DUI checkpoints and 'no refusal' weekends

mandatory blood draws, are they constitutional?

  • No, it violates my rights as a person

    Votes: 24 88.9%
  • yes, they are clearly constitutional

    Votes: 3 11.1%

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Prohibition Jokes and Quotes: Not Politically Correct
Background of Prohibition Jokes
Prohibition jokes and quotes reflect social sentiment. They can also influence it. During the early years of Prohibition (1920-1933) in the U.S. some theaters banned prohibition jokes, ridicule, or sarcasm. Many newspapers did the same. Even many popular fiction and crime story writers were affected by the political correctness. They had to eliminate all drinking from their narratives. (Also see Drinking Jokes.)

See Also
Prohibition Trivia
Bar Trivia
Beer Trivia
Liquor Trivia
Wine Trivia
Alcohol and the Body Trivia
Alcohol Word Trivia
However, it’s impossible to stop people from drinking. And it’s impossible to prevent people from making jokes and observations. This list illustrates that fact.

During Prohibition it was said tailors would ask customers what size pockets they wanted, pint or quart.
-Will Rogers
At first, I thought prohibition was a good thing. People were drinking more and having a lot more fun. Without beer, prohibition doesn’t work!
-Homer Simpson
Why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did, in five years Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth.
-Will Rogers
You can’t seriously want to ban alcohol. It tastes great, makes women appear more attractive, and makes a person virtually invulnerable to criticism.
-Mayor Quimby of The Simpsons
A man had a bottle in his back pocket. When he fell down, he heard something break. Then he realized the back of his pants were wet. Before looking to see what it was, he said, “I sure hope that’s blood.”-W.C. Fields
Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.
-W.C. Fields
Prohibition is better than no liquor at all.
-Will Rogers
Prohibition makes you want to cry into your beer and denies you the beer to cry into.
-Don Marquis
A prohibitionist is the sort of man one couldn’t care to drink with, even if he drank.
-H.L. Mencken
A farmer had still on his property and took a wagonload of white lightning into town. His neighbor wanted to know why he was going so slowly on the way. The farmer said he could charge more if his product was “aged”.
-H.L. Mencken
When I sell liquor, it’s called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it on Lake Shore Drive, it’s called hospitality. -Al Capone
Having prohibition was the best decision ever……bar none.
There’d never been a more advantageous time to be a criminal in America than during the 13 years of Prohibition. At a stroke, the American government closed down the fifth largest industry in the United States – alcohol production – and just handed it to criminals – a pretty remarkable thing to do.
-Bill Bryson
Prohibition is the trigger of crime.
-Ian Fleming, Goldfinger
Prohibition has made nothing but trouble.
-Al Capone
The prohibition law, written for weaklings and derelicts, has divided the nation, like Gaul, into three parts…wets, drys, and hypocrites.
-Florence Sabin
Alcohol didn’t cause the high crime of the ‘20s and ‘30s, Prohibition did.
-James Carringer Paine
Our country has deliberately undertaken a great social and economic experiment, noble in motive and far- reaching in purpose.
-Herbert Hoover
Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.
-Abraham Lincoln
I believe strongly that such a law as one prohibiting liquor is foolish, and all the writers, keenly interested in human welfare whom I know, laugh at the prohibition law.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Making prohibition work is like making water run uphill; it’s against nature.
-Milton Friedman
For every prohibition you create, you also create an underground.
-Jello Biafra
Prohibitions create the desire they were intended to cure.
-Lawrence Durrell
Communism is like prohibition, it is a good idea, but it won’t work. -Will Rogers
It is the prohibition that makes anything precious.– Mark Twain
Every general prohibition creates its bootleggers.–Robert A. Heinlein
Prohibition is an attempted cure that makes matters worse.
– Milton Friedman
Resources on Prohibition Jokes and Quotes
Keith’s Bars Jokes Aimed at Prohibition. Half of the Acts in Vaudeville Houses Affected by New Order. New York Times, Aug 12, 1922, p. 10.

Leacock, S. My Remarkable Uncle. NY: Dodd-Mead, 1944, p. 122.

Fun Facts & Myths about Alcohol and Drinking
Fun Facts & Myths about Alcohol and Drinking
Prohibition Trivia: Fun Trivia about National Prohibition in the U.S.
Prohibition Trivia: Fun Trivia about National Prohibition in the U.S.
Alcohol Trivia Resources (& Links to Alcohol Trivia)
Alcohol Trivia Resources (& Links to Alcohol Trivia)
Alcohol Fun Facts Prohibition
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Written and edited by:
Prof. David J. Hanson, Ph.D.

Sociology Department
State University of New York
Potsdam, NY 13676

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The founders are irrelevant to the conversation here. The Constitution of the United States is the fact at hand in this argument. It is the only reference to the Constitution of the United States. He is trying to use the founders as the reference of the Constitution of the United States. It is a false authority.

that's pretty much what i've been telling the idiot............he can't produce the words of the founders, thus they are irrelevant
WRONG. The Supreme Court does NOT have authority of any kind over the Constitution. They cannot interpret it or change it. They MUST operate UNDER the Constitution. They may rule on laws of Congress, actions by the President, etc.; but they MUST conform to the Constitution when doing so. They cannot interpret the Constitution itself.

The States, own the Constitution of the United States. They are the only ones that have the authority to interpret it or change it. Each State is in turn a republic. Each State also has a constitution. The owners of THOSE constitutions are the people of that State. Only those people have the authority to interpret or change those constitutions. The States represent the people. Thus, the people of each State are the ones to have final say over anything in the Constitution of the United States. They do so through their various States.

Thus, the United States is not an oligarchy ruled over by the Supreme Court (or anyone else). It is not a democracy. It is a federated republic (layers of constitutions).

See Article III of the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court MUST operate UNDER the Constitution. It has NO authority over it.


What a fucking clown.
WRONG. The Constitution says so. You are denying the Constitution by adding stuff to it that isn't there. There were no cars in the 1700's. The Constitution does not address drunk driving at all. See the 10th amendment. The topic is about sobriety checkpoints, not drunk driving.
Presentism fallacy. Redefinition fallacy (void<->Constitution of the United States). Strawman fallacy. Redirection fallacy and fixation.

Fake and laughable fallacies.


He is making a false equivalence. The problem is that he is using the assumption that a driver MIGHT be drunk to stop ALL drivers (including those that are not drunk). Thus, he is justifying interfering with a legal activity to stop an illegal activity.

This kind of thinking is what creates the so-called justification for gun control laws, the TSA making people take off their shoes and searching their luggage, implementing laws that punish everyone for the act of a single person, etc.

Such thinking is itself a fallacy, known as the attempted force of negative proof fallacy. In simpler terms, a man is guilty until proven innocent. This fallacy is a dangerous one. It starts wars.

Stops are legal. Reasonable searches. 1990 SCOTUS. 6-3
There was no reason to stop the car or suspect drunk driving. The amount of alcohol the passenger drank is inconsequential. It is legal to get shitfaced.

Since you weren't there, you can't make the determination of whether or not there was a reason. All you have to go on is the word of a whiner and his friend, that although admittedly too drunk to drive, is supposedly coherent enough to make a rational decision.