Atheist Missionary
They are persecuted. It's the only group who it's ok to mock and ridicule, according to the PC police. It's a hypocritical double standard.
It's ok to mock whatever you like to mock. Make a pork Mohammed...
You can't legislate away attitudes, no matter how much they offend you. You can't legislate the racism out of a racist.
Provided it isn't government policy, and provided it doesn't directly lead to harm, you have no problem.
Where would it stop? The Xtians legislate away a chocolate Jesus, others take offense to the teachings of Jesus and legislate away that, eventually you will have nothing but the sound of silence....
It's ok to mock whatever you like to mock. Make a pork Mohammed...
You can't legislate away attitudes, no matter how much they offend you. You can't legislate the racism out of a racist.
Provided it isn't government policy, and provided it doesn't directly lead to harm, you have no problem.
Where would it stop? The Xtians legislate away a chocolate Jesus, others take offense to the teachings of Jesus and legislate away that, eventually you will have nothing but the sound of silence....