Drunk Driving lesson for Paris and other drunks


Junior Member
When your drunk and need to get home after a long night of boozing or partying it up, here are a few guides to help you get to your destination.

1. 10 & 2... ALWAYS unless in regard to #2

2. Smoke lots of cigarettes as this helps to get the smell of alcohol from your breath. if you don't smoke or hate smoking, your drunk, youll forget it in the morning, i reccomend newports b/c they are strong and minty. Chewing gum or sucking on a hard candy will also help but should be used in conjuction w/ the cigarettes.

3. Drive teh speed limit. this is how most get caught is that they feel invincible and speed. you don't want to give the cop any reason to pull you over. to appear not suspicious you may drive up to 5 miles over the speed limit. if the speed limit is 65 on the highway, go 70, BUT NOT OVER 70!!!

4. Wear your seatbelt, its important to be safe, even if your drunk driving. and another reason how not to get pulled over

5. Don't use your cell phone, studies show that talking on the phone while driving is equivalent to being drunk, but your already drunk, so don't wanna be double drunk!!

6. If your too drunk to see straight, follow the line to your left and if necessary drive with one eye closed so you don't see double.

follow these rules while drunk and youll never get a dui.
When your drunk and need to get home after a long night of boozing or partying it up, here are a few guides to help you get to your destination.

1. 10 & 2... ALWAYS unless in regard to #2

2. Smoke lots of cigarettes as this helps to get the smell of alcohol from your breath. if you don't smoke or hate smoking, your drunk, youll forget it in the morning, i reccomend newports b/c they are strong and minty. Chewing gum or sucking on a hard candy will also help but should be used in conjuction w/ the cigarettes.

3. Drive teh speed limit. this is how most get caught is that they feel invincible and speed. you don't want to give the cop any reason to pull you over. to appear not suspicious you may drive up to 5 miles over the speed limit. if the speed limit is 65 on the highway, go 70, BUT NOT OVER 70!!!

4. Wear your seatbelt, its important to be safe, even if your drunk driving. and another reason how not to get pulled over

5. Don't use your cell phone, studies show that talking on the phone while driving is equivalent to being drunk, but your already drunk, so don't wanna be double drunk!!

6. If your too drunk to see straight, follow the line to your left and if necessary drive with one eye closed so you don't see double.

follow these rules while drunk and youll never get a dui.

Hate to put a damper on your diatribe...but hey most DUI's get pulled over for driving way to slow! Along with hitting other vehicles...and barriers along the way...just food for thought from a former LE guy!...But hey I know nothing...lol
I suggest just not driving. None of these will gaurantee you not to get a DUI. Only not driving will.

And then, don't even get near your vehicle as well. When I got a DUI I wasn't driving, didn't plan on driving, and the keys were inside the house I was sleeping in front of... don't assume you are ever safe.

If you get in an accident and kill my child. I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death. You have no right to endanger my family.
For us non silver spoon types employers look upon DUI's in a very poor light....
The only way to not get caught DUI is to not do it.

Time will tell on Rob.
LMOA @ Rob.

"follow these rules while drunk and youll never get a dui."

Scared of Damo at the moment:

" I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death."

For us non silver spoon types employers look upon DUI's in a very poor light....
The only way to not get caught DUI is to not do it.

Time will tell on Rob.

I like a beer or two from time to time...but if I plan on driving,boating,flying or ATVin I drink coke with a lime twist...not rocket science...just responsibility on a 'adults' part!
LMOA @ Rob.

"follow these rules while drunk and youll never get a dui."

Scared of Damo at the moment:

" I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death."
That's my kid I was talking about. Wait until you have one, you will understand the sentiment.
I suggest just not driving. None of these will gaurantee you not to get a DUI. Only not driving will.

And then, don't even get near your vehicle as well. When I got a DUI I wasn't driving, didn't plan on driving, and the keys were inside the house I was sleeping in front of... don't assume you are ever safe.

If you get in an accident and kill my child. I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death. You have no right to endanger my family.

Whoa, ok. Ouch.

I understand the sentiment though.
Remember if you are driving drunk and in an accident and someone dies it is often now manslaughter, not just DUI.
I like a beer or two from time to time...but if I plan on driving,boating,flying or ATVin I drink coke with a lime twist...not rocket science...just responsibility on a 'adults' part!

Yeah, but, if there were a law against posting while drunk, you'd be doing a life sentence.

Yeah, but, if there were a law against posting while drunk, you'd be doing a life sentence.

Because you differ from me in a political sense...you accuse me of posting while "Drunk" pa-lease can you libs come up with a new line...or is your brain to fried to comprehend...????;) Go play with Paris!
Nope. I don't drive drunk and I'm not killing any child, so you didn't scare me. And I do understand the sentiment.

Well, that's what I was planningon doing this weekend, but it looks like maybe I'll put those plans on hold.
Because you differ from me in a political sense...you accuse me of posting while "Drunk" pa-lease can you libs come up with a new line...or is your brain to fried to comprehend...????;) Go play with Paris!

LOL, new line? You've been told this on numerous of other occassions?

LOL, new line? You've been told this on numerous of other occassions?

Lady T and Darla...the lib drunks of the board...what is that old saying...Oh yeah...'Kettle calling the pot Black!' In other words girls ya speak the truth...but attach it to others...need I say more...now go have a wine cooler with Paris and cool your heels! Then again maybe ya smoke a little crack or pot or...whatever!
Lady T and Darla...the lib drunks of the board...what is that old saying...Oh yeah...'Kettle calling the pot Black!' In other words girls ya speak the truth...but attach it to others...need I say more...now go have a wine cooler with Paris and cool your heels! Then again maybe ya smoke a little crack or pot or...whatever!

Please stop trying to be funny. Somehow it doesn't really work when you do it. And I don't mind being made fun of when its genuinely funny. This doesn't even make sense.

Way to ruin a perfectly funny thread.
I suggest just not driving. None of these will gaurantee you not to get a DUI. Only not driving will.

And then, don't even get near your vehicle as well. When I got a DUI I wasn't driving, didn't plan on driving, and the keys were inside the house I was sleeping in front of... don't assume you are ever safe.

If you get in an accident and kill my child. I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death. You have no right to endanger my family.

but would you be mad at bush sending yoru daughter to die in a liar war?
Truth hurt eh'...

Please stop trying to be funny. Somehow it doesn't really work when you do it. And I don't mind being made fun of when its genuinely funny. This doesn't even make sense.

Way to ruin a perfectly funny thread.

I wasn't being funny...you came across as a Darla supporter and were trying to hide support with your so called humor...nice try!:rolleyes:
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