Drug Legalization, My Personal Opinion...

Dixie I care more for kids than you do.
Putting kids in jail for it is 100 times worse than a few more kids trying it.
Fewer kids can get cigarettes than pot. Cigarettes are known killers. You'd rather have kids die from them than a few have fun with pot. You might not be a Jesus freak, you are a moron.
Dixie I care more for kids than you do.
Putting kids in jail for it is 100 times worse than a few more kids trying it.
Fewer kids can get cigarettes than pot. Cigarettes are known killers. You'd rather have kids die from them than a few have fun with pot. You might not be a Jesus freak, you are a moron.

No, you really don't give a shit about kids, or anyone who disagrees with you. Your main objective is to be able to get high legally, and nothing else really matters to you. Reality will be ignored, common sense will be discarded, justification will be made, and any objection will be poo-pooed, so that you can obtain your objective of getting high legally. This is obvious in your posting here, you have little or no respect for those who disagree with you.

We live in a society where everyone gets a voice and a say in the laws which govern our communities. Liberals and Libertarians need to learn, not everyone agrees with you on the pot legalization issue, and you're not going to change their minds. You're also not going to be able to implement your will against their will, by claiming some non-existent constitutional right. There IS the slight possibility you could convince enough moderate people and independents, that pot should be decriminalized... but apparently you are too stupid or stubborn to go for that, you want to push on for something you have no chance of ever getting.
Of course they can already do it! They DO do it! You see these young dudes rolling around town on the 26" wheels... how do you think they pay for that ride? Legalizing it means, they wouldn't have to keep the hydroponic chamber in the closet anymore! As far as parents being stupid... I think parents may be some of their kids biggest customers, in some cases... our culture and society have changed.
Honestly they don't. Dealers grow it, people don't generally grow their own.

Look... here is what I am opposed to... I don't want to see pot commercialized, marketed, sold on the store shelves and taxed like tobacco. Because, what are we going to do when government is hopelessly tied to the revenue, and scientists/doctors discover in 30 years, the prolonged chronic use of pot is just as harmful as tobacco? Will Congress get together and pass the bong around before deciding how they can't get the genie back in the bottle? Any respiration specialist will tell you the problem with pot is the delivery system, ingesting smoke (of any kind) into your lungs, is not healthy. So there's that.... And here we are having a national debate about whether the government should provide health care? Yeah, let's do something that has potential health risk! Brilliant!
You are again stuck on Marijuana. IMO, this should be for all of them. Meth is easily available to Junior High School kids, the dealers are just as young... Cocaine, crack, ecstasy laced with poison, no controls at all because the only people who do sell it are the lowest of our society without any compunction about selling it to your first grader...

I see it sold more like alcohol, behind a line, only allow those old enough in there, and create laws that will make even the stupidest 21 year old moron who can't get a girlfriend his age pause before handing it over.

Worrying about people who would grow their own marijuana with the serious problem we have and how our laws make it so easy for kids to get the drugs is silliness.

Decriminalizing it, would mean that we no longer lock people up and confiscate their property, for personal possession/growing. It should NOT be a FELONY and shouldn't actually be controlled by the Federal government. If states wish to regulate personal possession or growth amounts permissible, that should be up to the states and the people to decide. It would also NOT approve pot for legal sale or distribution, you still couldn't transport it, and you couldn't go buy it at the store. My opposition is to the government entanglement in a taxable product like tobacco or alcohol, that is what I am opposed to here. I respect the personal liberty issue, and I think my solution goes a long way in securing that in spirit. You can't really legalize and regulate something that isn't regulatable.

Do that with marijuana, I'm good with that. However my argument isn't solely for marijuana. I can't stress this enough. This thread is not about legalizing marijuana, it is about decriminalizing (as we did with alcohol) and regulating the crap out of all drugs.
Honestly they don't. Dealers grow it, people don't generally grow their own.

Very few dealers actually grow it, they usually have a supplier. A lot of people, especially in the rural areas, do grow their own.

You are again stuck on Marijuana. IMO, this should be for all of them. Meth is easily available to Junior High School kids, the dealers are just as young... Cocaine, crack, ecstasy laced with poison, no controls at all because the only people who do sell it are the lowest of our society without any compunction about selling it to your first grader...

I see it sold more like alcohol, behind a line, only allow those old enough in there, and create laws that will make even the stupidest 21 year old moron who can't get a girlfriend his age pause before handing it over.

I'm sorry, I'm not "stuck on marijuana" ...it's the topic of the conversation, I thought. So let me see if I understand you here Damo... you want to legalize all drugs and then apply governmental regulation to keep them out of the hands of young people..... because that has worked so well with alcohol and tobacco...Right? Legal or illegal, kids are going to find a way to get it and smoke it. There is not a way to completely stop that from happening, it's just a reality of how young people behave. Legalizing pot effectively tells our youth that this is acceptable and okay...you just can't do it 'cause you're a kid! I think this would probably serve to encourage use rather than curtail it.

