Dump wants to execute drug dealers.........

Every time he gets caught in his shit he diverts to Black people.

How come racist white men never take responsibility for their actions, but expects everyone else to?

And before anyone chimes in with their BS, there is not one racist white American who doesn't equate drugs with Black people, especially young Black males....they call them "corner boys".

He was speaking to his base that was in the room with him, all white, all racist and all violent. They cheered him on.

I'm sure Trump will find a way to blame Black People for the opioid epidemic ...
yeah, Just say No. that works huh? Nancy Reagans idea.

Throughout American history we have always been wrong about how to handle the drug problem. Now we have a far worse problem than the old days of weed. Doctors over prescribed pain killers. It was easy, easy big money. the drug companies paid doctors off to keep doing it. Then when we finally recognized the damage we we were doing, we made doctors stop giving them after awhile. But the patients were addicted. They discovered they could satisfy their needs with crack and heroin. This mess was created by doctors and Pharm. They should pay for the treatment facilities.

Just Say No was an idea. It involved those having the choice of to use or not to use were at the heart of it. That people couldn't say no isn't a failure on anyone's part but those choosing yes.
I'm sure black people affected by it will find a way to blame white people.

And I am sure you will blame blacks as you look around your neighborhood and discover many addicted people. Opioids have crossed the lines into white, suburban and rich areas. Think Rush Limburger is black? How about poor? I am sure white people will find a way to blame blacks....oops. CFM already did.
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And I am sure you will blame blacks as you look around your neighborhood and discover many addicted people. Opioids have crossed the lines into white, suburban and rich areas. Think Rush Limburger is black? How about poor? I am sure white people will find a way to blame blacks....oops. CFM already did.

There aren't any blacks in my neighborhood.

Entitlement minded blacks blame white people for anything at which they fail. They have bastard babies at a 75% rate and they blame white people. Black unemployment is higher than any other racial/ethnic group and they blame white people. The dropout rate is higher and they blame white people. The incarceration rate is significantly higher and they blame white people. 1 in every 3 1/2 is one food stamps and they blame white people.

Don't believe me? When terms such as "white privilege" are used, it's an excuse and blame being directed at someone else. When affirmative action is supported, it's an excuse and blame being directed at someone else.

I'm sure you can think of some more excuses for failures in the black community . . . Wait, you already have.
Every time he gets caught in his shit he diverts to Black people.

How come racist white men never take responsibility for their actions, but expects everyone else to?

And before anyone chimes in with their BS, there is not one racist white American who doesn't equate drugs with Black people, especially young Black males....they call them "corner boys".

He was speaking to his base that was in the room with him, all white, all racist and all violent. They cheered him on.

No source? Where's the video? Am I gonna hafta call :bs:?
There aren't any blacks in my neighborhood.

Entitlement minded blacks blame white people for anything at which they fail. They have bastard babies at a 75% rate and they blame white people. Black unemployment is higher than any other racial/ethnic group and they blame white people. The dropout rate is higher and they blame white people. The incarceration rate is significantly higher and they blame white people. 1 in every 3 1/2 is one food stamps and they blame white people.

Don't believe me? When terms such as "white privilege" are used, it's an excuse and blame being directed at someone else. When affirmative action is supported, it's an excuse and blame being directed at someone else.

I'm sure you can think of some more excuses for failures in the black community . . . Wait, you already have.

Try and keep up. The opioid crisis is in the suburbs. Even your special white one. It is not just the "others" who are addicted. The only one blaming a specific race is you. But this crisis was created by doctors and the over use of prescription pain killers. It was abetted by PHARMa who bribed and pushed doctors top overprescribe. Want to get the pushers, start with them. Yeah, blame the blacks. It is what bigots do.
No one forced the addicts to take it.

Not how it works. You get pain killers for sore backs, root canals, and general operations and injuries. Doctors prescribe them. But they were overprescribing. Opioids are addictive. That is how it starts. That is how you will become an opioid user. Unless you already are. Now that law sees the problem they stop doctors from continuing opioids. too late, they are addicted and cut loose. So many move to crack and heroine. That is cheaper and works as well. But starting with doctors and legal use,is how it got into suburbs and small towns across the country.

If Trump executes drug dealers, we will need more doctors, And Big PHARM will have to be replaced.
Not how it works. You get pain killers for sore backs, root canals, and general operations and injuries. Doctors prescribe them. But they were overprescribing. Opioids are addictive. That is how it starts. That is how you will become an opioid user. Unless you already are. Now that law sees the problem they stop doctors from continuing opioids. too late, they are addicted and cut loose. So many move to crack and heroine. That is cheaper and works as well. But starting with doctors and legal use,is how it got into suburbs and small towns across the country.

If Trump executes drug dealers, we will need more doctors, And Big PHARM will have to be replaced.

Exactly how it works. NO ONE forces a person to take anything. If the person takes it, it's because the person chose to take it.

Where does the concept of personal responsibility come in for the one TAKING the medicine?
Exactly how it works. NO ONE forces a person to take anything. If the person takes it, it's because the person chose to take it.

Where does the concept of personal responsibility come in for the one TAKING the medicine?

Still proud of your stupidity, aren't you? This will be difficult for you to comprehend, like nearly everything is, but people assume their doctors have expertise and they trust them. They follow their doctors instructions.If doc says take these until they are gone, you do that. Well not you. You tell the doctor what to do. And all Americans should be judged by your special case. But it is not a character weakness to take what the doctor prescribes.
How many white? Your point.How many Latinos?

When the topic of social policy comes-up in this country, the media and political establishment tend to only examine the data as it relates to blacks. That tendency has affected how the rest of us discuss social issues.
Still proud of your stupidity, aren't you? This will be difficult for you to comprehend, like nearly everything is, but people assume their doctors have expertise and they trust them. They follow their doctors instructions.If doc says take these until they are gone, you do that. Well not you. You tell the doctor what to do. And all Americans should be judged by your special case. But it is not a character weakness to take what the doctor prescribes.

You are correct, not me. I had knee surgery several years ago and the doctor prescribed a narcotic for pain. I took it for two days realizing I didn't the like the way it made me feel. OTC pain relievers, if I took anything at all, did the job just fine.

I don't expect anyone to be judged by what I did. I'm not a special case, either. Perhaps I'm just smarter.

Bush/cheney is living high on the hog rat now!

but "corner boys" selling a 5.00 sack of weed......well they must die.

Do they even still sell drugs on the corner? I doubt they do.

It's also a shot at CA because we just legalized weed.

This is why you are an idiot; you think it is about selling a $5.00 sack of weed. You really are a low IQ dunce.