Dress code or Racism?

It's dress code and employment rules .....

I don't want to see food preppers or a waiter with a shaggy beard .... Handling any of MY food !

Gross !
I just thought I'd throw it out there because I got into a rather heated discussion with another driver on FB who thinks anything should go, as long as the driver was otherwise qualified. However, I correctly pointed out that appearance means alot. We drivers are ambassadors for our respective companies/Transit agencies.

Appearance is as much of a qualification as driving skills.

How is it racist to ask ALL of my drivers, regardless of race, to conform to my appearance and dress code? Plus, how can I be a racist if say out of a staff of 25 drivers, more than 10 of them are black and another five Hispanic? And BTW, I treat all of my drivers like family, meaning I treat them so well that union representation is not necessary because I am a driver myself, so I know what goes on. Your problem is that you see racism in everything that doesn't fit your narrative, that "free expression" whatever the hell that is, should be done anywhere and everywhere. Newsflash! Want to know why fire departments don't allow beards? Hello SCBA mask fit anyone?
How is it racist to ask ALL of my drivers, regardless of race, to conform to my appearance and dress code? Plus, how can I be a racist if say out of a staff of 25 drivers, more than 10 of them are black and another five Hispanic? And BTW, I treat all of my drivers like family, meaning I treat them so well that union representation is not necessary because I am a driver myself, so I know what goes on. Your problem is that you see racism in everything that doesn't fit your narrative, that "free expression" whatever the hell that is, should be done anywhere and everywhere. Newsflash! Want to know why fire departments don't allow beards? Hello SCBA mask fit anyone?

I don't have that problem. Obviously, no narrative. That is you. I treat everyone evenly.
Basically, it's a beard that's allowed to grow out and straight. On that note, had the second candidate been white with dreds, or some other radical hairdo, tatts, and piercings, he would not be hired.

Yeah, that's a stupid look, and I wouldn't hire the guy for it. The dreds, though, I don't mind at all if they are neat. And if they guy is a true Rastafarian and not a poseur I would hire him, that is, if he passed a drug test.
Yeah, that's a stupid look, and I wouldn't hire the guy for it. The dreds, though, I don't mind at all if they are neat. And if they guy is a true Rastafarian and not a poseur I would hire him, that is, if he passed a drug test.

The other issue is safety. This is why my female drivers, if they wear long hair, need to keep it pulled back. And no, I do no compromise on my dress and appearance code and anyone who tried to pull a lawsuit would be laughed out of court.