Dr. James David Manning...

"Finally, the fatal flaw in the "Obama didn't go to Columbia" theory is that he couldn't have been admitted to Harvard Law School in 1988 without having received an undergraduate degree. If he wasn't attending Columbia from 1981-83, he would have had to complete two full years' worth of coursework at (and graduate from) some other accredited college — yet his time between the end of his Columbia days in 1983 and his entering Harvard Law in 1988 is accounted for (working at the Business International Corporation and the New York Public Interest Research Group, then serving as director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago), and no other school claims him as an alumnus, nor does anyone purport to have encountered him as a classmate or student at any other college or university during that period."


You've got to face facts. There are going to be people who absolutely will not believe Obama is what he says no matter how many mountains of evidence you provide.

It's like Dix and his idiotic position that since we haven't dug up 100% of the Earth's surface, we can't conclusively prove man didn't live alongside Dinosaurs.
This is just like the Hawaii birth certificate thing. It wouldn't be an issue for anyone if Obama would just submit actual records, such as transcripts and long-form certificates of live birth; both easily obtainable by him.

Its sort of like Kerry and his naval records. :)

Or very much like Dubya and his non-existant TANG records.
This is just like the Hawaii birth certificate thing. It wouldn't be an issue for anyone if Obama would just submit actual records, such as transcripts and long-form certificates of live birth; both easily obtainable by him.

Its sort of like Kerry and his naval records. :)
Sort of, except people in the Navy actually remembered him.
Or very much like Dubya and his non-existant TANG records.
You mean the ones that he submitted paperwork for them to be made completely public and the agencies didn't have 100% perfect records of thousands of pages? You're suggesting a conspiracy, while I'm merely suggesting Kerry and Obama are the only ones holding these records back, both of which are single pieces of paper. :)
I can't believe this Birther crap is still going on. Has it occurred to anyone that Obama doesn't release personal documents because they are personal documents???
I can't believe this Birther crap is still going on. Has it occurred to anyone that Obama doesn't release personal documents because they are personal documents???

What can you do?

There are people who hate that man with such fiery rage that they can't think rationally. They let their rage control them and it causes them to do foolish things like this birther garbage.
He claims to have transferred there as a Junior. Any records from Columbia are blocked from our sight, apparently they would make us think badly of him somehow.

And yet another conspiracy theory is perpetuated, I wonder how long before someone claims that Obama went to the Moon and planted false evidence of the Moon landings?
And yet another conspiracy theory is perpetuated, I wonder how long before someone claims that Obama went to the Moon and planted false evidence of the Moon landings?
Well, considering it is Obama who claims to have gone to the university, and Obama who refuses to release those records, Obama needs to stop "creating conspiracy theories"...

IMO, you don't hide things like this unless there is a reason to hide things like this.
Well, considering it is Obama who claims to have gone to the university, and Obama who refuses to release those records, Obama needs to stop "creating conspiracy theories"...

IMO, you don't hide things like this unless there is a reason to hide things like this.

I would think something so silly and so easy to stop dead in its tracks would be like something he would totally like do.

It's only a big deal because he like totally won't handle it!

Talk about stupid! :palm:
I don't think its stupid for Obama to encourage conspiracy theories. Look what it does to the opposition. Hell, I'd do it if I were president.