Worrying about people who would grow their own marijuana with the serious problem we have and how our laws make it so easy for kids to get the drugs is silliness.

Legalizing pot wouldn't change a thing about how kids get illegal drugs. It might actually make it easier! And I am not "worried about" people growing their own pot... is that how you interpreted my point? I simply tried to get you to understand how 'legalize and regulate' would not work as well for pot as it does for alcohol. Now let's just be candidly honest here... which would a typical 17 yr old be more likely to be able to do... distill their own liquor, or grow a pot plant? Yeah... I know they COULD distill... the point is, which one do you think would be easier for the 17 yr. old to do? Not a difficult question, is it Damo?

Do that with marijuana, I'm good with that. However my argument isn't solely for marijuana. I can't stress this enough. This thread is not about legalizing marijuana, it is about decriminalizing (as we did with alcohol) and regulating the crap out of all drugs.

Well, this is why you are a libertarian pinhead and I'm not. I don't believe our society can handle the personal responsibility of libertarianism. I wish we could... I wish we could all be responsible well-rounded libertarian people who believed in 'to each his own' and nobody's business but your own. That's not the reality of the world we live in. Legalize all drugs, and you make it virtually impossible to bust a dealer. (if they are clever.) So does that make it more or less available on the street? How well has the medical marijuana been regulated, Damo? In this area, I am told it has driven the price up because it is so plentiful, no one is fooling with the cheaper Mexican pot anymore. The second you legalize it, you have legitimized it, you have given the big old stamp of approval to it, and the number of people who will then be inclined to DO IT... will RISE! Regulations are formalities the junkies find ways around rather quickly, and that is what you'd see happen across America. 20 years from now, you'll realize it maybe wasn't so smart to open Pandora's Drug Box... but then we'll have a bigger problem.
you might be that stupid dixie, so cause a few 17 yeard olds might grow it. Is a reason to keep spending billions to keep it illegal. Why don't you compare the cost to society vs beer and cigarettes, is it your redneck upbriging that likes jailing people?
Umm the same way you would regulate alcohol and other stuff? Dixie it's not a difficult concept to follow. Good pot (i.e. what people want to smoke) requires a bit more than 'throwing some seeds in the ground'. It's the same reason kids in America don't drink aftershave or Listerine or Vanilla extract to get drunk. Because, while those things have alcohol and no age limit to purchase any of them, only desperate alcoholics would ever consider drinking them.

One thing people should consider is the innovation of 20oz and 30oz pop at the store. It contains less volume at greater cost than the full 2 liter bottles, and yet it sells better. This is because it is much more convenient for people who wish to drink it on the go, rather than over dinner or at a party/picnic/BBQ. However, if it is possible for people to "fall" for this marketing scheme when the more cost-effective product is sitting right there in the same store, then it is obvious that Americans are willing to pay for convenience.
kinda funny spend billions cause a few 17 yr olds might grow a plant that makes them laugh and sleepy.

I've enjoyed Jah's herb for 35 yrs and haven't run into 1 person who grows, but I have smoked with literally hundreds. Even at $400 oz it's too easy to buy vs the complexity of growing.
you might be that stupid dixie, so cause a few 17 yeard olds might grow it. Is a reason to keep spending billions to keep it illegal. Why don't you compare the cost to society vs beer and cigarettes, is it your redneck upbriging that likes jailing people?

OK, show me one post that I have made which indicates I want to keep it illegal? What part of DECRIMINALIZE do you NOT understand? You see, dumbshit... you are still trying to have an argument with me that I am not having. You want me to be an uptight bible-thumping stereotype, because your bigoted mind tells you that must be who I am! I have not argued that pot is worse than beer or cigarettes or the cost to society is higher or lower. I have suggested there are very good reasons not to fully legalize pot and turn it into a commercial product, and this is why a majority of Americans oppose legalization. However, I think a powerful and plausible case can be made for decriminalization, which most Americans would support. In essence, I believe in a realistic solution to this problem, call it a compromise, hell...call me a 'moderate'... my position is far more likely to succeed than yours.
Dixtard, you calling it poison with the bullshit half assessed decrim call. Decrim would make it 1,000 times more available to kids than legalization.
Actually I prefer decrim myself because the tabacco comapanies will more in and Wallmart the product.

I'm not getting, nor is anyone else how decrim is going to affect kids less.

That said, decrim is a very moderate stance for a conservative so Kudo's to you for that.
Dixtard, you calling it poison with the bullshit half assessed decrim call. Decrim would make it 1,000 times more available to kids than legalization.
Actually I prefer decrim myself because the tabacco comapanies will more in and Wallmart the product.

I'm not getting, nor is anyone else how decrim is going to affect kids less.

