Doomsday Preppers LOL

you're just now hearing of this?

and why would I advertise my location and supplies to retards like you who think it's paranoia to stock up like this? I remember very well the thread about the survivalist mindset and it was not very surprising to see most of you liberals stating that you'd just mob and kill anyone not willing to surrender and share with those who didn't bother to prepare. I say fuck off and die.
you're just now hearing of this?

and why would I advertise my location and supplies to retards like you who think it's paranoia to stock up like this? I remember very well the thread about the survivalist mindset and it was not very surprising to see most of you liberals stating that you'd just mob and kill anyone not willing to surrender and share with those who didn't bother to prepare. I say fuck off and die.

did someone say that or was it hyperbole?

if you have the foresight to stock up on materials and some liberal takers come to do what they do best and take, I hope you get some good headshots in. do it in my honor.
STY lets seriously get you on TV. this will be fucking awesome. We should get every member of JPP to email nat geo. O_O
you're just now hearing of this?

and why would I advertise my location and supplies to retards like you who think it's paranoia to stock up like this? I remember very well the thread about the survivalist mindset and it was not very surprising to see most of you liberals stating that you'd just mob and kill anyone not willing to surrender and share with those who didn't bother to prepare. I say fuck off and die.

It was an awesome show. When I watched it, the first thing I thought was why broadcast this? There are only a handful of people that know that I am a prepper.

I look at those poor folks in the NE and on one hand feel sorry for them and in the other hand say they are poster children for gobblement dependence. Look at them standing there like little monkeys waiting for the Commander in Chimp to swoop in for a photo op on his way back to the campaign trail
It was an awesome show. When I watched it, the first thing I thought was why broadcast this? There are only a handful of people that know that I am a prepper.

I look at those poor folks in the NE and on one hand feel sorry for them and in the other hand say they are poster children for gobblement dependence. Look at them standing there like little monkeys waiting for the Commander in Chimp to swoop in for a photo op on his way back to the campaign trail

You are all such idiots.
The storm didn't even hit New England.
It struck in New York and New Jersey which are NOT New England States.
The six New England states are Mass, Vermont, New Hampshire, Conn, Maine and R.I., listed in descending order of kewlness.
You are all such idiots.
The storm didn't even hit New England.
It struck in New York and New Jersey which are NOT New England States.
The six New England states are Mass, Vermont, New Hampshire, Conn, Maine and R.I., listed in descending order of kewlness.

Oh so in your world NE can't possibly mean NORTHEAST? Are you in that big a hurry to try to one up people that you type before you think? I would expect you to be embarrassed but I know you don't possess the self awareness.

What a dumb fuck you are
You are all such idiots.
The storm didn't even hit New England.
It struck in New York and New Jersey which are NOT New England States.
The six New England states are Mass, Vermont, New Hampshire, Conn, Maine and R.I., listed in descending order of kewlness.

uhhhh the storm def hit mass. there were even power outages here. trees fell. it just wasn't anywhere near as bad as nj
LOL, Grind is a prepper...spy shot from the secret Grindenbunker:


uhhhh the storm def hit mass. there were even power outages here. trees fell. it just wasn't anywhere near as bad as nj

The enormous storm, gaining speed as it roared north across the Atlantic, brought steady rain and sustained winds of 35 miles per hour through much of the day, with gusts nearly twice that strong.

Whatever dude.