Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

12. Financial tsunami created to stabilize the dollar (12/16/08)

On 7/4, I wrote "556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)". I think it touches the core. From 7/5 to 7/8, the oil price dropped for four days from $145 to $136 a barrel. It goes downwards since. It's a cover up reaction to my revelation. The inside group doesn't want people to know its Achilles' heel - the Petro Dollar. It doesn't want people to connect the Iraq war to Petro dollar.

At the same time, a financial plan created to keep dollar from collapse - develop a financial tsunami to lock the dollar in US bond. It starts from the plunge of mortgage giant - Funnie Mae and Freddie Mac.

I keep the financial news from paper. I review it recently and found the symptom to sink Funnie and Freddie first emerged on 7/11. One week after my 7/4 article.

In my record, the last news about Funnie Mae before 7/4 was on 5/17. It said that the biggest real estate financier Funnie Mae declared that on 6/1, it would have a new rule to drop the mortgage down payment to 5%, in some area even to 3%. It means Funnie Mae was still full of confidence. One year after sub-prime crisis, to low the standard of the loan meant she had financial foundation.

It was a blank for June. Then came the July. A series of negative news of Funnie and Freddie were out after 7/11. The article of 7/11 was: "Fannie, Freddie shares plunge on speculation", "Federal officials consider a bailout" (by David S. Hilzenrath and Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, Washington Post) What a sudden turn around. Just two months ago Fannie was so confident to save the real estate industry, now it suddenly would go bankruptcy. It was a pre-psychological propaganda preparation.

The August Iran war plot went soured. The financial tsunami plot had to be carried out. But August remained comparatively quiet. No negative news about Funnie and Freddie at that time. Why? I think the inside group, which is also a big financial group, need time to sell their investment - foreign investment, stock, real estates - when the price was still high, before others joined the escape.

Then the tsunami came. 9/7, government puts Funnie and Freddie into conservatorship. 9/14, Investment bank Leman Brothers declares bankruptcy. Stock market collapsed. Finnecial firm, pension fund suffered a great loss. They also have to sell the investment to collect money to deal with the cash out of panick customers. Now nothing is safe except cash - even big name such like Merril Lynch, AIG, GM are in danger, what property could you believe? People leave stock market, foreign market, real estate market and follow the experts' instruction - Cash is king.

Large amout of treasure were changed into cash and were driven into US treasury bond, locked there. The phenomenon is the interest of short term treasury note is almost zero, the interest rate of 30 years US bond is only 2.9%. So the oil price can drop to under $50/barrel. All speculating money go and hide under the safe heaven - US bond.

Financial crisis stabilizes the dollar (include excessive Petro dollar), drives them into US bond to avoid a tsunami. It becomes a big ballon. Once the ballon breaks off. What will take place? Inflation, soaring oil price, high interest, collapse dollar - that's another armagedon.
plenty of time left... just want to give you all an adequate lead. See just how far back I can come from and still win.
Don't feel bad. If you average out Dave's two stellar performances, (or should I say 'cellar' perfomances -hee HEE), he would be below you.

I do give you "props" for not taking a reset. You can't do it in real life, so why be allowed there?

Right now the only ones who scare me are WM and Warren.
13. Harassment from Feds (12/28/08)

I said oil price started to drop after my article of July 4th. When the planed Iran war went soured in August, the Inside group planed a financial crisis to stabilize the dollar. It started on 9/14, when Leman Brothers went bankruptcy.

Though some people don't believe it's my revelation that caused oil price drop, I felt it strongly. Not only by the swift reaction of the oil price change, but also by the heavy persecution from Feds. 9/14 (Leman Brother's bankruptcy) signals the start of financial tsunami. Next day I was blocked to post in internet. From 9/15 to mid December, in three months, for more than two months I was blocked from internet. In later October, someone intruded my front yard, doing some perpetual work on the phone connection box. I had to call phone company for a repair to revive the function. I failed to post in many web forums. Worst of all, my ISP AOL cancel the homepage service in October where I used to post my journal article "The dark side of US" every five days. They also announced the close of the MSN web sites where I post in more than a dozen groups.

Why do they do such an unusual, weird work? Because my analysis is very correct, Feds are afraid of it.

Re: 573. Big operation to censor my message (10/17/08)

I learned that the MSN web sites are abandoned by microsoft. It proves what I said in last message "other web site which having my aricle will be attacked too". It may also indicts that a big operation is coming. The top goal of the Feds is to eliminate my revelation. My message is too true to exist in this information world.

