APP - Education For A Republican

Special Alert: Historians on our man Trump

Irritus has learned historians are critically looking at our current presidential candidate. Irritus too has doubts concerning Donald Trump we'd much prefer the VP choice as his voting record is stellar. But our media maybe went too far in making government the problem and creating too many dog whistles. But we cannot have Hillary Clinton elected. There is the possibility Hillary would be fair and impartial and this is something that could hurt outsourcing, taxes, and profit margins. Our base has been carefully created since the New Deal, we cannot got back to a more liberal, inclusive nation. The 1% need our support, plus maybe the next two or three percenters who pay our bills. See the historians piece here:

Make sure this piece is not distributed and if mentioned just say it has been totally debunked. This tactic has worked for our base and should continue to work as they don't read and only watch Fox. Shred this document upon reading.
As our students and benefactors know Irritus often posts books and Internet sites that provide information Irritus finds offensive and contrary to our teachings. We post this information to keep our still impressible students and graduates free of subversive thoughts. If you should encounter these books in any location please keep young impressible Irritus conservatives away from them. The young mind is often open to thoughts of empathy and benevolence and we need make sure those emotions are only directed to money making and free market ideology. We thank you all for your continuing effort to keep our students free from complex thoughts and analysis.


"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America' by Kevin M. Kruse
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway


"The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it." Joseph Goebbels
Fascinating book on misogyny and Hillary hatred. 'The Destruction of Hillary Clinton' by Susan Bordo. Read it, read it, read it. It gives lots of pointers for republican thinking.

I will insert a few quotes when time permits.
Irritus Update - Confidential Internal Memo

Irritus wants our benefactors, supporters, and students to know that while we are happy with the tax break for our people and the rollback of restraints on corporate pollution, we are concerned that our president is not an honest person nor very bright. This can be a bad combination in business, but in a position of power dangerous. We realize this contradicts our usual support for dunces in congress like Nunes, Meadows, Gaetz, or Jordon, they are more a deterrent to policies such as social programs, free speech, fair tax policy, or fair wages, but they can only do so much and usually do so little. Our concern with Trump is he seems to know nothing at all and has it in for the DOJ. Law remains and will always remain important for national stability and obviously the support of our people. Idea areas follow and we are always open to input from our benefactors and our graduates.

Congress: While Louis Gohmert is fun to watch, congress must make some sense and act as a tool to counter a president more concerned with Russia, China and his family's pocketbook. We thank them for their tax benefits for our people, but let's not waste money on a useless wall when a base of our supporters benefit from cheap labor. While rally chants work on the more uneducated American base, we need to be careful immigration policies and social disruption doesn't become a deterrent to our goals. A stable nation even with it wide disparities of wealth and privilege must remain stable.

Education: Don't get us wrong, we like Betsy DeVos but she needs to stop bringing attention to an educational system that only benefits the well to do, our base. Face it folks only the wealthy can afford college and the intern jobs that follow on their way up the ladder of privilege. We need to make sure Americans aren't aware the system is stacked against them, we must continue to pretend public education is being supported, is open to all and prospering. Warning note: Should 'The View from Flyover Country' be mentioned make sure it is criticized as leftist, socialistic propaganda. Our base reacts well to those words and it helps create reality.

Wealth and Wages: This is a tricky area as the more liberal progressives, our opponents, realize fair wages raise people up and make one of our more racist memes irrelevant. We must be frank here, our dog whistles work, our republican base hears them, while we made Obama an alien and un-American, the stability of his tenure and a do nothing republican congress still supported corporations and the wealthy. Certain areas of America, even areas in which our benefactors live and where our students prosper, are talking increased wages. We must be sure to remind people that our benefactors must be profitable even as they outsource for even greater profits. More to follow in later reports.

Evangelicals: It is critical Evangelicals remain a part of the support base, their areas of interest are simple: prayer, abortion and religious symbolism rather than any real substantive costly help for children here or in the world. This is fine and as it should be, but lately social warriors, as they are called, call out the actual conditions of the working poor in America. Imagine too for a moment if abortion were banned and all these children were born, who'd take care of them, we'd return to Dickens' world of Tiny Tim only he'd be everywhere. Balance is required folks and if we get too many judges like Gorsuch we could have chaos. Balanced stability keeps problems under the covers. And please no mention that televangelists are really only interested in large palaces and jet planes.

