Early Morning Mistake

As usual, he's stirring the pot. How many times over the years have I seen her refer to you as "Foulwoman" or other pejoratives? Countless.

Thousands, and it still goes on today. Here's a sampling.

(Refers to my story about gunning down innocent pineapples, which she loves to snortle with RB about):

(Refers to my story about driving a stickshift, and also the "clown car" which is from Amazon and how she always refers to me and anyone friendly to me)

(No explanation needed, just a reference to how she thinks everyone is my sock and some were banned but two sets of rules you know so that's why I'm still here. lol)

(Reference to one of my direct replies to one of her claims that no one is posting anything positive about Biden. She's too chickenshit to reply to my face.)


(CP = reference to Goodreads, and a forum she was repeatedly kicked out of)
Thousands, and it still goes on today. Here's a sampling.

(Refers to my story about gunning down innocent pineapples, which she loves to snortle with RB about):

(Refers to my story about driving a stickshift, and also the "clown car" which is from Amazon and how she always refers to me and anyone friendly to me)

(No explanation needed, just a reference to how she thinks everyone is my sock and some were banned but two sets of rules you know so that's why I'm still here. lol)

(Reference to one of my direct replies to one of her claims that no one is posting anything positive about Biden. She's too chickenshit to reply to my face.)


(CP = reference to Goodreads, and a forum she was repeatedly kicked out of)

Here's a good one of her snarking about your college courses.

I never see TOP mentioning Owl. No pet names. No daily diatribe.
Now, conversely, I don't see a day go by without some type of Trumptopian denunciation of TOP by Owl. With a usual Trump tactic of pet name (like 'Toxic')

How would you like your crow, shit-stirrer? Here we have a two-fer, Toxic calling me a drunk and calling Owl a slur based on her studies.

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Originally Posted by christiefan915
:rolleyes: What a bunch of losers, making fun of someone's good fortune and good brain.

Boo(z)hoo, Chrisitiecrite:) I'm just not sure why you are complaining...you never have a word to say when PocohGodless or her lost boyz go out of their way endlessly mock others good fortunes and good brains...career choices, military service, family members, you name it, they mock it....(resulting in the tragic loss of members and an entire village, to their dismay)
So they're losers all, right?
You wouldn't have two different sets of rules for those who post here now, would you now?

Influenced by boredom,
I liberated my "ignore list" this morning.

I regret it already.

The discourse that takes place on this forum, however, is not interaction between real human beings.

It's the interaction of contrived internet characters with silly user names.

JPP is, when all is said and done, a first person shooter video game with words as the only weapons.

I hope that people like PoliTalker are kidding when they claim to be looking for civil discussion.
Coming here for that is like accepting talk radio as a substitute for college.

Anyway, for now, at least, I see all the bullshit that adorns this website again.
It doesn't take long to start another list when that seems necessary again.

Forum is mostly right wingers playing stupid culture war games. I ignore almost all of them.
How would you like your crow, shit-stirrer? Here we have a two-fer, Toxic calling me a drunk and calling Owl a slur based on her studies.

Retired Teacher
Join DateOct 2017Posts30,885Thanks14,411Thanked 10,748 Times in 8,642 PostsGroans111Groaned 889 Times in 839 Posts


Boo(z)hoo, Chrisitiecrite:) I'm just not sure why you are complaining...you never have a word to say when PocohGodless or her lost boyz go out of their way endlessly mock others good fortunes and good brains...career choices, military service, family members, you name it, they mock it....(resulting in the tragic loss of members and an entire village, to their dismay)
So they're losers all, right?
You wouldn't have two different sets of rules for those who post here now, would you now?


Another good catch. These posts ought to give her plenty to bump her kick-me-in-the-face-again "tribute" thread with how she's so admired and obsessed over. :laugh:
I never see TOP mentioning Owl. No pet names. No daily diatribe.
Now, conversely, I don't see a day go by without some type of Trumptopian denunciation of TOP by Owl. With a usual Trump tactic of pet name (like 'Toxic')

"I wanted to make sure that this was the first post this morning, so I didn't post last night...so I hope you'll excuse the late reply... I would bet money that you would be wrong about the magnitude of the personal info posted....actually Rana is the one who saw your intelligent friend Fowl's handiwork first hand...."

"Thanks for the doxxing tutorial...we're all aware of how it works...that's why Fowl had to make their forum secret..."

"And "someone's: account, MAGAt, posted a link in at the beginning of the year to their thread with Fowl's special handiwork..."

"Of course, you can ask Fowl...she'll just say something like"

Hell, this entire thread is full of her calling you "Fowl" or using other nasty references: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?90971-Owlwoman/page2&highlight=Owlwoman

I'm sure she was pretending in her usual passive-aggressive way that an owl is a fowl, but we know what she really means. :laugh:
"I wanted to make sure that this was the first post this morning, so I didn't post last night...so I hope you'll excuse the late reply... I would bet money that you would be wrong about the magnitude of the personal info posted....actually Rana is the one who saw your intelligent friend Fowl's handiwork first hand...."

"Thanks for the doxxing tutorial...we're all aware of how it works...that's why Fowl had to make their forum secret..."

"And "someone's: account, MAGAt, posted a link in at the beginning of the year to their thread with Fowl's special handiwork..."

"Of course, you can ask Fowl...she'll just say something like"

Hell, this entire thread is full of her calling you "Fowl" or using other nasty references: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?90971-Owlwoman/page2&highlight=Owlwoman

I'm sure she was pretending in her usual passive-aggressive way that an owl is a fowl, but we know what she really means. :laugh:

Jack has fallen under the psycho spell of the
Lunchroom lady
Jack has fallen under the psycho spell of the
Lunchroom lady

Mason. If I ever become elderly, if I ever become demented, if I ever lose my zest for Life, ... PLEASE, don't let me become so bitter and hateful like those we see here.