Libertarian Minded
Whether running around naked in public is a "federal issue" or not, is beside the point, and has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Are you going to join Dumbass in the Stupidity Parade here? I pointed out that I am in favor of "decriminalization" of pot... not "legalization" of pot... I explained the difference and why I support what I do. Damo says he would legalize pot but heavily restrict it, so that young people couldn't have easy access... and that idea works for booze and cocaine, etc... I don't think it works for pot, because any buffoon can grow a pot plant, it's not that hard to do. So far, Damo hasn't responded... the Idiot responded with some high-horse rant about freedom, and how kids wouldn't bother growing pot because it's too hard. You chime in with more Libertarian idiocy, and neither one of you are on topic anymore, you are just flailing away at me because I guess you think I am an uptight prick who wants to keep pot illegal. Read again... I want to DECRIMINALIZE it... make it to where it's not a felony to possess up to a certain amount, it's not a felony to grow a certain amount for personal use, providing you are of legal age, etc. Keep the laws on DUI, keep the laws on under-age, keep the laws on growing for distribution and selling... just decriminalize simple possession. This takes care of 98% of the problem you have with pot now, and doesn't relax regulation to the point that youth might be effected. They will still get their hands on it, they will still find a way to subvert the system, they are kids.... they always find a way.
Well,,,,,, is running around naked in public a "federal issue" comment I made was my attempt to bring out that the fedseral government doesn't/shouldn't have the authority to prohibit. This would/should be a states rights issue.
As for the rest of what you had to say, I wasn't aware of. I'll keep it in mind. Thx!
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