Scut Farkus
Your point? You're talking about American police here, child!
they didn't actually feel threatened. or were ordered to stand down to a point.
Your point? You're talking about American police here, child!
they didn't actually feel threatened. or were ordered to stand down to a point.
A lot of them were nazis, surely? That's why they murder 'black' people so often.
you're an idiot.
Hardly. But you are a real nazi, kid, even if you pretend to yourself that you're not.
So he was hired to investigate collusion but he was not to share his results because he couldn't prosecute?
His mission was to oversee the previously confirmed FBI investigation of Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election.
That he did. He jailed charged over 20 people with crimes and jailed Trump's people like Manafort, Stone,Gates, Papadopolous, and others who were in direct contact with Russian hackers. Manafort was even providing the hackers with Republican polling data. The first part of the Mueller report was a listing of Trump's campaign people who were in direct connection with the Russians. he did prosecute them. Otherwise, why were those guys in jail.
im against totalitarianism. you're for it.
You hate democracy, kid, as you know, and tell lies about it. Why do you suppose I'm for totalitarianism, out there in the wilds on the rotgut? You know nothing whatever about me, silly lad.
you don't even support free speech.
NO - incitement to murder needs stopping NOW.
grow up. nobody did that.
I thought that you had a mad President called Trumpf or something.
doesn't ring a bell.
You spilt too much drink in your phone.
I don't rmember with my phone, im not a cyborg, 6 of 9.