Re: "Confirmed: Microsoft Gives Up On MSN Groups, Hands It Off To Multiply
Wednesday, October 15, 2008; 3:59 PM

We've received confirmation that Microsoft is handing over the reins to its MSN Groups property to the social network Multiply. Microsoft is planning to release a new service called Windows Live Groups in November, and apparently doesn't want to compete with itself. Oddly enough, Microsoft has chosen not to allow groups to transition between the two services, and instead is going to offer a migration tool that will allow users to take groups over to Multiply, which currently bills itself as the world's 8th largest social network.
The Microsoft post also states that users will have until February 21, 2009 to migrate their groups over to Multiply, after which point the site will cease to exist.
This just seems weird - why would Microsoft abandon a sizable (but dwindling) chunk of users to an entirely unrelated social network? It's nice that they aren't leaving their users out in the cold, but why not just cut off new signups to MSN Groups and allow the legacy users to continue on in peace? Microsoft may appear to have made the gesture in good faith, but it's likely that the company is hoping users will scoff at the idea of having to migrate, and just sign up on the new Live service when it launches.
Whatever Microsoft's intentions, Multiply is sure to be happy with the deal, as it has just been handed millions of new users (we're trying to contact Microsoft for the exact number). "

The purpose of this oddly and weird decision is very clear for me - to censor my long time journal style revelation - "The dark side of US" and other messages. There will be a framed drug case prepared in November. So once Kat Hak Sung is eliminated in the framed case, he couldn't transfer (or in their word: migrate) the file to new site, this is why both AOL and Microsoft will clear the old site - no trace of "the dark side of US" will leave for people. That's a typical style of Feds.

AOL and Microsoft are two big firms. Their decision is unreasonable which will hurt their fame and popularity. The timing is not a coincidence. It will match the coming framed drug case which may come with some other big events as distraction. No one except the Feds can force the two giant firms to make such a weird decision.

Re: Dear AOL Hometown/FTP user,

We’re sorry to inform you that on Oct. 31, 2008, AOL® Hometown and FTP will be shut down permanently. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Though you will be able to modify your Hometown site and access FTP until this date, we urge you to save your AOL Hometown/FTP content immediately, and consider other options for hosting your site. ........
The AOL Hometown Team
(I wrote #533 on 10/17/08. I was blocked to post it for two weeks until today - 11/3/08))
Oil 14. Orderly bankruptcy, an intimidation to investors (1/10/09)

On 5/17/08, Congress passed the bill to raise the cap of jumbo loan rates on mortgage from previous $417,000 to $729,750 in high priced parts of the country . . On same day, Funnie Mae announced new rule to reduce down payment from 10% to 5%. It may reflect what Bush said at that time, the economy of US was basically sound.

But two months later Federal officials said they needed a bailout to rescue the mortgage giants. What happened? Certainly it was not because of new rule. It was less than two months after the new regulation. New house buyers may have started their application procedure but have no time to enjoy the new benefit yet, let alone to go new foreclosure. The collapse of Funnie Mae and Freddie Mac was manipulated, on the purpose to touch off a financial crisis to cover up "Dollar crisis" caused by excessive petro dollar. Remember I revealed it on 7/4. The oil price turned around its rising curve and started its descending since then. And one week later, on 7/11, a new project to stabilize the dollar was done - to create a financial crisis. Then we saw a series of psychological operation - news propaganda on "troubled real estate giants" even though two months ago it was full of confidence to save the housing market. Government is the sponsor of FunnieMae and Freddie Mac. It controls and directs the business of the two. If Feds wants the two going bankruptcy, they went bankruptcy. Outsiders never know the truth.

But Funnie and Freddie are limited to real estate only. To push up a financial tsunami, the Insiders need another big name - Leman Brothers became victim. Though real estates loan was an important business for Leman Brothers, it also packed various other kind of loan to investors. The bankruptcy of Leman Brothers vastly effects in financial area -banks, mutual funds, insurance company, money market ... Feds could have saved Leman Brothers like they saved Bear Stern. The cost would be much smaller compare to 700 billion they used in later rescue plan. But they leave it alone. The bankruptcy of Leman Brothers is a necessity to push up a financial tsunami.