That said, decrim is a very moderate stance for a conservative so Kudo's to you for that.
First of all, I never literally called pot 'poison' ...I used the word figuratively... like 'name your poison!' Secondly, if you want to get technical, any ingestion of smoke is poisonous to humans. Thirdly, there was nothing 'half-assed' about my call to decriminalize, I think it's a huge waste of taxpayer money to go after, prosecute, and imprison pot heads. Fourthly... I'm glad you agree with me on decriminalization, and see the wisdom of doing that instead!
thanks for stating the obvious it's not poison
smoke is bad, but studies show that the cannabinoids fight cancer. this is the reason that cannbis smokers have the same risk profile as non smokers.

Decrim is 1,000 times better than prohibition. Legalization is 1,000 times better than decrim.
thanks for stating the obvious it's not poison
smoke is bad, but studies show that the cannabinoids fight cancer. this is the reason that cannbis smokers have the same risk profile as non smokers.

Decrim is 1,000 times better than prohibition. Legalization is 1,000 times better than decrim.

Well I won't get into the silliness of what is 1000x better than what, or the studies on pot, because both are pointless. You can have whatever opinion you choose on that, we just need to agree it's not best to keep it as it is, and decriminalizing is the most pragmatic way to improve that situation.
Well I won't get into the silliness of what is 1000x better than what, or the studies on pot, because both are pointless. You can have whatever opinion you choose on that, we just need to agree it's not best to keep it as it is, and decriminalizing is the most pragmatic way to improve that situation.

that sir is 100% sound and both parties would be a hell of a lot more moral if they shared your take.
Good on Ya,
my bad I meant giving kids less access
ie cigs and beer require an ID, corp control and distribution

Right, but as I pointed out earlier, you can't drop a seed behind the barn and grow beer and cigarettes. Pot doesn't ask you for an ID before it grows. I guess an approach you could take to where I am coming from on this, is.... it doesn't matter what we do in terms of legalization, kids can still grow it. We can't regulate that, our only hope as parents is to teach responsibility. Legalizing pot would not be the responsible thing to do. But most who favor legalization, don't have kids and don't really care about parenting or examples being set for kids. they just want to get high.
love your decrim take
but your projecting, granted my kids are just out of college now but I damn sure didn't want them going to jail over pot.
I smoked a lot of pot in the 70's as did near a majority of public school kids with zero negative affects. There are still way to many buying the snake oil of refer madness.
love your decrim take
but your projecting, granted my kids are just out of college now but I damn sure didn't want them going to jail over pot.
I smoked a lot of pot in the 70's as did near a majority of public school kids with zero negative affects. There are still way to many buying the snake oil of refer madness.

But things were much different before Nixon's War on Drugs was in full swing, it didn't used to be a felony. If your kid got busted with a joint, you got a phone call from the cops..that was about it. Now, it's a felony record that follows you the rest of your life. There is a difference between an uptight parent who doesn't want his/her child to experience new things, and a parent who is trying to steer an adolescent to adulthood without fucking themselves up for life.
It is my opinion that if we want to keep kids off drugs, prohibition is the worst way to go about it.

Prohibition simply creates a black market full of the least moral among us willing to sell to any age. Nobody checked IDs back when I was in HS when they sold you marijuana, cocaine, speed, anything that was from the black market. It was always more difficult to get beer than drugs as the dealers were simply kids at school, it was easily obtainable while we had to convince somebody in their majority to purchase alcohol for us... While there were some loser young adults who couldn't find anybody in their own age group to hang with and were stuck in HS mentality who would occasionally buy some for us, it was always easy to go hand a fiver for some weed to your "friend" and walk away with a nickel-bag...

If you want kids to have a hard time obtaining it, allow for adults to buy it under some serious regulation with some serious consequences for providing any of it to minors. You'll begin a walk towards a more realistic future where fewer people are under the influence of drugs. It would have been far more difficult to convince me to smoke anything if I actually had to wait until I was 18 or 21 before I could buy it. It would be the same for our current youth.

I guess that's a good start on my opinion, I'll explain more as there are questions. Basically my opinion is we should legalize and regulate all drugs so that it isn't so easy to obtain them, especially for children.

A very good point well made. I would add that criminalisation of drugs hands street gangs significant income, funding gang warfare. At least in GB, that is, but I would assume the same in the US?
Right, but as I pointed out earlier, you can't drop a seed behind the barn and grow beer and cigarettes. Pot doesn't ask you for an ID before it grows. I guess an approach you could take to where I am coming from on this, is.... it doesn't matter what we do in terms of legalization, kids can still grow it. We can't regulate that, our only hope as parents is to teach responsibility. Legalizing pot would not be the responsible thing to do. But most who favor legalization, don't have kids and don't really care about parenting or examples being set for kids. they just want to get high.

On the contrary Dixie. I have children and would rather they live in a world where drug income doesn't fuel gang warfare but rather the exchequer.