Honestly they don't. Dealers grow it, people don't generally grow their own.
Very few dealers actually grow it, they usually have a supplier. A lot of people, especially in the rural areas, do grow their own.
You are again stuck on Marijuana. IMO, this should be for all of them. Meth is easily available to Junior High School kids, the dealers are just as young... Cocaine, crack, ecstasy laced with poison, no controls at all because the only people who do sell it are the lowest of our society without any compunction about selling it to your first grader...
I see it sold more like alcohol, behind a line, only allow those old enough in there, and create laws that will make even the stupidest 21 year old moron who can't get a girlfriend his age pause before handing it over.
I'm sorry, I'm not "stuck on marijuana" ...it's the topic of the conversation, I thought. So let me see if I understand you here Damo... you want to legalize all drugs and then apply governmental regulation to keep them out of the hands of young people..... because that has worked so well with alcohol and tobacco...Right? Legal or illegal, kids are going to find a way to get it and smoke it. There is not a way to completely stop that from happening, it's just a reality of how young people behave. Legalizing pot effectively tells our youth that this is acceptable and okay...you just can't do it 'cause you're a kid! I think this would probably serve to encourage use rather than curtail it.
Worrying about people who would grow their own marijuana with the serious problem we have and how our laws make it so easy for kids to get the drugs is silliness.
Legalizing pot wouldn't change a thing about how kids get illegal drugs. It might actually make it easier! And I am not "worried about" people growing their own pot... is that how you interpreted my point? I simply tried to get you to understand how 'legalize and regulate' would not work as well for pot as it does for alcohol. Now let's just be candidly honest here... which would a typical 17 yr old be more likely to be able to do... distill their own liquor, or grow a pot plant? Yeah... I know they COULD distill... the point is, which one do you think would be
easier for the 17 yr. old to do? Not a difficult question, is it Damo?
Do that with marijuana, I'm good with that. However my argument isn't solely for marijuana. I can't stress this enough. This thread is not about legalizing marijuana, it is about decriminalizing (as we did with alcohol) and regulating the crap out of all drugs.
Well, this is why you are a libertarian pinhead and I'm not. I don't believe our society can handle the personal responsibility of libertarianism. I wish we could... I wish we could all be responsible well-rounded libertarian people who believed in 'to each his own' and nobody's business but your own. That's not the reality of the world we live in. Legalize all drugs, and you make it virtually impossible to bust a dealer. (if they are clever.) So does that make it more or less available on the street? How well has the medical marijuana been regulated, Damo? In this area, I am told it has driven the price up because it is so plentiful, no one is fooling with the cheaper Mexican pot anymore. The second you legalize it, you have legitimized it, you have given the big old stamp of approval to it, and the number of people who will then be inclined to DO IT... will RISE! Regulations are formalities the junkies find ways around rather quickly, and that is what you'd see happen across America. 20 years from now, you'll realize it maybe wasn't so smart to open Pandora's Drug Box... but then we'll have a bigger problem.