It is a very successful plan. All investment fund, or speculating money, or petro dollar, are locked in a balloon of US bond. Feds has whips in hand. Any one dares to invest in other area are beaten. Foreign currency? Most devalued to dollar. Stock market? Anytime will lose several hundred points. Real estates? No one knows where is the bottom. Feds also has intimidation in hand: media predict more lay offs, more bankruptcy. One interesting thing is Media's propaganda on Auto giants' bankruptcy. They say US auto industry is inefficient and deserve a shut down. But Government still gave the Auto giants a little money to survive several months. What for? If you have a boat, and know there is a big hole in the bottom and the sinking is inevitable, will you spend more money to paint it or decorate it? Why not use the money to buy a new one? But they still spend money on a sinking boat, says it is an "Orderly bankruptcy". Is that ridiculous?

"Orderly bankruptcy" is a sword of Damocles. It warns you that if you dare to invest, the sword will drop on you any time. By announcing the bankruptcy of Ford or GM, Feds could create another stock market earthquake. The purpose is to maintain the balloon of the US bond. Keep the money from leaving.

Feds plans to keep that balloon for months, no longer than one year.
Kath, and we are still doing more of the same to fix the problem.
Will we learn that more of the same is not the answer?
Oil 15. Maintain the crisis until Iran war coming (1/15/08)

US economy takes a lot of advantage from Petro dollar. So when Iran abandons dollar as oil trading currency, it hurts dollar foundation significantly. To save the green back, the war on Iran is inevitable. The latest attempt to war on Iran was failed in August 2008. Next month, a financial crisis is created to save the dollar. The financial crisis push people to change the investment into cash - the dollar, and drives the dollar into a balloon - US bond. The Inside Group will keep that balloon until the Iran war break out.

I said so is out of a decision made by the President elect - Obama. He decides to let Bush's Defense Secretary - Robert Gates to stay in chair for one more year. It means the Inside group still wants to finish Iran war within a year. They keep that dollar balloon from popping until the war comes.

Robert Gates is a well selected neo-con follower, no other than Rumsfeld, Bush and Ashcroft. He has been chosen to command the Iran war of 2008 August which was failed to activate. No one is more familiar with that war project then him. No one will work better than him with that military official group inside Pentagon which developed the Iran war project. If Bush can't stay in President seat, Gates is the right person to stay for the war.

Barak Obama won the president election by his slogan "change". One important reason he won the campaign is because he said he opposes Iraq war. But when it touches the interest of the Inside Group, he has to obey. Pentagon is an area needs an utter "change", Obama reacts with "un change". He says he opposes Iraq war, because the bird is in hand already. It doesn't cost anything to do a lip service. But when his master gave an order, he will hug another war.

Politicians are picked up from the followers of the Inside Group. High ranking politicians have been all screened tier upon tier. They are all the same even though they sticking a different sign of donkey or elephant on their clothes. When people are tired of a white wolf, they gave you a black one. But on the core it's the same. Wolf won't change its habit to eat lamb.

There is a Chinese fable: Three for breakfast and four for super. It says a monkey keeper gave his monkey four nuts in breakfast and three for supper. Monkey felt hungry and protested. The keeper thought for a while than pretended compromise. He said, "OK, you win, I will give you three nuts in morning and four in the evening." Monkey thought it won because the keeper changed three into four for supper. So when Obama gives you four nuts for supper but three in the morning, do you think there is a change?
I have Kath on ignore, which means I can only see about 50% of the posts. Seriously, he's so annoying that I broke down and used to feature just for him.
585. A super 911 to justify Iran war (1/30/09)

To justify the Iraq war, the Inside Group activated a false flag terror attack in US: that's 911. To justify the coming Iran war, another false flag terror attack is inevitable. That terror attack, likely will be a nuclear bombing. The shock and awe would shake Americans' brain and push them to support another war just like what 911 had done to Americans. From 2007 to 2008, there were at least three attempts to start the Iran war.

I predicted the attempt of false terror attack in advance on all three. Now you people realize why the Feds close AOL homepage service, shut down MSN community groups and blocked me to post for months.

1. The most evident one: On 8/30/2007, a B-52 carried 6 missiles loaded with nuclear heads flied over US continent. I predict the date two days ago.

499. July plot (2) (7/28/07)
With my own observation, I have concluded that in July, Feds would frame a drug case, made a false flag "terror attack" to distract, and with which US would activate Iran war.

