Due to a severe increase in Teachers having affairs with their Students

It's unbelievable, isn't it? Many months back, I got a one week ban for far less. I had the NERVE to say that I thought the subject matter pertaining to 12b was immoral and evil. And yes, I actually got a ONE WEEK BAN for this. I wasn't profane OR vulgar, I just stated how I, and ANY other good and moral person, feels. If you or I had started a thread like the way THIS one started, we'd get AT LEAST a one week ban. The hypocrisy by some is astounding.

I have no idea what specifically you did to get banned, and please do not tell us. I am giving you some advice I would give someone on any point in the spectrum, MOVE ON!!! Maybe you were unfairly treated (and maybe not), but playing it out over and over again is just going to mess you up.
I have no idea what specifically you did to get banned, and please do not tell us. I am giving you some advice I would give someone on any point in the spectrum, MOVE ON!!! Maybe you were unfairly treated (and maybe not), but playing it out over and over again is just going to mess you up.
Why would you be giving forum "advice"?
How do you know it was "moved"?

Look at the top of the page:
"Forum • Off Topic Forums • Off Topic Forum • Due to a severe increase in Teachers having affairs with their Students"
It used to say:
"Forum • Political Forums • Current Events Forum • Due to a severe increase in Teachers having affairs with their Students"

The moderator moved this from the current events forum to the off topic forum. I am not commenting on whether that was a correct move, just that it happened. So go ahead, lodge a bunch of complaints that I said the thread has been moved, when clearly it has been moved.

It is amazing how "sensitive" the Alt Right suddenly gets.
Look at the top of the page:
"Forum • Off Topic Forums • Off Topic Forum • Due to a severe increase in Teachers having affairs with their Students"
It used to say:
"Forum • Political Forums • Current Events Forum • Due to a severe increase in Teachers having affairs with their Students"

The moderator moved this from the current events forum to the off topic forum. I am not commenting on whether that was a correct move, just that it happened. So go ahead, lodge a bunch of complaints that I said the thread has been moved, when clearly it has been moved.

It is amazing how "sensitive" the Alt Right suddenly gets.
I think the "sensitive one" is the one who noticed it was moved;):laugh:
Why would I complain?
Why would you be giving forum "advice"?

You mean -- like you do constantly? Hey, Kettle, how's it going? Just fine, Pot TOP, and you? :laugh:

Hopefully you and your boytoy have reported Walt and this entire thread. It IS what you live for, after all.
It is actually a Christian terminology. Traditionally Christians call each other brother and sister. The Romans felt that indicated incest, but not really.

Not really. For the majority of the black community, why they do it was explained. You can either accept the explanation or deny facts.