Duncan Hunter-Presidential Candidate...


Because I am sick of cippies one sided control of the forum...all lib all the time BS! Go back to the cows and pigs and doggies and cats already!

a yawn is mo betta than lib bs all the time...usc get a grip...ya are really a bore from time to time kissing ass to the mantra...at least consider other aspects of politics!...Then again ya like them there farm critters and all..carry on go find cippie...maybe he can heal a cat or dog or cow while playing on the internet attacking conservs all the time...his clients must be a little concerned though..gee my cat and dog died because the vet needed to address what GW did now..."Think" thats your sig!;)
Bump again...........

sorry but I am sick of debating warner,hillary,gay rights,fred,john,al,and whoever else...time to debate on another potential candidate...diversity is good children!
Pro-Troops Rally, lol, why dont you call it what it really is, a Pro-War Rally. Americans support our troops, but not corporate wars for oil and power. Hunter has as much chance to become president as you do BB.
Thank you....

Pro-Troops Rally, lol, why dont you call it what it really is, a Pro-War Rally. Americans support our troops, but not corporate wars for oil and power. Hunter has as much chance to become president as you do BB.

another opinion from the 'log cabin' side! It appears as if some address the wrong issues all in vain...it is not the war issue at all...just the gay marriage issue...interesting!

side note: I am not running for anything...I am not a millionaire fruitcake...but I will support those whom I admire and respect...up yours crash..and by all means twist the 'cut' to something perverted...as y'all do all the time!
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I'm of the opinion of the 'log cabin' side! It appears as if some address the wrong issues all in vain...it is not the war issue at all...just the gay marriage issue...interesting! I really want to marry my hubby. Too bad the state prevents me.

Sheesh. Keep it to yourself. I see up above you've edited that stuff out, though!
another opinion from the 'log cabin' side! It appears as if some address the wrong issues all in vain...it is not the war issue at all...just the gay marriage issue...interesting!

Gay marriage issue? I never comment on gay anything, except this one.. http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=5243&page=2

I was talking about your confusion, supporting the troops in you mind means supporting Bush's wars for oil and power, support the troops = support the war. Very Orwellian. I said nothing about gays, seems you're focusing a little too much on the gay thing today. Not all on the left give a rats ass about gays.

Pretty funny tho, thinking Duncan (bag-a-donuts) Hunter has a chance to become prez. You should empty you bank account and send him all your money.
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Maybe I should.............

Gay marriage issue? I never comment on gay anything, except this one.. http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=5243&page=2

I was talking about your confusion, supporting the troops in you mind means supporting Bush's wars for oil and power, support the troops = support the war. Very Orwellian. I said nothing about gays, seems you're focusing a little too much on the gay thing today. Not all on the left give a rats ass about gays.

Pretty funny tho, thinking Duncan (bag-a-donuts) Hunter has a chance to become prez. You should empty you bank account and send him all your money.

after all if your ilk wins it really would not matter anyhoo...get the drift?