Healthcare: A troublesome area for our wealthy corporate entities, Trump promised great healthcare but of course like much he says it was just words. If ever challenged he'll blame democrats or congress or even Senator McCain. While the ACA had it problems it did not hurt the profit margin or establish socialized medicine so please stay clear of ridiculous claims. Our people know healthcare is expensive but they can afford it, the lower class voting base are the workers and supporters of wealth so corporations must act like they care and provide some health support even while mostly supporting bottom line profit. Calling healthcare socialized medicine still works its magic.

Guns: If everyone is afraid we all lose, please stop saying guns keep us safe they don't, but they do create profits for our supporters and benefactors. Remember very often it is important to act concerned with all the gun deaths while doing nothing. This has worked for many years now and continues to work. Act upset, say you'll pray for the dead and mention mental health, these are the key responses. Someone said we should have memorial day for all our gun deaths, we need to steer clear of such rhetoric. Just say freedom, 2nd amendment rights, and our base follows, keep it simple.

Kneeling NFL: While we are uncertain on how to approach this issue, imagine if racism didn't exist and free speech were honest speech, what tools would our people have for managing the base, keeping them occupied with irrelevant topics like Obama's birth place or Hillary's email. If we truly honored free speech we would honor the players who kneel for social justice, our thought creators in so called think tanks will continue to provide cover and create complex pseudo intelligible papers to muddy the water. Next season will be challenging. And remember Irritus support comes from sport's profits too.

Tips for keeping the base occupied and distracted: Simply mention Hilliary, Obama, BLM, Nancy, Pocahontas, socialism, oac, welfare, inner cities, California immigrants, or the wall. Mention a new investigation whether true or not, Trump followers are trained to respond to words like investigation and fake media. Fox and Friends will continue to distract our base with anguished looks and irrelevant dialogue, they are a real blessing.

New study areas being investigated:

Imagine for a moment if Obama wasn't black or Hillary, a woman demonized for twenty years was talked about honestly. This area of study and other more complex topic areas will be open to graduate students only. Dinesh D'Souza will be a guest speaker and will discuss breaking the law while appearing to be a guardian of truth. Since this is a complex area, information will be strictly limited.

Final thought:

Pres Trump will continue photo ops, bizarre rallies of fawning cheerleaders, policies that support him and family, and other baloney to keep his personal base occupied, but we must ask is his base our base? Irritus fears his bizarre tweets and constant lying might eventually work against our goals of keeping America stable and supporting our benefactors and education. How can one educate when nothing is true and even white supremacists and alt-right conspiracy fanatics are treated as normal? This will remain a troubling area of concern, wise input appreciated, and thanks as always for your continuing support. Irritus people keep the faith.
Irritus University has an important apology and reversal of policy statement coming soon. But in the meantime, our professors and others have pondered commentary such as that in the link below. Many feel it is time to reconsider certain education subterfuges and whitewashes. No pun intended.


More here:

"I was raised to be ashamed of my ignorance, and to try to do something about it if at all possible. I carry that burden to this day, and have successfully passed it on to my children. I don’t believe I have the right to an opinion about something I know nothing about—constitutional law, for example, or sailing—a notion that puts me sadly out of step with a growing majority of my countrymen, many of whom may be unable to tell you anything at all about Islam, say, or socialism, or climate change, except that they hate it, are against it, don’t believe in it. Worse still (or more amusing, depending on the day) are those who can tell you, and then offer up a stew of New Age blather, right-wing rant, and bloggers’ speculation that’s so divorced from actual, demonstrable fact, that’s so not true, as the kids would say, that the mind goes numb with wonder. “Way I see it is,” a man in the Tulsa Motel 6 swimming pool told me last summer, “if English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it’s good enough for us.”

Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you." Article appeared in Notesbook. Harper's Magazine
Irritus Special - A Reconsidering [Confidential]

Irritus staff and professors recognize that in winning the battle we lost the war on decency and the American way. President Donald John Trump should have been the apogee of republican Irritus values. But his lack of humanity and insecurity have made him a toxic force. And while a primary policy goal was established - our benefactors have benefited greatly from his tax and environmental policies, several other issues have gone totally in the wrong direction. We cannot hold our head up high when so many of God's children are mistreated. There we said it, we must now have a hard look into ourselves and into our values and ask how they have gone so far astray. Breaking up families who are trying to make the American dream real for them and their children is simply wrong.

Some will claim entering the United States undocumented is the why, but do you really think your God, however you conceive them will judge their creations wrong to want a safe and better life? Our religious students and graduates are ashamed and they are telling us so. No where did Jesus say throw my children into cages. Thankfully Stephen Miller did not graduate from our school for he is an American embarrassment.

