Doomsday Preppers LOL

Yeah, as usual you are incorrect.
right. just like I was incorrect about the increased raids over the last 4 years. just like I was incorrect about Obama defending amnesty for telecomms immunity over warrantless wiretapping. just like I was incorrect about federal funding for aerial drones over US airspace for domestic law enforcement. I've been so incorrect over the last 4 years lol
right. just like I was incorrect about the increased raids over the last 4 years. just like I was incorrect about Obama defending amnesty for telecomms immunity over warrantless wiretapping. just like I was incorrect about federal funding for aerial drones over US airspace for domestic law enforcement. I've been so incorrect over the last 4 years lol

Yup, just like you were incorrect about Iraq's involvement in 9-11, Iraq's WMDs, Bush's policies which allowed tellecom abuses, The TP, and to this day CU.

Let me know when you finally figure out CU is a bad thing. Until then, you are not worthy of a response.
Yup, just like you were incorrect about Iraq's involvement in 9-11, Iraq's WMDs, Bush's policies which allowed tellecom abuses, The TP, and to this day CU.

Let me know when you finally figure out CU is a bad thing. Until then, you are not worthy of a response.
so full of assumptions, I pity you.
Refute my assumptions then. So far, it doesn't seem you are capable.
why should I try? you can find no posts of me supporting the war in iraq, wmd's in iraq, iraqs involvement in 9-11, my support for telecom immunity, or bushs policies concerning it. all you have is baseless allegations you can't prove, but expect me to disprove it. you're full of shit, basically. your fear mongering concerning CU only shows your approval of keeping the populace dumbed down, but good on you for supporting the continuation of the police state.
why should I try? you can find no posts of me supporting the war in iraq, wmd's in iraq, iraqs involvement in 9-11, my support for telecom immunity, or bushs policies concerning it. all you have is baseless allegations you can't prove, but expect me to disprove it. you're full of shit, basically. your fear mongering concerning CU only shows your approval of keeping the populace dumbed down, but good on you for supporting the continuation of the police state.
Hey retard; CU is a direct assault on the constitution. When you finally figure that out, get back to me.
Things are different here in The New England. As a southerner you wouldn't understand.

I wouldn't? I was married to a Vermonter, so I have seen the "You weren't born here so you don't matter" mentality.

It is laughable. I feel sorry for people who only live in one geographic area their entire lives.
I wouldn't? I was married to a Vermonter, so I have seen the "You weren't born here so you don't matter" mentality.

It is laughable. I feel sorry for people who only live in one geographic area their entire lives.

As I feel sorry for those not fortunate enough to be born in a place worth staying.

I travelled the country extensively, and never found a better place to live.
As I feel sorry for those not fortunate enough to be born in a place worth staying.

I travelled the country extensively, and never found a better place to live.

Congrats. But this contention that anyone who wasn't born in Boston should not list it as their residence is bullshit.

I travel a lot too. You get to see some great stuff. But that is vastly different from living in different places.
Congrats. But this contention that anyone who wasn't born in Boston should not list it as their residence is bullshit.

I travel a lot too. You get to see some great stuff. But that is vastly different from living in different places.

Chill dude. It is part of an ongoing joke. Sorry it flew over your head.
Are you stupid now? The constitution maintains the rights of people not corps. CU co-opts those rights.

then you agree that no organization has 1st amendment rights....right?

let me guess, you will run away from this question like you do all the hard questions.