
It is because business doesn't reward failure with more money. If the system is failing you change the system, not just add money to it.

I can't believe that you wouldn't understand the difference.

You're kidding, right? What did the Countrywide CEO's severance package look like? What did the business look like when he left compared to when he got there? Nardelli at Home Depot? Nichols, Jr. at Time Warner?

You're kidding, right? What did the Countrywide CEO's severance package look like? What did the business look like when he left compared to when he got there? Nardelli at Home Depot? Nichols, Jr. at Time Warner?

They were dismissed, correct? Were their programs continued after their dismissal with the idea that paying even more for a CEO would solve the problem or were they changed?

The golden parachute is not evidence that Business rewards failure by adding money to the same programs. Only failed businesses do that.
You're kidding, right? What did the Countrywide CEO's severance package look like? What did the business look like when he left compared to when he got there? Nardelli at Home Depot? Nichols, Jr. at Time Warner?


Picking our specific examples of CEO's of public companies severage package is not relevant to this example.

For example, i'm in real estate. When we look at a large high rise office building we have certain hurdle rates we need to meet on behalf of our investors. At a certain price point investing in the building does not make economic sense for us. That example can apply to any number of businesses and purchase opportunities they have.

That's the ROI we're talking about.
They were dismissed, correct? Were their programs continued after their dismissal with the idea that paying even more for a CEO would solve the problem or were they changed?

The golden parachute is not evidence that Business rewards failure by adding money to the same programs. Only failed businesses do that.

You said, "Business does not reward failure with more money." It does.

Anyway, getting back on track, what's the McCain education proposal? Does he even have one?
You said, "Business does not reward failure with more money." It does.

Anyway, getting back on track, what's the McCain education proposal? Does he even have one?
It doesn't. This would be the same as giving a severance package to a fired teacher, your analogy is misapplied.

The reality is the system is failing, we have given it more money because we heard that it was the solution, we have found your solution lacking, there has been no improvement because of the infusion of cash and it is time to start something new.

As for McCain, is Education one of the powers granted the Federal Government in the Constitution?

But you can find out what he thinks using google...
I just dotn understand why the people who love the idea of a self correcting market cant understand the idea of putting more money into the education system and call it throwing money at the problem no matter what the plan is. Then in business they understand the return on investiment?

I explained it to you retard. It's throwing money at the problem. The attraction of greater profits will draw in more applicants. It WILL NOT insure better performance unless there is a going concern influence.

It's the same reason why "privatization" schemes often fail. Because they are not really privatization but a farming out of government incompetence. That is, the solution offered simply hands money to private industry to perform some function. But since the money is not tied to performance the private firm has liitle more reason to care in delivering quality than the government does. Work quality will not decide the renewal of their contract but politics.

In the market, if you do lousy work you get fired. Do well and you are rewarded, at least if your employer is competent. In the government if you do REALLY lousy work you might be put off to the side where you can't destroy things, but you will still get a paycheck. Good work is not as likely to advance you as political connections and brownnosing.
You said, "Business does not reward failure with more money." It does.

Anyway, getting back on track, what's the McCain education proposal? Does he even have one?

The whole point of my initial post was not to get into a partisan pissing match. I said specifically I wasn't calling Obama out and I said specifically both Republicans and Democrats have used the same rhetoric year after year with no real change in our education system.

I'm sorry if you can only operate from a partisan prism. It seems to be a national issue and a big reason our school system is fucked like it is.
Rstringfield is a moron.
Anybody with an IQ above room temperature knows that if teachers started with $100,000 salaries the quality of the applicants dramatically goes up.

Yeah, that's what I said. Does not improve performance. You are a complete and total moron when it comes to REAL economics.
dungshit's moronic example is what a lot of turbo-libs resort too.
though right its not representative of the overwhelming fact that business supports pay for performance 1,000 times more than teaching does. But the dork did have a point just that's better suited for the SEC vs corporate boards stealing argument.
You said, "Business does not reward failure with more money." It does.

Anyway, getting back on track, what's the McCain education proposal? Does he even have one?

It does sometimes, bugt those businesses tend to fail, unless they are sucking up government money.
all i know is the most democrat state in the nation Massachusetts has MCAS tests teachers teach to and we are ranks #2 in the country in education. I think NJ is #1 and also has tests.

wonder what the disconnect is... also as a parent i look at the test scores to determine if my school is performing well or if it needs overhaul or i need to look to a different school. how would i know without tests.
It doesn't. This would be the same as giving a severance package to a fired teacher, your analogy is misapplied.

The reality is the system is failing, we have given it more money because we heard that it was the solution, we have found your solution lacking, there has been no improvement because of the infusion of cash and it is time to start something new.

As for McCain, is Education one of the powers granted the Federal Government in the Constitution?

But you can find out what he thinks using google...

Thanks for the link. I tried his website but the Education link looks like it was thrown up there as an afterthought and some intern strung a bunch of platitudes together to take up space. No real details/

As for "my solution," how the fuck do you know what "my solution" is? You're insufferable.

Finally, is McCain proposing to abolish the DoE as your comment suggests. I hadn't heard that, but by all means he should make that more prominent in his stump speeches or on his website. I'm sure folks would rally in support for that.
If Obama actually intends to put teachers to market pressures with pay based on performance, then it is a significant change. But I don't see how he can do that without breaking the teachers unions, so my guess is he is talking shit, we'll see though.
If Obama actually intends to put teachers to market pressures with pay based on performance, then it is a significant change. But I don't see how he can do that without breaking the teachers unions, so my guess is he is talking shit, we'll see though.

I think it's possible. Negotiated base rates with incentives for better performance and training in measurable objective metrics. In my experience union hostility towards so-called merit pay is that how "merit" is determined isn't wet out in objective standards. Rather, the employer wants full discretion to make so-called merit determinations. Developing an objective system for determining merit is the key.
you do both striggay
pay teachers $75,000 starting and you'll be flooded with new applicants, weed out the turds and them grade them 1 to 5 and match that with % in annual raises.
Thanks for the link. I tried his website but the Education link looks like it was thrown up there as an afterthought and some intern strung a bunch of platitudes together to take up space. No real details/

As for "my solution," how the fuck do you know what "my solution" is? You're insufferable.

Finally, is McCain proposing to abolish the DoE as your comment suggests. I hadn't heard that, but by all means he should make that more prominent in his stump speeches or on his website. I'm sure folks would rally in support for that.

Oh man, if McCain really eliminated the DOE I would be like when Eric Cartman told Kyle when he was sent back in time, "Kyle, I will lick your balls. I will lick them dry."

Does anyone know what the DOE actually does or what it contributes?
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