505. Assassination, murder and terror attack (8/28/07)

The rest of the August plot started from 8/20 to September. The action date is between 8/31 to 9/3 when Feds closed the Bay Bridge. (see #503) At that time there will be massive terror attack in US and in Europe. I think that's why Karl Rove resigned in advance. His last date in office will be 8/30. So he will leave before the "Super 911". To get rid of any responsibility of involvement in false flag terror attack.

2. Three months later, there was another attempt to attack secret nuclear facility by the impact of hijacked plane(s). The action date: around 11/25/07 the Thanks giving day. I predict it one week ago.

Re: 521. An air express lane for Iran war (11/18/07)

"the Pentagon will open unused military airspace from Florida to Maine to create "a Thanksgiving express lane" for commercial airliners"

My interpretation: "(in 911 case) All four planes left their original airway. Now if there is another 911 alike hijack, what will the crew of the planes do? They will do whatever they can do because they know otherwise it will be death. That may change the result of the original plot planned by the perpetrator. How to comfort the crew member when the plane is led to a different route? The best way is to convince them they are directed to a "Thanksgiving (or Christmas) express way." So there will be little time for crew member to re-act when the last moment comes. (At that time the plane is taken over by the auto-pilot system.)

3. 8/8/2008. Marked with (1) Olympic opening ceremony. (2) Russian invaded Georgia. (3) A massive armada headed to Iran. I speculated the date one month ago.

Re: "556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)

Another time factor for Iran war is the Olympic Game in August. China has interest in Iran. He is an oil customer of Iran. Olympic Game could be an extortion chip for China's support in Iran war."

Now I say the next attempt to war on Iran is planed to activate within a year. It based on the fact that Obama let Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, to stay in chair for one more year. That the Inside group to prolong the financial tsunami by "orderly bankruptcy".
587. A nuclear bombing to justify Iran war (2/10/09)

For the false flag nuclear terror attack planed on 8/30/2007, there was a big pre-psychological propaganda. Here are some. It indicates that the heads of this country determined to nuke US citizens to justify an Iran war as early as May 2007.

Quote, "Pres. Prepares for Possible D.C. Nuke
On May 10, President Bush issued a national security directive ordering all agencies to prepare for a surprise attack on the Federal government.

FBI's Mueller: Bin Laden Wants to Strike U.S. Cities With Nuclear Weapons
Ronald Kessler
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Osama bin Laden and his terrorist group desperately want to obtain nuclear devices and explode them in American cities, especially New York and Washington, D.C., FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III tells NewsMax.

Al-Qaida Plans Nuclear
Attacks on 7 U.S. Cities
NewsMax Wires

Williams maintains that al-Qaida is not content on blowing up one nuclear device or even simply a "dirty" nuke - but wants to explode real nuclear devices in seven U.S. cities simultaneously"

From the news, we learned that:

1. The coming false flag attack would be a nuclear attack which would cause a big loss of lives. The shock and awe would big enough to justify another war when Bush became so notorious for the Iraq war.

2. The false flag would still be Bin Laden and Al Qaida.

3. The inside group targeted at 7 US cities. New York and Washington D.C. were among them.

The 8/30/2007 incident that a B-52 flew US continental with six missiles armed with nuclear head was a soured action. Six nuclear missiles not seven as original planed is because each wing of the B-52 can only install six missiles. The missiles in other wing, un armed, were gone through a security inspection to justify it passed routine safety check.

Washington D.C. was chosen to justify it was a "real terror attack". See, now the dead are not only ordinary people. So many high ranking politicians died too. (That's sad story for those obedient followers. They are sacrifice when the Inside group think it's a necessity. ) Of course, the core member of the plot would have happened been in somewhere else. Just like Bush was in a Florida school and Cheney was in a military base on 911. The following vacuum of disappeared law makers could justify a martial law carried out by the Feds.

New York was chosen because a lot of residents in that city, especially policemen and firemen, with their own experience, knew 911 was a false flag attack. It is a good chance to wipe out a large quantity of witnesses.

8/30/2007 B-52 incident was a big case. It alarms a lot of people. The same tactic obviously can't be used again. But to activate another war, a big justification is needed. Nothing is better than a WMD. Then where can the Feds find the source of the nuclear weapon? Pakistan.
589. Regime change to control nuclear bomb of Pakistan (2/22/09)

Pakistan was Bush's ally in his eight years "war on terror". The military dictator, Musharraf, collaborated with US when he was the president of the Pakistan. Its intelligence, ISI, even helped the inside group in 911.

