds planed a bio-attack in 4/8 plot. I accurately predicted it on 3/30, eight days before action date. Re:

"596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)"

The rehearsal of response to a mock attack(see #594) indicates the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. I have said Feds will kill a lot of people in the framed drug case. To cover up the unusual multiple deaths, Feds always planed big event such like war, natural disaster, terror attack to distract.

Here is a news prepared psychologically for that bio-attack:

"New Human Death from Bird Flu
By Tim Johnson McClatchy Newspapers

Beijing - A handful of new human fatalities from bird flu underscore that the H5N1 virus has become entrenched in some countries, such as China, and that it still could mutate and flare into a global pandemic, U.N. officials said last week.
.......A best-case scenario might cause only 100,000 deaths, he added."

I said Feds had planed a frame case on date when my wife returned from her China trip which was accordance with the missile launching date of N.Korea.(N.Korea set the launching date between 4/4 to 4/8) I said the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. My wife returned on 4/8. She was severely sickened with a flu. She could hardly speak due to the sore throat caused by severe cough. She had to stay home for days before back to work on 4/13 with her voice still broken. That's something never happened before. My wife is a hard working woman. In my memory, she had never asked for a sick leave.

Why hadn't the Feds carried out their 4/8 plan? I think because I accurately revealed their plot. I even referred the news to guess the coming bio-attack was a bird flu (H5N1). The reference news was from China. I always point out Chinese secret police is an accomplice of the Feds in this framed case. And my wife caught the flu during her China trip. Would you say that's another coincidence?

Then why do they revive that bio-attack? I think the pressure from the high ranking is too heavy. Because I also accurately predicted the Iran war. Everything seems to be ready for that war - except the elimination of Kat Hak Sung who revealed the secret. But haven't I predicted the bio-attack of bird flu (H5N1) in advance? To avoid to prove my accuracy, Feds creates another name - Swine Flu (H1N1). New name won't change the reality. Everything shows it's a pre-planed bio-attack. Feds just changed the name of the flu.

603. Mexico Flu was part of 4/8 plot (5/8/09)

In recent days I was blocked to access the Internet again for almost three days. I think the main reason is my message #602 reveals the secret of Swine Flu. So if I could not post my message on time, (every five days), then you know something bad is going to happen.

When I say Mexico Flu was part of 4/8 plot, I based on timing. The first death of the Flu, was Adela Maria Gutierrez. She fell ill April 1 with what she thought was a bad cold. She tried aspirin and antibiotics, bed rest and moist towels, but nothing brought down her soaring fever, reduced her aches and pains, or boosted her energy level. Maria Gutierrez went to the hospital April 9. After tests revealed an unusual illness, medical personnel isolated her and notified state and federal official. She died April 13. (Extracted from San Jose Mercury News, 4/29 and 5/1) The timing was accordance to my wife's. My wife caught a flu in later March and early April. The worst time for her was about April 8. If the Feds increases the poison dose, she might have died at same time Gutierrez did. The outbreak of the Mexico Flu would rapidly spread all over the world that would justify my wife's death.

Another similar case took place in a train which crossed Siberia of Russia. The news topic was: "Sudden death of a Chinese female worker, Russia steps up its way to prevent a pandemic." In a train from Far East to Moscow, a young woman's health worsened at night of 4/14. She had a high fever and died next morning. The original diagnosis of Russian doctor was that the woman died of SARS. The response of Russia was strong. They immediately stopped the train, Quarantine the station and isolated the 60 passengers of that coach. The Guarantine released on 4/18 when authority said that the disease was not SARS but an ordinary pneumonia.

Several local Chinese paper reported this news with big article. It also said the mainstream media of Russia made a large quantity of news report on this topic. Caused a nation wide public attention. The unusual reaction of the government may indict the 4/8 plot was a big one. The secret police of China and Russia were involved. If the 4/8 plot carried out successfully, then there was a worldwide "pandemic". The Russia's would have started from that Chinese woman's death on train.

Since the persecution was urgent and in large scale, the next plot probably would be around 5/24 when my nephew will have a wedding party in Boston. My family members will fly from the West coast to the East Coast to attend that party.
604. The death in Mexico is not caused by flu (5/14/09)

The unusual symptom of the flu my wife caught was a severe cough. I had never seen her coughed so badly before. My wife also brought a big box of flu medicine from her China trip. It was a traditional Chinese medicine that was very effective to prevent a flu. So I took some pills. It didn't help me to prevent a flu. I started to cough too. So my wife gave me a bottle of Robitussin. After taking several dose, my cough became worse. I had similar bad cough about three years ago. Here is the description: "There was a severe cough after I ate the meat bought there. The cough was so strong that I couldn't sleep for nights. It lasted several weeks. The poison might be some kind of radiation material (isotope). I had suffered such kind of poisoning before but none was so severe like this one." (422. Poison food and Indian market (7/20/06))

Of course, I stopped to take the medicine. I was afraid it was poisoned. On 4/13, my wife went back to work. The next days she brought home some cookies. I noticed that we all coughed after eating the cookies. I started to realize it was not the flu but the poisoned food that caused the coughing.

