Double Masking Works

The people were warned that families getting together for Xmas and New Years would result in a surge. That is exactly what happened. That is even further proof that distancing and masks work. I am glad rightys went through all that trouble to prove the experts were right.. Thanks.
And it will freeze up your A/C coil in the summer.

Been there lol.

only in la-la moron trumpville can somebody compare double filtering an AC unit to a person wearing two masks, and other trump stooges think somehow that is a good comparison!!! thanks for the unintentional laugh at your expense!!
only in la-la moron trumpville can somebody compare double filtering an AC unit to a person wearing two masks, and other trump stooges think somehow that is a good comparison!!! thanks for the unintentional laugh at your expense!!

If they told you to wear six masks you do it, wouldn’t you.
If they told you to wear six masks you do it, wouldn’t you.

i am not going to wear two masks. i do not go in crowded, cramped areas anyway. but it makes sense if one mask stops most if not all virus, then two would stop more...but i social distance, and wear a mask when in a building around others. i feel safe enough doing that.
i am not going to wear two masks. i do not go in crowded, cramped areas anyway. but it makes sense if one mask stops most if not all virus, then two would stop more...but i social distance, and wear a mask when in a building around others. i feel safe enough doing that.

This is the sort of thread that happens when you have a bunch of guys that are angry and closeted gays all they do is anger they don't do any actual thought