Duncan Hunter-Presidential Candidate...

I was being polite...don't make me really say what I think...never mind that is irrelavent..back to the cabin with you...Me I am a Moose Party member all the way!

What, don't you think I am thilly too?

I did not know Mooses (or is it Meese?) were gay. But, then Bullwinkle was always hanging out with that squirrel. Another good reason to shoot a moose.

What, don't you think I am thilly too?

I did not know Mooses (or is it Meese?) were gay. But, then Bullwinkle was always hanging out with that squirrel. Another good reason to shoot a moose.

You are admitting to being gay..at least darla had a little class when she came out...
the same cannot be said of your 'Log Cabin' ilk...no wonder straight guys do not shun Lesbians...y'all are weird to say the least!
You are admitting to being gay..at least darla had a little class when she came out...
the same cannot be said of your 'Log Cabin' ilk...no wonder straight guys do not shun Lesbians...y'all are weird to say the least!

You are confused. I am not the one trying to hump Elk and using gay phrases like "silly boy."
'Silly Boy' is a gay phrase?

You are confused. I am not the one trying to hump Elk and using gay phrases like "silly boy."

Thank you so much 'Log Cabin' dude...I was not aware of this...however it must have hit home as you found the need to point it out...back to grammer school with you! and I don't 'hump' elk save that one for cippie the vet...however Elk steaks aren't too bad along with Elk jerky!
Surrrre bb... silly boy, that's as gay as it gets. It can't be said without sounding gay.

Jerky? Look dude, you do what you want but I don't want to hear anymore about your homo bestiality games.

Surrrre bb... silly boy, that's as gay as it gets. It can't be said without sounding gay.

Jerky? Look dude, you do what you want but I don't want to hear anymore about your homo bestiality games.

I turned up the heat and turned the tables and now the 'Log Cabin' dudes/dudetts can't take the heat...ya can dish it, but not take it...nice try but the lesbians are more macho than y'all...truth hurts eh'?:rolleyes:
Water you are one confused minor player....

"Silly boy, get back in the cabin"... lol... why, so you can rape the "silly boy"?

ya think ya are so slick...not...I know what I am doing...if you got caught in the trap...so be it..back out before ya make a total ass out of yourself!;)
Hits the trail September 3,2007 kicking off the Pro-Troop Rally& News Conference in Carson City,Nevada at mills Park 9:00am Duncan will address the crowd at this time and date!

Go Duncan...Ya already have my vote..others will follow soon...


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For once, I find myself in 100% wholehearted agreement with you.

I really do hope Duncan Hunter is the GOP nominee. And that Tom Tancredo is his VP running mate.
I turned up the heat and turned the tables and now the 'Log Cabin' dudes/dudetts can't take the heat...ya can dish it, but not take it...nice try but the lesbians are more macho than y'all...truth hurts eh'?:rolleyes:

Oh, you like the "macho macho man," huh? Were you the Gay Moose in the Village People?