I think
1. Feds planed a murder under the cover up of Flu. The poison (I allege it is a kind of isotope) will cause a severe cough. Heavy doze will swollen the lung that leads to the de-function of breath. Feds spread it with flu virus because the flu symptoms will cover up the severe cough caused by poison.

2. Feds may have contaminated the public place (such like restaurant, hospital or bus) with the poison. People may get sick when they having food with their contaminated hand. That's why the media emphasized on washing hand.

3. There is a mystery puzzled experts that why reported deaths have occurred only in Mexico and the confirmed cases elsewhere are mild. I don't believe H1N1 only select Mexicans to kill. It only proves H1N1 is a common flu, easy to spread but generally mild. In this case, it is used to cover up the poison. So when it went to elsewhere, it is mild.

The death mainly took place in Mexico because it's a convenient place picked up for the special operation. La Gloria is the town thought to be the source of the Swine Flu. Quote, "The village has many immigrants in the U.S.. Mexican epidemiologists say one theory is that someone who had been in the U.S. brought the virus back to the community." (Mercury News, 4/29)

This someone is the special operative(s) who poisoned the route he (they) went, to create a panic for the 4/8 case.

4. Quote, "New flu cases leveling off, Mexico says
By Paul Haven and Nico Price
Associated Press
Friday, May 1, 2009

The health ministry, which earlier said 168 people were believed killed by swine flu in Mexico, on Thursday would only confirm 12 of those deaths and would not say how many were suspected."

Can you interpret this news? It means 168 people died in similar cause. Only 12 found positive with H1N1 virus. (Even though, they were not necessarily died of H1N1) So the cause of the 168 deaths is something else. Now you can imagine what is it.

605. Swine Flu time table (5/20/09)

There were two attempts for bio-attack in April. One was the original 4/8 plot. It was a big plan consisted of a bio attack, a terror attack (marked with 4/8 "terror crack down in England) and the Iran war(marked with rocket launch of N.Korea, dated 4/4 to 4/8).

Here is the time table for the first bio-attack attempt which was in the name of bird-flu pandemic.
Three big powers involved.

2/26 A news of "New Human Death from Bird Flu" from Beijing China justified the coming "global pandemic". (see #596.)

3/19 There was an exercise for responding a bio-attack in Bay-area. (see #594)

3/20 I wrote "594. Framed case in March and April (3/20/09)", said, my wife "would have a two weeks trip to Beijing on 3/24",(which implied her return date was 4/8) "To divert the public attention, they will create a big event to distract. It most likely will be a bio-attack this time."

3/30 I wrote "596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)", repeated that "The unusual outbreak of avian flu in China likely is a plot to justify a planed bio-attack activated by the Feds - in the name of pandemic avian flu."

4/5 I wrote "597. Rocket launch and worm Conficker (4/5/09)", said that "The planed action date of this March and April plot will be around 4/4 to 4/8, when N. Korea will launch a ballistic missile which is coincidence with the return date of my wife from her China trip."

4/1 Maria Gutierrez fell ill.
About same time, my wife caught a flu in her China trip. (see # 603)

4/8 My wife returned home, severely sickened with a bad cough.
4/9 Maria Gutierrez's situation got worse, went to hospital.
4/13 Maria Gutierrez died in hospital.
4/15 Early morning, a young Chinese woman suddenly died in a train that crossed Siberia Russia.
There was a swift response from Russia. Train stopped. The station Quarantined. The
passengers isolated. Russia doctor said she died of SARS.
4/15 Morning, the mainstream media of Russian, multiple press, newspaper and national
television made a strengthening report on this news, caused nation wide public attention.
4/15 Night, Russia media changed the tone, said the patient might die to the Hand, Mouth and Foot
4/15 The Minister of Food and Health Department of Hongkong, announced to lower the grade of
response to Avian Flu - from severe class to alert class.
4/18 Russia media reported that the woman's death was caused by ordinary pneumonia.

I think Feds failed to get me into a disease of "bad flu" - I refused food and medicine arranged for me. The lowering grade of the response to Avian Flu in Hongkong on 4/15 may indict Feds formerly abandoned their original plot of a bio attack in the name of bird flu. Because I had predicted that attack. Russia even didn't refer the case to flu but call it SARS. If Feds was successful in 4/8 plot, my wife would have died like the other two women at the time between 4/13 to 4/15.

Then on 4/24, Feds had another attempt to push up a pandemic. To avoid the name of "bird flu", they picked up a new virus from their bio-weapon warehouse. It has a bits of genetic material from swine flu, avian flu and human flu. Of course, there was a consideration of the name. Human flu is too common that won't scare people. Bird Flu fits the demand but that will fall into my prediction. So they call it Swine Flu. Mysterious enough to intimidate public. It apparently was a propaganda name not a scientific one. Several days later, they have to change it into H1N1 A. H1N1 basically represent human flu.

