Doomsday Preppers LOL

I'm sure the popguns being hoarded by these idiots will prove effective in repelling storms alien invasions, earthquakes, tidal waves etc., unless it's possible they are simply harboring revenge fantasies against their neighbors.
I'm sure the popguns being hoarded by these idiots will prove effective in repelling storms alien invasions, earthquakes, tidal waves etc., unless it's possible they are simply harboring revenge fantasies against their neighbors.

Bitch shouldn't have let her dog shit on my lawn.

And a 45-70Govt is no popgun. :)
You are all such idiots.
The storm didn't even hit New England.
It struck in New York and New Jersey which are NOT New England States.
The six New England states are Mass, Vermont, New Hampshire, Conn, Maine and R.I., listed in descending order of kewlness.
Not in NE!!
Get it?
The North East!!!!

That THE!
Or do you refer to New England as THE New England?
and you just expect to be able to storm someones home, kill them and their kids to take their stocks of supplies?

If you wish to indulge in paranoia and crisis at least pick something good. Aliens! You can't hide. They can go through walls and drag you out and according to reports they're not after one's stock of food. :whoa:

John Mack, a psychiatric doctor and professor at Harvard documented cases of alien abduction. He died in a car accident 2004.

Then there's these stories.

There just may be an anal probe with your name on it.
What I like best about Doomsday Preppers (the show, not the people) (and let us take a moment to distinguish the Doomsday Preppers -- who are preparing for some sort of even which will cause prolonged (or permanent) shortages of necessities of life -- and those that take steps to ensure that their families have enough food, water and other goods to get by for a week or so if necessary) is the variety of different Doomsday scenarios for which these people are preparing.
I just keep mostly food that requires prepartation.
No one who would thieve would know how to prepare food that takes more than a microwave.

Stupid americans will die of hunger if their electric is cut off even if they have a gas range.
And if they do not have gas to make it thru a drive thru then that is the death knell for sure.