Drunk Driving lesson for Paris and other drunks

I really can't follow BB. I read something about Me & Darla, girlz gone wild, flashing b0 0bs, mommy/daddy, s ex, doggie pile, et cetera..............

This guy's a joke......but not because he's funny.......but because he's pretty transparent.
I think it all comes down to this: he's drunk and wants to imagine that Tiana and I are flashing our breasts at each other.

Conservatives are always masturbating on everyone else's time. It's a thing with them.

lol. Nice visual.

Yep. I told you years ago, that lonely cyber-republicans have a thing for liberal women. But, honestly, I really don't want to think about beetlebornes poorly-disguised cyberlust for LadyT and you. It kind of freaks me out. :shock:
And here comes the Lib Cavalry...lol

Dude, I can't even understand you. Can you try writing in coherent english? Or, can you at least wait to start drinking until late afternoon?

Did not 'Gunny' straighten your sorry ass out in another thread...where you called me out...and Gunny set ya straight...ya are the fool of fools..but hey maybe Darla and Lady T turn ya on...good luck idiot..forgive the name callin' but thats about y'all understand!;)
bush's war is illegal, but i don't see him sitting in a jail cell and his war sure as hell produced victims.....
It isn't illegal, however much you and I may dislike it, the Congress voted to authorize that thing and people choose to go and to join. The difference being adults making decisions for themselves over you making a decision for a nine year old down to three... What gives you the right to make a decision to place even my wife in danger single-handedly?

I really can't follow BB. I read something about Me & Darla, girlz gone wild, flashing b0 0bs, mommy/daddy, s ex, doggie pile, et cetera..............

This guy's a joke......but not because he's funny.......but because he's pretty transparent.

Someday ya will grow up...we all do..then again libs seem to never grow up...a sorry state of affairs...carry on with Cippie et al...:rolleyes:
It isn't illegal, however much you and I may dislike it, the Congress voted to authorize that thing and people choose to go and to join. The difference being adults making decisions for themselves over you making a decision for a nine year old down to three... What gives you the right to make a decision to place even my wife in danger single-handedly?
Each time you get behind the wheel inebriated, it has much the same effect as shooting a gun into the air. The bullets come back down, and you have no idea where they'll hit. Show some responsibility towards others, put some value on the lives you can effect with your affected driving.
Each time you get behind the wheel inebriated, it has much the same effect as shooting a gun into the air. The bullets come back down, and you have no idea where they'll hit. Show some responsibility towards others, put some value on the lives you can effect with your affected driving.

I agree.

But I think Rob just posts this stuff to upset people, because he enjoys inciting reactions. I don't think he really drives drunk, do you?
I agree.

But I think Rob just posts this stuff to upset people, because he enjoys inciting reactions. I don't think he really drives drunk, do you?
I do. Mostly because I have acquaintances that say much the same stuff, in the same tone. They won't realize the flaw in their reasoning until they are going to prison after their arrest.
It isn't illegal, however much you and I may dislike it, the Congress voted to authorize that thing and people choose to go and to join. The difference being adults making decisions for themselves over you making a decision for a nine year old down to three... What gives you the right to make a decision to place even my wife in danger single-handedly?

Bull$hit it wasn't illegal. We were not granted authority by the UN Charter and the last time I checked the US is bound by treaties it signs.
I do. Mostly because I have acquaintances that say much the same stuff, in the same tone. They won't realize the flaw in their reasoning until they are going to prison after their arrest.

Wow, ok.

I guess Paris is far from being alone in needing to be taught a lesson about consequences.

I do. Mostly because I have acquaintances that say much the same stuff, in the same tone. They won't realize the flaw in their reasoning until they are going to prison after their arrest.

You were a 'first reponder' speaking from experience...as I also was...will it never end with the libs making excuses and callin' us all 'first responders' the cause of all the worlds problemos...probably not but the fight must continue...:cool:
I suggest just not driving. None of these will gaurantee you not to get a DUI. Only not driving will.

And then, don't even get near your vehicle as well. When I got a DUI I wasn't driving, didn't plan on driving, and the keys were inside the house I was sleeping in front of... don't assume you are ever safe.

If you get in an accident and kill my child. I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death. You have no right to endanger my family.

" I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death."

I think we've found our "interogator", if we ever do capture a terrorist who knows where a nuke is going to be exploded in New York City.
Bull$hit it wasn't illegal. We were not granted authority by the UN Charter and the last time I checked the US is bound by treaties it signs.

Bingo. You're right.

It was illegal. It's just that it hasn't been adjudicated in any world court. And probably never will be.

Uber-war hawk Richard Perle even admitted it was an illegal invasion. Remember?
Bingo. You're right.

It was illegal. It's just that it hasn't been adjudicated in any world court. And probably never will be.

Uber-war hawk Richard Perle even admitted it was an illegal invasion. Remember?

Preachin' to the choir hun.
Hey Damo....

Can you also see the pattern here...the threads always go to 'conservative bashing'...it always appears as if libs are stuck like a broken record..I sure hope it is not just me who sees this!;)
Can you also see the pattern here...the threads always go to 'conservative bashing'...it always appears as if libs are stuck like a broken record..I sure hope it is not just me who sees this!;)

Ahh yes reminds me of how the cons acted prior to Bush's downfall a year or so ago.
But the libs are not so mean about it.

Why do you hate America ?

Why do you support terrorism ?

unpatrotic, freedom fries, etc...
Bull$hit it wasn't illegal. We were not granted authority by the UN Charter and the last time I checked the US is bound by treaties it signs.
We never signed that we would never go to war without permission from the UN. However, the wording of that inane "Serious Consequences" more than gives them wiggle room for that. The US did not give up their sovereignty in this matter to the UN, even in the charter. It is one of the reasons they have veto power.
Can you also see the pattern here...the threads always go to 'conservative bashing'...it always appears as if libs are stuck like a broken record..I sure hope it is not just me who sees this!;)

To some degree I do feel like a broken record. I've been warning everyone within an earshot about Bush since 2000 and I've been warning people about this war since 2002. Everything I've said about Bush & his policies have turned out to be true despite the conservative movement to put their fingers in their ears and be the apologist sheep they've been bread to be.

Once again: Operation Iraqi Freedom is an illegal war that will ultimately undermind the misnomered "war on terror". The WOT is not something that will be won with military might, only intelligence. Its not a war, but rather a heightened state of awareness and a measure of our nation's ability to obtain as much information on those that wish to do us harm.

Until we get someone in office that understands that, we're sitting ducks.
" I will find you, tie you up, and peel your skin off section by section as I watch you scream your way to death."

I think we've found our "interogator", if we ever do capture a terrorist who knows where a nuke is going to be exploded in New York City.
LOL. Only if my kid is in NYC. But I have little doubt we will never find such a creature anywhere nearby me.