Why I say it's another attempt? Because in following days when Swine Flu had been hot topic in media, N. Korea came again.

Quote, "N.Korea makes another missile threat

By Jae-Soon Chang 4/30/09

Seoul, S. Korea - N. Korea warned Wednesday it will fire an intercontinental ballistic missile - or even carry out another nuclear test - unless the U.N. apologizes for condemning the regime's April 4 rocket launch. "

It is a pity to abandon that original plan which has been prepared for months. And the war on Iran is an urgent demand.

(I was again blocked to post in internet for two weeks. Feds must have planed another big plot these days. 6/3)
606. 5/25 plot (6/16/09)

I used to post my journal style article every five days. Last one #605 was written on 5/20, today is 6/16. It means from 5/20, I was blocked to the internet for 21 days. The censorship proves what I said was truth, Feds are afraid of it.

I have correctly predicted the 4/8 plot that would have come with a bio-attack. (see detail in #602)
Feds used to arrange a trip for the case. I predicted that the action date likely would be the return date when my wife finishing her China trip.(4/8) It would match the distract event - N. Korea launching a ballistic missile. (date ranged from 4/4 to 4/8).

Then I correctly predicted there would be a second attempt.

On 5/8, I said, "Since the persecution was urgent and in large scale, the next plot probably would be around 5/24 when my nephew will have a wedding party in Boston. My family members will fly from the West coast to the East Coast to attend that party." (see #603)

The late development proves the action date was set on 5/25. My family members flied to Boston on 5/23 (Saturday) and attended my nephew's wedding ceremony on 5/24.(Sunday) They flied back on 5/25. (Monday, Veteran's day) Feds used to set the action date on return date of the trip. (Air plane accident?)

And on 5/20, (Five days before 5/25) I wrote, "Why I say it's another attempt? Because in following days when Swine Flu had been hot topic in media, N. Korea came again.

Quote, "N.Korea makes another missile threat

By Jae-Soon Chang 4/30/09

Seoul, S. Korea - N. Korea warned Wednesday it will fire an intercontinental ballistic missile - or even carry out another nuclear test". (see #605)

It was a nuclear test. On 5/25, North Korea announced it successfully conducted its second nuclear test. It was again, strangely, coincident with the date when my family members return from their trip.

The plot, if had been carried out successfully, would be an outbreak of a framed drug case. A lot of people will be murdered by the Feds. Few people will notice the case because it would have been distracted by big events: bio-attack; terrorist attack and Iran war. We have seen the Swine Flu in this plot already. And N. Korea will play the role of a witness to justify the Iran war that it exports nuclear weapon to Iran.

607. N.Korea provokes U.S.? (6/22/09)

Right after the nuclear test of N. Korea of 5/25, South Korea responded by joining the Proliferation Security Initiative, a U.S. led movement to stop ships from transporting banned nuclear goods.

This is the key point of that soap opera. The inspection will tell the world that Iran is the buyer of the weapon and nuclear material. While Bush regime failed to justify the Iraq war with WMD lie, this time the Inside Group does a perfect job. They show the evidence in a big event. We see the destroyer USS John McCain now is following a N.Korean ship when it leaves the vicinity off the coast of China. It is preparing to intercept the suspected cargo of proliferating missiles and nukes once the government insiders decide to start the war on Iran.

The likely action date of a coming terror plot will be on 7/4, when N. Korea will fire a ballistic missile towards Hawaii. Media beat the drum to propaganda on it. It is a comic because:

1. N. Korea is weak in economy. It lives on food and fuel aid from China and US!!! It can't support a war. Although in early 1950s there was a Korea war, N.Korea had the support of two powers - Soviet Union and China at that time. Russia and China have no attempt now to challenge US.

2. US is a super power in the world now. It doesn't make sense to challenge a super power.
The result of a war will be disastrous to N.Korea.

3. In a weapon test, a nation used to choose an international open area. There are plenty of open space in Pacific. Why choose Hawaii? It's a deliberate provocation which could leads to a war.

Have you ever seen a mouse challenge a cat at cat's house? So it is only a "cat crying 'Mouse is coming'" soap opera. The challenge mouse knows there will be no revenge from the cat. In under table deal, it will be paid for that performance. The real target of the cat is another mouse- Iran. To Justify a war on Iran, an excuse that Iran attempt to create nuclear weapon is not enough. US insiders need a 911 alike case, or even bigger than that.

That's why 7/4 is selected. The "enemy" attacked on national holiday. According to former soured plot, multi cities will be bombed by - possibly nukes, most likely will be dirty bombs or chem-weapon. Of course, once the war starts, a pandemic will break out and a martial law be announced to quarantine anti-war people.
608. Bio attack in the name of a flu (6/28/09)

1. I predicted the bio attack.

Originally the Feds planed a bird flu pandemic for the framed drug case and the coming Iran war. On 2/26, news reported China had five deaths from Bird flu. On 3/19, there was a rehearsal for the bio-attack in Bay Area (where I lived). I predicted there would be a bio-attack, possibly H5N1 the Bird Flu in late March. see #594 and #596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)

2. The plot was around 4/8.

The killer flu started in Mexico in late March. The first victim Maria Gutierrez.fell ill on 4/1. She went to hospital on 4/9 and died on 4/13. My wife got sick with a flu at same time in her China trip.
She went home on 4/8. In following days, I refused the medicine she introduced when I saw it only increased the coughing.
Early morning on 4/15, a Chinese woman died in a train in Siberia of Russia. Russian government had a swift response - quarantined the train and station. Russian media made massive report on this news. Only at night the media changed its tone to say that the cause of death was not the SARS but another disease. See #603.