While Irritus clearly stands behind republicans, we must recognize the diversity of our staff and student body and respect their heritage and background. The Religions and ethnicity of our staff and student body is diverse, we acknowledge it and will not engage in tribal conflict to make some happy. We will not denigrate nations and even places in America as President Trump does so often. We may hate taxes we consider unfair, but we do not hate fellow human beings because they look different from us. Can one even imagine their child being separated from them and thrown in a cage? Is this who we have become under this president.

We do not see the potential for change in the current republican administration and we must acknowledge that something is very wrong. It must be challenged and it must change. Republicans like Graham, Mulvaney, McConnell, Ron Johnson, once stood for something, today they kowtow to an insecure autocrat like puppets in a play. What happened to their values and courage, were they always this weak? We need a change and we must now acknowledge unless republicans select a real republican we will recommend something we have never done and that is vote for a democrat for president. We feel it is better to be on the outside reevaluating your party and values than on the inside ignoring the evil actions right in front of you. We thank you for your continuing support and contributions. This too shall change and we hope you are part of the change.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." Desmond Tutu
Irritus Special - A Reconsidering [Confidential]

Irritus staff and professors recognize that in winning the battle we lost the war on decency and the American way. President Donald John Trump should have been the apogee of republican Irritus values. But his lack of humanity and insecurity have made him a toxic force. And while a primary policy goal was established - our benefactors have benefited greatly from his tax and environmental policies, several other issues have gone totally in the wrong direction. We cannot hold our head up high when so many of God's children are mistreated. There we said it, we must now have a hard look into ourselves and into our values and ask how they have gone so far astray. Breaking up families who are trying to make the American dream real for them and their children is simply wrong.

Some will claim entering the United States undocumented is the why, but do you really think your God, however you conceive them will judge their creations wrong to want a safe and better life? Our religious students and graduates are ashamed and they are telling us so. No where did Jesus say throw my children into cages. Thankfully Stephen Miller did not graduate from our school for he is an American embarrassment.

While Irritus clearly stands behind republicans, we must recognize the diversity of our staff and student body and respect their heritage and background. The Religions and ethnicity of our staff and student body is diverse, we acknowledge it and will not engage in tribal conflict to make some happy. We will not denigrate nations and even places in America as President Trump does so often. We may hate taxes we consider unfair, but we do not hate fellow human beings because they look different from us. Can one even imagine their child being separated from them and thrown in a cage? Is this who we have become under this president.

We do not see the potential for change in the current republican administration and we must acknowledge that something is very wrong. It must be challenged and it must change. Republicans like Graham, Mulvaney, McConnell, Ron Johnson, once stood for something, today they kowtow to an insecure autocrat like puppets in a play. What happened to their values and courage, were they always this weak? We need a change and we must now acknowledge unless republicans select a real republican we will recommend something we have never done and that is vote for a democrat for president. We feel it is better to be on the outside reevaluating your party and values than on the inside ignoring the evil actions right in front of you. We thank you for your continuing support and contributions. This too shall change and we hope you are part of the change.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." Desmond Tutu
Irritus ??? What's that?
Looks like a pile of bullshit to me...

The world laughs at America today. Trump at the G7 is like sending Alfred E. Neuman. Amazing how some still follow and believe, he is the 'chosen one' for sure, but can anyone figure out what he was chosen for? Make America Stupid Again.

'“Oh My God, This Jackass”: The Mooch Explains Why He Thinks Trump Is “Crazy,” “Narcissistic,” And A “Paper Tiger” Who Will Drop Out By March 2020'
The world laughs at America today. Trump at the G7 is like sending Alfred E. Neuman. Amazing how some still follow and believe, he is the 'chosen one' for sure, but can anyone figure out what he was chosen for? Make America Stupid Again.

'“Oh My God, This Jackass”: The Mooch Explains Why He Thinks Trump Is “Crazy,” “Narcissistic,” And A “Paper Tiger” Who Will Drop Out By March 2020'

No, the world does not laugh at us, and no, no one says he's "the chosen one." Although he was duly elected president despite you leftist's denial.
Where do you come up with this silliness? Vanityfair? You're kidding, right? Maybe you should also quote GQ? How about Rolling Stone?
No, the world does not laugh at us, and no, no one says he's "the chosen one." Although he was duly elected president despite you leftist's denial.
Where do you come up with this silliness? Vanityfair? You're kidding, right? Maybe you should also quote GQ? How about Rolling Stone?