The head of Pakistan’s ISI, General Mahmud Ahmed, had ordered to wire $100,000 to the leader of 911 attack, Mohammed Atta through the hand of Omar Sheikh. This has been confirmed by the director of the FBI’s financial crimes unit, Dennis Lormel.

Quote, " Musharraf names 9/11 suspect as possible British asset
Fails to mention links to 9/11, ISI, CIA
By Devlin Buckley
© Copyright 2006,

Co-operation is convenient. It's easy to deny. To take the responsibility for a nuclear attack is quite different. It will be carved deep in history. Will Japanese forget Hiroshima? Musharraf's group was not that stupid. Obviously they wouldn't play that role.

When a follower became disobedient, what US would do? Replaces him with a puppet of its own. Then we saw on September 10, 2007, a deported opposition politician, Nawaz Sharif landed in Islamabad. But he was sent back to Saudi Arabia immediately. The resistance of Pakistan regime was fierce. Anyhow, the plot went on. Next month, another US asset - Benazir Bhutto - was sent to Pakistan. She was warned by a bombing to her car convoy on Oct.18 and finally was assassinated two months later when she likely would have won the president election of Pakistan. Here is a news:

Quote, "Bhutto's death a blow to US
By BobinWright and Glenn Kessler 12/28/07
Washington Post

Washington - For Benazir Bhutto, the decision to return to Pakistan was sealed during a telephone call from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice just a week before Bhutto flew home in October."

How efficient it was. A big decision made just by a phone call. Be noticed the date of their return: Sharif flew back on 9/10. (Buhtto returned one month later.) It was only ten days from 8/30/07 - the day when a B-52 flew US continent with six nuclear missiles. And that nuclear terror attack plot went soured.

The effort of a regime change was going on covertly. Mosharraf stepped down one year later.

Quote, "US backed Musharraf resigns in Pakistan
By Jane Pertez 8/19/08
New York Times

Islamabad, Pakistan - Facing imminent impeachment charges, President Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation on Monday, after months of belated recognition by US officials that he had become a waning asset in the campaign against terrorism."

You may also have noticed the resignation date. It was too just ten days after 8/8/08 - a day marked with Olympic opening ceremony in China, Russia invade Georgia and a massive armada of US, Britain and France headed for Iran. The day I said plotted for Iran war but went soured.

The timing accordance is not a coincidence. It indicates that the attempt for Iran war is urgent. When the main project went soured, a spare one immediately activated. That a false flag nuclear attack will be used to justify the war. The nuclear bomb this time will come from Pakistan.
Oil 19. Driving Iran into a nuclear weapon trap (3/5/09)

Pakistan now goes the direction the US wants it to go. On 2/6, there was the news:

Disgraced Pakistan nuke scientist freed by court

A secret pact granted freedom to Pakistan nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, who lived under house arrest for allegedly leaking atomic weapons secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya. It is obviously releasing a bait for Iran. Now the freed nuclear scientist is able to go on with his proliferation mission if there is a buyer. Iran is a potential customer.

Does Iran want to own nuclear weapon? Yes, it does. Does Iran know the danger it faces if it develops atomic bomb? Yes, it does, too. Iran knows it may risk a possible military invasion from US. Then how did Iran solve this problem? To develop the program in Syria, I think. It was a smart strategy. But US won't let it go. So we see the story that Israel bombed a site in Syria in a raid on 9/6/2007. Both countries gave little information about the incident. Syria even denies it, leaves it a mystery. Seven months later, there was a later report:

Quote, "U.S. displays images used to justify Israeli attack on Syria
See as evidence of N.Korea collaboration on reactor
By David E. Sanger New York Times

Washington - The Bush administration released detailed photographic images Thursday to support its assertion that the building in Syria that Israel destroyed in an air-strike last year was a nuclear reactor built with years of help from North Korea."

I believe the nuclear reactor was built for developing nuclear weapon. Iran joined the project because it did not want to take the responsibility of developing nuclear weapon in its land. I had read a news said that after the bombing Iran had sent inspectors to check the ruin site. What surprised me was that North Korea was part of the Trojan Horse plot to frame Iran.