3. The turning point was on 4/15. It was obvious.

When the Feds saw I didn't fall into their 4/8 trap, they stopped that Bird Flu plot. Not only Russia media changed their report, the HongKong government also announced to lower the grade of response to Avian Flu - from severe class to alert class on 4/15.

A Bird Flu pandemic would hurt economy seriously. If the original plan went on, Feds would have to pay huge to its collaborator. So we saw a dramatical turning around.

4. Swine Flu invented to continue the plot.

(1) Why continue the plot? Iran war. As I have said, Iran war is set to finish in one year. That's why Obama prolongs one year for Robert Gates to stay as the Secretary of Defense. Now only six months left.

(2) Media first reported Swine Flu on 4/24, eight days after 4/15. It took Feds a week to find a substitute for Bird Flu from their labs. This "swine flu" is a hybrid of part swine flu, part human flu and part bird flu, something that can only come from laboratories according to many experts. It is apparently from the lab of Pentagon.

(3) So far the Swine Flu is a mild one. The death rate is similar to or even milder than the ordinary human flu. A virus either can intimidate people, but also won't hurt economy.

(4) It may prove the flu took place in Mexico before 4/15 is not the swine flu as the media later says. The flu infected Mexicans before 4/15, possibly was H5N1 the bird flu virus. So there was a high death rate in Mexico. Feds changed their tactic after 4/15. That made high death rate in Mexico a mystery. A flu virus won't be so smart that it selects Mexicans to kill.

(5) Media is controlled by the Intelligence. Unusual media propaganda on a mild flu means there is a purpose. The flu death of this case in Mexico starts on 4/13. Until 4/24, rare people knew there was a killing flu happened in Mexico. So we know there would be no panic in public if media keeps their mouth shut up like what they have done in that 10 days. And the propaganda on Swine flu thereafter is enormous even there is no proof that it is more dangerous than the common flu.

(6) Flu used to happen in winter season. It is summer now. But the news of Swine Flu keeps on showing off in media. The event is against nature and makes no common sense. What I can say is: When Feds successfully frame a drug case, then the mild flu will "mutate" into a killing virus - not naturally but a step to meet the demand of the Feds. The Swine Flu is a bio-attack from the Feds.

609. About gold price and inflation (9/16/09)

I have been blocked to post until today. It is nearly three months. I could post recently with the message because I go to the public library for their computer service.

Gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce in recent days

I think the Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. In which US dollars will rapidly devalued to a historical low. The price of the gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce. The exchange rate of the Japanese yen will go 80/dollar or higher. The Euro will go 1.6 dollar/Euro or higher.

This is why there is regime change in Japan. The Liberal party was too close to its enterprises and big business. It resists to increase the value of yen to the desire of the Feds. So it has to step down. The Democrat party who is willingly to sacrifice the Japanese financial interest now gets the power. The high value of Japanese yen will certainly hurt Japan's economy.

China and India co-operate with the Feds. They have bought the gold quietly for sometime and will make a good profit in coming gold rush.

It will happen in coming days of this year. What a tsunami it is if it all takes place in three months. I predict it before the media bang the drum on inflation. And remember what I said today and how the Feds control your mind with propaganda.

When I say the Feds is the hand to push up the gold price, the Feds here means intelligence (FBI, DEA). So they have their own way to clear the uphill road for the gold.

Here is a whole page advertisement in San Jose Mercury News on August 24, 2009:

Cash for Gold comes to Cupertino

With unemployment and foreclosures at a record high in California, ARC Capital Investments will host another fun, safe and lucrative cash for gold purchasing event here in Cupertino to help stimulate the economy. Many people are already very aware of the benefits of such an event due to the many advertisements on television, radio and the Internet.

ARC Capital Investments, a California state-licensed precious metals dealer, has a different approach to the demand and supply of precious metals. Owner of ARC, hosts a 4-day event in the Cypress Hotel, a very well established and reputable hotel, in order to ensure 100% client interaction.

The Gold Evaluation Process
........ "

The price of the gold in August was around $950/ounce. ARC of course is not a charitable institution. When it pays huge to rent hotels and put advertisement to collect gold from area to area, how much do you think they expect to make in future gold market?

When media repeats on foreclosure and unemployment news, it squeezes people to sell gold and jewellry to speculators. The next financial balloon will be a gold bubble. At that time, the topic in media will be inflation. It will advise you to buy back gold. This is how the inside group controls this country and make money from each crisis.
610. The road of persecution (9/23/09)

1. I was a seller in flea market. In 1991, I learned from newspaper that one importer from whom I had bought merchandise was arrested for drug smuggling. I found I was under surveillance too.

2. Several months later, my leg was hurt and couldn't move. I found it was caused by the radiation of isotope money. Feds uses it to tracking place where people keep cash. My health was seriously hurt. I complained to the Federal attorney. Since then I became a murder target of the Feds. The murder method included E.M. wave shooting.

3. In 1994, I went to China, wish to get rid of the persecution from the Feds. I found in China I still was under surveillance. The payment for China's co-operation was to improve China's trading with US. In that year, China got the most favored nation treatment from the US. My China trip may motivated the OKC bombing.

4. In 1995, FBI created Oklahoma bombing in order to get more police power. With OKC bombing FBI director Louis Freeh proposed an Act which is similar to the Patriot Act but failed.
The evidence that FBI involved in OKC bombing can be found in court document:

5. In March 1999, as the persecution intensified, I had to leave US again. Because China has been bought by the Feds, I went to South-east Asia. In March, 2000, there was an attempt to frame me in a drug case, I had tried to seek asylum in the Foreign Minister of Thailand.

6. In 2000, when I returned to US, the bitter experience motivated me to expose the ugly face of the Feds in the Internet. I wrote a journal style article "The dark side of US" with every five days a story. It now accumulates to 610 messages. It really touched the nerve of the Feds. I think it was one of the reasons they activated 911.

7. In early April, 2001, Feds (DOD and DOJ) created EP-3 spy plane incident. In negotiation to release the spy plane crew, FBI and DEA signed a secret deal with Chinese government. In the secret deal, China would frame a drug case. The payment was huge. China was granted to host 2008 Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO. China was greatly benefitted by this deal. As a result, China now becomes the second economic power in the world. Because of that deal, both the director of FBI and DEA resigned in April and left their posts three months later.

to see the secret deal about spy-plane at:

8. My brother in law is a business man who imported goods from China. I alleged the Chinese secret police planted drugs in merchandise he imported. The first plot was planed on June 11, 2001. Feds set McVeigh's execution date on that day to distract public's attention. I revealed the secret deal in the Internet.

9. After the 6/11 plot went soured, Feds prepared 911 attack. Silverstein negotiated to lease the World Trade Center in New York and signed the contract in July. The 911 attack did what OKC bombing hadn't achieved - Feds got the power they wanted, that is the Patriot Act.

10. On May 3, 2002, my brother in law had a birthday party. I thought the Feds had set up a trap and didn't attend it. I revealed it in the Internet. Several days later, my tenant (who rented a bedroom in my house) and a neighbor, suddenly left. Both the two came from China. Later I learned from the news that FISA court rebuked A.G. Ashcroft for deceiving the judge. Thus I knew I was under the surveillance of FISA warranty. The two were Chinese secret police, placed in my house and neighbor by the Feds. They had to leave after the FISA court withdrew the warranty.

11. I alleged the tenant (Chinese secret police) planted drugs in my house. Because in following years, several times Feds tried to perform searches by disguising as roofing contractor or garage door contractor. (to reach their goal, the roof file and garage door were damaged.)

12. Since then many framed cases were plotted. The latest case is trying to perform search in the name of IRS. To reach their goal, my wife deliberately filed wrong tax return. I had to abandon the joint tax return. One event they created was the Virginia Tech. massacre which was used to distract the framed case. It took place on April. 17, 2007 - the last day to file the tax return. When the Feds expected me to file the tax return.

611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)

Ten days ago, I was denied to enter the Canada in board check point. Since I have all the document and sufficient fund a tourist should have. I think the board officer was instructed by the misleading information from the US Federal agent. Here is my complain to Attorney General.

Kat Hak Sung
Autumnvale Dr. . San Jose, Ca. 95132
Oct., 12, 2009

The honorable Attorney General Eric Holder
US Department of Justice

Dear Attorney General Holder,

I'm writing you to complain about the persecution applied on me from the Feds. The persecution includes surveillance, internet harassment, and entering misleading information in international immigration and custom system which restricted my freedom to travel.

I urge you to investigate the case.

1. I am under surveillance for more then ten years. I have been followed and tracked by the agents.

2. I am blocked to access the Internet for nearly a year. I have to go Internet by library computer.

3. On Oct. 7, 2009, I was denied to enter the Canada.
(1) It was a framed case. I have sufficient fund for travel and had plan of where to stay. But they still ordered me into inside office where I was asked with strange questions. Such like "What job do you have?", "Why you don't have a job?", "Do you play guns?" which leads to the story of persecution of the Feds. All these made me believe these officers were instructed by some misleading information from the computer.

(2) The immigration officers never tell me the reason. Until I was escorted to the departure terminal while I found the paper they gave me written with a vague reason of "to paragraph 42(1) of the immigration and refugee protection regulations". I can only guess they think I'll seek refugee in Canada.