You may want to check his adoring fans, especially at his rallies. While Irritus staff would rather not debate all points a president claims, since for the most part he supports our values, we were taken aback by his comments. Narcissism can sometimes push the boundaries of decorum. Respect is required.

"President Donald Trump referred to himself as the "chosen one" while speaking on his role in the ongoing trade war between the US and China."

Irritus Special - Update

Irritus apologizes for our lack of updates during the Trump finale and the Covid-19 pandemic. Much debate took place in our hallowed halls of conservatism concerning Trump's presidency and the Covid restrictions. Donald Trump did not attend our fine institution and we were thankful for that. Even our toughest immigration sponsors were not in favor of caging children and breaking up families. So we must reluctantly admit we are glad he lost and wish his fans would recognize that fact and move forward with a real conservative. Right now that appears to be impossible as most of the aspiring republicans are autocrats like Trump. When you cannot even criticize an insurrection against our Republic you cannot be an American conservative.

Regarding Covid, several of our professors and staff followed Trump's advice concerning masks and social distancing. Most are now passed and several recovering at home. We were saddened by their death but our medical staff advised them and masks were available for everyone. We were able to have classes in our large auditoriums and that made graduation possible. We sincerely hope our graduates can help turn the Republican party around to reality. The Texas freeze should be a lesson to conservatives, sometime the market needs to be managed by competence and not an outsourced profit solution.

Hopefully the new administration will work to have enough Americans vaccinated so herd immunity and a return to normal is possible by Summer. We thank everyone who supported us during these unusual times, but we also know Irritus grads are tough, we will succeed and prosper. God bless.

Editor Note: Internal doc but can be shared with our supporters and sponsors.
Irritus Roe V Wade

Comment regarding abortion debate. (High level Board member)

While Irritus is not in favor of abortion as birth control, we must recognize reality and the fact removing access to a safe abortion would only bring back back alley butchers, death, disease, and heartache. Tragedies unknown now. That was our history before Roe. Amy Coney Barrett's comment on having the child and then giving it up for adoption fails to recognize reality. Will the birth experience be a healthy one, was the woman raped, during pregnancy did she get essential vitamins and health measures to insure a healthy baby. Did a preventive measure fail, can she carry this child for nine months in a healthy state? For some of these babies it would be a life not worth living. I realize that is harsh commentary on human existence, but we must face reality, we are not God.

I have personally known several women who have had abortions and are good people. Is a mistake or a late in life pregnancy a sentence or a personal decision. We say we are for freedom but we often act otherwise. All of us know that the wealthy will still have safe abortions, they will do so locally or in another state or nation. That too was reality before Roe. Roe made each person their own guide and judge. Do state legislatures who care nothing for the born child have a right to make another do what they presume to believe. While it is doubtful any existence continues after this vale of tears, let free humans make their own decisions concerning their life.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

Irritus Note: Opinion expressed above only partially reflects our values and beliefs, but we feel our freedom must include complex dialogue and thought.

While the 2nd Amendment is about a regulated militia
While the 2nd Amendment is about a regulated militia
These two quotes are incorrect. There is a part of the Second Amendment that says something about the people's right to keep and bear arms.

Citizens have every right to be safe in America, a massively armed society does not make anyone feel safe.
Interesting bait and switch there, jumping from "being safe" to "feeling safe".

If someone does not feel safe around guns, the answer is to refer them to a psychologist for therapy for their phobia.

How to answer questions about the death of a loved one by unnecessary and once illegal automatic weapons.
Full-auto weapons have been heavily restricted for the past 88 years. That has not changed.

Another war, more deaths, more Muslim hatred of America, how do we talk about and defend the complexity that is the Middle East today and the hard part is how we justify all the spending that could help America, but instead is used to pay for cruise missiles?
I'm mostly addressing all the anti-gun falsehoods here, but I can't resist addressing this one.

Why would it be hard to defend and justify our wars?

The bad guys are attacking us. We are defending ourselves. People who oppose the war are traitors.

Our students and professors realize an AR15 in the home is overkill
That is incorrect. They are ideal guns for home protection.

and if used by the frightened handler may kill the entire family as well as the intruder.
That is utter nonsense.

Face it folks, many AR15 owners aren't the brightest bulb in the box as shown by all the accidental deaths.
That is a complete falsehood.

Bullet poof walls are being examined but may be too costly and difficult to install in trailers.
It is curious why now and again the Democrats wonder why so many lower income people will never vote for a Democrat.

