Okay. You want to deny your own argument. How typical.
So you quickly decline to accept my challenge to show proof of what you claim about me.
Those false accusations seems to happen a lot.
Okay. You want to deny your own argument. How typical.
So you quickly decline to accept my challenge to show proof of what you claim about me.
Those false accusations seems to happen a lot.
You got nothing, troll.
Still mindlessly chanting your argument of the Stone, eh?
Still no proof of your allegations troll? You got nothing.
RQAA. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting).
RQAA. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting).
Repetition of a lie. You've shown no proof. Show it or admit you don't have it. Number of fraudulent votes in AZ for Biden. Right here:
Also, no one knows what "stone fallacy" is, and since you're such a lying troll, no one cares ass-clown. You're so weak.
Attempted proof by Stone. RQAA.
You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy. Discard of Identity. LIF.
Actually, I do speak for people who are not socially retarded like you. So, yeah. You're fucked up.
Omniscience fallacy. Insult fallacy. No argument presented. Trolling.
"Members banned from this thread: Jarod, evince, moon, domer76, Nomad, Micawber, ThatOwlWoman, guno, LV426, reagansghost, Poor Richard Saunders, Cinnabar, gemini104104, Walt, AProudLefty, Dutch Uncle, BartenderElite, Concart, martin, Diesel, BidenPresident and LurchAddams"
Enjoy your little right-wing circle-jerk. I'm sure you guys have lots to talk about
I don't have anyone on ignore
Lying fucker!