(3) Since the officer never tell me the reason, I have no chance to argue and defense myself. In questioning, the officer knew I have sufficient fund to travel and I have a family in California and I own a house there. Maybe that was why they didn't give the proper reason. The regulation is only used as an excuse for paper work.

(4) It was a framed case not only the officers didn't tell me the reason they denied my entering of Canada, but also the officer faked my signature to make it a "voluntary withdraw".

The denial costs me time and money for an unsuccessful journey.

In conclusion, my civil right to speak and travel was seriously violated. I believe the Feds had abused its power to input misleading information in immigration and custom computer system and inform Canada authority to follow. I ask your help to investigate this case.


Kat Sung
612. War crisis in September (10/29/09)

From #593 to 607, I talked about how the Feds attempted to frame a drug case which was to be covered up by Iran war. The fire of Iran war designed to be lit by North Korea. In three months from April to July, N. Korea launched a ballistic missile heading to Alaska area on 4/5; did a nuclear test on 5/25; and planed to launch another ballistic missile to Hawaii area on 7/4. The 7/4 plan went soured. I think because I revealed that Iran war could have been justified by a shipment of nuclear weapon from a N. Korea's ship. That ship failed to go to its destination and finally returned to N. Korea. So failed that project.

A new attempt came in September. On 9/25, Western intelligence accused Iran of constructing a secret underground uranium enrichment facility in Qum and of hiding it from international inspectors for years. Following the revelation, media said that US would demand to access to other sites that have long been off limits and demand Iran to answer detailed questions about its suspected efforts to build nuclear weapons. A tough new sanction would be seeked if Iran resisted. It means the war may start any time when Iran doesn't obey the demand.

The response from Iran was swift. Next day, Iran said it would allow U.N. inspectors to examine the newly revealed secret nuclear site. One month later, on 10/26, inspectors of IAEA examined the covert nuclear facility in Qum. Iran is very humble and cooprative this time. Iran felt the threaten of war.

So said terrorists came out to help. It's not a coincidence.
The news of Secret nuclear site in Iran was released on 9/25 by western intelligence. Here are the other news:

* "Terror suspect charged in plot to make bombs. Denver man may have planned to strike there or N.Y." (By W.K.Rashbaum, New York Time, 9/25/09)
* "Bomb plot arrests in Illinois, Texas". (Chicago, AP, 9/25/09)
* On same day - 9/25 - "Osama Bin Laden demanded that European countries pull their troops out of Afghanistan in a new audiotape Friday, warning of "retaliation" against them for their alliance with the US in the war." (Caro, AP, 9/26/09)

As I always said, the war will be justified with nuclear horror, terror attack, either it is done by North Korea or Al Qaida. Though the media didn't propaganda it as a crisis, there was a war crisis in September. You can judge it how collaborated they were on Sept. 25 - Western intelligence, FBI, media and Bin Laden - when they release the news at same time.

613. Iran war and another economic tsunami (11/12/09)

I have said that the purpose of Iran war is to save US dollar. Because Iran had abandoned dollar in oil trading, US has to keep the oil price at about $80/barrel to maintain the value of dollar in internetional money market.(see "556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)").

There were four big attempts to start the Iran war in past three years. 1. On 8/30/2007, a B-52 "mistakenly" carried six nuclear missiles to fly over the US continent. 2. On 8/8/2008, when Olympic Game ceremony opened in China and Russia invaded Georgia. 3. During April to July/4/09, when N. Korea tested its ballistic missile and nuclear bomb. 4. 9/25/09, when a secret nuclear facility in Iran was revealed and US gave Iran an ultimatum.

If the war on Iran plot have gone through, then Iran would be forced to go back to dollar system in oil trading, the oil price would go normal - that is around $20 to $30/barrel. But in the short period around the war time, what will happen? The oil price will go high, the dollar will go to historical low, and the gold, will go up like a rocket. Will those who planed the war project miss such a good chance to make a fortune? We know in 911, there was unusual trading in stock market that bid the downwards of air company because someone knew a disaster would come. So was in 8/30/2007's plot. Do you still remember the oil price had been manipulated to $147/barrel before 8/8/2008 plot? This time they focus on gold and money market. I felt this when I saw the "Cash for gold" advertisement in August. I wrote "609. About gold price and inflation (9/16/09)", predicted that the gold would go $1,500/ounce or higher, Euro would go 1.6 dollar/euro or higher, and yen would go 80/dollar or higher this year. On 9/25, Iran war crisis suddenly broke out. US gave a three months ultimatum to Iran. (that would be 9/25 to 12/25) If Iran hadn't humbly made a swift response, three months is enough to push the gold price to $1,500 to $2,000/ounce. I did foresee another economic tsunami ploted by the Feds.

The ripple of September Iran war crisis:
1. Obama was awarded Nobel Peace Price on Oct.8/2009. It's true that Obama didn't do anything big enough to get that prize. My interpretation is that the European elites who, too, felt the coming war crisis. This action is an effort to stop the war before it happens. It also explains why there is a noise in US media. Because it really makes the war more difficult for a Nobel Peace prize winner. That makes the Feds unhappy.