Perhaps the Democrats should look into the utter contempt that they have for lower income people.

we still need big sales, doesn't matter if sold based on dubious facts and confusing data.
The only dubious facts and confusing data on this issue comes from the gun control movement.

Why you need an AR15:
You are making the mistake of thinking like a British serf here. But a free American is nothing like a British serf.

British serfs think in terms of "needing" guns because they have to get their lord to agree that they "need" a gun before their lord will give them permission to have it.

Free Americans don't bother to justify ourselves or ask for permission. We go buy guns because we want to. It doesn't matter if anyone disagrees with our decision or doesn't like it.

Burglars today often wear bullet proof clothing, your AR15 will penetrate most
That is true. It is a good reason for protecting yourself with a rifle.

please stop saying guns keep us safe they don't,
Guns do keep us safe. Why do you think the police carry them? So they can be less safe?

Remember very often it is important to act concerned with all the gun deaths while doing nothing. This has worked for many years now and continues to work. Act upset, say you'll pray for the dead and mention mental health, these are the key responses.
Paying lip service to progressive histrionics is not even remotely important.

Someone said we should have memorial day for all our gun deaths, we need to steer clear of such rhetoric.
Sounds like a pointless waste of a day just for meaningless progressive histrionics. Yes, bad idea.
Anvil Kasseri wrote, "Guns do keep us safe. Why do you think the police carry them? So they can be less safe?"

Police carry guns because they are police and are in a position of authority and responsibility to only use them in certain situations. But even here you see the stupidity of guns as so many blacks are killed for no valid reason except incompetent policing. Lots of proof of that if you look. And an AR15 is a military weapon, a simple handgun would suffice if you are a fearful, cowardly person who needs a security blanket loaded.

Two recent school shooting demonstrate just how stupid Americans are when it comes to guns.

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

Read these stats if you want a bit of reality.

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

'A third of guns in the US are imported, and foreign firearms makers want a say on gun control'

'School Shootings by Country 2022'

United States 288
Mexico 8
South Africa 6
India 5
Nigeria 4
Pakistan 4
Afghanistan 3
Canada 2
France 2
Brazil 2
Estonia 1
Hungary 1

rest at link:
And an AR15 is a military weapon,
There is nothing wrong with a gun being a military weapon. Throughout history lots of military weapons have been put to good use by civilians.

In fact, if we adhere to the intent of the Second Amendment, that intent is about military weapons. What sort of weapons do you think the militia would need to use in order to successfully repel a foreign invasion?

a simple handgun would suffice
People get to choose for themselves what kind of gun they want. No one else gets to choose for them.

One reason why someone might choose to buy a rifle for self defense is because centerfire rifle rounds penetrate Kevlar, and sometimes bad guys wear body armor. Rifles are also easier to shoot accurately.

One reason why someone might choose to buy a handgun for self defense is because they want to be able to carry it concealed when they go about in public.

Handguns actually kill a lot more people than rifles because of their concealability.

if you are a fearful, cowardly person who needs a security blanket loaded.
Describing people who protect themselves as "cowardly" is silly. Is it cowardly for people to wear seatbelts or have fire extinguishers?

If a schoolteacher keeps a rifle in a gun safe in her classroom so she can protect her students from a massacre, is that cowardly?

Besides that, people also have guns for reasons other than protection. Some people participate in shooting sports, Olympic biathletes for example. Some people are hunters. Some people just like guns and collect them as a hobby.

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins
Someone should ask her what membership in an organized militia has to do with anything. The right to keep and bear arms is held by the people, not limited to members of an organized militia.

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."
Society is paying a heavy price for not caring about the suffering of our disaffected youth.

If we gave these people the help they need, they would not lash out violently like they do when they have no hope.
Anvil, there is no need to repeat my comments, have your say without the clutter. And the hard question is, if a disaffected youth can buy a military weapon how can we know that. Many children grow up in lousy circumstances or have mental issues, that area is too broad for simple solutions. Maybe you have one? Words don't count as they have little meaning out there in the real world. Only policies etc matter, assault weapons were banned and should be again and always. Any sensible gun owner is not into wasting ammunition with a war tool.

But gun worship is a right wing talking point and a tool to keep their base happy and voting for them. Banning guns is seen as a slippery slope and the gun huggers don't want that. Personally I see no reason to own a gun unless you are a hunter. We hunted when I was in the military in Alaska. Some ideas in link below.

'An immodest proposal on guns'

Guns kill 1,300 US children every year, study finds

'A day in America'

"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins