The profit here is an educated crop of workers ready to deal with a complicated world and able to know enough about the changing situations that surrounds them that they dont fall prey to say subprime preditory lending( remember you insist they should not have any legislative protection from the fuckwads in the markets who dont want to make a fair profit but want to screw people) and have skills needed by the market.
The profit is constantly pushed by the fact that there are increasing numbers of these vessels( meaning the number of children we need to educate). They need a place to process these vessels and it needs to grow larger as the numbers increase. The properties need upkeep and improvements. New materials are constantly being needed , updated replaced.
There is just so little belief in kids anymore and we house them like criminals with ever bigger and bigger campuses where they increasingly feel like holding cells instead of places were they gain something. No respect from an army of adminstrators who have no idea who the kid is yet hold complete power over their lives. We have turned our schools in teach to the test dungeons where they are made to feel like crinimals because no one knows them as people. No one knows their strengths, weaknesses, their pain and their ability to add to their communities.
They are people and when we realize that the way to teach them to excell is to inspire them to love knowledge. You teach them what it has to do with their lives and how it can improve them and the world arround them.
President O told you how you do that and you did not listen. Its through Art , Music , Dance, poetry and you dont teach to the test you teach to the child.
Now you can shut down the factory if you want but them all you get are a mass population of people with no hope of ever seeing anything but poverty forever.
I think that that is exactly what the current owners of the Republican party wants.