2. On Oct.18, bombing in Iran killed five senior Revolutinary Guard officers. Iran accused Pakistan, the US and Britain were behind the attack. Such kind of case needs intelligence resource. It obviously is a provocation. Because on Oct.24, the inspectors of IAEA would come to Iran to examine the covert nuclear facility. If the Iran regime was enraged by the death of their top ranking commanders and changed their decision of accepting the inspection. Then the war became possible. Once again, Iran humbly swallowed the bitter fruit. Iran still opened the door for the UN inspection. Iran knows it faces a war.

614. Secret deal with N.Korea (11/22/09)

Feds used to pay other party to do illegal and ugly missions. How do they justify the payment if the receiver is a hostile country? They create an incident.

The typical sample is the bombing of Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999. (see "193. Bombing Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia (1/1)" and "194. D.o.D. worked for D.o.J. (1/6)")

Another big one is the "EP-3" spy plane incident in April 2001. In exchange to frame a drug case, China was granted to be a member of WTO and to be host of 2008 Olympic. We all see the result: China since then becomes an economic power, now one of the G-2. (see "555. Olympic deal (6/29/08) and "610. The road of persecution (9/23/09)")

Here is the time table of how N.Korea pushed for a nuclear horror from April to July for the Iran war and how an incident created to justify the payment of a secret deal.

3-17 Current TV of San Francisco sent two reporters - Laura Ling and Euna Lee to China to gather the news of North Korea refugees. They were mysteriously arrested by N.Korea board guards. The two admitted that they were "very, very briefly" cross the board - "maybe 30 seconds". If it was truth, then N.Korea board guards must be most efficient one in the world, and the two journalist must be the dumbest reporter in the world. They were sentenced to 12 years prison term.

4 - 5. N.Korea launched a ballistic missile to the Alaska area.

5 -25. N.Korea had a nuclear test.

6 - 7. Hillary Clinton said US may be seeking a way to interdict, possibly with China's help, North Korean sea and air shipments suspected of carrying weapons or nuclear technology. Later that month, US war ship John McCain followed a N.Korean commercial ship and made it a news. That ship, I think, carried with nuclear material to prove Iran's ambition on nuclear weapon. That ship, finally didn't go anywhere but returned to N.Korea.

7 - 4. N.Korea planned to launch another ballistic missile to Hawaii area but failed to carry out the plan. I think the Feds had changed its plan to the end of this year because that time is more suitable to push for a financial tsunami for a gold rush.

8 - 4. The two US journalists are pardoned and released by N. Korea during a visit by former President Bill Clinton.

You can see how a hostage show starts in March and ends in August while North Korea fulfils its
task in April, May, June and July. It resembles the 2001 EP-3 spy plane incident. In both cases the Feds sent hostage to hostile country to justify a secret deal and payment.
615. Gold rush in the end of the year (12/5/2009)

In early September, in #609, I predicted that "Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. ..... The price of the gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce. The exchange rate of the Japanese yen will go 80/dollar or higher. The Euro will go 1.6 dollar/Euro or higher."

The gold price was around $1,000/oz at that time. It reaches $1,200/oz these days. Euro now is $1.5/Euro and yen is about 87/dollar.

The speculators gathered the gold at the price around $900/oz. To set the profit margin at $1,500/oz is natural. It can be reached in the rest days of this year. How high the gold price can go after the price passing over $1,500/oz? It depends on the situation how successfully the speculators unload the hot potatoes (high price gold) into the hands of public. At that time, notice the big topic in the media - war, inflation, article to praise the value of gold and report of the short supply of it.... It's the time the speculators retreating from the gold market.

Also I have talked about "China and India co-operate with the Feds." to push up the gold price in that September message. Seven weeks later, on November 3, the IMF sold the Central Bank of India 200 metric tons of gold at $1043/oz. The news helped the gold went over the strategic point of $1,100/oz easily and stood steady there. My perspection is once more proved correct.

As a matter of fact, it was the Feds which is the hand behind the stock market collapse of 2000 ( bubble) and the housing bubble of 2007. As early as six years ago, I wrote "180. Beware of housing bubble (11/16/03)". In which I said, "anytime soon there will be a broken housing bubble, and a staggering economy following it." Anyhow, the Feds failed to eliminate me. So the housing bubble keept growing up until it explodes in 2007. We all see the staggering economy now.

616. Feds, a robber (12/16/09)

Rare people know that the operation fund for FBI and DEA comes from the wealth of "criminal case", from the property and the money they confiscated from "drug case" or other "criminal case", and looted from the victims in framed cases.

Quote, "Mr. Hoover prides upon the "profit" it shows annually. During fiscal 1960 the FBI received $113,600,000 in operating funds. Fines, savings, and recoveries of stolen property and contraband in cases investigated by the FBI amounted to $142,822,244, or $1.25 returned for every dollar invested by the taxpayer.'" (see #8. FBI's profit)

When the "profit" becomes the target of the law enforcement agency, you can imagine how aggressive they will be to frame case and to cultivate the criminal business (such like drug case) and to kill innocent people. A dead man can never accuse the robbery.

My personal experience of lost credit card (see #34. The lost Credit Card) proves when the Feds planed action date, they can create a case by credit card company to replace the Visa card by a MasterCard. (so they could withhold it when the new card was mailed) At that time, I still puzzled with the question that how could the Credit Card Company happened to replace the card at the Feds' action date? It was after 2001 when I learned that retired former FBI Director Louis Freeh had taken a job as a vice president of a credit card company, I knew it all. They developed a society to loot money from people. Retired agents still go on with their "looting" job in different career - credit card company or other financial institution such like banks.

Here is a paragraph in that secret drug deal: "For use by the Beijing government, the Federal Reserve agreed to transfer to a neutral designated country, as a neutral depository or escrow agent, 40 Billion dollars in U.S. credits, assets, gold bullion, and currencies, both U.S. and foreign." (see "610. The road of persecution (9/23/09) That "credits, assets, gold bullion, and currencies" is a strange combination. It looks more like a private wealth robbed by the Feds in the framed case. (Of course, 40 billion is too huge for private parties, I later realize it is an equivalent amount with equal value benefited by hosting the Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO)

When "profit" becomes the operating fund of the Feds, you can expect how hard the law enforcement agents are working to frame case for their own benefit. Will there be any justice left for the Department of Justice? Terrorists and drug traffickers now become the source of power and money Feds wanted. That's why there is no end for "war on drugs" and "war on terror". Because the Feds live on these war. After decades developing, now the stock market and the housing market become the cash machine for the Feds.

617. Manipulate stock market in China (12/21/09)

In July 1994, trying to get rid of the persecution of the Feds, I went to China.

As I had no work to do, I thought I might find a fortune in stock market. The Shanghai security index was at three hundred something at that time. There was not much space for investors to lose at that level.

I studied the stocks and chose one - a manufacturer whose product was cement. That manufacturer was generous in dividends while most other Chinese companies didn't give a cent to their shareholders. It also had a bright future - the factory located in SiChuan province, not far away from Three Gorges where the biggest hydro-power station was going to be built. The demand of cement would be huge.

Several days later the security index went to five hundred, but my selected stock didn't catch the index. So I bought two others. When the index jumped on to 700 level, my selection still wouldn't go with the rising market, I started to suspect that I was targeted. The stock market in China in early 90s was a new born baby. It was very primitive. The price of all stocks went up and down with the stock index. My stock selection became exceptional in a rising market. I also knew I was under surveillance.(see "15. EM sleep wave in China (4)") When my acquaintance met me to discredit my stock selection, when my friend called me to tell me the "inside news" that stock market would collapse, I view it from an opposite angle. One morning when I entered the hall of the security company, I found the electronic display board blackened. Staff said the business would shut down that day because the power supply problem. I thought in other way. I thought it was a sabotage targeted at me. There might be a good day tomorrow.

I immediately opened an account in another security company and bought three different stocks there. Really, next day was a big day - index jumped to 900 level approaching to 1000. Although as usual, my selection didn't make money, I was happy. I successfully foresaw a soaring market - from a sabotage done by secret police.

I changed tactic. I bought stock in small trading - about 2,000 Yuen each time(which equals to $250). With $5,000 capital, I could have 20 trading. It covered the all category of the stock market, from industry to utility. In 1994, there were only 150 companies in stock market.

The stock market went down to 500 level. I lost several hundred dollars but my feeling was good. It looked like that I controlled the stock market passively with $5,000. It was unbelievable! I told other people that I was targeted. Nobody believed it. I said the market would soar if I left. People just laughed. People couldn't feel what I had experienced. I had watched the price curve of a stock rising slowly for hours. Then stop at a point and turned downwards. That point was always the time When I finished a buying order on it. It happened many times. So accurate that I believe my account number was registered in a special formula. The Chinese security was trading in a computerized system.

In May, 1995 my application to extend the Visa was rejected. The police behind the counter advised me in a low voice,"Go home, go home." I bought an air ticket leaving on 5/18.

On 5/17, I sold the stock. It was an extraordinary slow day that day. The price of stock was frozen in the trading board. Next morning, I went to the security company to collect money.(The leaving flight was in the evening) The hall was like a boiling pot. I still remembered the red figure of 27% illustrated the increase of security index. It was a brilliant day for stock market. It also was a brilliant day for me. I had predicted the soaring up of market. I didn't expect it came so swift. The speculators that manipulated the market had their capital locked up in stock too long time. (Many speculators in China were state running company. The speculating capital were from company's normal business fund) Once the secret police opened the green light for an upwards market, they couldn't help to free their fund from a locked box.

I really got good lessons though I lost money in Chinese stock market.

1. The stock market is controlled by the government.

2. The financial group has to obey to the secret police.

3. Chinese secret police collaborated with the Feds.

4. I was targeted by the Feds. They would sacrifice the interest of other group, however big it is, to suppress a targeted individual, however small he is.